BREAKING: St Louis Police just shot another one!!!

So the police officer shouldn't have the ability to stop you from walking in the middle of the road. Seriously, why not remove all cops from black area's and let the gangs take over.

He could have gotten him out of the street more diplomatically.
While the supposedly small government loving conservatives absolutely adore the authoritarian police state.

Authoritarian Police state. You melodramatic fool lol. You fail to understand what small government Conservatives believe at our core. We believe the Government has a limited role, Providing law and order so a civilized society can function is clearly one of the basic core roles of Government.

Telling me what treatments I can have when I get sick. Not so much.

Get it? I doubt it.
He could have gotten him out of the street more diplomatically.

Fuck that. Not their job to coddle and ass kiss. Brown was an adult, 18 years old. Hes grown enough to not act like a damn dog walking in middle of the road.
Sure, he may have raised a big knife and ran at the cop.

But hes a good boy! A good innocent church going boy, was just about to get a job and start college, and the cop just overreacted hahaha!

You bet.

Thats just the way the asshole will be portrayed.

The cop will have murdered that poor innocent piece of shit. Wait and see.
BREAKING, St Louis PD just shot someone!!

A theft occurred. Cop confronted guy. Suspect pulled a knife, and charged cop. Within 3 feet of being stabbed, cop shot the guy.


YOU fucking retards. That's all I can say.
You're kind of a sick pup, aren't you? It sounds as if they killed a man that was mentally retarded. Why DIDN'T they use a taser.
Man dead after officers shoot suspect in St. Louis
BREAKING, St Louis PD just shot someone!!

A theft occurred. Cop confronted guy. Suspect pulled a knife, and charged cop. Within 3 feet of being stabbed, cop shot the guy.


YOU fucking retards. That's all I can say.

These cops got lucky. Effective lethal radius for a knife is about 10 feet. Not 3.
i think it's a good question...most likely there's also a reasonable answer.
when someone charges you with a knife you have seconds to act. You don't get to sit back in your chair and analyze the situation and decide to just taser the man. the only think unreasonable is arh chair quarterbacks suggesting they know better what the cop should have done.
when someone charges you with a knife you have seconds to act. You don't get to sit back in your chair and analyze the situation and decide to just taser the man. the only think unreasonable is arh chair quarterbacks suggesting they know better what the cop should have done.

why didn't he taser him to submission and put him in cuffs?
no doubt the guy was an idiot with a death wish but the officers could have handled the situation better.

In a news conference, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson confirmed the shooting in the city's Sixth District. The suspect came within 3 or 4 feet of two police officers and "brandished a knife" during a convenience store altercation and yelled, "Shoot me; kill me now," Dotson said.

Some witnesses described the incident as "suicide by cop" — a situation in which someone with a death wish engages in activity that may prompt a law enforcement officer to shoot at them...

The suspect walked into a convenience store, stole some energy drinks, walked out, walked back in again and stole some pastry, Dotson said.

According to witness Robert Addison, the suspect attempted to walk out with donuts and something to drink and when the proprietor told the suspect that he'd stolen the goods. The suspect then " the suspect "responded by throwing down the food and shouting, 'I don't need this,' " Addison recounted.

The store owner called police as the man paced in front of the store, Dotson said. When police arrived, the man "brandished a knife," Dotson said.

Addison said the suspect walked to the driver's-side door of the police cruiser and screamed, "You are going to have to kill me before you take me to jail."

Police asked the man if he had a weapon and the man produced an object, Addison said.

From about 7 or 8 feet away from the officers, the man continued to scream and the officers yelled at him to freeze, according to Addison. When the man took a "half step" toward the police, they fired, each firing about five times, Addison said.

Witness Aaron Morris described the suspect as a mentally challenged man with a "child-like mind." He said he believes the police overreacted.
These men agree with you.


Is that Eric Holder and Barack Obama front right? :eek:

I do not think this article means what you think it means, sploogy..

Seeking causes for this purported racism, the study gauged conservatives’ views by asking them whether “we should do what we can to equalize conditions for groups.” A “no” answer was indicative of a conservative who opposed equality.

The study’s authors then made the connection: conservatives want to link mixed-race people with blacks as a means of preserving historical inequities.

Read more: Conservatives more racist than liberals, says study | The Daily Caller}

They were pointing out that the study is a contrived fraud, duhs,,,:dig:
Because his life was in danger, stupid.

You can't reason with theoreticians...It's all a mental exercise to them and they have all the answers.
It's like trying to have a discussion with a teenager..despite no real life experience,they already know everything.
You can't reason with theoreticians...It's all a mental exercise to them and they have all the answers.

It's like trying to have a discussion with a teenager..despite no real life experience,they already know everything.


people who ask questions do not 'have all the answers' or they wouldn't be asking.

officers are trained through these types of "theoretical" scenarios...

...the suspect walked to the driver's-side door of the police cruiser and screamed, "You are going to have to kill me before you take me to jail."

Police asked the man if he had a weapon and the man produced an object...

From about 7 or 8 feet away from the officers, the man continued to scream and the officers yelled at him to freeze...When the man took a "half step" toward the police, they fired, each firing about five times...

with the real-life backdrop of ongoing chaos in the area, reasonable people wonder whether those particular officers could've demonstrated better restraint and still maintained control of that particular situation without necessarily resorting to blowing the guy away on the spot...that is the question which reasonable people are asking, but brutes know all the answers?? dumb ass deserved it, the end...?

wondering aloud in retrospect whether they couldn't have just subdued this particular person via taser is a reasonable question as 'theoretically' blowing people away in the street is supposed to be their last resort.
maybe the officers really assessed that as the only way to stop this guy from harming anyone, or maybe they just felt justified that he got what he asked for as they were within their right to defend themselves...

no doubt there's a fine line when your life is on the line and police officers are only human. it's a sad situation but it would be a shame not to ask questions when citizens wind up dead in the street....

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