BREAKING: THIEF - Hillary LITERALLY Stealing From The Elderly, Poor! Complaint Filed w/AG, FEC!

Is it a surprise that Clinton overcharged the most vulnerable in our society? She and Obama do it constantly. They are Users.
Breaking: Elected Democrat & Hillary Clinton Campaign Staffer SENT TO PRISON!

"Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane – the state’s top law enforcement official – has been sent to prison. In 2007, she had a position on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. She was found guilty of 9 criminal charges, including perjury, criminal conspiracy, leaking grand jury information then lying about it."

Interesting how Hillary Clinton is ALWAYS surrounded by criminals / scandal.... Some things never change.
Today's big news is how Hillary is stealing from the elderly and the poor....yet the huge distraction to avoid talking about this is the 'birther BS'. The media and citizens are getting conned by another sleight of hand in an attempt to distract from Hillary's crimes and the news breaking today. Sad.
OMG sleasy, does this mean you won't be voting for Hillary? Thanks for telling us again.
No, Wilbur, this means the Democratic Party Candidate is a SCAM ARTIST and a THIEF, STEALING from the ELDELY and the POOR on a MASSIVE SCALE...BEFORE SHE EVER GETS INTO OFFICE!

She took / is taking millions from terrorist-supporting human-rights-violating nations, used the State Department as a branch of the Clinton Foundation to enrich herself and is stealing from the elderly & the poor NOW - just imagine what she will do once in office - if she gets there!

Anyone who defends her (or TRIES) stealing from the elderly and the poor, anyone who supports this criminal after THIS is an immoral, unethical Partisan POS!

Are you prepared to make the same conclusions about Trump, who is similarly under investigation? Or do you jump conclusions for only members of the Democratic Party?
Criminal is Criminal, Swim. The law is SUPPOSED to be equally applied to everyone. No one is supposed to be exempt; however, we have seen, especially in this lawless administration, that is not the case.

I would not be hear-broken if Both Trump and Hillary were charged with crimes (if appropriate) and neither candidate were able to run on election day, even though it would mean we would be stuck with Obama probably 1 more year while both parties tired to find candidates who weren't corrupt / criminal.

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