Breaking: Thousands of Catholics have shut down the main entrance to Dodger Stadium

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How have people been silenced? Arrested? Killed? How?
The Captain Obvious side of me wants to point out: Gays are less than 5% and transexuals are less than1%. Why a month devoted to sexual perversion and sexual narcissistic behavior? Why? For what? We have 2 days given over to veterans and remembrance of those that died in wars. But we now give a month to this trash? WHY? Nobody wants this shit.
More than a month. They take over the political conversation daily. Everything must cater to them. All of Entertainment caters to them. Sports etc…
I simply come here to speak my truth. That often puts me in the position of speaking truth to power, which power ALWAYS detests.

Pft. They have no real power. Preoccupation with one's own sense of self-importance is not power.

And rule by intimidation only works on weak people.
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The Captain Obvious side of me wants to point out: Gays are less than 5% and transexuals are less than1%. Why a month devoted to sexual perversion and sexual narcissistic behavior? Why? For what? We have 2 days given over to veterans and remembrance of those that died in wars. But we now give a month to this trash? WHY? Nobody wants this shit.
Because it is the new State Religion. A religion that just happens to mirror all the virtues of Satan.
They have the power to silence me, here.

They use it regularly.

Like I said. The www is a big place.

And you'll find that the dialogue is far more relevant.

Moral people who are interested in intelligent dialogue should ditch this place and leave the quislings to their own utilities.

The place would be closed in a month and the www would be a better place for it. It's a cesspool that, like the Biden administration, observably runs interference for this stuff from the top down.
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Maybe YOU have known about them for decades. Most decent people first heard of them when they were "honored" by the (hopefully) soon to be bankrupt Dodgers organization.
The stadium is PACKED. And if anyone noticed who is protesting it isn't the Hispanics, either.
Yeah cause 9-11, Paris van attacks, London tube stabbing,Charlie Hebdo attack, draw Muhammad bombing

All peaceful

:itsok: they certainly are not blocking baseball games like the Terrorist Catholic's
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