Breaking: Thousands of Catholics have shut down the main entrance to Dodger Stadium

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And we knew that?

1 in 4 girls are molested before they reach gays do that?

Most pedophiles are RELIGIOUS leaders, teachers, coaches, and family members.
And many males that were violated seek out men. Just can't let it go.
The Captain Obvious side of me wants to point out: Gays are less than 5% and transexuals are less than1%. Why a month devoted to sexual perversion and sexual narcissistic behavior? Why? For what? We have 2 days given over to veterans and remembrance of those that died in wars. But we now give a month to this trash? WHY? Nobody wants this shit.
If somebody forces you to celebrate, or enjoy the festivities, you should report them.
There were thousands of openly gay nazi party members. They killed Rohm because he started trying to push Hitler to the curb.
They were all put in con-centration camps........
And now you have got to threats. How surprising.

Not threats you ignorant twit. That is called well documented history. The only reason why pedophiles aren't hunted for sport is because it is illegal.

When society fails they lose their protection.

And look at you whining about pedophiles being killed.

Better not get sent to Gen Pop, the inmates there DO kill pedophiles for sport.

Not threats you ignorant twit. That is called well documented history. The only reason why pedophiles aren't hunted for sport is because it is illegal.

When society fails they lose their protection.

And look at you whining about pedophiles being killed.

Better not get sent to Gen Pop, the inmates there DO kill pedophiles for sport.

And there we have it, folks....the only reason this poster isn't going out killing people is because he's afraid of being arrested.
Not threats you ignorant twit. That is called well documented history. The only reason why pedophiles aren't hunted for sport is because it is illegal.

When society fails they lose their protection.

And look at you whining about pedophiles being killed.

Better not get sent to Gen Pop, the inmates there DO kill pedophiles for sport.

So what does your ranting have to do with the Dodgers? Absolutely nothing.
They've been around for decades. Goes to show rightwing outrage is easily manipulated.
Maybe YOU have known about them for decades. Most decent people first heard of them when they were "honored" by the (hopefully) soon to be bankrupt Dodgers organization.
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