‘Breaking Through’ — States Report Growing Number of COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated

^That seems a good question

Life expectancy at birth for males was 75.1 years in the first half of 2020, representing a decline of 1.2 years from 76.3 years in 2019. For females, life expectancy declined to 80.5 years, decreasing 0.9 year from 81.4 years in 2019 (Figure 1).

I think I get the point you're trying to make here, but the issue here is not simply a matter of old people dying, but how effective covid vaccines are at preventing people from getting infected and possibly dying from Covid 19.
I'm saying it's far less a matter of ineffective vaccines than we all gotta die eventually, hey you ain't done with being careful yet, and no one could ever promise you 100% immunity from covid to begin with.
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:

Oh, well...That settles it....Reinstate mandatory, country wide lock down...No essential anything...Everyone is to huddle in their basements, or interior rooms of their homes, line the walls with tin foil, and never again go outside into public....We are all doomed I tell ya!

AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :safetocomeoutff::ack-1::surprised1:
That's why we were originally told to wait 4-8 weeks before assuming it takes affect, then they said 2 weeks, and of course people never wait that even before dropping their guard.

I don't recall ever seeing any serious evidence that any of the vaccines were effective in reducing infections, so whatever number of weeks they say, I'd still be suspicious. However, there's nothing quite like evidence to find the truth, so the report mentioned in the OP is certainly validating to those who distrusted the government's narrative.
The vaccine with the best success percentage, and least side affects and problems happens to be assisted by NIH which is who knowingly financed research at Wuhan lab from 2016-2019 even though they knew the lab had transfered to a military bio warfare lab.
So imagine my and our dilemma trying to decide if we can trust that vaccine over the others.
And the NIH vaccine is the one in my area-lucky me, forced to weigh the risk reward.
There's no open appointments anyway, so lucky for me Biden is incompetent, and I know remedial methods to handle the virus if ever I got it.
Hopefully, By time I get an appointment there will be more data and options.
That's why we were originally told to wait 4-8 weeks before assuming it takes affect, then they said 2 weeks, and of course people never wait that even before dropping their guard.

I don't recall ever seeing any serious evidence that any of the vaccines were effective in reducing infections, so whatever number of weeks they say, I'd still be suspicious. However, there's nothing quite like evidence to find the truth, so the report mentioned in the OP is certainly validating to those who distrusted the government's narrative.
The vaccine with the best success percentage, and least side affects and problems happens to be assisted by NIH which is who knowingly financed research at Wuhan lab from 2016-2019 even though they knew the lab had transfered to a military bio warfare lab.
So imagine my and our dilemma trying to decide if we can trust that vaccine over the others.
And the NIH vaccine is the one in my area-lucky me, forced to weigh the risk reward.
There's no open appointments anyway, so lucky for me Biden is incompetent, and I know remedial methods to handle the virus if ever I got it.
Hopefully, By time I get an appointment there will be more data and options.
Interesting and I hope you are right that there will be more data and options ..I hope people realize that technically this is not a vaccine .. Usually when we get vaccines we are given a dead virus or bacteria and our immune systems learn and make antibodies against this threat so we can handle it in the future.. In this case since they keep telling us this thing is mutating the shots ( I am not using the term vaccine because it really isn’t one as there is no dead virus or dead bacteria involved)will be ineffective in preventing us from getting this thing in the future so my question is why get the shot if mutations will occur .... I am using their logic against their arguments...Truthfully we are all in a real pickle if we want to travel or do any of the fun things we used to if they mandate we must take this shot in order for our lives to RETURN back to the way they were... Reminds me of that scene in raiders where the old man tells Harrison Ford to choose wisely from the cups as a poor choice would result in his death while a good choice would result in him continuing his life.. Interesting delimna to say the least..

Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:

You realize, that when they say the vaccines are 90-95% effective, that means five percent of the people who take it won't be protected and can still get the disease, right?

Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:

You realize, that when they say the vaccines are 90-95% effective, that means five percent of the people who take it won't be protected and can still get the disease, right?
Yes but nothing is 100 percent
That's why we were originally told to wait 4-8 weeks before assuming it takes affect, then they said 2 weeks, and of course people never wait that even before dropping their guard.

I don't recall ever seeing any serious evidence that any of the vaccines were effective in reducing infections, so whatever number of weeks they say, I'd still be suspicious. However, there's nothing quite like evidence to find the truth, so the report mentioned in the OP is certainly validating to those who distrusted the government's narrative.
The vaccine with the best success percentage, and least side affects and problems happens to be assisted by NIH which is who knowingly financed research at Wuhan lab from 2016-2019 even though they knew the lab had transfered to a military bio warfare lab.
So imagine my and our dilemma trying to decide if we can trust that vaccine over the others.
And the NIH vaccine is the one in my area-lucky me, forced to weigh the risk reward.
There's no open appointments anyway, so lucky for me Biden is incompetent, and I know remedial methods to handle the virus if ever I got it.
Hopefully, By time I get an appointment there will be more data and options.
Interesting and I hope you are right that there will be more data and options ..I hope people realize that technically this is not a vaccine .. Usually when we get vaccines we are given a dead virus or bacteria and our immune systems learn and make antibodies against this threat so we can handle it in the future.. In this case since they keep telling us this thing is mutating the shots ( I am not using the term vaccine because it really isn’t one as there is no dead virus or dead bacteria involved)will be ineffective in preventing us from getting this thing in the future so my question is why get the shot if mutations will occur .... I am using their logic against their arguments...Truthfully we are all in a real pickle if we want to travel or do any of the fun things we used to if they mandate we must take this shot in order for our lives to RETURN back to the way they were... Reminds me of that scene in raiders where the old man tells Harrison Ford to choose wisely from the cups as a poor choice would result in his death while a good choice would result in him continuing his life.. Interesting delimna to say the least..
Wrong movie. That was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
100 out of a million is not a huge number. Even people who have had it before have contracted it a second time, but it is rare.

The issue is complicated a lot by the fact that the tests are pretty unreliable.
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:
If the vaccine is 95% effective...

Is it really 95% effective though? Interesting article that gets into effectiveness claims, among other things:
Interesting story I found over at childrenshealthdefense.org today...


Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVID.

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced Tuesday it is investigating reports of people who tested positive for COVID more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the disease.

According to Kiro 7 News, a CBS affiliate in Washington, the DOH is investigating reports of the so-called “breakthrough cases,” which it said are expected with any vaccine. Each case was confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or a positive antigen test more than two weeks after the person had been fully vaccinated.

A majority of people with confirmed vaccine breakthrough experienced mild symptoms, if any. However, since Feb. 1, eight people with vaccine breakthrough cases were hospitalized and the DOH “is investigating two potential vaccine breakthrough cases where the patients died. Both patients were more than 80 years old and suffered underlying health issues,” officials said in a press release.

Full article:

Really great news.

How so?
It seems clear the vaccines are way more dangerous than the Kung Flu itself.
Thanks to Tramp's rush to get them out for his election!!
The more Americans who die the happier Tramp and Putin are!
the funny thing is that the dems prioritized these killer "vaccines" for their people first-----------And Biden has been out trying to steal all the credit for getting the "vaccines" out.....

This all said--the supposed only benefit of the vaccine is that it lessens the symptoms of covid--doesn't prevent it from infecting the vaccinated or prevent them from spreading the disease....

You should note both of my points....
Yeah of course the vaccine is bullshit, the masks are bullshit and the social distancing is all bullshit it always has been.

I agree, though I think it might be best to not use the bs term so much- trying to establish a constructive discussion here :)
After the first shot I feel as though I have changed, morphed into a new and brilliant species as a used car salesman..

I'm not sure what side of the debate you're on, but that made me laugh :p.
Oh, well...That settles it....Reinstate mandatory, country wide lock down...No essential anything...Everyone is to huddle in their basements, or interior rooms of their homes, line the walls with tin foil, and never again go outside into public....We are all doomed I tell ya!

AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :safetocomeoutff::ack-1::surprised1:

That definitely made me smirk :). But it doesn't really explain what you think of the vaccines...
What evidence do you have to support that assertion?
Lots of data. One example.

I've seen data of quite a different sort when it comes to Israel's vaccination program, which your paper speaks of:
Do you really put as much credit into a QAnon blog as one of the oldest and most respected medical journals in the world?

First of all, I don't see any "QAnon" label in the blog I linked to. I have no idea who you are either, but I'm not calling you QAnon. Secondly, I've heard far too much of the ongoing corruption between medical journals and phamaceutical companies to trust them. More importantly, they speak in medical journalese, which is frequently hard to decipher for lay people.

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