Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

And more reason why you guys are wrong...

Doctors Can Be Wrong National Review Online
Yeah yeah Doctors can be wrong unlike the NRA correct ????...National Review...wing nuts

National Review's Andy McCarthy melts down when asked about birtherism and Obama's religion

Andy McCarthy Melts Down when asked about Gaffney's Obama Smears

Andy McCarthy Melts Down when asked about Gaffney's Obama Smears
Andy McCarthy Describes Frank Gaffney s Claims as Nutty Then Denies Doing So Right Wing WatchNational Review...
YOUTUBE.COM mean the doctors that kill more patients than guns do?
Back to the actual many think that there won't be one conviction from this biker fight? Since the bikers aren't going to admit to anything and they aren't going to rat out each other, even their rivals.....and no witnesses are going to talk......
Back to the actual many think that there won't be one conviction from this biker fight? Since the bikers aren't going to admit to anything and they aren't going to rat out each other, even their rivals.....and no witnesses are going to talk......
They are like the Police then
Says the other guy posting on the internet....

yes but I am not claiming superiority over organizations such as the Academy of Pediatrics...that is the difference...

And I am telling you the American Academy of Pediatrics is not capable of researching gun issues...they have an anti gun bias and no background in researching the topic accurately...
Says the other guy posting on the internet....

yes but I am not claiming superiority over organizations such as the Academy of Pediatrics...that is the difference...

And I am telling you the American Academy of Pediatrics is not capable of researching gun issues...they have an anti gun bias and no background in researching the topic accurately...
No they are not capable ...only Koch brother approved sources are capable ...the hell with science and education and medical degrees ...if in need of medical help avoid Doctors go to the NRA
The poster is saying that the gun situation in the US is perfectly OK ...there are no problems with guns in the US...Medical authorities he rejects...he only accepts NRA approved narratives
Says the other guy posting on the internet....

yes but I am not claiming superiority over organizations such as the Academy of Pediatrics...that is the difference...

And I am telling you the American Academy of Pediatrics is not capable of researching gun issues...they have an anti gun bias and no background in researching the topic accurately...
No they are not capable ...only Koch brother approved sources are capable ...the hell with science and education and medical degrees ...if in need of medical help avoid Doctors go to the NRA

Okay moron....from your own do realize that according to the CDC there were only 505 accidental gun deaths in the United States in 2013....down from 591 in how can the numbers from the AAP be accurate...considering that on average only under 100 kids are killed by accidental gun deaths each year....

The health risk of having a gun in the home MinnPost
Now watch carefully how Law enforcement treats a lone suspect because there was a fist fight in the 'hood

Watch how organized Violent white hoodlums are treated...

View image on Twitter

Austin Statesman @statesman

See photos from the scene of a biker gang shooting at a Twin Peaks in Waco #TwinPeaksShooting

any questions ??

You fail to see the key difference.

It isn't about the color of the suspect's skin, nor is it even about the crime committed, it is about how the suspects react to the police once they get there. If the suspects cooperate, you go easier on them. If they fight and resist, you ratchet up, as a LEO you must ALWAYS have control of the scene. Blacks tend to fight more with cops at the scene, so blacks get treated rougher, it really is that simple.

Like the guy that got killed because he'd sold loosies in the past?

No....he resisted arrest and had really bad health.....had he just held out his hands and allowed himself to be cuffed the idiot would still be alive....
Why would you handcuff someone like that? Only a moron cop in the midst of a roid rage would do that.
The poster is saying that the gun situation in the US is perfectly OK ...there are no problems with guns in the US...Medical authorities he rejects...he only accepts NRA approved narratives

Moron....I never use the NRA....I find all the information from the CDC, the FBI, criminologists and economists who actually study the topic and many of them are anti gun.....

And most of the U.S. is okay...except for small, multi block areas in inner cities where most gun murders occur...agaiin there are over 320 million people in the U.S. and over 320 million guns in private hands and over 90 million homes with guns in them and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense....

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....505.....yeah... a real problem....

Gun know, crimes committed intentionally against the law with guns...FBI...8,454...or the CDC number of just over a country of over 320 million people....

Get gangs and drug runners to stop shooting people and our gun murder rate is on par with Europe.....
And more reason why you guys are wrong...

Doctors Can Be Wrong National Review Online
Yeah yeah Doctors can be wrong unlike the NRA correct ????...National Review...wing nuts

National Review's Andy McCarthy melts down when asked about birtherism and Obama's religion

Andy McCarthy Melts Down when asked about Gaffney's Obama Smears

Andy McCarthy Melts Down when asked about Gaffney's Obama Smears
Andy McCarthy Describes Frank Gaffney s Claims as Nutty Then Denies Doing So Right Wing WatchNational Review...
YOUTUBE.COM mean the doctors that kill more patients than guns do?

Now you advocate we ban doctors before we ban guns?
One good thing about this thread is the proper use of the word "thug".

A thug is simply a criminal, and they can be any color, and belong to any kind of group.
And here is a complete takedown of hemenway,the hack, and kellerman...and how they distort research to push their anti gun can look at the following pages for specific points....

13, 109, 111, 113-114 (burglaries lie) 126 national inst. of Just. Police foundation survey2.45 million
That explains it...the article cites hemenway...a proven hack and fake researcher who has close ties to rabid anti gun groups........
You are a Nobody

and you claim
1)there is no gun problem in the US
2)there is no racism in Law enforcement

Both of those put you in the "nut bag Range"
That explains it...the article cites hemenway...a proven hack and fake researcher who has close ties to rabid anti gun groups........
You are a Nobody

and you claim
1)there is no gun problem in the US
2)there is no racism in Law enforcement

Both of those put you in the "nut bag Range"

Who said there was no racism in law enforcement...there are racists there...but there are more racists in the democrat party...and you nutters actually vote for them......

There is a criminal problem in the small areas of the U.S. the rest of the country is fine and has no problem using guns lawfully....again...gun control = criminal control, not controlling honest, law abiding citizens......
On hemenway...the guy the AAP relied on...the hack....

4. The Hemenway Critique of the National Self-Defense
Hemenway’s paper was not an attempt to produce a
balanced, intellectually serious assessment of estimates of
defensive gun use. Instead, his critique served the narrow
political purpose of “getting the estimate down,” for the sake of
assisting the gun control cause. An honest, scientifically based
critique would have given balanced consideration to both flaws
that would tend to make the estimate too low (e.g., people
concealing DGUs because they involved unlawful behavior, and
the failure to count any DGUs by adolescents), and to those that
contribute to making them too high. Equally important, it would
have given greatest weight to relevant empirical evidence, and
little or no weight to idle speculation about possible flaws.
Hemenway’s approach was precisely the opposite––one-sided
and almost entirely speculative. Readers who have any doubts
about the degree to which Hemenway’s paper was imbalanced
could carry out a simple exercise to assess this claim: count the
number of lines Hemenway devoted to flaws tending to make the
estimate too high and the number devoted to flaws making the
estimate too low.

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