Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

Gun culture =/= injuring people with said guns.

I'm afraid it does. It's inevitable considering the whole purpose of the instrument is TO HURT PEOPLE.


It's inevitable considering the whole purpose of the instrument is TO HURT PEOPLE.

Wrong...the whole purpose of the gun, the instrument is to save the life of the user and the people the user wants to protect....and it does this often with out ever firing a shot.....since most police never use their guns, and most gun owners never use their guns in self defense and when they do most of the time they do it without firing a shot.....

"Save" and "protect" -------- from what?

Didn't quite think this through, didja?

Guns save people from violent criminals, from dangerously mentally ill people, from governemnt out of control, from dangerous animals......guns are designed to save the lives of the users and the people the user wants to protect....

You didn't think it through....did you.....try to overcome your democrat controlled will be a better person for overcoming it......

Didn't save people at Twin Peaks

More guns= More dead

Thats funny...seemed like the bikers were stopped when a whole bunch of guns were sent in with the police........
So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?
So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Guess we also live in a chain, clubs, and knife culture as well, then, since those were a number of the 50-100 weapons that were confiscated, according to the police chief, from the 150-200 outlaw bike gang members that were present.

Hey, find us regular stories of chain/club/knife violence, find me even one instance of somebody going into a school or movie theater or public event chaining/clubbing/knifing kids to death, find me an endless stream of chains/clubs/knives romanticized in most Hollywood flicks, an endless sorry parade of video games, too many comic books to count and any given TV channel on any given day, and I'll click an "Agree" on this post so fast it'll make your head spin.

Denialists are so amusing. Makes me wanna hand my wet laundry to 'em for the spin cycle.
Oh please, pogo. Denialists? You co-opted that from the agw crowd, thinking it would insult me. It doesn't. This is not about school shootings , this is about criminal syndicate biker gangs. Read up on the bandidos, one of the outlaw gangs involved. I can almost assure their guns are illegal, and they would have them even if all guns were illegal.
Bandidos Motorcycle Club - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BANDIDOS MC - The Offical Website

I simply read your post -- that's all I needed to see Denialism. Even now you're trying desperately to shift the topic all the way out to "whether their guns are 'legal'". Who gives a shit? That was never the point. 'Legal' and 'illegal' guns do exactly the same thing and work exactly the same way.

Yet you contend by making guns illegal, the criminals won't still get them. You are simply wrong. How many still got pot when it was illegal everywhere?

DO I now.

And where did I say anything like this? :popcorn:

Still waiting depotoo .....
And Esmeralda

Don't forget that the Democrats started welfare, and now we have had multiple generations who have known nothing but that ill-conceived program. As a matter of fact, Johnson even has a famous quote about it.

And now Obama is undoing the reform we did manage to get under Clinton...

Actually, what I said is factual. The Democrats during Jim Crow were considered conservative.


: a person who believes in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society
What a dummy you are. So you admit the conservatives have always been the racists? Good job.
Call them whatever you want, they've always been Democrats and they still are.
Democrats are primarily liberal you dummy. :laugh:
No shit, Sherlock, you just made my point for me. Calling them conservatives doesn't MAKE them conservatives but the racists are always Democrats. Thanks, moron. :lol:
Who enforced Jim Crow laws, Conservatives or Liberals?

I already know you will fail this again.
Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
No...wrong guns are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives....illegal guns are used to commit crimes, and owning one is an illegal act that deserves arrest.........try harder.....
Quick swig a little of this "anti Kool aid"
The health risk of having a gun in the home MinnPost
Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death — and that of your spouse and children.

Andit doesn’t matter how the guns are stored or what type or how many guns you own.

If you have a gun, everybody in your home is more likely than your non-gun-owning neighbors and their families to die in a gun-related accident, suicide or homicide.

Furthermore, there is no credible evidence that having a gun in your house reduces your risk of being a victim of a crime. Nor does it reduce your risk of being injured during a home break-in.

The health risks of owning a gun are so established and scientifically non-controvertible that the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2000 recommending that pediatricians urge parents to remove all guns from their homes.

Sorry...wrong.....criminal background, alcohol or drug abuse....those lead to gun accidents and homicides...take those out and the 90 million homes with guns are safe...unless you get in a car....and you are far more likely to die in your car than by your gun...if you aren't a criminal and don't abuse drugs and alcohol....and again....wrong on the break in...

The American Academy of Pediatrics is wrong...they allowed their anti gun bias to create their research......

Did I or did I not say IN GENERAL? Because we both know I could find plenty of videos of black people peacefully being arrested as well as videos of whites being beaten by police for no reason.

Learn to
A) Read
B) Have an honest discussion.

No you lack said if one cooperates its all said it specifically to counter the video I lack honesty and you lack cogency....
"hundreds of guns"? :rolleyes-41:

Somewhere between a hundred and hundred and fifty , not sure exactly without looking it up . Not even that unusual around here.

"Looking it up"? So it's all an abstraction to you?

Which also means if somebody made off with three or four of them you wouldn't even notice.
Thanks for that. Fuckin' brilliant.

Yes I would notice , since they are all in a safe room that someone would have to destroy something to get into . I would notice that.

And yes, I would have to get out my insurance inventory to see how many I had without actually counting them up.

Now, the important question is, why would you care?

Because we live in a gun culture.

Thanks for the straight line.

So what if we do? Gun culture =/= murders

Wow, what great news. Wait'll we tell the 11,419 people who only think they were killed by firearms in 2013 alone.

Hey y'all -- WAKE UP!

Hmm. Doesn't seem to be working. Imagine that.
No...wrong guns are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives....illegal guns are used to commit crimes, and owning one is an illegal act that deserves arrest.........try harder.....
Quick swig a little of this "anti Kool aid"
The health risk of having a gun in the home MinnPost
Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death — and that of your spouse and children.

Andit doesn’t matter how the guns are stored or what type or how many guns you own.

If you have a gun, everybody in your home is more likely than your non-gun-owning neighbors and their families to die in a gun-related accident, suicide or homicide.

Furthermore, there is no credible evidence that having a gun in your house reduces your risk of being a victim of a crime. Nor does it reduce your risk of being injured during a home break-in.

The health risks of owning a gun are so established and scientifically non-controvertible that the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2000 recommending that pediatricians urge parents to remove all guns from their homes.

And this points out why health care professionals are not to be looked to for accurate research into guns....

Public Health Pot Shots -
Now watch carefully how Law enforcement treats a lone suspect because there was a fist fight in the 'hood

Watch how organized Violent white hoodlums are treated...

View image on Twitter

Austin Statesman @statesman

See photos from the scene of a biker gang shooting at a Twin Peaks in Waco #TwinPeaksShooting

any questions ??

You fail to see the key difference.

It isn't about the color of the suspect's skin, nor is it even about the crime committed, it is about how the suspects react to the police once they get there. If the suspects cooperate, you go easier on them. If they fight and resist, you ratchet up, as a LEO you must ALWAYS have control of the scene. Blacks tend to fight more with cops at the scene, so blacks get treated rougher, it really is that simple.

Like the guy that got killed because he'd sold loosies in the past?

Yep, he fought with police. Now , granted the cop DID use a choke hold that was banned by the NYPD, but the fact remains , HE chose to fight with the police, rather than just cooperating.

He didn't fight with the police.
Now watch carefully how Law enforcement treats a lone suspect because there was a fist fight in the 'hood

Watch how organized Violent white hoodlums are treated...

View image on Twitter

Austin Statesman @statesman

See photos from the scene of a biker gang shooting at a Twin Peaks in Waco #TwinPeaksShooting

any questions ??

You fail to see the key difference.

It isn't about the color of the suspect's skin, nor is it even about the crime committed, it is about how the suspects react to the police once they get there. If the suspects cooperate, you go easier on them. If they fight and resist, you ratchet up, as a LEO you must ALWAYS have control of the scene. Blacks tend to fight more with cops at the scene, so blacks get treated rougher, it really is that simple.

Like the guy that got killed because he'd sold loosies in the past?

Yep, he fought with police. Now , granted the cop DID use a choke hold that was banned by the NYPD, but the fact remains , HE chose to fight with the police, rather than just cooperating.

He didn't fight with the police.

He resisted Ravi, that is known fact ON video. The guy resisted. Seriously, there ARE cases of police doing wrong, so why lie about the cases where that isn't true.
And another look at why the American Academy of Pediatrics has no idea about doing research into gun violence....

Doctors Can Be Wrong National Review Online

Why are the AAP’s figures so discrepant from the best current data? They may be old, as overall deaths and injuries from gunshots have steadily decreased for many years. Many reports have exaggerated youth mortality from firearms, mostly through deceptive definitions of “children” as those up to age 18 or 21 or even 24, depending on which studies you read. Most of us think “children” are those up to approximately twelve years of age, and “youth” up to 18 to 21, and neither as old as 24. By including older teenagers and even adults in their early 20s, some reports incorporate in “pediatric” firearms deaths and injuries the major uptick reflecting urban gang and drug violence carried out by and targeting those “youth.” And since these findings only associate nearby guns, whoever owns them, with gunshot wounds incurred, there is no demonstrable cause-and-effect relationship regarding legally owned guns within households. According to the CDC, total firearms deaths in 2011 through age 14 were 383 (74 accidental). By comparison, there were 2,255 (66 accidental) from ages 15 to 19, and 3,865 (64 accidental) from ages 20 to 24.

Read more at: Doctors Can Be Wrong National Review Online
And this points out why health care professionals are not to be looked to for accurate research into guns....

Public Health Pot Shots -

and this points out who is behind your source and its disgraceful really

The Reason Foundationis a self-described "libertarian"[1]think tank. The Reason Foundation's projects include and, as well as Reason Magazine[2]It is part of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation network.

The Reason Foundation is funded, in part, by what are known as the "Koch Family Foundations,"[3]andDavid Kochserves as a Reason trustee.[4]

According to the Reason Foundation's 2009 Internal Revenue Source990 return form, it took in $6 million in donation income against $6.7 million in expenses, with only $639,236 in subscription revenue and $113,575 in ad revenue.[5]

Koch Wiki
The Koch brothers--DavidandCharles-- are the right-wing billionaire co-owners ofKoch Industries. As two of the richest people in the world, they are key funders of the right-wing infrastructure, including theAmerican Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC) and theState Policy Network(SPN). In SourceWatch, key articles on the Kochs include:Koch Brothers,Koch Industries,Americans for Prosperity,American Encore, andFreedom Partners.
I wasn't aware these outlaw bikers were walking into restaurants to lecture people. When they do, I will be sure to call out others that started threads on the incidents in which you are trying to equate this activity, if they don't do the same for them.
And if you truly think anyone, anyone, other than other criminals, condones this crime, you have lost your marbles.
Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
I've not seen any lectures for holding this type of activity in restaurants. There were many lectures when black people simply protested in restaurants.

No....people were lecturing about burning down stores in a "peaceful" protest.....and no one has brought up your stupid point if criminals are going to divvy up gang territroy in a restarurant they should be told to leave.........moron.....
You are confused. A couple of months ago there was a protest movement where black people went into restaurants and lectured people eating. There were many instances of finger pointing on this forum alone about how bad it was to interupt people's meals, and much lumping together of black people as being evil because this happened. There is nothing anywhere criticizing white people for a shootout in a restaurant.
Now watch carefully how Law enforcement treats a lone suspect because there was a fist fight in the 'hood

Watch how organized Violent white hoodlums are treated...

View image on Twitter

Austin Statesman @statesman

See photos from the scene of a biker gang shooting at a Twin Peaks in Waco #TwinPeaksShooting

any questions ??

You fail to see the key difference.

It isn't about the color of the suspect's skin, nor is it even about the crime committed, it is about how the suspects react to the police once they get there. If the suspects cooperate, you go easier on them. If they fight and resist, you ratchet up, as a LEO you must ALWAYS have control of the scene. Blacks tend to fight more with cops at the scene, so blacks get treated rougher, it really is that simple.

Like the guy that got killed because he'd sold loosies in the past?

No....he resisted arrest and had really bad health.....had he just held out his hands and allowed himself to be cuffed the idiot would still be alive....
And more reason why you guys are wrong...

Doctors Can Be Wrong National Review Online
Yeah yeah Doctors can be wrong unlike the NRA correct ????...National Review...wing nuts

National Review's Andy McCarthy melts down when asked about birtherism and Obama's religion

Andy McCarthy Melts Down when asked about Gaffney's Obama Smears

Andy McCarthy Melts Down when asked about Gaffney's Obama Smears
Andy McCarthy Describes Frank Gaffney s Claims as Nutty Then Denies Doing So Right Wing WatchNational Review...
Somewhere between a hundred and hundred and fifty , not sure exactly without looking it up . Not even that unusual around here.

"Looking it up"? So it's all an abstraction to you?

Which also means if somebody made off with three or four of them you wouldn't even notice.
Thanks for that. Fuckin' brilliant.

Yes I would notice , since they are all in a safe room that someone would have to destroy something to get into . I would notice that.

And yes, I would have to get out my insurance inventory to see how many I had without actually counting them up.

Now, the important question is, why would you care?

Because we live in a gun culture.

Thanks for the straight line.

So what if we do? Gun culture =/= murders

Wow, what great news. Wait'll we tell the 11,419 people who only think they were killed by firearms in 2013 alone.

Hey y'all -- WAKE UP!

Hmm. Doesn't seem to be working. Imagine that.

And yet you forget the 2 million Americans on average each year who use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives.....let's see

if we use your number...probably from the CDC because the FBI puts the number at 8,454....


11,419 vs. 2 million....

Even though you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party......can you tell which number is bigger......and that is just the average of studies actually done on the use of guns in self defense....

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