Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

No, I think that there's nothing in most of them that have ANYTHING to do with the Tea Party and one where a guy at an open rally had a rude sign. But, I'm sure YOU consider that iron clad proof, right?

You hacks are amusing.

Pictures are usually proof. Only in RW land is an actual photo not an actual photo.

I notice you like to talk really vague, good. If you had a point you'd make it

Oh my...was my meaning not clear to you? I agree that they are pictures. I agree that some of the pictures have rude words and negative messages. I see nothing that says they were put out by the Tea Party. When you can provide proof that they are, I'll read it.

I like the way you keep replacing "racist" with the term rude, its cute.

Obama witch doctor t-shirts a big hit at Tea Party convention theGrio You can act like you didnt see this one

Addicting Info Racist Obama T-Shirts Big Hit With Tea Party Conventioneers AND this one

Tea Party Express Racist Letter Mother Jones and then you can deny that you saw any of it.

But I know, what you're going to do is ignore all of it and simply say "thats not proof" to keep yourself in denial.

Ah, so your proof comes from partisan blogs. Yeah, that's convincing. But, as I promised, I read the articles and gave the "proof" you provided the weight it deserved. If you have nothing more substantial, I think I'll go mow the yard.

Told you. Simple question: Are you saying the blogs and news sites are lying? If you arent then you have no rebuttal. If you are you have the burden of proof showing the lie.

Didnt think
You have shown that one racist exists.

Do you understand that that does not at all support your claim that the GOP pandered to racists in order to get them to switch?

Ken Mehlman ...GOP Chairman apologized for said he was one man

Lee Atwater decribed the GOP strategy to use simply ignored it ...grow up

Lee Atwater talks smack about using rhetoric about forced bussing. But Nixon was the biggest forced busing guy of them all.

His claims do not match GOP policy.

I have asked you to support your claim with examples of racist policies the GOP used to pander to racist. Lee Atwater's transcript does not do that.

sure sure wing nut ...Ken Mehlman apologized for GOP racism...Lee Atwater described the process ...Colin Powell pointed it out and was lambasted...and you are a wing nut

Powell was lambasted for betraying his friends and allies of decades. And his complaints do not match up with the reality of his rise to fame and power in the GOP.
Bottom line Fk you wing nut:321:

You're just another little Goebbels of the filthy demagogue party. Not 1 in 10 words you post is true. You know this as well as everyone else here does.
Why Are GOP Contenders Reviving Racist Rhetoric?
Joseph Lowndes|Posted 03.17.2012|Politics
Read More:GOP Racism,Gingrich Racism,Gingrich Naacp,GOP Rhetoric,Santorum Racism,Gop 2012,Politics News

Far from having advanced toward a postracial society, we appear to be heading back to what we might call the era of high racism in the Republican Party -- the time period, say, from Goldwater to Atwater.

So, the GOP is "racist" because they praised Rosa Parks?


You fucking Communists are too much.

{The RNC apparently thought it was doing good when it tweeted on the anniversary of Parks' legendary refusal to get up from her front seat on a segregated bus that her act ended racism.}

The GOP Bumbles Again on Race -- This Time It s Rosa Parks Earl Ofari Hutchinson

You race baiting fuckwad you...
Powell was lambasted for betraying his friends and allies of decades. And his complaints do not match up with the reality of his rise to fame and power in the GOP.

He spoke truth to power ...for once

He was justifying his betrayal.

I posted a link to the New York Times article on the study I was referring to about the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy.

DId you miss it? If so go back, read it and reply.
Powell was lambasted for betraying his friends and allies of decades. And his complaints do not match up with the reality of his rise to fame and power in the GOP.

He spoke truth to power ...for once

He was justifying his betrayal.

I posted a link to the New York Times article on the study I was referring to about the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy.

DId you miss it? If so go back, read it and reply.
did you miss Ken Mehlmanm acknowledgement of GOP racism...he is a white man
Powell was lambasted for betraying his friends and allies of decades. And his complaints do not match up with the reality of his rise to fame and power in the GOP.

He spoke truth to power ...for once

He was justifying his betrayal.

I posted a link to the New York Times article on the study I was referring to about the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy.

DId you miss it? If so go back, read it and reply.
did you miss Ken Mehlmanm acknowledgement of GOP racism...he is a white man

" But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t."
Herr Goebbels LOL

Anatomy of a racist revolution: How the GOP was hijacked by small ...
Salon-May 11, 2015
In a truly opportunistic fashion, the Republican Party decided to exploit the ... His coded racism was successful, and it earned the votes f

Yawn, you demagogues scream "racism" the same way your mentor screamed "Juden."

You're just a fucking scumbag, slandering your opponents. Using hate sites like Salon hardly strengthens your position.

Dog whistles, coded, etc. All the bullshit you pukes spew against those you seek to slander. Opposing Obama's budget is RACIST. Opposing Obama putting the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in charge of Egypt is RACIST. Opposing Obama's fascist care mandate is RACIST. Opposing the revocation of the 1st Amendment by Obama is RACIST.

You have no credibility, Herr Goebbels. You're just a demagogue.
He was justifying his betrayal.

I posted a link to the New York Times article on the study I was referring to about the Myth of the SOuthern Strategy.

DId you miss it? If so go back, read it and reply.

The racist of course, was Powell. He made his claims PURELY based on the color of skin of Barack Obama. Powell showed he has no integrity, and cannot look past a man's skin.

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