BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

I can see after reading those liberal crazy posts: half a country (libs) is in a critical mental condition and needs urgent re-brainwashing.

Suggestion: to reequip Obama Library (it's useless anyway) and to use it as a mental hospital for re-brainwashing liberals with serious brain damage.
Do you mean like the re-education camps stylized and implemented by Russia in the 1920's and copied by communist regimes ever since, particularly China and Vietnam?
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

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The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

Just a thought....

I can see after reading those liberal crazy posts: half a country (libs) is in a critical mental condition and needs urgent re-brainwashing.

Suggestion: to reequip Obama Library (it's useless anyway) and to use it as a mental hospital for re-brainwashing liberals with serious brain damage.
Do you mean like the re-education camps stylized and implemented by Russia in the 1920's and copied by communist regimes ever since, particularly China and Vietnam?

Re-education won't hurt you libs either.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

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The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

Thank you. My sources are saying the same.

The voices in your head?
I can see after reading those liberal crazy posts: half a country (libs) is in a critical mental condition and needs urgent re-brainwashing.

Suggestion: to reequip Obama Library (it's useless anyway) and to use it as a mental hospital for re-brainwashing liberals with serious brain damage.
Do you mean like the re-education camps stylized and implemented by Russia in the 1920's and copied by communist regimes ever since, particularly China and Vietnam?

Re-education won't hurt you libs either.
Re-education camps is not an American concept. It is a Russian and communist concept. The closest we ever came to that kind of thing was when we forced Native Americans onto reservations and sent the kids to Christian Schools for indoctrination.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

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The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.


Seth Rich was the source of the leak of the DNC e-mails. There was no "Russian Meddling" that altered votes nor was it "Russia" that revealed the corruption of the DNC. We already know from the Vault 7 releases that the CIA can mimic "cyber attacks" and blame any country and claim that they were "hacking" American interests when it was actually the CIA doing it.

I am calling "booooolshit"......
I can see after reading those liberal crazy posts: half a country (libs) is in a critical mental condition and needs urgent re-brainwashing.

Suggestion: to reequip Obama Library (it's useless anyway) and to use it as a mental hospital for re-brainwashing liberals with serious brain damage.
Do you mean like the re-education camps stylized and implemented by Russia in the 1920's and copied by communist regimes ever since, particularly China and Vietnam?

There could have been no Bolshevik revolution with out Wall Street and the International bankers that own USA.INC. Woodrow Wilson personally intervened when Trotsky was stopped in Canada on his way to Russia with millions in gold. This is a historical fact.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

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The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

yeah you love mass murderers who start wars with other countries such as Obama,the Bushs and the Clintons.:cuckoo:
Trump ain't going to survive his 4 year term. There are 3 strong possibilities:

1) Trump will resign as the pressure mounts
2) Trump will be impeached
3) Trump's fat ass will have a heart attack or stroke as the stress continues to take a toll on him

Options #1 and #3 are the most likely.


Despite the public furor surrounding James Comey’s Senate testimony, there remains only one certainty about the future of the Trump administration: the president will not be forced from office through the Constitutional impeachment process. Pundits and politicos who agitate for using that mechanism to end the Age of Trump ignore history, delude themselves and damage the country.

OPINION: Trump won’t be impeached, and he’ll never resign

he's not a coward like Obama and also doesn't want us turning into a communist ANTIFA fk nutjob country unlike those who hate him and are to brain dead to understand where Obama and or Clinton was leading their degenerate herds to.

to make sure they know you not a republican supporter,you should have said he is not a coward like Obama AND Bush.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

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The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

What a 'tard. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe this crapola.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

Join America's Patriots Media And Share This Article Now!
The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.


BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

Join America's Patriots Media And Share This Article Now!
The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

ScienceRocks Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

Join America's Patriots Media And Share This Article Now!
The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

Ah yes...more anonymous sources? I'm wondering how many times you snowflakes are going to get suckered into believing the bullshit that you're being fed by your leaders?

Trump isn't going anywhere. He's working on fixing things and could care less about what people like you think of him.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

Join America's Patriots Media And Share This Article Now!
The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

Even trump has made noises to this effect and he's obviously in WAY over his head.

Frankly, I think we might be better off if he stays. He's so inept, impotent, scattered, he still has not gotten even one piece of major legislation through and doesn't look like he will any time soon.

The other loons are more dangerous because they're organized and know how DC and gumt work. They would likely do a lot more harm than the old fat cheeto can.

Let's just let him keep screeching at the tv, tweeting his little tantrums and, by all means, let's let him keep holding those embarrassing rallies of lies. That's what's better for the country.
BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!

BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Trump Wants Out!
Posted By admin on June 19, 2017

Join America's Patriots Media And Share This Article Now!
The expanding Russia investigation and obstruction of justice probe into President Trump are starting to take a toll on him according to multiple advisors.
Here’s what was reported on in Politico:

“But Trump, too, is cognizant of the comparison to Nixon, according to one adviser. The president, who friends said does not enjoy living in Washington and is strained by the demanding hours of the job, is motivated to carry on because he ‘doesn’t want to go down in history as a guy who tried and failed,’ said the adviser. ‘He doesn’t want to be the second president in history to resign.’”

So, basically, president Trump wants out but he just doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
But, there’s credible information that Trump is waiting out resignation at this point. So far, Flynn has yet to testify against him since Congress refused to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony – testimony that could have been extremely damaging to Trump.

Leave fucker! We already consider you a loser and a piece of shit.

Even trump has made noises to this effect and he's obviously in WAY over his head.

Frankly, I think we might be better off if he stays. He's so inept, impotent, scattered, he still has not gotten even one piece of major legislation through and doesn't look like he will any time soon.

The other loons are more dangerous because they're organized and know how DC and gumt work. They would likely do a lot more harm than the old fat cheeto can.

Let's just let him keep screeching at the tv, tweeting his little tantrums and, by all means, let's let him keep holding those embarrassing rallies of lies. That's what's better for the country.

Speaking of "inept, impotent...& scattered", Luddly...did you want to make a friendly wager on how long Nancy Pelosi lasts as Minority Leader of the House? My prediction is that Trump holds HIS job far longer than Nancy holds HERS!

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