Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

Trump is a first-class coward...almost always all talk and no action. And the only time he does action - it is usually wrong.

He will almost certainly back off these tariffs once Wall Street screams loudly enough about them. Because if he doesn't, he WILL hurt the economy...less then 18 months before election day.
He will make some pathetic claim that they have worked and Mexico is doing much better...when they probably did nothing.

Just like when Trump promised to pull ALL U.S. troops out of Syria - but now hundreds will stay for years - his word means nothing.

Dang but he is a useless prick.

Trump is many things but above all else Trump is the consummate 'con man'

I recall Jim Jones the cult leader of Jonestown infamy.

That is basically what we have currently in The White House but this is on a world wide/global scale.

Trump is taking anyone that is willing (his base) and those opposed (hostages) down a dark path.

OK everyone; drink that Kool-Aid ............ we're getting close & the Congressmen are about to show up ........
The Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism you silly little fucker

'globalism' has been around in many forms, much longer than me, or you have been around.

If you believe any one person, Trump, anybody, will put an end to it then you are a complete fucking moron.
Only if you buy Mexican goods.



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No not wrong...


They are clearly marked even the car parts .

Buy American...avoid the tariff.


Yep. Right there on the front brake rotor is says “Made in Mexico.”

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That's right dude.... I buy my replacement parts right down the street from a small factory that employs people from the area. Citizens by the way. My brake parts say made in America asshole. I'll make one concession to you my front end parts are Canadian Moog. They're very expensive but they're the best that can be had anywhere.


Im not talking about replacement parts.


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Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!
Mexico is RUN by the cartels, we all know it, Tarriffs are almost too late. ICE also needs to strip every illeagal beaner of money, clothes and jewelry then force them fucks back over the border.
Mexico is RUN by the cartels, we all know it, Tarriffs are almost too late. ICE also needs to strip every illeagal beaner of money, clothes and jewelry then force them fucks back over the border.

More self-indulgent emoting over the immigration issue.

Ooh, ooh, now do the one about a wood chipper! No, do the one about the catapult! Or the land mines! You’re so cool!
15 million illegals at 1,000 per day is 15 billion dollars per day divided by 150 million tax payers is 100 dollars per day for every you and me that pays taxes. I think an extra 1,000 on a car is worth it.
15 million illegals at 1,000 per day is 15 billion dollars per day divided by 150 million tax payers is 100 dollars per day for every you and me that pays taxes. I think an extra 1,000 on a car is worth it.

When I go after those who reward those illegals for getting in the US. You know. Farmers, hotel owners, Trump family businesses...

It would be like everybody is screaming we've got a drug problem, then not want to do anything about the drug dealers.
"Wrapping up in Laredo, Texas. This border sector is suffering from technology shortfalls while footing $2 million in medical bills for illegals each month. It’s absolutely stunning what is happening. We have an enormous crisis. Time to secure our border & close asylum loopholes." - Rep Jody Hice, R-TX
Mexican prez is headed to dc as we speak to solve the problem.


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I saw an earlier news flash that said he was but should have realized it was not so. Now they say he's sending his foreign minister to meet with Trump which for all practical purposes is the same thing.

Faced with tariffs, Mexican president asks for ‘dialogue,’ sends envoy to Washington

THAT WAS QUICK: Mexico’s President Begs Trump For Friday Meeting on Just Announced Tariffs

THAT WAS QUICK: Mexico's President Begs Trump For Friday Meeting on Just Announced Tariffs
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eat taters , eggs and bacon with 'catsup' . Make guacamole outa cabbage , onions , garlic and spice . Serve in your chilled 'jebito bush' guacamole bowl and your all set BBro . --- :afro:
pampered residents of the USA . They woulda all committed suicide during ww2 with all its shortages and VICTORY Garden growing of food to help the USA War Effort .
during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
The president of Mexico is already requesting a meeting with Trump. If Trump stops the mass immigration on the border. That will guarantee a win in 2020. A majority of Americans want it stopped and Trump doing it while Pelosi and Schumer are doing their best to stop it. Trump did lie! I'm not tired of winning!

and the meeting is for? Trump gonna praise Obrador like Trump praises Kim un?

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