Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

Trump's new rage tariffs have large implications: They signal to allies that US is no longer a reliable trading partner

I'm telling you, there's a big opening for Dems to go after Trump's trade recklessness
Trump is a first-class coward...almost always all talk and no action. And the only time he does action - it is usually wrong.

He will almost certainly back off these tariffs once Wall Street screams loudly enough about them. Because if he doesn't, he WILL hurt the economy...less then 18 months before election day.
He will make some pathetic claim that they have worked and Mexico is doing much better...when they probably did nothing.

Just like when Trump promised to pull ALL U.S. troops out of Syria - but now hundreds will stay for years - his word means nothing.

Dang but he is a useless prick.

Trump is many things but above all else Trump is the consummate 'con man'

I recall Jim Jones the cult leader of Jonestown infamy.

That is basically what we have currently in The White House but this is on a world wide/global scale.

Trump is taking anyone that is willing (his base) and those opposed (hostages) down a dark path.

OK everyone; drink that Kool-Aid ............ we're getting close & the Congressmen are about to show up ........
You're so full of shit you stink.
Trump's new rage tariffs have large implications: They signal to allies that US is no longer a reliable trading partner

I'm telling you, there's a big opening for Dems to go after Trump's trade recklessness
It shows our allies we won’t be hosed and they love the Strong to Act and Be Strong.
in 17th century the Portuguese built a wall to protect Colonia de Sacramento in what is now Uruguay. (it worked)

Democrats have a pathway to run on trade in 2020. I'd add that they could plausibly run at Trump from both the left (pro-worker labor left) and right (pro-business suburbanites) simultaneously, odd as that seems.
Trump's new rage tariffs have large implications: They signal to allies that US is no longer a reliable trading partner

I'm telling you, there's a big opening for Dems to go after Trump's trade recklessness
-------------------------------- if the USA can't stand on its own feet , what good is it BBro
The Trump Moron now has trade wars on 3 fronts Europe China and now Mexico Who's next on the AH's list Already America is trying to digest the crap he's throwing The man has lost it
15 million illegals at 1,000 per day is 15 billion dollars per day divided by 150 million tax payers is 100 dollars per day for every you and me that pays taxes. I think an extra 1,000 on a car is worth it.

Once again, someone brings up the figure of $1,000 per day cost per illegal, without any source or link, which means that Trump pulled it out of his ass.
15 million illegals at 1,000 per day is 15 billion dollars per day divided by 150 million tax payers is 100 dollars per day for every you and me that pays taxes. I think an extra 1,000 on a car is worth it.

Once again, someone brings up the figure of $1,000 per day cost per illegal, without any source or link, which means that Trump pulled it out of his ass.

If anyone knows the costs associated with hiring and keeping illegals in the US, it's Trump. Been doing it for decades. It's his business model.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

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I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

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Those are not made in America being sold at Walmart

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Didn’t say they were. They are still cheaper than when I purchased a set years back. I’m not currently in the market, but I’m sure I could find a deal if I was. Im sure some retailers are going to be offering goods at cheaper rates, to up their sales no matter what.

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Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

Yah, Trump wants to stop the illegals from coming in over the border. He flies his in and he hates competition.
Even Sen Grassley says ,in other words, Trump is a schmuck But we all know that

Yeah I'm amazed at how little the lefttards realize about the antipathy between the Republicans and Trump..... they positively cannot stand the guy, they hate the fact that he won the election over there establishment candidates, and if there was a way to stab him in the back and take him down they would do it.

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the fact that illegals get welfare should be enough to stop taking in illegals, no matter how few they are.

it's like saying: only 20 percent of Tesla cars burst into flames. that means we should ban all Tesla cars, just like we should ban all illegal immigration!
it'd be easier to suspend the law of gravity than to stop illegals from accessing welfare!
And despite the tariffs...which WILL damage the economy for certain...Trump has still not done anything about those Americans who hire illegals.

An idiot can see that the best way to stop illegals stealing US jobs is to take away the jobs they can have by giving massive fines/jail sentences to those Americans hiring them.

But Trump - the fucking coward - won't do that because SO many greedy Republicans use illegal immigrants.


Just republicans, not dims hire illegals right? Maybe if the dims would back the wall and other means of blocking illegals and deportation, we would be able to get a grip on the problem. It didn’t start with Don.

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Of course Dems hire them...but why the fuck would Trump care about them?


Try thinking before you type.

You are a moron. Why would he care, other than getting them the fuck out of the country? I guess he hasn’t utilized them, or you fuckers would have been all over him. Go research Creepy Joe you freak. That’s what you will be voting for in 2020. Or maybe some other Ass bag that no one has ever heard of. In the mean time, put your head back up Nancy’s ass.

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------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

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I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

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And, what brand name would that American made TV that you see all the time at Walmart, be? I am curious, since no TV's have been built tin America in decades.

Didn’t say the sets were American at Walmart, just still drastically cheaper than years back. I don’t know any TV that is currently made in America or really care. If I need one, I’ll find a deal.

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and USA can restart bUilding tv in the USA or buy more tv outside the USA . I don't care about TV or avocados VS .

Agreed. He is trying to do something, where others have let countries shit all over us. They see us divided and are loving this. It’s going to take a while to reverse things.

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Scalia in oral arguments in Arizona v. U.S.: "What does sovereignty mean if it does not include the ability to defend your borders?"
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

Yah, Trump wants to stop the illegals from coming in over the border. He flies his in and he hates competition.
Even Sen Grassley says ,in other words, Trump is a schmuck But we all know that

Yeah I'm amazed at how little the lefttards realize about the antipathy between the Republicans and Trump they positively cannot stand the guy, they hate the fact that he won the election over there establishment candidates, and if there was a way to stab him in the back and take him down they would do it.

Republicans have a funny way of showing this alleged antipathy to Trump by never criticizing him or opposing him on anything. Are they total cowards?

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