Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

Ummm, those workers will be in Mexico, those production facilities will be in Mexico...get the idea.
And China today says it is halting ALL US soybean purchases

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-------------------------------- gotta get tough , gotta get 'Maddog Mean' , tighten your belt and do the best that you can GGator and President Trump . Also HEARD that the President and the 'mexican' are going to meet or at least communicate in some manner on this issue .
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........
In Mexico yes, so Mexico will have to tighten their border. See you're catching on.
Let me make the example easy for the rubes.

12 pack of Corona in Denver cost $15. After the tariffs, more like $16.

12 pack of Corona in Mexico City before tariff. $15. After the tariff . $15.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

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I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And, what brand name would that American made TV that you see all the time at Walmart, be? I am curious, since no TV's have been built tin America in decades.
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.
and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?
Trump is a first-class coward...almost always all talk and no action. And the only time he does action - it is usually wrong.

He will almost certainly back off these tariffs once Wall Street screams loudly enough about them. Because if he doesn't, he WILL hurt the economy...less then 18 months before election day.
He will make some pathetic claim that they have worked and Mexico is doing much better...when they probably did nothing.

Just like when Trump promised to pull ALL U.S. troops out of Syria - but now hundreds will stay for years - his word means nothing.

Dang but he is a useless prick.
Yep, making Americans pay more for Mexican products like foods and car parts and tequila will sure hurt them hard.

Pity that your liberal indoctrination failed to teach you how to make or grow anything. Especially moonshine - going to be a long, dry hard summer without your tequila!
Actually, Henry, I don't drink alcohol. Not against it, just don't like it, and really hate when people need chemicals to feel good or 'like a man'. But that aside, I do drive cars and eat tomatos and strawberries. But that's not the point either actually. What has immigration got to do with trade? It's like comparing apples to crankshafts.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?

Great, so you still don't have a fricken clue.
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

I don't know if this was the wisest move just as I don't know if a lot of the President's thinking outside the box initiatives are the wisest move. But I think he had to do something, and since Congress won't act, this was pretty much the only tool he has at his disposal.

The Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed, and can't do their jobs effectively because of the tens of thousands already here that they have to take care of. And Mexico is doing nothing to help, in fact seem to be helping the migrants. We'll see how it turns out.
Trump is a first-class coward...almost always all talk and no action. And the only time he does action - it is usually wrong.

He will almost certainly back off these tariffs once Wall Street screams loudly enough about them. Because if he doesn't, he WILL hurt the economy...less then 18 months before election day.
He will make some pathetic claim that they have worked and Mexico is doing much better...when they probably did nothing.

Just like when Trump promised to pull ALL U.S. troops out of Syria - but now hundreds will stay for years - his word means nothing.

Dang but he is a useless prick.

Trump is many things but above all else Trump is the consummate 'con man'

I recall Jim Jones the cult leader of Jonestown infamy.

That is basically what we have currently in The White House but this is on a world wide/global scale.

Trump is taking anyone that is willing (his base) and those opposed (hostages) down a dark path.

OK everyone; drink that Kool-Aid ............ we're getting close & the Congressmen are about to show up ........
during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

What a surprise, the best you got is a "funny" icon. How about getting back to us when you have a fricken clue.

it's called an 'emoji' ............... not a "funny" icon ............

I already posted what will happen if Trump continues on this path:
US companies will
(1) pass the import (tariff) costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers @ US production plants
(3) close US production plants
(4) catching on, yet?

Great, so you still don't have a fricken clue.

No, you don't have an inkling
Trump is a first-class coward...almost always all talk and no action. And the only time he does action - it is usually wrong.

He will almost certainly back off these tariffs once Wall Street screams loudly enough about them. Because if he doesn't, he WILL hurt the economy...less then 18 months before election day.
He will make some pathetic claim that they have worked and Mexico is doing much better...when they probably did nothing.

Just like when Trump promised to pull ALL U.S. troops out of Syria - but now hundreds will stay for years - his word means nothing.

Dang but he is a useless prick.

Trump is many things but above all else Trump is the consummate 'con man'

I recall Jim Jones the cult leader of Jonestown infamy.

That is basically what we have currently in The White House but this is on a world wide/global scale.

Trump is taking anyone that is willing (his base) and those opposed (hostages) down a dark path.

OK everyone; drink that Kool-Aid ............ we're getting close & the Congressmen are about to show up ........
The Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism you silly little fucker
"According to a GOP senate aide, the vast majority of Republican senators found out about Trump's new Mexican tariffs from his tweets."
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

I don't know if this was the wisest move just as I don't know if a lot of the President's thinking outside the box initiatives are the wisest move. But I think he had to do something, and since Congress won't act, this was pretty much the only tool he has at his disposal.

The Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed, and can't do their jobs effectively because of the tens of thousands already here that they have to take care of. And Mexico is doing nothing to help, in fact seem to be helping the migrants. We'll see how it turns out.
Foxfyre, do you remember when Trump told Feinstein he would pass her immigrtion plan on camera, then backed out when he found he could use immigration as a weapon, and McConnell wouldn't let the plan come to the floor? Nah, probably not, since it was about a year ago...about a thousand 'crises' ago. But some HAVE tried to bring up a plan for debate. Congress not acting on immigration is exactly what Trump wants, so using Congress' inaction as Trump's excuse is a circle-jerk.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And, what brand name would that American made TV that you see all the time at Walmart, be? I am curious, since no TV's have been built tin America in decades.
------------------------------------- if People in the USA want to let their desire for a new 'tv' or avocados rule over their common sense then so be it VS !! [as i have said in the past , USA is going to heck anyway so let that 'tv' be the last straw , ok with me VS]
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

I don't know if this was the wisest move just as I don't know if a lot of the President's thinking outside the box initiatives are the wisest move. But I think he had to do something, and since Congress won't act, this was pretty much the only tool he has at his disposal.

The Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed, and can't do their jobs effectively because of the tens of thousands already here that they have to take care of. And Mexico is doing nothing to help, in fact seem to be helping the migrants. We'll see how it turns out.
Foxfyre, do you remember when Trump told Feinstein he would pass her immigrtion plan on camera, then backed out when he found he could use immigration as a weapon, and McConnell wouldn't let the plan come to the floor? Nah, probably not, since it was about a year ago...about a thousand 'crises' ago. But some HAVE tried to bring up a plan for debate. Congress not acting on immigration is exactly what Trump wants, so using Congress' inaction as Trump's excuse is a circle-jerk.
You do realize that the country and federal government are not one in the same?
and USA can restart bUilding tv in the USA or buy more tv outside the USA . I don't care about TV or avocados VS .

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