Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

The troops in Europe are there to defend Europe...why not let them defend this nation instead?

Fucking bite me, pussies like you that have never done a fucking thing for the country but talk shit from behind your computers are a dime a dozen

Struck a nerve, have I? By paying a few cents more because of the tariffs on Mexico, I am doing far more for this country than you are willing to do.

When shit gets real, people like you run for the hills instead of trying to help this country become a better, more secure place.

Why send troops to the border when we can do to Mexico what we did to Soviet Russia in the 1980's? Remember how that worked? We used our superior economic power to cause their eventual collapse. Mexico knows better than to anger a key, economically superior trading partner.

But go ahead. Run away and hide. Take your money and your false pride with you.

If Mexico were engaged in an arms race it couldn't afford, your comparison might be valid.
Markets around the world are already falling...

Markets go down and markets go up.

So what?

As the old saying goes without pain there is no gain. Trump is just doing what should have been done decades ago. However we've had a nation that was run by a bunch of assholes that were motivated only by re election instead of the good of the nation. Trump is playing to win the whole game, not just a single play. You can't beat a long game strategy with a short game mentally. One of these days people are gonna finally realize that Trump isn't screwing around, he's playing hard ball and he's playing to WIN! And to hell with politics as usual.
So he is going to tax the American people until Mexico does something which they probably can't do anyway... Actually it is not Mexico issue to secure US borders...

If he was really interested in illegal immigration, he would look at where the demand is coming from:
  • Unstable Societies due to the influx of US black money and guns for an illegal substance
  • Dysfunctional visa program which deprives farmers of cheap labour
The thing is free trade would enhance the Mexico economy, added with a drug policy which vastly reduces the drug trade would make the illegal immigration. But these would involve:
  • Proper Gun Laws
  • Drug Policy
  • Sane Immigration Policy
None of this is red meat to his base. Why? Cause it could actually solve the problem.

What his solution? A Wall. It looks good but is ineffective. Thats really good cause Big Business can still able to get a workforce they can bully and give no rights too.

You they fell for the Trump Con...
The walls surrounding Nancy's and HRC's and Maxine Waters mansions are doing what they were intended to do.
Why don't you learn basic english writing skills before posting your streams of diarrea?
The troops in Europe are there to defend Europe...why not let them defend this nation instead?

Fucking bite me, pussies like you that have never done a fucking thing for the country but talk shit from behind your computers are a dime a dozen

Struck a nerve, have I? By paying a few cents more because of the tariffs on Mexico, I am doing far more for this country than you are willing to do.

When shit gets real, people like you run for the hills instead of trying to help this country become a better, more secure place.

Why send troops to the border when we can do to Mexico what we did to Soviet Russia in the 1980's? Remember how that worked? We used our superior economic power to cause their eventual collapse. Mexico knows better than to anger a key, economically superior trading partner.

But go ahead. Run away and hide. Take your money and your false pride with you.

You know the guy who the righties tell us beat the soviets actually believed in an open border...

You're looking a bit stupid...
"90% of the Drugs coming into the United States come through Mexico & our Southern Border. 80,000 people died last year, 1,000,000 people ruined. This has gone on for many years & nothing has been done about it. We have a 100 Billion Dollar Trade Deficit with Mexico. It’s time!

In order not to pay Tariffs, if they start rising, companies will leave Mexico, which has taken 30% of our Auto Industry, and come back home to the USA. Mexico must take back their country from the drug lords and cartels. The Tariff is about stopping drugs as well as illegals!" - Trump
i feel sheer joy. this is euphoric! EUPHORIC! GO TRUMP GO!

So glad your big government statist self is getting all aroused by this.

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LOL he used the "s" word!

Don't you sound smart?


Don't make me call you out for the fake libertarian you are, Gator.

Oh look, the guy with a 1st grade knowledge of economics

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Hispanics are not homogenous. blacks and mexicans hate each other. haitians and dominicans hate each other. whites and puerto ricans hate each other. and no one likes the Cubans!
being strong on immigration doesn't require bravery, it requires Republicans not being idiots
Latino immigrants who come to america have a higher rate of unmarried births than even black people, causing a raft of social problems that the media never stop talking about, but they never address the root of the problem


I meant a real link, not a menopausal hot flash. Something factual,


Blacks: 67/57 ~ 1.2
Whites: 27/10 ~ 2.7
Hispanic: 39/24 ~ 1.6
W+H: 2.7/1.6 ~ 1.7
W+B: 2,7/1,2 ~ 2,2

=> the problem not to marry and to have a child - if this is a real problem at all - grew under "whites" much more (Factor 1+2/3) than under "hispanics" during the last 56 years. And also compared with "blacks" was the dynamic in the "white" population much more drastic (Factor: 1+5/4).

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I meant a real link, not a menopausal hot flash. Something factual,


i'm supposed to be impressed by that? HA! nice try!

No, but when asked for a link to your bullshit assertion, you should do more than an outer-wingnut opinion jam. Did you think an Ann Coulter video would impress anyone?

BTW, you were wrong. Do you want to correct yourself?

i am never wrong. I AM GOD!

Why are you fucking the farmers in Arkansas and Missouri, God? They piss you off?

I'd think an upright, bipedal, hairless Deity could do better than Ann Coulter for a link. You're half the God you used to be.
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Mexico has facilitated the flow of illegal immigrants into America for DECADES because it benefits them tremendously. They owe us a ton, a 5% tariff doesn't even make a dent in what they have extracted from us. More to come. BTW doesn't Mexico have a new President? Amway? Alpo? Something like that. Geez that guy is more camera shy than Mueller.
You have no idea what the fuck you are even saying. It just sounds good like someone on Fox News would tell you, but it isn’t based on actual facts.
I know exactly what I am saying because I have lived near the Mexican border for decades and also traveled extensively in Mexico. You on the other hand are an over-emotional under-informed Liberal who lacks understanding on just about everything.
“He will fulfill this promise. It’s going to be 5%. It’s going to have an escalator if they don’t take it seriously. I think he’s going to get their attention, just like he has with China. Tariffs work, if you have patience at the plate.” “There will be an adjustment in the system. It’s a little bit of tough love. There may be some growing pains with this, but it really has reached a crisis point where he has to act." - Don Jr
any bad law can be repealed. Obamacare can be repealed. roe v wade will be overturned.

but amnesty lives forever!
we need to take in immigrants who are better than us, not those who are worse. these folks from somalia and wherever are illiterate in their own languages, let alone ours!
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
He has tried but members of his own party blocked him, and liberal judges. There are one of two things that will happen with these tariffs. Either Mexico will close their border, or jobs will leave Mexico and come here. Either way is a win for us.

If trade with Mexico is inhibited many US companies will
(1) pass the import costs on to the US consumer
(2) lay off workers
(3) close production plants
(4) you get the idea ..........

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