Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
Here's the deal.

President Trump and his economic advisers know that as a result of those increasing tariffs and the consequent higher prices on Mexican goods and services, Americans will buy fewer and fewer goods and services from Mexico, which will squeeze Mexico. Seventy-six and one half (76.5) percent of Mexico's export sales are the direct result of trade with America. Eventually, it will crush the Mexican economy. What could possibly replace the American markets the Mexicans now enjoy so close to their country? Only fifteen and nine-tenths of one (15.9) percent of America's export sales come from Mexico. Mexico needs America far more than America needs Mexico.

Mexico's Top Trading Partners
Mexico’s Top Trading Partners

America's Top Trading Partners
America’s Top Trading Partners

Sure, some things will temporarily cost more in America as a result of these tariffs, but this will only drive America to find other sources for these goods and service or produce them here. Ultimately, if properly applied, and not interfered with/watered down by leftist Democrats, these tariffs should force the leaders of Mexico to come to their senses, close their borders to illegal alien invaders entering from the south and exiting to the north (America), and then resume their profitable trade with America.

Finally, this is what is most important. Americans should be paying higher prices anyway for buying foreign merchandise when in most cases they could be buying American made goods. By the way we need to get the White Pride Enterprises thing going so we can stop buying from the enemy all of the time.

Always Remember it's America First!

Buy American
Hire American

White Pride Enterprises?

So, that is like a whites only, gay thing?
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
Here's the deal.

President Trump and his economic advisers know that as a result of those increasing tariffs and the consequent higher prices on Mexican goods and services, Americans will buy fewer and fewer goods and services from Mexico, which will squeeze Mexico. Seventy-six and one half (76.5) percent of Mexico's export sales are the direct result of trade with America. Eventually, it will crush the Mexican economy. What could possibly replace the American markets the Mexicans now enjoy so close to their country? Only fifteen and nine-tenths of one (15.9) percent of America's export sales come from Mexico. Mexico needs America far more than America needs Mexico.

Mexico's Top Trading Partners
Mexico’s Top Trading Partners

America's Top Trading Partners
America’s Top Trading Partners

Sure, some things will temporarily cost more in America as a result of these tariffs, but this will only drive America to find other sources for these goods and service or produce them here. Ultimately, if properly applied, and not interfered with/watered down by leftist Democrats, these tariffs should force the leaders of Mexico to come to their senses, close their borders to illegal alien invaders entering from the south and exiting to the north (America), and then resume their profitable trade with America.

Finally, this is what is most important. Americans should be paying higher prices anyway for buying foreign merchandise when in most cases they could be buying American made goods. By the way we need to get the White Pride Enterprises thing going so we can stop buying from the enemy all of the time.

Always Remember it's America First!

Buy American
Hire American

White Pride Enterprises?

So, that is like a whites only, gay thing?
And despite the tariffs...which WILL damage the economy for certain...Trump has still not done anything about those Americans who hire illegals.

An idiot can see that the best way to stop illegals stealing US jobs is to take away the jobs they can have by giving massive fines/jail sentences to those Americans hiring them.

But Trump - the fucking coward - won't do that because SO many greedy Republicans use illegal immigrants.


Just republicans, not dims hire illegals right? Maybe if the dims would back the wall and other means of blocking illegals and deportation, we would be able to get a grip on the problem. It didn’t start with Don.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Of course Dems hire them...but why the fuck would Trump care about them?


Try thinking before you type.
Here's what the left doesn't understand because -- It doesn't want to.

Let's say a Country like China or Mexico is shipping us a product that sells for $100 landed.

Then, let's say Trump gets pissed and slaps the cheating bastards with a 10% tariff.

We bought the product at $100 because it was affordable and competitively priced.

At $100 + 10% ($110)?

Not so much. We'll by it domestically or from another exporter. So, if the Country being hit with the tariff wants to remain competitive and wants to sell its product......?? Guess what!!???

dimocraps needn't try to answer. You are way too stupid. So don't even try.

That product they were selling for $100 earlier? They have to lower the price or, guess what? Again, dimocraps just need to stay away.

If you said, "They ain't gonna sell none. Or much." You win a prize. Also, they're usually under contract to deliver their product for such and such a price. With a tariff added, they need to eat that increase.

That means they take it in the pants. Their Profit Margin goes to shit.

Does the end user sometimes have to pay more? Certainly but not anything like dimocrap scum are saying. But the offending Country gets hurt MUCH worse than the end user. Just a fact. ...

Your theory is ... fascinating ... nevertheless I don't think Mercedes - the best and eldest car manufacturer of the world - and often attacked from Donaldo Trumpo without any reason to do so - is an offending country and I don't think they will sell an Mercedes for the price of a biscuit.

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Thanks to the DOW being down over 250 points Pre-Market...the DOW has now gained not one point since the beginning of 2018.

Almost 17 months of trading and this 'greatest economy ever' has a DOW that is stuck in the mud.

So...other then his first calendar year in office. The Dow has done NOTHING...NOTHING AT ALL.

Way to go Donnie Moron and your stupid, tariff policy from the 1930's...useless prick.
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Hilarious how the Leftards are squealing that the tariff costs will be passed down to Americans while at the same time they scream tax the rich and tax corporations.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are doing then you may close your country. And the wages of Amazon for example in Germany are lousy - if not illegal at all. The same time Amazon for example seems to be a kind of industrial spy, specialized to destroy and to overtake good business ideas of people from the middle class.

I guess not others make your problems - you make your problems on your own. And you cause for lots of others in the world problems too.

On the other side: Donald Trump is the most amusing president you ever had. A rarity. The only reason why we Germans don't laugh about him is we had laughed once about Hitler too. Not a good idea to laugh before the book is read to the last page. Sure a very interesting story, because no one has any plan about what will happen sooner or later. We could call it "experimental politics". Ah yea - and don't forget to take your soldiers and your ambassador home. This migrants are here totally lost, because they do not speak any word German.

We could, in theory, demand that those companies pay more in taxes. And they could easily pay them.

If Huawei survives the very heavy unjustified attack of the USA - and I'm sure they will survive - then you may be sure they never will buy or sell in any future any equipment in the USA.

All they'd have to do is lay off several thousand employees.

You are an idiot, aren't you? Exactly what you say here is the US-American problem. Why should someone spend a lot of money to qualify co-workers and fire them?

But your Frankfurt School of thinking isn't sophisticated enough to factor that in, is it?


I understand you better than you understand yourself. Go away.

Sure. God knows everything but you are an US-American - you know more better.

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Thanks to the DOW being down over 250 points Pre-Market...the DOW has now gained not one point since the beginning of 2018.

Almost 17 months of trading and this 'greatest economy ever' has a DOW that is stuck in the mud.

Way to go Donnie Moron...useless prick.
Trump is trying so hard to slow the economy down. He wants to go to war with everyone. That's what happens when one doesnt know history!!!
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"On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied, at which time the Tariffs will be removed. Details from the White House to follow"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump announces tariffs on Mexico over immigration
Van Halen was hot for teacher, I'm hot for Trump!
Let's get Constitutional! Show us the express immigration clause.
'Already having laid off the highest number of employees in nearly a decade and attempting to recover from a year in which declining global car sales likely reduced world GDP by 0.2%, the auto industry is facing a direct hit from President Trump's threatened tariffs on all goods from Mexico.

Why it matters: Mexico recently became the No. 1 trading partner with the U.S., and a significant percentage of that trade is completed by auto companies. Much of the "trade" is American auto companies exchanging parts, goods and services within entities they own, Deutsche Bank Securities chief economist Torsten Slok pointed out in a note to clients Thursday night.

  • "Trade with Mexico is basically all about the supply chain, which essentially is all about cars."
Driving the news: Trump said the U.S. would add 5% tariffs on all Mexican imports "until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP," in a tweet Thursday night.

  • The White House followed up saying that if the "crisis" at the border isn't resolved, tariffs on Mexican goods will rise by 5 percentage points each month, as high as 25% on Oct. 1.
"The auto industry was already facing trouble," as ratings agency Fitch's chief economist Brian Coulton and analyst Pawel Borowski wrote in a report released Tuesday.

  • "The risk of increased tariffs on global auto trade remains real and would be a significant drag on global GDP if it were to materialize."
  • "The global nature of auto production makes the sector particularly vulnerable to an increase in tariffs."
The big picture: In addition to hurting consumers and company bottom lines, the tariffs are likely to impact jobs.

  • The auto industry is in the midst of a "significant shift," outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported earlier this month, as automakers face changing consumer demands and the implementation of automation.
  • The industry announced 19,802 job cuts through April. That is 207% higher than announced through the same period last year.
  • The total announced cuts for the first four months of this year is the highest since 2009, when 101,036 cuts were announced in the auto sector through April.
American companies have fared particularly poorly, exemplified by Ford’s May 20 announcement that it would cut 10% of its salaried workforce. Six months earlier, General Motors announced the closure of five plants and 14,000 job cuts. Tesla announced over 3,000 job cuts in January.'

Trump's Mexico tariffs could decimate the auto industry while it's most vulnerable

What a loser Trump is.
Mr. Bankruptcy is in love with tariffs...a trade policy that was proven disastrous way back in the 1920's. Everyone learned but this turd.

But...knowing the coward that he is. He will probably back off of them and claim Mexico is doing fine when Wall Street starts screaming at him.

Donnie Little Mushroom Head...the King of the Cowards.

All action...unless it is the wrong action.
The cartels get a percentage of EVERY fucking thing smuggled into the US. Drugs......children for the sex trade........guns you name it.The cartels pay off the politicians and the judges and the cops and the military.
The cartels are NOT going to be pleased with President Trump.
I’d buy a Huawei phone in a heartbeat, if only to troll the protectionists and economic retards
"Mexico has taken advantage of the United States for decades. Because of the Dems, our Immigration Laws are BAD. Mexico makes a FORTUNE from the U.S., have for decades, they can easily fix this problem. Time for them to finally do what must be done!

Hard to believe that with the Crisis on the Border, the Dems won’t do the quick and easy fix. Would solve the problem but they want Open Borders, which equals crime!" - Trump
'Already having Wh\at's with a\ll the fucing moda\l verbslaid off the highest number of employees in nearly a decade and attempting to recover from a year in which declining global car sales likely reduced world GDP by 0.2%, the auto industry is facing a direct hit from President Trump's threatened tariffs on all goods from Mexico.

Why it matters: Mexico recently became the No. 1 trading partner with the U.S., and a significant percentage of that trade is completed by auto companies. Much of the "trade" is American auto companies exchanging parts, goods and services within entities they own, Deutsche Bank Securities chief economist Torsten Slok pointed out in a note to clients Thursday night.

  • "Trade with Mexico is basically all about the supply chain, which essentially is all about cars."
Driving the news: Trump said the U.S. would add 5% tariffs on all Mexican imports "until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP," in a tweet Thursday night.

  • The White House followed up saying that if the "crisis" at the border isn't resolved, tariffs on Mexican goods will rise by 5 percentage points each month, as high as 25% on Oct. 1.
"The auto industry was already facing trouble," as ratings agency Fitch's chief economist Brian Coulton and analyst Pawel Borowski wrote in a report released Tuesday.

  • "The risk of increased tariffs on global auto trade remains real and would be a significant drag on global GDP if it were to materialize."
  • "The global nature of auto production makes the sector particularly vulnerable to an increase in tariffs."
The big picture: In addition to hurting consumers and company bottom lines, the tariffs are likely to impact jobs.

  • The auto industry is in the midst of a "significant shift," outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported earlier this month, as automakers face changing consumer demands and the implementation of automation.
  • The industry announced 19,802 job cuts through April. That is 207% higher than announced through the same period last year.
  • The total announced cuts for the first four months of this year is the highest since 2009, when 101,036 cuts were announced in the auto sector through April.
American companies have fared particularly poorly, exemplified by Ford’s May 20 announcement that it would cut 10% of its salaried workforce. Six months earlier, General Motors announced the closure of five plants and 14,000 job cuts. Tesla announced over 3,000 job cuts in January.'

Trump's Mexico tariffs could decimate the auto industry while it's most vulnerable

What a loser Trump is.
Mr. Bankruptcy is in love with tariffs...a trade policy that was proven disastrous way back in the 1920's. Everyone learned but this turd.

But...knowing the coward that he is. He will probably back off of them and claim Mexico is doing fine when Wall Street starts screaming at him.

Donnie Little Mushroom Head...the King of the Cowards.

All action...unless it is the wrong action.
What's with all the fucking modal verbs? Could/might/may/will/would and so on. Clearly, you have nothing as we're enjoying peace and prosperity under the best president we've had since Reagan, maybe Washington.

Pre-emptive whining is just that.

This president means business and folks like China, Iran and Mexico are finding it out the hard way. Do not mess with the USA!

Trump announces new Mexican tariffs in response to migrants

I don't support the China tariffs, but I do think this is a good idea.
Why is that?

Reuters Top News‏ Verified account @Reuters

JUST IN: Mexico's President Lopez Obrador asks Trump to have U.S. officials meet with the Mexican foreign minister in Washington on Friday to seek a solution that benefits both nations
Trump does like him some tariffs.
Trump is putting himself in a very weak negotiating position with Mexico with these tariffs. The Mexican Government appears to want their people and others from Central America to migrate to the US via Mexico. They put zero effort in stemming the flow.

The worse part- he is using a tax against American workers to solve the illegal immigration problem.

I can’t see myself voting for a democrat, but if there is a viable 3rd party candidate in 2020, I will look very closely at them.
Latino immigrants who come to america have a higher rate of unmarried births than even black people, causing a raft of social problems that the media never stop talking about, but they never address the root of the problem

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