Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

This is a legal and economic matter, not an excuse for racist idiots to show the world what losers they are. All these little racist cockroaches are dancing on the kitchen floor right now, but sooner or later someone is going to turn on the lights and they’re not going to be able to scurry away soon enough. This is just the kind of weak hateful idiot that will be back here crying and whining that somebody read something on the Internet and it affected his pointless job or that someone criticizes him publicly for being a racist. What a load of bullshit.
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration
Yep, making Americans pay more for Mexican products like foods and car parts and tequila will sure hurt them hard.
Americans should be buying American anyway. Who would want to buy Mexican car parts?

General Motors uses Mexican made parts for their new cars.

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Let me make the example easy for the rubes.

12 pack of Corona in Denver cost $15. After the tariffs, more like $16.

12 pack of Corona in Mexico City before tariff. $15. After the tariff . $15.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

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I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

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Hit Mexico in the wallet and maybe they will do something about their people illegally crossing the border.

Money talks.
Let me make the example easy for the rubes.

12 pack of Corona in Denver cost $15. After the tariffs, more like $16.

12 pack of Corona in Mexico City before tariff. $15. After the tariff . $15.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

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I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

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Oh by the way "Lenovo" (Chinese company) produces in Whitsett, North Carolina, Tabletts and PCs too. Nearly no one, who has such a PC or Tablett has any idea about that it is "made in the USA". I guess we Germans are by the way not able any longer to sell our products in China, which the owners of our companies let produce in the USA. And Huawei for example bought from the USA for 30 billions every year. Now you don't have this money any longer - but you have to pay to your farmers billions. Soon you will have to pay ot the region on the Mexican border too, isn't it? What a luck Donald Trump is a self-defined genius and "in Trump the USA trusts" - otherwise I had not any idea how this could help your country. Ah - I forgot - Mexico will pay now for the wall of Trump ... - or are it US-Americans, who still will pay? ... and is the USA now unamerican? Lots of questions - and so many not-answers. Don't forget to bring your soldiers home.

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And despite the tariffs...which WILL damage the economy for certain...Trump has still not done anything about those Americans who hire illegals.

An idiot can see that the best way to stop illegals stealing US jobs is to take away the jobs they can have by giving massive fines/jail sentences to those Americans hiring them.

But Trump - the fucking coward - won't do that because SO many greedy Republicans use illegal immigrants.

And despite the tariffs...which WILL damage the economy for certain...Trump has still not done anything about those Americans who hire illegals.

An idiot can see that the best way to stop illegals stealing US jobs is to take away the jobs they can have by giving massive fines/jail sentences to those Americans hiring them.

But Trump - the fucking coward - won't do that because SO many greedy Republicans use illegal immigrants.


Just republicans, not dims hire illegals right? Maybe if the dims would back the wall and other means of blocking illegals and deportation, we would be able to get a grip on the problem. It didn’t start with Don.

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Let me make the example easy for the rubes.

12 pack of Corona in Denver cost $15. After the tariffs, more like $16.

12 pack of Corona in Mexico City before tariff. $15. After the tariff . $15.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

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I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..

I’m seeing them all the time for about $500 for 65’ at Walmart. I don’t need one currently, but paid about $800 for a smaller one years ago.

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Those are not made in America being sold at Walmart

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"On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied, at which time the Tariffs will be removed. Details from the White House to follow"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump announces tariffs on Mexico over immigration
Van Halen was hot for teacher, I'm hot for Trump!

It is as if he is doing everything in his power to crash the economy before the next election
No that was black jesus. Trump is trying to keep illegals out.
Hilarious how the Leftards are squealing that the tariff costs will be passed down to Americans while at the same time they scream tax the rich and tax corporations.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are doing then you may close your country. And the wages of Amazon for example in Germany are lousy - if not illegal at all. The same time Amazon for example seems to be a kind of industrial spy, specialized to destroy and to overtake good business ideas of people from the middle class.

I guess not others make your problems - you make your problems on your own. And you cause for lots of others in the world problems too.

On the other side: Donald Trump is the most amusing president you ever had. A rarity. The only reason why we Germans don't laugh about him is we had laughed once about Hitler too. Not a good idea to laugh before the book is read to the last page. Sure a very interesting story, because no one has any plan about what will happen sooner or later. We could call it "experimental politics". Ah yea - and don't forget to take your soldiers and your ambassador home. This migrants are here totally lost, because they do not speak any word German.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are

I’m all for not paying taxes like Amazon and GM.
The troops in Europe are there to defend Europe...why not let them defend this nation instead?

Fucking bite me, pussies like you that have never done a fucking thing for the country but talk shit from behind your computers are a dime a dozen

Struck a nerve, have I? By paying a few cents more because of the tariffs on Mexico, I am doing far more for this country than you are willing to do.

When shit gets real, people like you run for the hills instead of trying to help this country become a better, more secure place.

Why send troops to the border when we can do to Mexico what we did to Soviet Russia in the 1980's? Remember how that worked? We used our superior economic power to cause their eventual collapse. Mexico knows better than to anger a key, economically superior trading partner.

But go ahead. Run away and hide. Take your money and your false pride with you.

What a fucking think that being willing to pay a "few cents more" is doing something for your country. I bet you are one of the morons that think paying your taxes makes you a patriot.

Everyone is paying a few more cents, not just you. You are not doing a damn thing different than anyone else in the country.
What a fucking think that being willing to pay a "few cents more" is doing something for your country.

We’ll file that under TAX CORPORATIONS MORE
Hey stupid . Americans pay the tariff .

Only if you buy Mexican goods.



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No not wrong...


They are clearly marked even the car parts .

Buy American...avoid the tariff.


Yep. Right there on the front brake rotor is says “Made in Mexico.”

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That's right dude.... I buy my replacement parts right down the street from a small factory that employs people from the area. Citizens by the way. My brake parts say made in America asshole. I'll make one concession to you my front end parts are Canadian Moog. They're very expensive but they're the best that can be had anywhere.

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