Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

tariffs are a form of economic nationalism!

Tariffs are a form economic blackmail that the victim pays instead of the guilty.

Right, which is exactly why China countered our tariffs with tariffs of their own. Liberals need a brain transplant.

Ah, DBA, When China retaliates, we not only pay more for Chinese goods, we sell, and produce less ourselves, which costs us jobs. Econ 101 wasn't required at your college?

Duh, which is exactly why Trump imposed the tariffs in the first place. We are in a much better position to "weather the storm" thanks to our very strong economy and the fact that China imports many more goods into the US than we export to China. If production pipelines are moved from China to other countries(which is already happening) China will be devastated in the long run. China doesn't have the production pipelines in the US to move. The point I was making was that China imposed tariffs in response because that negatively affects our economy. The point being, tariffs do hurt the country who produces goods to which they wish to import. You guys are simpletons and if they taught you that crap in your Econ 101, then you need to apply for tuition reimbursement.

Yep. Just as I thought they did NOT require Econ 101 at your college.

Well his degree could be from Tramp University!:21::21::21::21:
Mexico has facilitated the flow of illegal immigrants into America for DECADES because it benefits them tremendously. They owe us a ton, a 5% tariff doesn't even make a dent in what they have extracted from us. More to come. BTW doesn't Mexico have a new President? Amway? Alpo? Something like that. Geez that guy is more camera shy than Mueller.
Mexico has facilitated the flow of illegal immigrants into America for DECADES because it benefits them tremendously. They owe us a ton, a 5% tariff doesn't even make a dent in what they have extracted from us. More to come. BTW doesn't Mexico have a new President? Amway? Alpo? Something like that. Geez that guy is more camera shy than Mueller.
You have no idea what the fuck you are even saying. It just sounds good like someone on Fox News would tell you, but it isn’t based on actual facts.
Markets around the world are already falling...

And they'll come back up. Great buying opportunity tomorrow
Sooner or later it's gonna be one blow too many.

With $22 trillion in debt and counting I don’t disagree with you, but you guys don’t care about that.

The National Debt is not a problem...we have gone over this before.

The US government's $19 trillion debt isn't a problem

Reuters/file 2011
Warren Buffett says the federal deficit is less of a problem than it’s made out to be.

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Billionaire Warren Buffett believes the federal deficit should be stabilized in relation to U.S. economic growth, but that the nation’s $16.4 trillion in red ink is not trouble in and of itself.

“It is not a good thing to have it going up in relation to GDP, that should be stabilized, but the debt itself is not a problem,” the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A, +0.34% said in an interview broadcast Sunday on the CBS “Sunday Morning” news show.

The National Debt: Why Fret Over Something That Doesn't Exist?
If it exists, how was the government able to pay back $94 trillion last year alone?

The public is lied to when it comes to the so-called national debt. They're clueless about it, as are most, if not all, of our lawmakers.

First off, there is no debt. The debt is dollars. The government spent $20 trillion more than it took away in taxes over the last 240 years, and those dollars, held by the non-government, comprise a big portion of the non-government's wealth. Nothing is "owed." It's owned, by us, the people.

Second, there is nothing to pay back. The money was paid, ended up in someone's bank account and now it's being held in the form of Treasuries. What's a Treasury? A Treasury is a dollar, the only difference being it's a dollar with a term (duration) and a coupon (interest payment). Why would people hold dollars in the form of Treasuries? To earn some interest, that's all. It's like saying, why would you put your money in a savings account as opposed to a checking account? Same reason, to earn interest. If you want it back in your checking account, you tell your bank and it switches it back from your savings account to your checking account.

The national debt: why fret over something that doesn't exist?
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Mexico has facilitated the flow of illegal immigrants into America for DECADES because it benefits them tremendously. They owe us a ton, a 5% tariff doesn't even make a dent in what they have extracted from us. More to come. BTW doesn't Mexico have a new President? Amway? Alpo? Something like that. Geez that guy is more camera shy than Mueller.
You have no idea what the fuck you are even saying. It just sounds good like someone on Fox News would tell you, but it isn’t based on actual facts.

What the fuck are you talking about? when is the last time you sent money via western union?
Mexico has facilitated the flow of illegal immigrants into America for DECADES because it benefits them tremendously. They owe us a ton, a 5% tariff doesn't even make a dent in what they have extracted from us. More to come. BTW doesn't Mexico have a new President? Amway? Alpo? Something like that. Geez that guy is more camera shy than Mueller.
You have no idea what the fuck you are even saying. It just sounds good like someone on Fox News would tell you, but it isn’t based on actual facts.

If you did, you would see the biggest stack of forms is in Spanish. But then, maybe you dont live in California, or maybe you dont send people money. And thats not from Fox news, its from reality. Mexico is much much better off sending their poor to live here where they dont have to deal with them, and as a bonus they send billions back in US money. Please tell us about the actual facts you are sitting on.

Survey: Most Mexico-Bound Cash Remittances Sent by Undocumented Workers
Let me make the example easy for the rubes.

12 pack of Corona in Denver cost $15. After the tariffs, more like $16.

12 pack of Corona in Mexico City before tariff. $15. After the tariff . $15.
------------------------------- so buy American Beer Timmy .

Like what ?

Guinness. Mexican beer has piss in it. Everyone knows that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I would appreciate your telling me where I can buy an American made TV set. I mean one that was produced after 1972, and costs less than double what they charge at Walmart..
Hilarious how the Leftards are squealing that the tariff costs will be passed down to Americans while at the same time they scream tax the rich and tax corporations.
"On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied, at which time the Tariffs will be removed. Details from the White House to follow"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump announces tariffs on Mexico over immigration
Van Halen was hot for teacher, I'm hot for Trump!

It is as if he is doing everything in his power to crash the economy before the next election
the economy is booming thanks to trump and no thanks to parasites on the left!

Fact: trump is riding Obama’s wave .

Only a true moron can believe that nonsense .
You idiots don’t realize AMERICANS will be paying the tariffs .
You, idiots, don't seem to realize that this is nothing more than a federal corporate and business tax.

Something you clowns scream about wanting each and every day.

The only real question I have is, what is Trump doing with this new found revenue? He better be paying down the debt with it.
Mexico? 5% tariffs now on all traded goods - 25% later? Congrats USA for this new trumpy problemolution. Oh by the way: What about a swap? We get your 2 good neighbors and you get our 9 direct neighbors - and the next 50 indirect neighbors too. This could ease your not existing problemolutions a lot. Oh by the way: You forgot to take your soldiers with you when you left Germany.

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Hilarious how the Leftards are squealing that the tariff costs will be passed down to Americans while at the same time they scream tax the rich and tax corporations.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are doing then you may close your country. And the wages of Amazon for example in Germany are lousy - if not illegal at all. The same time Amazon for example seems to be a kind of industrial spy, specialized to destroy and to overtake good business ideas of people from the middle class.

I guess not others make your problems - you make your problems on your own. And you cause for lots of others in the world problems too.

On the other side: Donald Trump is the most amusing president you ever had. A rarity. The only reason why we Germans don't laugh about him is we had laughed once about Hitler too. Not a good idea to laugh before the book is read to the last page. Sure a very interesting story, because no one has any plan about what will happen sooner or later. We could call it "experimental politics". Ah yea - and don't forget to take your soldiers and your ambassador home. This migrants are here totally lost, because they do not speak any word German.

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The troops in Europe are there to defend Europe...why not let them defend this nation instead?

Fucking bite me, pussies like you that have never done a fucking thing for the country but talk shit from behind your computers are a dime a dozen

Struck a nerve, have I? By paying a few cents more because of the tariffs on Mexico, I am doing far more for this country than you are willing to do.

When shit gets real, people like you run for the hills instead of trying to help this country become a better, more secure place.

Why send troops to the border when we can do to Mexico what we did to Soviet Russia in the 1980's? Remember how that worked? We used our superior economic power to cause their eventual collapse. Mexico knows better than to anger a key, economically superior trading partner.

But go ahead. Run away and hide. Take your money and your false pride with you.

What a fucking think that being willing to pay a "few cents more" is doing something for your country. I bet you are one of the morons that think paying your taxes makes you a patriot.

Everyone is paying a few more cents, not just you. You are not doing a damn thing different than anyone else in the country.
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