Breaking: Trump announces new tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until immigration is solved!

Here's what the left doesn't understand because -- It doesn't want to.

Let's say a Country like China or Mexico is shipping us a product that sells for $100 landed.

Then, let's say Trump gets pissed and slaps the cheating bastards with a 10% tariff.

We bought the product at $100 because it was affordable and competitively priced.

At $100 + 10% ($110)?

Not so much. We'll by it domestically or from another exporter. So, if the Country being hit with the tariff wants to remain competitive and wants to sell its product......?? Guess what!!???

dimocraps needn't try to answer. You are way too stupid. So don't even try.

That product they were selling for $100 earlier? They have to lower the price or, guess what? Again, dimocraps just need to stay away.

If you said, "They ain't gonna sell none. Or much." You win a prize. Also, they're usually under contract to deliver their product for such and such a price. With a tariff added, they need to eat that increase.

That means they take it in the pants. Their Profit Margin goes to shit.

Does the end user sometimes have to pay more? Certainly but not anything like dimocrap scum are saying. But the offending Country gets hurt MUCH worse than the end user. Just a fact.

dimocraps are just lying scumbags. They just simply are. All of them
Trump knows the best way to get corrupt left wing lawmakers attention is money. This is pressure.
Trump is a lobbyist for the American people
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.
Hilarious how the Leftards are squealing that the tariff costs will be passed down to Americans while at the same time they scream tax the rich and tax corporations.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are doing then you may close your country. And the wages of Amazon for example in Germany are lousy - if not illegal at all. The same time Amazon for example seems to be a kind of industrial spy, specialized to destroy and to overtake good business ideas of people from the middle class.

I guess not others make your problems - you make your problems on your own. And you cause for lots of others in the world problems too.

On the other side: Donald Trump is the most amusing president you ever had. A rarity. The only reason why we Germans don't laugh about him is we had laughed once about Hitler too. Not a good idea to laugh before the book is read to the last page. Sure a very interesting story, because no one has any plan about what will happen sooner or later. We could call it "experimental politics". Ah yea - and don't forget to take your soldiers and your ambassador home. This migrants are here totally lost, because they do not speak any word German.

We could, in theory, demand that those companies pay more in taxes. And they could easily pay them.

All they'd have to do is lay off several thousand employees.

But your Frankfurt School of thinking isn't sophisticated enough to factor that in, is it?

I understand you better than you understand yourself. Go away.
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

Yah, Trump wants to stop the illegals from coming in over the border. He flies his in and he hates competition.
Hey stupid . Americans pay the tariff .

Only if you're sufficiently unpatriotic to buy Mex rather than American.

Well seeing that our country depends on Mexican made products from produce to auto parts to oil but hey pay more at the store for everything.

Oh, before you preach about victory gardens just ask his do you grow Tomatoes in the winter and how many kids of today know how to grow anything except fungus on their brains.

In the end this will hurt the American consumer but celebrate...
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

Yah, Trump wants to stop the illegals from coming in over the border. He flies his in and he hates competition.
Even Sen Grassley says ,in other words, Trump is a schmuck But we all know that
Here's what the left doesn't understand because -- It doesn't want to.

Let's say a Country like China or Mexico is shipping us a product that sells for $100 landed.

Then, let's say Trump gets pissed and slaps the cheating bastards with a 10% tariff.

We bought the product at $100 because it was affordable and competitively priced.

At $100 + 10% ($110)?

Not so much. We'll by it domestically or from another exporter. So, if the Country being hit with the tariff wants to remain competitive and wants to sell its product......?? Guess what!!???

dimocraps needn't try to answer. You are way too stupid. So don't even try.

That product they were selling for $100 earlier? They have to lower the price or, guess what? Again, dimocraps just need to stay away.

If you said, "They ain't gonna sell none. Or much." You win a prize. Also, they're usually under contract to deliver their product for such and such a price. With a tariff added, they need to eat that increase.

That means they take it in the pants. Their Profit Margin goes to shit.

Does the end user sometimes have to pay more? Certainly but not anything like dimocrap scum are saying. But the offending Country gets hurt MUCH worse than the end user. Just a fact.

dimocraps are just lying scumbags. They just simply are. All of them

There are a few problems with your 1st grade attempt at economics.

1. Countries do not sell us thing, individual companies do. So the country is not paying jack.

2. Most things made in America cost more than 10% more than imports, thus the American product is still not less expensive.

3. Retailers will not raise the price of the product from Mexico by 10%. They will raise it by 3 to 5 percent and then bump up 20 or 30 other products by 1 or 2 percent to spread the cost around and not loose the market base for an individual product.

Sent from my iPhone using
Markets around the world are already falling...

And they'll come back up. Great buying opportunity tomorrow
Sooner or later it's gonna be one blow too many.

With $22 trillion in debt and counting I don’t disagree with you, but you guys don’t care about that.
Hey, it's your orange goD that just added a trillion and a half to it in record time.

When you start to care about that, let me know.
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.
Did anyone work with Jack the Ripper?
Here's what the left doesn't understand because -- It doesn't want to.

Let's say a Country like China or Mexico is shipping us a product that sells for $100 landed.

Then, let's say Trump gets pissed and slaps the cheating bastards with a 10% tariff.

We bought the product at $100 because it was affordable and competitively priced.

At $100 + 10% ($110)?

Not so much. We'll by it domestically or from another exporter. So, if the Country being hit with the tariff wants to remain competitive and wants to sell its product......?? Guess what!!???

dimocraps needn't try to answer. You are way too stupid. So don't even try.

That product they were selling for $100 earlier? They have to lower the price or, guess what? Again, dimocraps just need to stay away.

If you said, "They ain't gonna sell none. Or much." You win a prize. Also, they're usually under contract to deliver their product for such and such a price. With a tariff added, they need to eat that increase.

That means they take it in the pants. Their Profit Margin goes to shit.

Does the end user sometimes have to pay more? Certainly but not anything like dimocrap scum are saying. But the offending Country gets hurt MUCH worse than the end user. Just a fact.

dimocraps are just lying scumbags. They just simply are. All of them
Congrats on a garbled juxtaposed statement that sounds like you have a pirate talking disease. I am glad you like paying more but not when you buy Trump family products because Trump has never put those imports under tariffs. Hypocrite much?
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Hilarious how the Leftards are squealing that the tariff costs will be passed down to Americans while at the same time they scream tax the rich and tax corporations.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are doing then you may close your country. And the wages of Amazon for example in Germany are lousy - if not illegal at all. The same time Amazon for example seems to be a kind of industrial spy, specialized to destroy and to overtake good business ideas of people from the middle class.

I guess not others make your problems - you make your problems on your own. And you cause for lots of others in the world problems too.

On the other side: Donald Trump is the most amusing president you ever had. A rarity. The only reason why we Germans don't laugh about him is we had laughed once about Hitler too. Not a good idea to laugh before the book is read to the last page. Sure a very interesting story, because no one has any plan about what will happen sooner or later. We could call it "experimental politics". Ah yea - and don't forget to take your soldiers and your ambassador home. This migrants are here totally lost, because they do not speak any word German.

If everyone pays the same % of taxes as your superrich companies are

I’m all for not paying taxes like Amazon and GM.

Aha. And you work for them for nothing, I guess, because of your idealism.

Last edited:
Yes!!!! Way to go President Trump. Time to hit these pepper belly wetbacks hard! The browning of America must cease.

BREAKING: President Trump Hits Mexico With Tariffs Over Illegal Immigration

and guess what?

Just as soon as Trump goon made the Tweet, stock market futures TANKED.
Just think if liberals didn't stop Trump on every step to stop illegal immigration. He wouldn't have to do this. Maybe you should stop hating and work with him.

during the campaign Trump stated, "I will STOP illegal immigration" .............. he said that ............

he also said, "Mexico will pay for the wall"

Oh fuck ...........
Here's the deal.

President Trump and his economic advisers know that as a result of those increasing tariffs and the consequent higher prices on Mexican goods and services, Americans will buy fewer and fewer goods and services from Mexico, which will squeeze Mexico. Seventy-six and one half (76.5) percent of Mexico's export sales are the direct result of trade with America. Eventually, it will crush the Mexican economy. What could possibly replace the American markets the Mexicans now enjoy so close to their country? Only fifteen and nine-tenths of one (15.9) percent of America's export sales come from Mexico. Mexico needs America far more than America needs Mexico.

Mexico's Top Trading Partners
Mexico’s Top Trading Partners

America's Top Trading Partners
America’s Top Trading Partners

Sure, some things will temporarily cost more in America as a result of these tariffs, but this will only drive America to find other sources for these goods and service or produce them here. Ultimately, if properly applied, and not interfered with/watered down by leftist Democrats, these tariffs should force the leaders of Mexico to come to their senses, close their borders to illegal alien invaders entering from the south and exiting to the north (America), and then resume their profitable trade with America.

Finally, this is what is most important. Americans should be paying higher prices anyway for buying foreign merchandise when in most cases they could be buying American made goods. By the way we need to get the White Pride Enterprises thing going so we can stop buying from the enemy all of the time.

Always Remember it's America First!

Buy American
Hire American
Trump admits he can't fix the mess he created at the border & now demands Mexico fixes it.

How pathetic Trump has become. He can't do shit and blames everybody for his failures.

He is a worthless piece of shit that has duped ignorant fucking people unto thinking otherwise.
Markets around the world are already falling...

And they'll come back up. Great buying opportunity tomorrow
Sooner or later it's gonna be one blow too many.

With $22 trillion in debt and counting I don’t disagree with you, but you guys don’t care about that.

The National Debt is not a problem...we have gone over this before.

The US government's $19 trillion debt isn't a problem

Reuters/file 2011
Warren Buffett says the federal deficit is less of a problem than it’s made out to be.

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Billionaire Warren Buffett believes the federal deficit should be stabilized in relation to U.S. economic growth, but that the nation’s $16.4 trillion in red ink is not trouble in and of itself.

“It is not a good thing to have it going up in relation to GDP, that should be stabilized, but the debt itself is not a problem,” the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A, +0.34% said in an interview broadcast Sunday on the CBS “Sunday Morning” news show.

The National Debt: Why Fret Over Something That Doesn't Exist?
If it exists, how was the government able to pay back $94 trillion last year alone?

The public is lied to when it comes to the so-called national debt. They're clueless about it, as are most, if not all, of our lawmakers.

First off, there is no debt. The debt is dollars. The government spent $20 trillion more than it took away in taxes over the last 240 years, and those dollars, held by the non-government, comprise a big portion of the non-government's wealth. Nothing is "owed." It's owned, by us, the people.

Second, there is nothing to pay back. The money was paid, ended up in someone's bank account and now it's being held in the form of Treasuries. What's a Treasury? A Treasury is a dollar, the only difference being it's a dollar with a term (duration) and a coupon (interest payment). Why would people hold dollars in the form of Treasuries? To earn some interest, that's all. It's like saying, why would you put your money in a savings account as opposed to a checking account? Same reason, to earn interest. If you want it back in your checking account, you tell your bank and it switches it back from your savings account to your checking account.

The national debt: why fret over something that doesn't exist?
Funny how Republicans keep saying deficits don't matter & then bitch about the debt under a Democrat.

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