Breaking: Trump approval number JUST FELL THROUGH THE FLOOR

Hillary yes evil she is, but Bernie maybe not so much. That woman was playing to every ear she could play to in order to get the win, and that showed a serious lack in character and in judgement on her part. Well maybe not so evil, but just weak in character she was, and probably still is. This nation needed strength, and a strong minded leader, and not weakness.

Hillary is not even close to being evil. What you are describing is what every politician does, including the Orange Buffoon.

You are not in a position of strength with the Orange Buffoon. In fact, he has weakened you considerably. Bloviating empty rhetoric and saying what the public want to hear with nothing to back it up is not a position of strength. It's called bullshitting...
Hillary yes evil she is, but Bernie maybe not so much. That woman was playing to every ear she could play to in order to get the win, and that showed a serious lack in character and in judgement on her part. Well maybe not so evil, but just weak in character she was, and probably still is. This nation needed strength, and a strong minded leader, and not weakness.

Hillary is not even close to being evil. What you are describing is what every politician does, including the Orange Buffoon.

You are not in a position of strength with the Orange Buffoon. In fact, he has weakened you considerably. Bloviating empty rhetoric and saying what the public want to hear with nothing to back it up is not a position of strength. It's called bullshitting...
. Don't make us list the issues again and again and again, and to state which side of the issues the people were on. Yes all politicians do it, but what issues are they supporting and not supporting ? Examples: supporting the murder of millions of the unborn as a population control is evil in the eyes of many, and then there was the attempting to place confusion by force into the family structure, schools and restrooms in which caused the people to see that as an evil thing as well. Over regulations, taxation, and the robbing people of their rights to freedom, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness is an evil thing in the eyes of the voter as well. Radiating weakness outwardly in the eyes of the world was a weakness that was looked at as an evil thing going on here by the voters as well.....It depends on what the issues are, and it seems the Demon-crats had to many unpopular issues they supported, and the people might have chosen the lesser of two evils, but a choice is what it was, and the people are standing by their choice.
Lies! The media is biased against Trump because he won't play their game.

Naw, they're biased against him because he's a bullying, egotistical, narcsisstic, fake news generating, lying tool.
Yet you fucktards couldnt produce one candidate that could actually beat him. :laugh:
. Well they thought they did, but that super pandering queen went down in a bowl of bullcrap served up by her radical supporters.
Are you saying she didn't? Who won then?
Of the primRies Bernie won, Hitlery got all the delegates. It is without question the nomination was rigged. Your hatred of Trump is misdirected. Millions of Bernie fans stayed home. Your hate should be directed to Hitlery,
The word "University" says it all... Not worth the paper the word is printed on anymore.
Yea, look at Trump University.
. Good grief.
I know, right?
No, comparing Trump University to places like Harvard etc. is like comparing a tax preparation school or so called realistate college to the major educational institutions that are found in America, but you all are so desperate that any needle found is usable in the rabid liberal eye. Move on, because Trump just went all presidential on y'all again in Saudi Arabia... LOL.
Of the primRies Bernie won, Hitlery got all the delegates. It is without question the nomination was rigged. Your hatred of Trump is misdirected. Millions of Bernie fans stayed home. Your hate should be directed to Hitlery,
I don't hate Trump. And no, my dislike of him is not misdirected. You think there is some correlation between him and Hillary. There's not. The Dems could have run Coco the Clown and he still would have been infinitely better than the Buffoon in the WH at the moment. The guy is an embarrassment to the US. We are all laughing at you. And who would have thought that even remotely possibly after Dumbya. It's like the thick as pigshit white trailer trash in the US go "How low can we go?". Quite low apparently.
he settled the lawsuit against him. he's quoted as saying that he NEVER settles because that opens the door to all kinds of suits.

he's a filthy liar & you are a dupe.
He wouldn't settle if the business remained open and active, because it does promote more attempts at people wanting to get lucky, so in that he closed the business, then it is correct that he settled.

he settled because he committed fraud.
. Fake news. Care to prove your assertions ?

oh dear... if you are that lazy not to google a few things & do some research yourself, then there's no hope for you or your kind. there would have been no reason for fat donny 2 scoops to try & denigrate the presiding judge. & if there was no fraudulent activity involved, why did his lawyers try like hell to keep the TU playbook from being introduced into evidence? the unethical practices used to separate a fool & his money were all in there. but hey... i know you will go on with your 'fake news' accusations, because your president tinkles has the 'best words' & you seem to be regurgitating them. i just wonder how many knee pads have you worn out?

. The thing is that everything you people sling, Hillary your goddess was farther down the rabbit hole than Trump could have ever tried to go, but you who are with sin in Hillary, and with sinfulness in the Demon-crats, are now picking up every stone you can find in order to throw at the administration ? There are strong words spoken in the Bible about the hipocrites, the backbiters and the haters. Many these days aren't giving a rip about their own souls, and sadly the evil one loves every minute of it. We are supposed to make up the character of the representative, and not the representative making or reshaping the character of us "We The People".

save it jr. i am no fan of hillary's. but less of one donald J. drumpf. & i am not a (D). i am an indie. in fact sweetheart- i voted for nader back in 2000 instead of gore & my very own senator joe liebertoady.
Hillary yes evil she is, but Bernie maybe not so much. That woman was playing to every ear she could play to in order to get the win, and that showed a serious lack in character and in judgement on her part. Well maybe not so evil, but just weak in character she was, and probably still is. This nation needed strength, and a strong minded leader, and not weakness.

Hillary is not even close to being evil. What you are describing is what every politician does, including the Orange Buffoon.

You are not in a position of strength with the Orange Buffoon. In fact, he has weakened you considerably. Bloviating empty rhetoric and saying what the public want to hear with nothing to back it up is not a position of strength. It's called bullshitting...

that's the cult of personality.

A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
I don't hate Trump. And no, my dislike of him is not misdirected. You think there is some correlation between him and Hillary. There's not. The Dems could have run Coco the Clown and he still would have been infinitely better than the Buffoon in the WH at the moment. The guy is an embarrassment to the US. We are all laughing at you. And who would have thought that even remotely possibly after Dumbya. It's like the thick as pigshit white trailer trash in the US go "How low can we go?". Quite low apparently.
I guess you hate Americans getting jobs and the stock market gaining back 3 trillion dollars. You hate companies returning to American tour?

All this is occurring because Donald Trump is our President. Obama was a disaster.
I guess you hate Americans getting jobs and the stock market gaining back 3 trillion dollars. You hate companies returning to American tour?

All this is occurring because Donald Trump is our President. Obama was a disaster.

Yeah, let's wait a year and see how the figures look...
Donald Trump's approval rating just hit a new low

According to a poll by Quinnipiac University, just 35 per cent of voters approve of the President's handling of the top job — and even fewer people, 34 per cent, believe he is honest.

no surprise. It means he is doing his job. Good. I'd be worried if the libs liked him.

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