Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!

The diversity shell game is over
The idea of achieving moral superiority via diversity drum banging is and always was bogus
Islam and Muslims do not operate as others do. Not every one will sting you but the stingers are in all and calling them butterflies instead of hornets is and was a stupid and dangerous notion
The diversity shell game is over
The idea of achieving moral superiority via diversity drum banging is and always was bogus
Islam and Muslims do not operate as others do. Not every one will sting you but the stingers are in all and calling them butterflies instead of hornets is and was a stupid and dangerous notion

Thank all that to Nobama. The open borders method. With no proper vetting the last two terms of his is why we build the wall now.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
what federal judge will cut him off on this one? LOL
That'll just eventually prove his point.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!

Trump canceled nothing, and this guy did not bring in 23 people. You are either a paid Russian troll or a volunteer Russian puppet. Pick your poison.
His neighbor says the terrorist has two buddies he's been driving around 2 'friends'...

Trump is considering sending him to GITMO - more Intel can be collected. I hope he does ... ASAP.

He was radicalized after he came to this country. He likely does not have any intel.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
But he hasn't banned travel from Uzbekistan, and is in fact still allowing people to enter and leave the country. WEAK on terror.
And he has done nothing to prevent a mass shooting like Vegas or white supremacists running their cars ibto people.
The only way to stop mass shooting is to do something you cannot understand or agree to.
He was radicalized after he came to this country. He likely does not have any intel.
Well hell, if you / snowflakes say so that's good enough for me...

It's literally all over the news. Don't be so lazy.
And the news - who use white supremacist web sites, recant stories, and fire reporters - knows he has no intel HOW? Have THEY questioned him?

I'm not your mommy. Look it up yourself. ;)
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
That's 23 potential mass murderers admitted to the country because of Democrats.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
That's 23 potential mass murderers admitted to the country because of Democrats.

What is their crime if that is even a real news story. Green card recipients can only bring in a spouse and children.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
That's 23 potential mass murderers admitted to the country because of Democrats.
Fake News MSNBC and Fake News CNN actually had the chutzpah to say Cryin' Chuck "The Liar with Hairplugs" Schumer is upset with The Donald. Folks, that is the Cryin' Chuck "The Liar with Hairplugs" Schumer indirectly responsible for Islamic Terrorism in the USA and more broadly in the West.


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