Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!

What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
That's 23 potential mass murderers admitted to the country because of Democrats.

Precisely....except the bill was...aww, you already know. You're just pretending again. Boooring
Libbie loons stand alone in calling Trumps response to the attacks worse than the attacks
He was radicalized after he came to this country. He likely does not have any intel.
Well hell, if you / snowflakes say so that's good enough for me...


You are the snowflake. The fact is that he came here in 2010. Don't tell me he waited 7 years to launch a attack. That was even before 9/11. ISIS did not even exist at that point.

The bottom line is that Schumer's "diversity lottery" is the reason he is here, and the reason that 8 New Yorkers are dead. Everyone who voted for this monstrous program has blood on his hands.
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The diversity shell game is over
The idea of achieving moral superiority via diversity drum banging is and always was bogus
Islam and Muslims do not operate as others do. Not every one will sting you but the stingers are in all and calling them butterflies instead of hornets is and was a stupid and dangerous notion

The whole "diversity" mantra was a scam from the start. The idea that we benefit somehow from these Medieval cultures is absurd.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
/----/ Meanwhile from the smartest people in the room, Libtard Moonbats:
lib on shooter.jpg
Once more, DIEversity Kills..Once more, Multiculturalism Kills!


Charston massacre - white boy
Theater slaughter - white boy
Sandy Hook shoot up - white boy
This guy here running people over? White boy
Baseball field shooter - white guy.
Las Vegas slaughter - white guy


You diversity free whities are killing us BIG League!
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you do realize george w h bush signed this into the gop can share the blame for the program....


The republicans who go along with this shit, whether because of actual agreement, or just being afraid to be called "racist" are part of the problem also.

We all need to stand up to this bullshit, conservatives, moderates, and any sane liberals that might be left.

He was radicalized after he came to this country. He likely does not have any intel.
Well hell, if you / snowflakes say so that's good enough for me...


You are the snowflake. The fact is that he came here in 2010. Don't tell me he waited 7 years to launch a attack. That was even before 9/11. ISIS did not even exist at that point.
So you admit you have no clue what this terrorists know, whether he has been in contact with ISIS leaders, who the 2 'friends' he had been spending all of his time with are, what they do or don't know, where those 2 are from....

...and do you even know what a 'Sleeper Cell' is? Do you know why he waited 7 years to attack? No, you don't - you are assuming like everyone else. So spare us the act that you know more than what has been reported.
'Diversity Visa Lottery?!' Gee, what could go wrong?

Bleepin Bush and Schumer should be held accountable for that nightmare.

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