Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!

What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
Just back from your kkk meeting?
I guess you know USA Muslims (who have been here since its inception) have better Ed and income than white rubes like you.
Are you kidding, our C grabber draft dodger who bragged his Vietnam service was avoiding STDs?
I guess you know the white boys who had their DNA taken? Turkey, black blood so I'm sure you have some too.
I guess you would have deported the Muslim inventor of your iPhone?
Such ignorance it's embarrassing.
Still the Steve mcgarries provide amusement for my Oz friends. "Are all Americans as dumb as this?"
dude kkk is demolosers, fk get it straight.

Man you must be dumber than I thought.
Do you really suggest KKK boys are Dems?
Confirms your lack of Ed?
well sure. you should learn your self some history fool

That was 100 years ago before they all switched to repubs
We are talking about today genius.
Another four letter insult?
(Yourself is one word genius)
College Ed again?
Boy, this is a hoot
Jealous of the C grabber?

post fail.
Good for the country! Diversity = Instability.
DIEversity is a code word for White-Genocide!

Fuck you bed-wetter,

this white male is not afraid to compete.
Why is it our white boy rubes can't comment w/o a four letter word.
Lack of verbal skills and education.
I never see them bragging about their college ed
we don't brag, there is no need to.

No problem in listing it then
just said, we don't brag.
Just back from your kkk meeting?
I guess you know USA Muslims (who have been here since its inception) have better Ed and income than white rubes like you.
Are you kidding, our C grabber draft dodger who bragged his Vietnam service was avoiding STDs?
I guess you know the white boys who had their DNA taken? Turkey, black blood so I'm sure you have some too.
I guess you would have deported the Muslim inventor of your iPhone?
Such ignorance it's embarrassing.
Still the Steve mcgarries provide amusement for my Oz friends. "Are all Americans as dumb as this?"
dude kkk is demolosers, fk get it straight.

Man you must be dumber than I thought.
Do you really suggest KKK boys are Dems?
Confirms your lack of Ed?
well sure. you should learn your self some history fool

That was 100 years ago before they all switched to repubs
We are talking about today genius.
Another four letter insult?
(Yourself is one word genius)
College Ed again?
Boy, this is a hoot
Jealous of the C grabber?
it still today bubba. LOL, you just don't get it clinton was kissing a key member

here the biggest member.

Robert Byrd[edit]

Senator Robert Byrd was a Kleagle, a Klan recruiter, in his 20s and 30s.
Robert C. Byrd, was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd attempted to explain or defend his former membership in the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign when he was 41 years old.[1] Byrd, a Democrat, eventually became his party leader in the Senate. Byrd later said joining the Klan was his "greatest mistake." The NAACP gave him a 100% rating on their issues during the 10


What's that got to do with 2017 KKK members?
Didn't Sessions have some ties 50 years ago?
We are talking 2017 members boy
DIEversity is a code word for White-Genocide!

Fuck you bed-wetter,

this white male is not afraid to compete.
Why is it our white boy rubes can't comment w/o a four letter word.
Lack of verbal skills and education.
I never see them bragging about their college ed
we don't brag, there is no need to.

No problem in listing it then
just said, we don't brag.

Could have fooled me mr white supremist.
OMG all these brown people.
The uppity nixxer must really have worried you.
9th circuit court must block trumps move to eliminate the diversity lottery because its unconstitutional and racist
people are not illegal whites are inherently racist you cant hug your children with nuclear arms not my president not all muslims are terrorists black lives matter black on black crime in the inner cities dont matter gun control open borders no voter ids no deportations amnesty for all illegals in america no guns

what did i miss? russia urine right in the pvssy macedonia tear down the statues fake news facebook wikileaks cnn kevin spacey is a child molestor hollywood is hypocritical uranium one fake dossier comey podesta pizza the rich must pay their fair share most qualified candidate in history mueller manaforte las vegas antifa soros kimmel colbert msnbc, marilyn monroe, we didnt start the fire

Whoahh! :eek: We got a live one here!

Every person that jihadist sponsored needs to be run down.

Pun intended! :alcoholic:

Seriously though, that legislation needs repealed ASAP.

23 of them? Unbelievable!
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
Good for the country! Diversity = Instability.
Now if they could just get rid of those Irish, those Eye-talians, those Pollacks, the Yellow Peril......
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
what federal judge will cut him off on this one? LOL

The one that will be impeached next!

Actually, I think canceling it is out of the purview of Trump's powers. This will have to go through Congress.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
Just back from your kkk meeting?
I guess you know USA Muslims (who have been here since its inception) have better Ed and income than white rubes like you.
Are you kidding, our C grabber draft dodger who bragged his Vietnam service was avoiding STDs?
I guess you know the white boys who had their DNA taken? Turkey, black blood so I'm sure you have some too.
I guess you would have deported the Muslim inventor of your iPhone?
Such ignorance it's embarrassing.
Still the Steve mcgarries provide amusement for my Oz friends. "Are all Americans as dumb as this?"
dude kkk is demolosers, fk get it straight.

Man you must be dumber than I thought.
Do you really suggest KKK boys are Dems?
Confirms your lack of Ed?
well sure. you should learn your self some history fool

Make sure you don't have your DNA tested, who knows what they may find
I"m a white irish boy
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
what federal judge will cut him off on this one? LOL

The one that will be impeached next!

Actually, I think canceling it is out of the purview of Trump's powers. This will have to go through Congress.
but he can stop it through his powers. I think someone already mentioned it in here.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
But he hasn't banned travel from Uzbekistan, and is in fact still allowing people to enter and leave the country. WEAK on terror.
trump closes barn door (after waving goodbye to horses running off into the sunset)
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
But he hasn't banned travel from Uzbekistan, and is in fact still allowing people to enter and leave the country. WEAK on terror.
trump closes barn door (after waving goodbye to horses running off into the sunset)

He cannot cancel legislation.
Just back from your kkk meeting?
I guess you know USA Muslims (who have been here since its inception) have better Ed and income than white rubes like you.
Are you kidding, our C grabber draft dodger who bragged his Vietnam service was avoiding STDs?
I guess you know the white boys who had their DNA taken? Turkey, black blood so I'm sure you have some too.
I guess you would have deported the Muslim inventor of your iPhone?
Such ignorance it's embarrassing.
Still the Steve mcgarries provide amusement for my Oz friends. "Are all Americans as dumb as this?"
dude kkk is demolosers, fk get it straight.

Man you must be dumber than I thought.
Do you really suggest KKK boys are Dems?
Confirms your lack of Ed?
well sure. you should learn your self some history fool

That was 100 years ago before they all switched to repubs
We are talking about today genius.
Another four letter insult?
(Yourself is one word genius)
College Ed again?
Boy, this is a hoot
Jealous of the C grabber?
it still today bubba. LOL, you just don't get it clinton was kissing a key member

here the biggest member.

Robert Byrd[edit]

Senator Robert Byrd was a Kleagle, a Klan recruiter, in his 20s and 30s.
Robert C. Byrd, was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd attempted to explain or defend his former membership in the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign when he was 41 years old.[1] Byrd, a Democrat, eventually became his party leader in the Senate. Byrd later said joining the Klan was his "greatest mistake." The NAACP gave him a 100% rating on their issues during the 10

Someone needs to tell jc that Robert Byrd is dead
Just back from your kkk meeting?
I guess you know USA Muslims (who have been here since its inception) have better Ed and income than white rubes like you.
Are you kidding, our C grabber draft dodger who bragged his Vietnam service was avoiding STDs?
I guess you know the white boys who had their DNA taken? Turkey, black blood so I'm sure you have some too.
I guess you would have deported the Muslim inventor of your iPhone?
Such ignorance it's embarrassing.
Still the Steve mcgarries provide amusement for my Oz friends. "Are all Americans as dumb as this?"
dude kkk is demolosers, fk get it straight.

Man you must be dumber than I thought.
Do you really suggest KKK boys are Dems?
Confirms your lack of Ed?
well sure. you should learn your self some history fool

Make sure you don't have your DNA tested, who knows what they may find
I"m a white irish boy
Go back to your own country!
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
what federal judge will cut him off on this one? LOL

Somebody should. He can't sign an EO to cancel out legislation passed by Congress
The Dirty Democratic Party regards Jihadist as their allies in their war against mainstream society

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