BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

This tells me a lot about how much comey harmed the shrilary..... Her campaign is "Terrified" that comey got fired and denounced that firing. My question is if he was so bad for her campaign why are they so concerned about his firing? Mayhaps he was protecting (duh) her all along.

"Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign team was quick to denounce President Trump's Tuesday firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Campaign manager Robby Mook said the move "terrifies" him."

Clinton campaign team denounces Comey firing
Or maybe they believe the Comey firing will end the Russia Trump investigation.
More democratic rats need to learn a little more history

False Left/Right Paradigm

To say this appetite to dominate, control and exploit is only epitomized by the Democratic party would be incorrect. Both parties, left and right, have fundamentally the same agenda and have both acted on that agenda in recent years to expand the size and scope of a centralized government, impugn our founding documents (the U.S. Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights), and to enslave Americans with a monstrous debt that can never be repaid while handing over the wealth of America to offshore banks and financial interests.

In this struggle, the Democrats and Republicans are united against the American people.

Also not beyond the realm of possibility would be for the Establishment to trigger (or simply do nothing to prevent) the collapse of the monetary and banking systems in a full-blown depression, coupled with acts of aggression (so-called “preemptive strikes”) by the General Government’s armed forces overseas that ignite a world war. Properly managed, a depression and world war would result in massive redistribution of real wealth from common Americans to the Establishment and its clients, while the victims found themselves so severely regimented by the General Government’s exercise of wartime “emergency” powers that they could not effectively complain. One need not be overly suspicious to suggest a sequence that history already partly bears out: World War I, the League of Nations, and the undermining of the international gold standard—followed by World War II, the United Nations, the adoption of Federal Reserve Notes as the world’s reserve currency, and the “demonetization” of gold and silver as currencies—followed by World War III, a New World Order based on the tripartite division of the globe into European, American, and Asian blocs, and a supra-national world central bank emitting a world fiat currency. [Dr. Edwin Vieira, “Don’t Count on Washington to Protect us from Looming Banking Crisis“]
We will hear tonight that this is worse than Watergate..... :badgrin:
This tells me a lot about how much comey harmed the shrilary..... Her campaign is "Terrified" that comey got fired and denounced that firing. My question is if he was so bad for her campaign why are they so concerned about his firing? Mayhaps he was protecting (duh) her all along.

"Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign team was quick to denounce President Trump's Tuesday firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Campaign manager Robby Mook said the move "terrifies" him."

Clinton campaign team denounces Comey firing
Or maybe they believe the Comey firing will end the Russia Trump investigation.
Yeah... we wouldn't want the left to stop BEATING THAT DEAD HORSE now would we.... :lol:
Evan McMullin @Evan_McMullin
This is a desperate act by a vulnerable, comprised president to avoid accountability. The people's Congress must step up its investigations! …

6:15 PM - 9 May 2017

If Ryan was not so concerned for his job, and worried how whatever he might do, might have a negative effect on his ambitions, he would ask the Judiciary Committee to meet, and if the evidence warranted, draft an article of Impeachment, which would then be voted on by the entire H. of Rep.
And the delicious topping on the cake is... THE PROG MELT DOWN...

Again, never underestimate your competition.
You mean the competition that's been getting their asses handed to them in elections since 2010?

What's left to estimate other than they're a bunch of fascist, radical sons a bitches and America is getting fed up with their crap?
This tells me a lot about how much comey harmed the shrilary..... Her campaign is "Terrified" that comey got fired and denounced that firing. My question is if he was so bad for her campaign why are they so concerned about his firing? Mayhaps he was protecting (duh) her all along.

"Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign team was quick to denounce President Trump's Tuesday firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Campaign manager Robby Mook said the move "terrifies" him."

Clinton campaign team denounces Comey firing
Or maybe they believe the Comey firing will end the Russia Trump investigation.
Yeah... we wouldn't want the left to stop BEATING THAT DEAD HORSE now would we.... :lol:
With Comey gone and Trump appointing a replacement, I agree it will be dead. I never expected Trump to let the investigation go to completion.
It's great watching democracy disintegrate from the comfort of my couch.

The most dangerous activist liberals will soon meet their fate in a Concentration camp in the New Mexico desert.
"Really? Firing Jim Comey smack in the middle of a major Russia investigation is very suspect. We need independent prosecutor & commission" - Senator Amy Klobuchar

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