BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

That is a misdemeanor; a misappropriation of funds. But, hey press on. Outside of the lock in step Democrats, independent Americans are watching this and seeing rabid Democrats get all fired up over a Trump infraction of a speeding ticket while the current President’s use of family members as proxies to receive payments from China grows daily.

Even some liberal outlets have the good sense to recognize this is not a win for liberals.

But of course, not our bottom basement thinkers here on USMB
If its anybody other than Trump running against Biden, the left knows Biden will lose for sure.

For the record Big T is now on Truth Social warning he could be arrested next week and asking for people to protest.

It's also the top story on AOL.

Would you like some seasoning for your crow?
Protest is your God-Given RIGHT. But please, do not get baited. The left WORSHIPS violence, and uses it as a strategic tool. They are salivating over the idea of baiting you into violence so they can lock you up and burn the key. There’s nothing they want more.
Naw, they don't really want to take us on. The cops are on our side. They're bluffing.
Most of it is just talk, impotent rage, online Rambos. Middle school bully stuff that doesn't work on adults.

And if a few misguided souls want to actually get violent, so be it. Go ahead.


What you don't care about, Mac, as ever, is if these banana republic tactics are unraveling our nation.

Just that you're better than one half and the other, that's all that matters to you.
While you're all dancing around like buffoons, the rest of us--including a lot of moderates--are watching this as our trust in every single govt institution erodes even further.

And let me tell you: there's not much lower it can go.

But dance on.

I talked to a friend last night. I told him I voted for Trump in 2016. I said after the first year I was getting discouraged. Trump just never figured out what it was to be President. He acted like it was just another Reality Show or CEO job.

My friend said that Trump wasn’t a Politician. I agreed. I told him I’m no baseball player. But if I’m hired to play Second Base I better figure it out quick.

I didn’t vote in 2020. I refused to pretend one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other. I didn’t expect Trump to lose. I’m not angry or happy he did. While I am doing better now than I was in 2020, that isn’t all that matters. Whoever is elected is the President. Period. I don’t have to like them. I don’t have to agree with them.

The problem with you Trump Supporters is that it is almost Religious with you. Anything that doesn’t agree is fake. Evidence doesn’t matter. Only belief matters.

Most people don’t want Trump back. They may not like Biden, but they do not want Trump.

The way I explained it in 16 was this. Yes. Trump is barely more popular than Herpes. But Hillary has about the same numbers. That made the election a toss up. Trump remains slightly more popular than Herpes. That hasn’t changed. His numbers continue to fall.
I can't wait to see the thread asking people to pledge their allegiance to the blob.
The American people have seen how the leftist cowards crap their pants over the prospect of facing Patriots. Pelosi had to change diapers twice.
These “prosecutors” going after Mr. Trump are politically motivated. They are clearly racist they are pro BLM people are trying to set something up to perhaps have a trial for Mr. Trump right during the 2024 election. So they are scamming the country they are the ugliest people around. They are the ones who should be put on trial. This is shocking thing what’s happening in America and I can’t believe there are a few Americans who agree with this stuff.

The few American that agree with Mr. Trump going to jail are the worst people in the country , they’re racist, they’re brutal they have absolutely no Christian Mercy there many of them are not even Christians they’re hard-core atheists. They hate the world. They’re extremely weak people. They are the hard-core environmentalist types who make lives for their children absolute hell because of how selfish they are. They don’t mind that we have a terrible economy right now and all sorts of issues in this country that we did not have under Mr. Trump.

America always prevails. And positivity will prevail and at the end of all of this it’s going to be amazing when Mr. Trump becomes president in 2024…. to see how this tiny percentage of anti-Americans start to react to this.
In hindsight I'd venture a guess this is why Ivanka distanced herself from Donald. She knew something like this was coming and unlike him, thought about her family first.

Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh harder.

Honey, hide and watch!

Your accusatory right wing dog and pony shows, never go anywhere....

That's just plain fact....

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