Breaking: Tucker Carlson’s Twitter show Loses 86% of Viewers in Historic Ratings Freefall

Funny how Tucker's Twitter ratings seem important to the left while they ignore the fact that CNN rating is down almost 70% in the last couple of years.

Before I knew what was what, and I was young and dumb, I got an account at FB.

That was the last Big Tech account I ever signed up for.

I have been tempted to get a Telegram and Gab account, but I have resisted that temptation.


I already spend too much time on this dern site, IMO.
No, I mean I posted the embed in that thread...but I'm not sure you can even watch it there...

The Dumbass in the OP and the Business Insider fake news article leaves out that not only can non-members no longer read tweets on twitter...embeds to read or watch likely no longer work for non signed in members even on third party sites.

So, while I did embed may not be able to watch regardless.
None of my Fascistbook accounts had any of my real info on it....All pseudonyms with fake birth dates, etcetera.
What pisses me off, is I never gave FB my birth date. Nor my location.

I was one of the very first users, back when you were required to have a University email to sign up to be on the platform.

After fifteen years, they just found it out, and put it on there!

Man, was I hot when they did that!

I guess it is my fault for using my real name. (Not that I had much choice in the matter back then.)
That was when the government & media used that hyperbolic fear psyop, to destroy MySpace, in order to help encourage Zuck's In-Q-Tel invested growth.

Haven't seen a single one yet, actually. My attention span is limited to 4 minute videos, and they must have puppies in them.

Or kittens, either one. Or guns. Or naked women.
So, a naked woman playing with a kitten and cleaning her guns would be a hit, but Tuck can go spit?
The tweet with episode 8 says it has 9.1 million views. Now I don't know if that's exactly the right metric, or how accurate it is, but even if you cut that in half it's more than his Fox News show ever pulled and he was the most popular show on the news by a ridiculous margin. Seems like this is probably a waste of a thread.
No, I mean I posted the embed in that thread...but I'm not sure you can even watch it there...

The Dumbass in the OP and the Business Insider fake news article leaves out that not only can non-members no longer read tweets on twitter...embeds to read or watch likely no longer work for non signed in members even on third party sites.

So, while I did embed may not be able to watch regardless.
Yup, thanks! :113:
I'll be busy next five minutes.

I just spotted it. . . It is now officially your job to keep that thread updated.

Muchachos gracios amigo.
So, a naked woman playing with a kitten and cleaning her guns would be a hit, but Tuck can go spit?

Well isn't the reason we have women so they can clean our guns for us? I'm lazy.

Actually I don't have to watch Tucker because everything he says tends to get splattered all over the internet anyway, so I usually hear about it the next day.
No, I mean I posted the embed in that thread...but I'm not sure you can even watch it there...

The Dumbass in the OP and the Business Insider fake news article leaves out that not only can non-members no longer read tweets on twitter...embeds to read or watch likely no longer work for non signed in members even on third party sites.

So, while I did embed may not be able to watch regardless.
They get posted to Rumble eventually, so I watch them there.
Paragraph two of the OPs article...

"Carlson's video views on Twitter — which are no longer publicly available due to a policy change at Twitter--"

Just take their word for it. :rolleyes:

The OP is a dumbass.
And then you stopped reading before you got to the part explaining that Ratings numbers were available via the old Twitter API
Well isn't the reason we have women so they can clean our guns for us? I'm lazy.

Actually I don't have to watch Tucker because everything he says tends to get splattered all over the internet anyway, so I usually hear about it the next day.
Hangs on every word that comes out of Clucker's mouth. Your life coach Clucker. He's a has-been now. How's Rush btw? Still dead?
It's clear that Carlson is no longer relevant. His show is no longer resonating with viewers, and his reputation has been tarnished. It's hard to see how he can recover from such a steep ratings decline.

"His most recent show, for instance, only got 3.8 million video views."

LOL CNN would kill for that number of views.

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