Breaking: Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag (How Do You Liberals Feel About This?)

This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

But Twitter doesn't allow any comments about Islam, unless it's licking the buttocks of Islam and telling people that Islam is the religion of peace and how much Western Nations should welcome more and more Kebabs.

So saying Kebabs GTFO is wrong and gets deleted, saying that Islam is the religion of perverts and terrorists is wrong and gets deleted, saying Mohammed was a paedophile and a child rapist is wrong and gets deleted.

Saying Assassinate Trump that's okay and gets a Hashtag.
This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

But Twitter doesn't allow any comments about Islam, unless it's licking the buttocks of Islam and telling people that Islam is the religion of peace and how much Western Nations should welcome more and more Kebabs.

So saying Kebabs GTFO is wrong and gets deleted, saying that Islam is the religion of perverts and terrorists is wrong and gets deleted, saying Mohammed was a paedophile and a child rapist is wrong and gets deleted.

Saying Assassinate Trump that's okay and gets a Hashtag.
Pathetic isn't it? I hope the Secret Service pays a visit to all of those Twitter users listed in the link.
Doesn't seem like a very popular hashtag. Most of it's activity has come now after republicans fabricated that there's some movement on twitter to assassinate Trump.

Has Trump's staff allowed him back on Twitter yet? Or are they going to try to keep that up throughout his 4 year Presidency?
Begs the question.. who gives two shits about Twitter? Social media has become the bane of human existence. I only do Facebook and that only because of my grand-kids.
Begs the question.. who gives two shits about Twitter? Social media has become the bane of human existence. I only do Facebook and that only because of my grand-kids.

I don't get twitter, doesn't seem worth paying attention to. But....a lot of people seem to follow that crap. If you have people calling for assassinating a president gaining a large following - especially when it's as volatile and controversial as this election has been - then you have to worry that some unbalanced individual is going to take it as his mission.
Begs the question.. who gives two shits about Twitter? Social media has become the bane of human existence. I only do Facebook and that only because of my grand-kids.

I don't do Twitter or Facebook, I refuse to participate in anything that has censorship and doesn't allow free speech.

If I want to say Fuck Multiculturalism or something, I should be allowed to make that comment and it not be deleted by bedwetting Leftist Totalitarians at Twitter and Facebook because it upsets the vicious little snowflakes who are currently rioting and throwing lumps of concrete and other missiles at police officers and smashing and burning things because Trump happened to win a democratic election.

The only situation where I think free speech has limits is with praising and siding with terrorists, and that includes doing Propaganda to enable terrorism and also anything to do with promoting paedophilia.
Begs the question.. who gives two shits about Twitter? Social media has become the bane of human existence. I only do Facebook and that only because of my grand-kids.

I don't get twitter, doesn't seem worth paying attention to. But....a lot of people seem to follow that crap. If you have people calling for assassinating a president gaining a large following - especially when it's as volatile and controversial as this election has been - then you have to worry that some unbalanced individual is going to take it as his mission.

Twitter should be told to take it down or Twitter themselves gets taken down.
This is utterly disgusting and should not be allowed. It is being used for the sole purpose to influence someone to actually assassinate our newly elected Holy Emperor. So liberals, do You agree with this?

Twitter Allows #AssassinateTrump Hashtag

Does that emoticon mean you don't believe me?
I assure you, Twitter should pull it down just as fast as they pulled down all the posts threatening to kill Hillary and her leftard army. It is not funny. You probably cut your teeth on our politicians getting shot with regularity, same as I did. And it's NOT funny.

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