Breaking: Two Democrats Indicted Trying To Get Fake Tea Party Candidates On Ballot

But why did we have to pull teeth to get it?

Why do you prefer knocking the intergity of others over addressing the issue at hand?

Is this a bashing board or a board of ideas in your eyes?

pull teeth?

this is from my VERY FIRST POST on this thread;

well I am NOT a democrat (Independent) but i am more likely to vote for a democrat for president than a republican...

it tells me that, just like SOME republicans who have also been indicted for bad behavior, SOME democrats behave badly....

SOME dems do behave badly

and some repubs behave badly, too

a smarter, wiser person (you probably don't know any) would not blame ALL dems (or ALL repubs) for the bad behavior of just a few...

And my response is this....

If the two pary's dont openly speak against their own that commit such acts that compromises the integrity of our electoral system, the issue will become worse.

We can talk about how both partys do it all we want.

My issue is with party leaders that ignore it when their own do it. They should do more than just a press release...they should make it part of their agenda on a regular basis.

Our electoral process is priceless to our republic...and we can not let partys ruin it for us.


personally I am more opposed to political parties than I am to unions

ALL politicians should be independent of party demands and ideology so they can best represent their constituents

and any and all politicians who behave badly should be reprimanded/punished appropriately
pull teeth?

this is from my VERY FIRST POST on this thread;

well I am NOT a democrat (Independent) but i am more likely to vote for a democrat for president than a republican...

it tells me that, just like SOME republicans who have also been indicted for bad behavior, SOME democrats behave badly....

SOME dems do behave badly

and some repubs behave badly, too

a smarter, wiser person (you probably don't know any) would not blame ALL dems (or ALL repubs) for the bad behavior of just a few...

And my response is this....

If the two pary's dont openly speak against their own that commit such acts that compromises the integrity of our electoral system, the issue will become worse.

We can talk about how both partys do it all we want.

My issue is with party leaders that ignore it when their own do it. They should do more than just a press release...they should make it part of their agenda on a regular basis.

Our electoral process is priceless to our republic...and we can not let partys ruin it for us.


personally I am more opposed to political parties than I am to unions

ALL politicians should be independent of party demands and ideology so they can best represent their constituents

and any and all politicians who behave badly should be reprimanded/punished appropriately

I am not a memeber of either party. I am a conservatvie for the most part...more of a libertarian....and I do not believe either party represents me. But as one for smaller government, I vote GOP more often than not...but I have not and never will donate a dime to it. I think Boehner is not worhty of position of Speaker....but only becuase I find that he is more about party bashing than anything else....much like Pelosi was...and Reid still is.

But the party system is needed for our electoral process to operate properly.....but if the party leaders do not reprimand those that act unethically on behalf of the party, then the party system is counterproductive.
The belly of the beast is being exposed and the American people are finding out it's full of scummy maggots. Time for a little incision and excision to cure the patient.
Taking what two bad apples did and trying to make an assassination of the entire party is partisan bullshit.


But making the debate over how others are addressing it as opposed to how such actions can affect the intergity of the electoral process is ALSO partisan bullshit.

No it's not.

The person saying that ALL democrats are like the bad apples is trying to score partisan points. I didnt say ALL republicans do this type of post.

No. I didnt.

Im telling the person who did to stop.
Sound familiar? Just like the democrats did with Obama, here we have not one but two Democrats caught trying to put fake Tea Party Candidates on the ballots using false documents. This is clear blatant election fraud and a felony. What does this tell you about the desperation of the democrats back during the midterms when Palin was campaigning for the Tea Party candidates? Lets see if the MSM will report this.

Two Michigan Democrats Indicted For Election Fraud; Tried to Get Fake Tea Party Candidates on Ballot:

Must see video: » Two Michigan Democrats Indicted For Election Fraud; Tried to Get Fake Tea Party Candidates on Ballot
BigotBart! :rofl::lmao:

Enough said!

Here's the AP coverage for you if it'll make you feel better.

Former Oakland County Democratic Party officials charged in Tea Party forgery scheme |

Two men in Oakland County have been charged in a scheme to try to fool voters into supporting third-party candidates in last year's election.

Michael McGuinness is the former chairman of the Oakland County Democratic Party, and Jason Bauer is the former operations director. They're accused of forging documents and slating candidates under the name of the Independent Tea Party. The candidates didn't know their names were being used.

McGuinness and Bauer are charged with election crimes and forgery. They were released on bond Wednesday and later declined to comment. They quit their party posts last summer.

Republicans say it was a scam to draw votes away from GOP candidates. McGuinness and Bauer quit their Democratic Party posts last summer.
Am I the only one who sees something fishy here? And not just because it is well known that anything the GOP says can't be true. And not the Republican leaders of the leaderless Teabaggers saying that Dems who feel they are Taxed Enough Already can't call themselves Teabaggers and put up 3rd party candidates.

It's the idea that someone would honestly try to draw votes away from the GOP with a candidate who doesn't know they are running!!!!!!! Who believes that there are no Democratic operatives who couldn't be put on the ballot??? :cuckoo: Obviously if you want to fool voters you would want someone talking like a Teabagger and campaigning heavily as a Teabagger. The last thing you would do is put up the name of someone who doesn't know they they are running and who spends no time trying to fool the voters. How could someone who doesn't know that they are running ever hope to draw enough votes to make a difference????

Clearly this is a GOP operation.

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