Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
They happen all across this country. From coast to coast, and from border to border. These events are sent to me every single day. And, they're not confined to any one state or neighborhood.
oh yes, isnt that what Congressman Maxine Waters tried to convince all 310 Million Americans? that all white cops just cant wait to go to work and hunt down black men?
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
They happen all across this country. From coast to coast, and from border to border. These events are sent to me every single day. And, they're not confined to any one state or neighborhood.
oh yes, isnt that what Congressman Maxine Waters tried to convince all 310 Million Americans? that all white cops just cant wait to go to work and hunt down black men?
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.

Clever. Not only did you miss part of my screen name, but you confused it with my avatar.
You also forgot to capitalize the first letter of the word you started your sentence off with, and you left out critical punctuation.

If you're going to insult me over my intelligence quotient, at least make sure your shit's half ass on the good side of bad.
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.

Good assessment. I haven't been bothered by the cops since I was 20.
Ah, but the wrong assessment also. I'm not a felon. Never been convicted of a crime. I behave myself. He guessed wrong.

This was in response to what I put in bold. I wouldn't call or accuse you of being a felon.
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?


Didn't see the Browns and Goldmans friends, family, and neighborhoods rioting in the streets after their murders either.
You should really find another site where you won't get hurt, or go to the safe zone on this site. You're not tough enough for what we do here.
Then they should be in the dictionary. Except they're not.
Dictionaries dont define everything in existence. You need to stop letting white people fool you into believing things dont exist unless they say so.
Oh, I'm sure your cave monkeys are right next to Al Gore's manbearpig in your guide to mythical beasts, legends, and lore
No there right here. Sorry dog.

Batu Cave Monkeys Kuala Lampur Malaysia Pinterest

Another zoo monkey, idiot.
There is no such thing as a zoo monkey idiot. What species is that?
The same as your cave monkey.
what happened in Ferguson is probably "Just Another Day" in Oakland. yet, we never see Sharpton there with his panties in an uproar and his Mega-Phone.

No money to be made from black on black crime. According to some, though, he's moving one city at a time. It must be a coincidence that he decided to skip all the cities where there wasn't a white man hurting a black man.
I am pretty sure that no one in Ferguson has ever seen an episode of Leave It To Beaver, Andy Williams Show, and All In The Family. Three of the most all American/Clean/Non Racist comedy series ever. And learned How to act NORMAL !!! you have to wonder what they are watching on cable to act as if they live in a third world environment.
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.
Dems really haven't changed at all since the Jim Crow days. All that changed is which voting block they will play against another. Racism is a basic tenant of liberalism. Without racism you don't have any names to call people and therefore no argument to make.

Could you imagine? The only defense liberals use is claiming we're racist, or bigots, or homophobes, or waging war on women, or oppressing blacks via Voter ID support, or hating Mexicans because we support closed borders...

Can you imagine how they would act if they could no longer insult the right?
yeah, like the mature adults that the right refuses to be,,
Didn't take long to get your answer did it Thirty? The "adults" desperately need racism or they have fucking nothing to rile the people up with. BTW, if the shooter ends up being blaack you think the words hate crime will ever be brought up?

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