Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Looks like Papa Obama's administration race baiting and pushing of the false narrative "hands up" is starting to pay off or in the words
of his former pastor of 20 years..... "chickens are coming home to roost"

Looks like Papa Obama's administration race baiting and pushing of the false narrative "hands up" is starting to pay off or in the words
of his former pastor of 20 years..... "chickens are coming home to roost"

Yeah, this really shouldn't surprise anyone. It's 'Communist Organizing' at its ugliest. Very sad.
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!

Someone should buy you a dictionary.

Don't need another one, I have one for every room of the house.

"Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race" you said. However, you continued "although people of color experience a higher level of it."

We call that relativism. Attempting to equate one circumstance another, or purposefully attempting to overshadow one circumstance with is perceived as a more major one. You say it "is not about race" but insert a racial aspect by saying "although people of color experience a higher level of it."
false! some monkeys do...
Baboons live in caves in dry areas asshat...
There's no such thing as a cave monkey. Look it up, fuckstick.
Already did. Sorry dog.

You showed monkeys at a zoo. I'm not watching any more of your chimp videos, monkey scat.

Please try to be civil and adult, please. This conversation is like school kids fighting on the playground. Lets talk to each other as adults and discuss issues in a civil manner, please. Name calling and personal attacks are for kids, not grown adults. Lets try to stick to the subject matter and discuss it like we're adults. There's no call for name calling and personal attacks on this forum. We're all strangers here and really don't know each other well enough to judge each other. I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Thanks.

You should really find another site where you won't get hurt, or go to the safe zone on this site. You're not tough enough for what we do here.
says the wanker who's been here for 5 whole months!
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.

You've probably used that word close to 40 times in this thread, can you find some new material? No offense, but that word is pretty stale now.
is your avatar your IQ...30 below zero seems kinda high...
btw cave monkey is two words.

Clever. Not only did you miss part of my screen name, but you confused it with my avatar.
You also forgot to capitalize the first letter of the word you started your sentence off with, and you left out critical punctuation.

If you're going to insult me over my intelligence quotient, at least make sure your shit's half ass on the good side of bad.
ok a grammar Nazi and a silly fuck
Because it was only 2 of the pussies I slapped and made turn red then pink.
I doubt it. Pee wee Herman is tougher than you.
I guess it too bad I dont care what you doubt. Youre a cave monkey. What you think doesnt matter.
Same back at you. Your retarded opinion is worthless.
Is that the best you can do cave chimp?
No, I am just tired of arguing with an ignorant retarded Neanderthal.
then take all the mirrors in you house down..
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!

Someone should buy you a dictionary.
why? he's too illiterate to use it.. even with pictures.
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Because there are ultimate truths, we as humans can only approach them
and hope we move in the right direction. What are they?
If one believes in God, then God knows, I assume...but for the rest of us,,, we, through trial and error
hope we are moving in the right direction.

While in theory, we can never really know,,,people have an innate understanding of
the proper direction,,,

for example
With the other approach, pedophilia and cold blooded murder could be "ok"
in some world- does anyone really believe that to be possible ?

Relativism is just an excuse for no standards or to have
very low ones.

Which is explains the appeal it holds for the left
Last edited:
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Lolol. It isnt. That is exactly what pillars did. I have plenty of dictionaries, I'd be happy to mail you one.
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Because there are ultimate truths, we as humans can only approach them
and hope we move in the right direction. What are they?
If one believes in God, then God knows, I assume...but for the rest of us,,, we, through trial and error
hope we are moving in the right direction.

While in theory, we can never really know,,,people have an innate understanding of
the proper direction,,,

for example
With the other approach, pedophilia and cold blooded murder could be "ok"
in some world- does anyone really believe that to be possible ?

Relativism is just an excuse for no standards or to have
very low ones.

Which is explains the appeal it holds for the left
not the best line of well thought out line of bullshit today but it's close...

the proper direction

the right direction.

are both relative ...they infer some non existent rules..
btw the question" how is that wrong"? was rhetorical...
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...

And this is why people don't take you seriously.
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
This only goes to prove you've never been in a bad neighborhood. If you believe this you're an idiot.
I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Lolol. It isnt. That is exactly what pillars did. I have plenty of dictionaries, I'd be happy to mail you one.
thanks, but you use them for toilet paper it's the only logical explanation for all the talking out your ass you do.

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