Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

I see it happening to all races and nationalities. What I see happens regardless of skin color, religion, nationality, or any other descriptive. We're all subjected to police misconduct. No exceptions.

This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Lolol. It isnt. That is exactly what pillars did. I have plenty of dictionaries, I'd be happy to mail you one.
thanks, but you use them for toilet paper it's the only logical explanation for all the talking out your ass you do.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...

And this is why people don't take you seriously.
now that is funny... one of the sites biggest morons thinks his opinion and appealing to the masses have some weight..
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,. Murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
This only goes to prove you've never been in a bad neighborhood. If you believe this you're an idiot.
nothing to believe it's fact.
also, making assumption especially false one as you have just done, is only proof of your idiocy.
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...

And this is why people don't take you seriously.
now that is funny... one of the sites biggest morons thinks his opinion and appealing to the masses have some weight..

Funny, since you're the only one not posing an argument. All you're doing is calling me names and making sexist jokes about Sarah Palin.
This. Plenty of white people have been falsely imprisoned, shot, and killed. This is not about race, although people of color experience a higher level of it.

Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Lolol. It isnt. That is exactly what pillars did. I have plenty of dictionaries, I'd be happy to mail you one.
thanks, but you use them for toilet paper it's the only logical explanation for all the talking out your ass you do.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum
context not one of your almost nonexistent skills?

Q.E.D. is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, originating from the Ancient Greek analogous hóper édei deîxai (ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι), meaning "which had to be proven". The phrase is traditionally placed in its abbreviated form at the end of a mathematical proof or philosophical argument when what was specified in the enunciation—and in the setting-out—has been exactly restated as the conclusion of the demonstration.[1] The abbreviation thus signals the completion of the proof.
so far being the key phrase,..murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...

And this is why people don't take you seriously.
now that is funny... one of the sites biggest morons thinks his opinion and appealing to the masses have some weight..

Funny, since you're the only one not posing an argument. All you're doing is calling me names and making sexist jokes about Sarah Palin.
no argument to post as there is no one to argue with..
compared to Hillary, I think most men with 20/20 vision would agree that Sarah Palin is pretty hot.
what? the Brady Bunch were a myth? does this mean I will never get my booty call with Cindy or Marsha?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...

And this is why people don't take you seriously.
now that is funny... one of the sites biggest morons thinks his opinion and appealing to the masses have some weight..

Funny, since you're the only one not posing an argument. All you're doing is calling me names and making sexist jokes about Sarah Palin.
no argument to post as there is no one to argue with..


Tis the motto of a troll. Good day sir.
Relativism! I love it!
good! as everything is relative
ethical relativism definition

In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular individual, culture, or historical period.
how is that wrong.?

Lolol. It isnt. That is exactly what pillars did. I have plenty of dictionaries, I'd be happy to mail you one.
thanks, but you use them for toilet paper it's the only logical explanation for all the talking out your ass you do.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum
context not one of your almost nonexistent skills?

Q.E.D. is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, originating from the Ancient Greek analogous hóper édei deîxai (ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι), meaning "which had to be proven". The phrase is traditionally placed in its abbreviated form at the end of a mathematical proof or philosophical argument when what was specified in the enunciation—and in the setting-out—has been exactly restated as the conclusion of the demonstration.[1] The abbreviation thus signals the completion of the proof.

Yeah, as it had to be proven that you were a troll. Your posts are case in point.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
anyone find it rather peculiar that these kind of violent events never happen in your average American and "Civilized" neighborhoods?
i live in an average middle class neighborhood, just looked out my back porch, so far so good, no sniper shots so far.
so far being the key phrase,. Murder, break-ins, drug dealing, domestic abuse etc...happen at about the same rate in suburbia as in the city's.
the Brady bunch and leave it to beaver communities are a myth.
This only goes to prove you've never been in a bad neighborhood. If you believe this you're an idiot.
nothing to believe it's fact.
also, making assumption especially false one as you have just done, is only proof of your idiocy.
I'm not for abortion but in your case we wouldn't have missed anything.

So you think middle class people are producing the same amount of drug dealers but what? The cops just ignore it?
most likely not any one who thinks Sara Palin is sexy has to have other sexual problems ...

And this is why people don't take you seriously.
now that is funny... one of the sites biggest morons thinks his opinion and appealing to the masses have some weight..

Funny, since you're the only one not posing an argument. All you're doing is calling me names and making sexist jokes about Sarah Palin.
no argument to post as there is no one to argue with..


Tis the motto of a troll. Good day sir.

Welfare queen cowards like you toss off an insult and then make a run for it.
hey, i have seen most of those comedy shows growing up in late 60's onto the 70's. I don't recall any sax and violins in episodes of Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street.(just to name a few)
compared to Hillary, I think most men with 20/20 vision would agree that Sarah Palin is pretty hot.

$arah, the strident fishwife, is looking pretty rough and haggard - too much booze and drugs - but that's all she is, all she's got, so its important.

I don't give a rip about what Hillary, or any other serious presidential contender, looks like.

Its very telling that some people would vote, based on looks.

hey, i have seen most of those comedy shows growing up in late 60's onto the 70's. I don't recall any sax and violins in episodes of Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street.(just to name a few)

Are you in the right thread?

If so, wtf are you talking about?

And why do you think "Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street" re representative of real life?

Hint: they were very idealized FICTION.
even Mary Tyler Moore was pretty good looking! too bad Samantha the good witch died though, now she was Beautiful !!!
hey, i have seen most of those comedy shows growing up in late 60's onto the 70's. I don't recall any sax and violins in episodes of Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street.(just to name a few)

Are you in the right thread?

If so, wtf are you talking about?

And why do you think "Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street" re representative of real life?

Hint: they were very idealized FICTION.

Whatever:at least kids watching it wern't out robbing stores and shooting cops like todays fools


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