Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

even Mary Tyler Moore was pretty good looking! too bad Samantha the good witch died though, now she was Beautiful !!!

Elizabeth Montgomery made for dirty sox.:eusa_dance:

Factoid: Elizabeth Montgomery and Charles Bronson were in Episode 1 of the Twilight Zone.

If I knew a thread about police officers shot in Ferguson was gonna be about Elizabeth Montgmery I wooda stayed...

I believe that episode was done with no dialogue at all, amirite?
hey, i have seen most of those comedy shows growing up in late 60's onto the 70's. I don't recall any sax and violins in episodes of Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street.(just to name a few)

Are you in the right thread?

If so, wtf are you talking about?

And why do you think "Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street" re representative of real life?

Hint: they were very idealized FICTION.

Whatever:at least kids watching it wern't out robbing stores and shooting cops like todays fools


Yeah, there were no underage criminals in the tine of Donna Reed and Leave It To Beaver.

Some of you are living in La La Land.

hey, i have seen most of those comedy shows growing up in late 60's onto the 70's. I don't recall any sax and violins in episodes of Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street.(just to name a few)

Are you in the right thread?

If so, wtf are you talking about?

And why do you think "Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street" re representative of real life?

Hint: they were very idealized FICTION.

Whatever:at least kids watching it wern't out robbing stores and shooting cops like todays fools

wrong.. you are mistaking frequency with actual events...

I recently read a "where are they now" about child stars of the 50s-60s. Many died of drugs or in trouble with the law. And of course, back then, Hollywood kept their secrets.

The biggest difference between then and now is our technology.

The same crimes have been committed throughout history. Its just that now its all on video and makes it around the world within minutes.
my parents watch a lot of those reruns(i have no choice when I visit them), and when I watch them, I always wish I could just go back there. life for any of us middle-aged Americans was so much better back then.

Yabbut -- regardless where or when you were born, past or future -- you'd say the same thing.
That's the effect of nostalgia, not the actual content. The memory retains the highlights and disregards the rest.
You're a felon, aren't you? Only felons who deserved a negative interaction with cops hate them so much. The cops never bother me at all and by uncanny coincidence, I also obey the law...I wonder if there's a connection. And I'm not white, so there goes that stupid theory of yours.
I'm not a felon, and I see a lot of truth in that post.
To this day the only people who ever pulled guns on me were cops. And I might add without any reason whatsoever. If you think that's not common you're living in either a fantasy world or some other country.
No cop has ever pulled a gun on me. I don't even have an arrest record. It's amazing how people that obey the law have a completely different experience with cops.

As Papa Smurf says, "Amazing! Simply amazing!"

I don't know who the fuck "Papa Smurf" is but you just don't get it --- "obeying the law" isn't even related. Because it's not about the law. It's about unbridled power. And what absolute power leads to.

Know what my "crime" was when two cops came screaming up the street, pulled guns on me and threw me up against a wall?

Walking home from the trolley.
That's it.
Yeah, you sound like every other idiot on "Cops" who breaks the law and then claims the police arrested you just for walking down the street. Funny how that never happened to me having walked down many streets.

You just hit the Fallacy Trifecta.
THREE TIMES IN A ROW now you've tried to make the argument that because it never happened to you, it never happened to anybody.


Who the fuck are you? Joe Human Race Representative?
I just told you, it ain't all about Numero Uno.

And let me add, if you're deriving your picture of the world from munching popcorn in your barcalounger watching a wanker TV show like "Cops", it's no wonder your idea of what's actually going on out there is so clueless.

Here's an idea. Turn off the idiot box and start living in the world.

Seems to me the Cops are taking their lead from Obama........!!

OK: not really....but isn't killing American innocents abroad a bad example??..Even "accidentally"??

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You wish you were white. Youre an uncle Geronimo.
Why would I wish I were white, ass-lips?
Because you hate not being white. Bet your main goal in life was to marry a white woman and have children that were not all NA.
I married a white woman because that's who I fell in love with, and my half-breed kids are beautiful no matter what their skin color. Conservatives see people not races, something a Leftist racist bigot like you could never understand.
Thats what you tell yourself. We both know is because you want to be white.
A very cruel and uncalled for remark. It embarrasses me and I'm not the one you directed that remark to.

lol. Assleper's lack of manhood renders his remarks somewhat insipid and vapid!! He's just a punkass without balls...

Maybe the cops should consider halting their shakedowns, robberies and extortion of citizens in Ferguson. Perhaps they could replace the judge and other officials that are being forced into retirement and fired with officials that are not criminals and thugs. It sucks that the 2nd Amendment is being used by blacks against white racist government officials.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
We agree you write very however... There are two aspects here I think you are neglecting. One is society's glamorization of anti-establishment behavior and the second is people not taking a top-down view.

In so much popular media there is portrayed a certain amount of heroism in fighting the system. When the system becomes oppressive that is very understandable. Way too often the system is only portrayed as immediate conflict. This makes for great action films but when those beliefs are taken to the streets and nothing is asked of the higher ups then this is a counterproductive struggle.

The have-nots feeling anger against the haves is perfectly understandable, but the local police department is not the haves. Yes, police departments become corrupt in that they squeeze the poor and not the less poor and it becomes ugly but this pressure comes from the top-down as to what the police department and the city have to do to stay afloat. And the top-down comes from the very top. Some may wonder why any candidate would run for president who has pretty much no chance of winning, Chris Dodd for example, who never achieve more than about 5% of the primary vote. The reason is to get a message out. In the debates questions such as, Why are cities going broke? Also in Congress the message is not getting out. They know how the system works, or doesn't but even the people in Congress supposedly trying to change the system are not doing enough. I learned something a while back about who takes the blame in an intelligence failure. It is not the person who was told the information and did not pass it on but the person who did not convince the person before him who did not convince the person he told that it was important enough to pass on. While generally I think that unfair it does have its logic and that is why there is not a single person in Congress that I do not blame for the system being what it is, except one. And that one because in the presidential debate she will not let the other candidate dance around the issue and she will not let the moderator leave out that question. So I think the whole system needs to be cleaned up top to bottom. When the entire world is asking what happen in Ferguson is the President taking this opportunity to address systematic problems in the system? Is there a single Congressman using this opportunity to advocate for change? No. Everyone is using this tragedy to gain a little ground for their individual interests. These people could at least get a message board account like the rest of us.

We the people are fighting amongst ourselves and if we do not look above our immediate conflict we are easily manipulated. White and black, poor and rich. It is time for everyone to reach to achieve the' "America the beautiful, from sea to shining sea.", "and Hawaii and Alaska and the sixteen territories." Please America. It is what God wants.
Maybe the cops should consider halting their shakedowns, robberies and extortion of citizens in Ferguson. Perhaps they could replace the judge and other officials that are being forced into retirement and fired with officials that are not criminals and thugs. It sucks that the 2nd Amendment is being used by blacks against white racist government officials.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
We agree you write very however... There are two aspects here I think you are neglecting. One is society's glamorization of anti-establishment behavior and the second is people not taking a top-down view.

In so much popular media there is portrayed a certain amount of heroism in fighting the system. When the system becomes oppressive that is very understandable. Way too often the system is only portrayed as immediate conflict. This makes for great action films but when those beliefs are taken to the streets and nothing is asked of the higher ups then this is a counterproductive struggle.

The have-nots feeling anger against the haves is perfectly understandable, but the local police department is not the haves. Yes, police departments become corrupt in that they squeeze the poor and not the less poor and it becomes ugly but this pressure comes from the top-down as to what the police department and the city have to do to stay afloat. And the top-down comes from the very top. Some may wonder why any candidate would run for president who has pretty much no chance of winning, Chris Dodd for example, who never achieve more than about 5% of the primary vote. The reason is to get a message out. In the debates questions such as, Why are cities going broke? Also in Congress the message is not getting out. They know how the system works, or doesn't but even the people in Congress supposedly trying to change the system are not doing enough. I learned something a while back about who takes the blame in an intelligence failure. It is not the person who was told the information and did not pass it on but the person who did not convince the person before him who did not convince the person he told that it was important enough to pass on. While generally I think that unfair it does have its logic and that is why there is not a single person in Congress that I do not blame for the system being what it is, except one. And that one because in the presidential debate she will not let the other candidate dance around the issue and she will not let the moderator leave out that question. So I think the whole system needs to be cleaned up top to bottom. When the entire world is asking what happen in Ferguson is the President taking this opportunity to address systematic problems in the system? Is there a single Congressman using this opportunity to advocate for change? No. Everyone is using this tragedy to gain a little ground for their individual interests. These people could at least get a message board account like the rest of us.

We the people are fighting amongst ourselves and if we do not look above our immediate conflict we are easily manipulated. White and black, poor and rich. It is time for everyone to reach to achieve the' "America the beautiful, from sea to shining sea.", "and Hawaii and Alaska and the sixteen territories." Please America. It is what God wants.
I understand exactly what you're saying here, and I totally agree. Yes, it all starts at the top, and I have been writing about that very aspect for many years now. I have preached that sermon many times, and will continue to preach it. Yes, we have an unconcerned government seated in Washington, and have had for decades now. Yes, we have socioeconomic problems rooted at the top of the ladder. Yes, we have a corrupt judicial system, one that practices more injustice than justice. As I've mentioned many times in the past, the voters much shoulder partial blame for the conditions on Main Street America, the frustrations, the unrest, the prejudices, and the lack of attention necessary from the top.

We can trace the roots of our problems back to their origin, which is "The Washington Brotherhood" that has occupied political offices for many decades now. Ferguson is a by-product of social neglect, allowed to fester and grow until citizens reach their breaking point. When it was made public that certain socioeconomic criteria were being used in Ferguson to generate revenue, the people had confirmation of what they had been subjected to for years. It just added to the already inflamed frustrations brewing due to Mr. Brown and others across the country.

We have social issues, economic issues, race issues, judicial issues, mistrust issues, and political issues, all fueling civil unrest and highly agitated citizens all across this nation. And, you're correct, it all stems from the top.
Didn't take long to get your answer did it Thirty? The "adults" desperately need racism or they have fucking nothing to rile the people up with. BTW, if the shooter ends up being blaack you think the words hate crime will ever be brought up?

I'm not surprised. Liberals are all the same. Contradicting hypocrites that want you to do as they say, not as they do. And hell no, if that shooter is black, this crime will be justified.

Those retarded citizens in Ferguson have opened up a can of worms that they will regret opening.
Just behave. Don't hurt others. This video is every bit as disturbing as an ISIS video. Adults in the crowd were cheering it on. Stop robbin & killin. Be good to each other. It's what Martin Luther King would want.

hey, i have seen most of those comedy shows growing up in late 60's onto the 70's. I don't recall any sax and violins in episodes of Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street.(just to name a few)

Are you in the right thread?

If so, wtf are you talking about?

And why do you think "Mary Tyler Moore, The Partridge Family, Mr Rodgers and Sesame Street" re representative of real life?

Hint: they were very idealized FICTION.

Whatever:at least kids watching it wern't out robbing stores and shooting cops like todays fools


Yeah, there were no underage criminals in the tine of Donna Reed and Leave It To Beaver.

Some of you are living in La La Land.

Not like today. Kids back then had more respect. They were raised by WWII vets. They had jobs after age 15 if not sooner.
another myth..
Maybe the cops should consider halting their shakedowns, robberies and extortion of citizens in Ferguson. Perhaps they could replace the judge and other officials that are being forced into retirement and fired with officials that are not criminals and thugs. It sucks that the 2nd Amendment is being used by blacks against white racist government officials.
You asshole. What did those cops do to get shot? Cheering the cop killers on? Fuck you and die very, very soon.

Camp's only quoting(sorta) Holder. The "die soon" bit is a tad harsh. lol

Actually it doesn't go far enough. I'm down on my knees praying something very big and heavy drops on top of him. People who cheer on cop killers are worse than scum.
People that cheer on cops are ignorant, blind, and void of any reasoning. The damage they do is ridiculous. Their mentality is that of barbaric animalistic social misfits. The brutality, rape, child molestation, spousal abuse, stealing, lying in court, lying to cover for each other, taking bribes from pimps and drug dealers, slaughtering family pets that haven't harm anyone, writing BS quota tickets, ganging up on individuals already handcuffed and on the ground, and other shameful acts should be punished, but rarely are. How many cops are in our prison system? How many cops are tried and convicted for the same offenses they arrest others for? How many cops get a free pass in our judicial system? How many have murdered someone in cold blood and walked free? How many $Millions have been paid to settle cases where cops over-stepped the legal bounds?

You cop defenders should read more and do more research before placing a halo on their heads and worshipping them. It's well known and well documented concerning their brutality, and abuse of power and authority. Many videos have surfaced that verify unnecessary force and assault where none was called for. Dragging old ladies out of cars, shooting 12 year old kids playing the park, breaking into the wrong house and killing a 92 year old woman in her own home, and many more stories made public. Obviously, some of you haven't done your homework, either just turn a blind eye to what's really going on in this country, especially on Main Street America.

It's common knowledge that in our courts, judges take the word of a cop over anyone else. To our judicial system, a cop's word is gospel and not to be disputed. It takes a ton of money to defend yourself against what a cop claims you've done. And, chances are, the cop is guilty of doing the same things that he's out arresting others for doing. Cops aren't saints, they do their share of dirt. And, with more and more people armed with cell phones, posting pictures on the internet, we get to see exactly the mentality and actions of members of law enforcement. Yet, cops want respect and for us to look up to them as good public servants helping people and protecting. People earn respect, it's not given just because someone happens to have a badge and a gun. Cops have brought the disrespect on themselves. In addition, if there are so called good cops, why are they not policing their own profession?
We agree you write very however... There are two aspects here I think you are neglecting. One is society's glamorization of anti-establishment behavior and the second is people not taking a top-down view.

In so much popular media there is portrayed a certain amount of heroism in fighting the system. When the system becomes oppressive that is very understandable. Way too often the system is only portrayed as immediate conflict. This makes for great action films but when those beliefs are taken to the streets and nothing is asked of the higher ups then this is a counterproductive struggle.

The have-nots feeling anger against the haves is perfectly understandable, but the local police department is not the haves. Yes, police departments become corrupt in that they squeeze the poor and not the less poor and it becomes ugly but this pressure comes from the top-down as to what the police department and the city have to do to stay afloat. And the top-down comes from the very top. Some may wonder why any candidate would run for president who has pretty much no chance of winning, Chris Dodd for example, who never achieve more than about 5% of the primary vote. The reason is to get a message out. In the debates questions such as, Why are cities going broke? Also in Congress the message is not getting out. They know how the system works, or doesn't but even the people in Congress supposedly trying to change the system are not doing enough. I learned something a while back about who takes the blame in an intelligence failure. It is not the person who was told the information and did not pass it on but the person who did not convince the person before him who did not convince the person he told that it was important enough to pass on. While generally I think that unfair it does have its logic and that is why there is not a single person in Congress that I do not blame for the system being what it is, except one. And that one because in the presidential debate she will not let the other candidate dance around the issue and she will not let the moderator leave out that question. So I think the whole system needs to be cleaned up top to bottom. When the entire world is asking what happen in Ferguson is the President taking this opportunity to address systematic problems in the system? Is there a single Congressman using this opportunity to advocate for change? No. Everyone is using this tragedy to gain a little ground for their individual interests. These people could at least get a message board account like the rest of us.

We the people are fighting amongst ourselves and if we do not look above our immediate conflict we are easily manipulated. White and black, poor and rich. It is time for everyone to reach to achieve the' "America the beautiful, from sea to shining sea.", "and Hawaii and Alaska and the sixteen territories." Please America. It is what God wants.
it's your unprovable speculative assumption of what the sky fairy wants...
Didn't take long to get your answer did it Thirty? The "adults" desperately need racism or they have fucking nothing to rile the people up with. BTW, if the shooter ends up being blaack you think the words hate crime will ever be brought up?

I'm not surprised. Liberals are all the same. Contradicting hypocrites that want you to do as they say, not as they do. And hell no, if that shooter is black, this crime will be justified.

Those retarded citizens in Ferguson have opened up a can of worms that they will regret opening.
If the police withdraw, then the thugs would kill each other off in no short order. Maybe we should give them the lawless cesspool they are rooting for. America doesn't need a gang of thugs calling themselves 'Americans' whatever their skin color.
lets all just do our impression of what most of the umegamucated protesters are saying: Yo, Iz like we iz like totally pizzd off dat wun of our own homies was shot 67 times in the back of the front and for no weeson! and afta micheal brown waz shot in the head, iz like he den got on hiz nees and begged the cracker head cop for his life,den da cop shot him in da front, den Michael Brown put hiz hands up and screamed "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" !!! and datz why we iz all protesting until we all git our free flatscreensTV's !!!
lets all just do our impression of what most of the umegamucated protesters are saying: Yo, Iz like we iz like totally pizzd off dat wun of our own homies was shot 67 times in the back of the front and for no weeson! and afta micheal brown waz shot in the head, iz like he den got on hiz nees and begged the cracker head cop for his life,den da cop shot him in da front, den Michael Brown put hiz hands up and screamed "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" !!! and datz why we iz all protesting until we all git our free flatscreensTV's !!!
I love it. Very good work. Obviously, you put some time in on that one. I'm still laughing. Thanks for the entertainment this afternoon.

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