Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

lets all just do our impression of what most of the umegamucated protesters are saying: Yo, Iz like we iz like totally pizzd off dat wun of our own homies was shot 67 times in the back of the front and for no weeson! and afta micheal brown waz shot in the head, iz like he den got on hiz nees and begged the cracker head cop for his life,den da cop shot him in da front, den Michael Brown put hiz hands up and screamed "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" !!! and datz why we iz all protesting until we all git our free flatscreensTV's !!!
I love it. Very good work. Obviously, you put some time in on that one. I'm still laughing. Thanks for the entertainment this afternoon.
i am surprised that any of the protesters that was interviewed didnt say "What? What da hell doz evidence mean" all eye no iz dat an innocent black child was shot in cold blood and I am still waiting for my 5000 dolla EBT card!!!
lets all just do our impression of what most of the umegamucated protesters are saying: Yo, Iz like we iz like totally pizzd off dat wun of our own homies was shot 67 times in the back of the front and for no weeson! and afta micheal brown waz shot in the head, iz like he den got on hiz nees and begged the cracker head cop for his life,den da cop shot him in da front, den Michael Brown put hiz hands up and screamed "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" !!! and datz why we iz all protesting until we all git our free flatscreensTV's !!!
I love it. Very good work. Obviously, you put some time in on that one. I'm still laughing. Thanks for the entertainment this afternoon.
i am surprised that any of the protesters that was interviewed didnt say "What? What da hell doz evidence mean" all eye no iz dat an innocent black child was shot in cold blood and I am still waiting for my 5000 dolla EBT card!!!
You're good. You obviously missed your calling. You have talent.
Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

I don't usually agree with your posts, but I can totally agree with the statement above. The black community needs to stop blaming everyone else for their problems. Their problems are of their own doing with their continued victim status. They will never climb out of their hole with that kind of mindset. NEVER.
Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Though I accept the rabble are indeed out of line BIG TIME there is no need to tar all with the same brush. I trust that is NOT what you are doing.

But as regards the potential cop killers; there is a proper procedure to follow and I suggest that the Law has already begun it!!


I kind of agree with the first paragraph of his post. He is absolutely correct there. The black community (the law abiding ones) need to join us and stop fighting against us. No, most of your shot black youth are not innocent babies. They are criminals who have committed crimes and/or gang members in most instances who were caught breaking the law. Then, when the fight the police, the police are going to react and sometimes with deadly force if they feel it is necessary.

This is not about a problem with the police. It is a problem with the black community and their disrespect for authority.
All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Somehow I am getting the impression that most of Ferguson watches PMS-NBC all the time. (well aside from when they are out using their EBT cards on local strip bars and food.
Why were these people in the streets last night?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
-- First Amendment to the Constitution

Fucking duh.

There is a big difference between a peaceful protest and a riot.
The root cause again, the failed black culture


No one in the black community wants to accept the high murder rate when it comes to black on black crime. No one in the black community wants to accept the fact that most black men between the age of 13-35 are likely to commit crimes in America. No one wants to accept the fact that out black culture went from one of positive achievement and intelligence to one of utter emptiness and low standards.

You got rappers on Twitter mad over the verdict yet these same rappers glorify black on black violence and ignorance; how many young black men died trying to imitate one of their favorite rapper’s songs?

We went from Eli Whitney, Booker T. Washington, Fredrick Douglass, to Snoop Dogg, Tupac Shakur, and Lil Wayne.

The Cold Hard Truth About Black Culture RedState

Exactly. I couldn't agree more. The victim mentality that is constantly on display and encouraged by some black "leaders" in their communities are not doing anyone any favors, especially black young people.
Ahh, tis easy to use the cover of protests by others to carry out a deadly deed.


FERGUSON • Two police officers were hit by gunfire early Thursday outside the Ferguson police department.

The shots were fired as police were confronting protesters who had gathered outside the police station.

Ferguson Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff said he didn't think either of the officers were from his department. He also didn't know the extent of their injuries. Eickhoff was not at the scene at the time of the shooting but he said he was headed there.

A police source said one of the officers is a St. Louis County officer and the other a Webster Groves officer.

The shots rang out as the protests appeared to be dwindling. Some of the protesters fell to the ground and others ran.

Several members of the media, including a Post-Dispatch reporter and photographer, were near the officers who were hit.

Two police officers are shot in Ferguson News
What goes around, comes around. The way they've treated the people there, it was bound to happen sooner or later. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me to hear about shootings of this nature all across the country in the coming months. Cops have been asking for this for many years now, and now they have what they've been looking for. Riots, shootings, civil unrest, protests, and marches will become common place, for several reasons. We've created a poor, dependent, frustrated, and angry citizenry. Oppressed people will soon revolt, and authority will sleep with one eye open.

When you take away citizens' rights, their freedom, and opportunities to be self-supporting members of society, you create an angry people, one that will grow tired of oppression and revolt. For now, it's anger directed towards members of law enforcement, next it'll be anger directed at any authority. This anger has been growing for many years now, and it's only going to get worse with time.

The police do no such thing. The police are acting under the authority of their supervisors. They get called, they show up. When a person will not cooperate and tries to fight or flee, then the police will take action. The police are not taking any rights away from black people.
Of course there are some crooked cops, but they are far and few in between. The police are watched quite carefully nowadays, obviously. Most of them do things by the book, but if they feel their lives are threatened (and they want to go home to their families), they are going to react and sometimes with deadly force.
The PC zombies never did get it.

It is what it is..........we don't have police problem. We have a black problem.:up:

But as the great Bob Grants said decades ago......."they cant hide".:eusa_dance:

I say, the police department deploy drones and when shit goes down, they drone their asses!!!:coffee:For drive-by's, the police are going to have to deploy units with RPGs.......set up on the perimeter of these demonstrations sniper-like. That will get their attention if they catch on camera just once an SUV being vaporized.:funnyface::funnyface:

It's not "black people" that are the problem generally. It is the attitude of the black community in general that is the problem. Thinking everyone is out to get you, thinking that your children can do no wrong, thinking that the police are all racists and disrespecting authority in general is the problem, IMO.

Many black people do not buy into that victim mentality and have very happy and successful lives where they never have an issue with police.
Because of the mentality we saw in LA, and now in Mizzou, is why I have concealed carry permits good in 48 states.


yes, and business owners should have every right to shoot to kill should some of these "protestors" try to illegally enter their shops to loot or just ruin things. I think that an armed populace is an excellent deterrent. :)
Cops are people too !
In a sense, yes.
In a sense.? What does that mean? Cops aren't just meat puppets that protect the staus quo no. Instead, they are flesh and blood human beings that put their lives on the line for people, like YOU . But you knew that already. You are just being sarcastic or ironic moronic or whatever troll game you're playing.
I will be looking forward to the day when the top story is: The entire Ferguson Police force has quit. then lets see what happens when all of those crackers arent around to stop the violence.
Ahh, tis easy to use the cover of protests by others to carry out a deadly deed.


FERGUSON • Two police officers were hit by gunfire early Thursday outside the Ferguson police department.

The shots were fired as police were confronting protesters who had gathered outside the police station.

Ferguson Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff said he didn't think either of the officers were from his department. He also didn't know the extent of their injuries. Eickhoff was not at the scene at the time of the shooting but he said he was headed there.

A police source said one of the officers is a St. Louis County officer and the other a Webster Groves officer.

The shots rang out as the protests appeared to be dwindling. Some of the protesters fell to the ground and others ran.

Several members of the media, including a Post-Dispatch reporter and photographer, were near the officers who were hit.

Two police officers are shot in Ferguson News
What goes around, comes around. The way they've treated the people there, it was bound to happen sooner or later. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me to hear about shootings of this nature all across the country in the coming months. Cops have been asking for this for many years now, and now they have what they've been looking for. Riots, shootings, civil unrest, protests, and marches will become common place, for several reasons. We've created a poor, dependent, frustrated, and angry citizenry. Oppressed people will soon revolt, and authority will sleep with one eye open.

When you take away citizens' rights, their freedom, and opportunities to be self-supporting members of society, you create an angry people, one that will grow tired of oppression and revolt. For now, it's anger directed towards members of law enforcement, next it'll be anger directed at any authority. This anger has been growing for many years now, and it's only going to get worse with time.

The police do no such thing. The police are acting under the authority of their supervisors. They get called, they show up. When a person will not cooperate and tries to fight or flee, then the police will take action. The police are not taking any rights away from black people.
Obviously you misread and/or misunderstood my comment. I have never ever said, nor implied, that the police has taken anyone's rights away. Police can not take rights away. Police do not have the power nor authority to take rights away. Please go back and re-read my comment. Thanks.
And since when should police officers be hired based upon racial diversity? That has nothing to do with being a police officer. A white police officer policing a mostly black community should get the same respect as a black police officer.
Ahh, tis easy to use the cover of protests by others to carry out a deadly deed.


FERGUSON • Two police officers were hit by gunfire early Thursday outside the Ferguson police department.

The shots were fired as police were confronting protesters who had gathered outside the police station.

Ferguson Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff said he didn't think either of the officers were from his department. He also didn't know the extent of their injuries. Eickhoff was not at the scene at the time of the shooting but he said he was headed there.

A police source said one of the officers is a St. Louis County officer and the other a Webster Groves officer.

The shots rang out as the protests appeared to be dwindling. Some of the protesters fell to the ground and others ran.

Several members of the media, including a Post-Dispatch reporter and photographer, were near the officers who were hit.

Two police officers are shot in Ferguson News
What goes around, comes around. The way they've treated the people there, it was bound to happen sooner or later. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me to hear about shootings of this nature all across the country in the coming months. Cops have been asking for this for many years now, and now they have what they've been looking for. Riots, shootings, civil unrest, protests, and marches will become common place, for several reasons. We've created a poor, dependent, frustrated, and angry citizenry. Oppressed people will soon revolt, and authority will sleep with one eye open.

When you take away citizens' rights, their freedom, and opportunities to be self-supporting members of society, you create an angry people, one that will grow tired of oppression and revolt. For now, it's anger directed towards members of law enforcement, next it'll be anger directed at any authority. This anger has been growing for many years now, and it's only going to get worse with time.

The police do no such thing. The police are acting under the authority of their supervisors. They get called, they show up. When a person will not cooperate and tries to fight or flee, then the police will take action. The police are not taking any rights away from black people.
Obviously you misread and/or misunderstood my comment. I have never ever said, nor implied, that the police has taken anyone's rights away. Police can not take rights away. Police do not have the power nor authority to take rights away. Please go back and re-read my comment. Thanks.

Well, if you go back and read your post, it starts off blaming the police and saying that they've had "have been asking for this for many years now." No, they are just doing their jobs.

WHO are you blaming for taking away their rights and oppressing them?
Ahh, tis easy to use the cover of protests by others to carry out a deadly deed.


FERGUSON • Two police officers were hit by gunfire early Thursday outside the Ferguson police department.

The shots were fired as police were confronting protesters who had gathered outside the police station.

Ferguson Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff said he didn't think either of the officers were from his department. He also didn't know the extent of their injuries. Eickhoff was not at the scene at the time of the shooting but he said he was headed there.

A police source said one of the officers is a St. Louis County officer and the other a Webster Groves officer.

The shots rang out as the protests appeared to be dwindling. Some of the protesters fell to the ground and others ran.

Several members of the media, including a Post-Dispatch reporter and photographer, were near the officers who were hit.

Two police officers are shot in Ferguson News
What goes around, comes around. The way they've treated the people there, it was bound to happen sooner or later. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me to hear about shootings of this nature all across the country in the coming months. Cops have been asking for this for many years now, and now they have what they've been looking for. Riots, shootings, civil unrest, protests, and marches will become common place, for several reasons. We've created a poor, dependent, frustrated, and angry citizenry. Oppressed people will soon revolt, and authority will sleep with one eye open.

When you take away citizens' rights, their freedom, and opportunities to be self-supporting members of society, you create an angry people, one that will grow tired of oppression and revolt. For now, it's anger directed towards members of law enforcement, next it'll be anger directed at any authority. This anger has been growing for many years now, and it's only going to get worse with time.

The police do no such thing. The police are acting under the authority of their supervisors. They get called, they show up. When a person will not cooperate and tries to fight or flee, then the police will take action. The police are not taking any rights away from black people.
Obviously you misread and/or misunderstood my comment. I have never ever said, nor implied, that the police has taken anyone's rights away. Police can not take rights away. Police do not have the power nor authority to take rights away. Please go back and re-read my comment. Thanks.

The bottom line here is that the police have a job to do. If they come across a belligerant suspect who wants to fight, then they have to think of the safety of everyone and not just themselves. What would you suggest the police do? Just let black people go because they're black and might feel offended if a white police officer tries to arrest them or detain them after being called?
All good Americans oppose racialism of left or right as well as support appropriate law and order.

You and your folks don't.

I oppose people breaking the law and when confronted by police, fighting with them. I oppose all of the riots based upon this falsehood that they are somehow victims of racism by police too. It is just not true. Police officers do not open fire unless they feel threatened. Somebody needs to tell the black community to cooperate with the police and to stop fighting with them at every turn. The results will be more dead black kids. The black community needs to step up and instead of making their children feel victims of society, bring them up to be a part of society.
Horse crap sniveling, dear. Violence is wrong, but the record remains quite clear FPD was a bad outfit. What the black community needs to do is vote; they need to stand up and vote.

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