BREAKING: U.S. Officials Have Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Were Involved In ‘Unmasking’ General Flynn

Barr's selective release of those who requested "unmasking" (totally legal and done through proper channels) and the focus on Biden strikes me as an attempt to interfere in the elections.

The AG is supposed to be impartial.

This is yet one more indication of Barr's corruption IMO.
remove your dog from the race. stop trying to steer the river in your direction. not doing this makes you push things to where they are not in "the real world".

You remove your dog from the race and quit deflecting, because that is what you are doing. You can not acknowledge even the remote possibility that someone else might have a legitimate argument that doesn't match yours.

Why the selective release of material like this? Why the focus on Biden's name, 6 months from an election. Barr is Trump's man. Why is Barr helping the Republicans? The AG is supposed to stay out of partisan politics. Even Eric Holder, for all the criticism leveled at him, did not get involved. But hey...there can't possibly be any legitimate concerns about corruption (that only applies to Obama and Clinton in your book).

you are not getting what you perceive to be "proper", ergo THEY must be corrupt; not you potentially wrong. when you put yourself in a position where nothing will change your mind, you warp what you see to fit what you need it to be.

so maybe the AG is being impartial and what was done to Trump was wrong.


Where did you pull that out of? Does it occur to you that you might be wrong? (Apparently not...not once in your posts....). The AG has, factually, engaged in a number of very unprededented actions, completely outside his normal scope. That is looking at AG's over a number of administrations. Those actions in fact conflict with the independent judiciary in a disturbing way. But actually - why bother to discuss with you?

I think Slade is right. You simultaneously criticize others for not seeing your point of view while insisting they are completely wrong for having a different point of view. There is no discussion to be had here because you make it about person doing the discussing, not the actual points of discussion.
well if you think slade is right then there ain't much sense in trying.

i ask some pretty simple questions, ask if we can pull back claws and talk issues, i even get specific per your request - again.

and yet again you don't follow through.

but i do find it funny you're mad at me for not considering YOUR point of view while the entire time you refuse to consider mine. also, i've said i'm wrong several times. most recently to colfax_m and he and i have our own dogfights. but when he is right he is right. he can also put the emotions down and simply talk. thats what i was trying to get back to before you decided it was more fun to slam me. so'k. that's how it's been lately but i was trying to have us both stop it.

you and slade have fun, hear?

I took a good bit of time and answered your specific question. I'm not mad you for not considering MY point of view. You don't have to. But when you bang on about how only YOUR point of view is right and mine is just "emotional" - you aren't discussing anything but people. I don't CARE how you derive your point of view. I'll hear it out. Which I did. I expect the same respect from you IF discussion is what you want. But if you answer every one of my points with "you just hate Trump" then you aren't truly interested.
the reason i do that is because when i disagree with you, you instantly go off that i am defending trump. you so far have refused to see i can disagree with you and how it applies to law or policy; not trump.

but to date you have never given me the "luxury" of disagreeing with you and NOT defending trump. in my mind trump doesn't have much to do with whether or not what is happening to him is legal or not.

It's what they are trained to do.
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

This talks about after ww2 it really started.

Need to do some reading on history this weekend. Double spaced or not. :)

It also mentions that no campaign ever tried to coordinate with Russia and their attempts to interfere in campaigns almost always failed. There hasn’t been any actual interference in decades.
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven
The declassified documents will show that the Russians were trying to help Hillary not Trump.

That is just too funny :lol: Given that all the evidence to the contrary. But conspiracy theories usually ignore that.
There is no real evidence to the contrary.

There is plenty.

Please start the list of your supposed "factual' evidence to the contrary...
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

This talks about after ww2 it really started.

Need to do some reading on history this weekend. Double spaced or not. :)

It also mentions that no campaign ever tried to coordinate with Russia and their attempts to interfere in campaigns almost always failed. There hasn’t been any actual interference in decades.
And I'm still not sure there was any more than this type activity in 2016
Why the Trump admin has been dragging its feet on prosecuting the traitor vermin is the question, and has been for many months. Getting rid of AG's hasn't seemed to work. These scum need to be charged and in prison now, not 5 years form now. Hillary and her mob of gangsters and theives should have been tried and executed for treason 2 years ago. And Comey is still walking around, too, along with Mueller.
This is a democratic Republic.

There needs to be a paper trail, and everything needs to be exposed proper. The rule of law must be upheld, and all must have their day in court if we are going to maintain our democratic norms.

I mean, hell, even though the evidence is starting to come to light, WITH a paper trail, LOOK at Coyote's reaction to this all?

I know why Flynn sought to be evasive and equivocate with the FBI, and we all know now, if we read the discussions with the deal he was trying to set up with the Russians concerning that failed UN quid pro quo vote on Israel and the Russian sanctions. . . this is all par for international politics, it isn't much different than what RFK trying to do for Jack.

He really probably didn't think it was proper to tip his hand to anyone at the time, including low level FBI grunts, on those high level negotiations until they could see what would become of them.

. . . yet, we have become so partisan, the Obama era hold overs wanted to actually try to tag Flynn with Logan era violations? Seriously?

No, this must move slow, be put in front of the electorate, and then prosecuted in with the support of the nation if we are to maintain unity as a nation.

Actually we already have lots of evidence, re the servers, re the Russian uranium deals, re Comey's own open bragging, etc. to take the vermin to court on any number of criminal acts going back years. Some stuff is not all out there, sure, but without charges how do you get subpoenas and investigators warrants, etc., all that good stuff? You can bet once they nab one or two of the scum, they will rat out dozens more to escape being locked up with their pet savages in a prison cell somewhere. Even Biden openly bragged about extorting the Ukraine; thse vermin were proud of it, they had Holder in the AG's office, and they obviously thought they had 2016 in the bag. They felt safe enough to get away with it all with no problems.

No, this must move slow, be put in front of the electorate, and then prosecuted in with the support of the nation if we are to maintain unity as a nation.

That went out the window with the media's open support of criminal activity and lying and fake news agendas, and of course the Democratic Party's candidates open and unanimous endorsement of ethnic cleansing and racial displacement via open borders and the usual criminal activities against our country.
While I do agree with all of that, and, in the minds of extreme partisans, it seems rather straight forward, sometimes it is not. . . . actually.

Politics is more than just documented law, it is also about hearts and minds. All Americans are necessary to make this great nation work.

There is some really good, actual scholarly work on the shadow government and the Deep State, by leftist professors. In fact, the whole idea and notion of the UN-elected Deep State as a subject of study that got started on the left after the JFK assassination and the Watergate fiasco. (Not including that warning that Ike gave to nation upon his departure.)

Yet? There are many many folks on the left that are in compete denial that the corporate foundation's marriage with the bureaucracy has an agenda of it's own.

This must be corrected, and faith in public institutions restored, before we can just make war on an entire partisan POV. Your attitude is part of the problem. Yes, we have corruption in the elite party leaders and corporate journalists of the left. . . but, does that mean the ideals of the progressive movement and our left wing are inherently corrupt?

I'd say no. There are plenty of independent lefty journalists that never fell for the Russia-Collusion Hoax that bear this out.

We must remember, during the late fifties, and early sixties, we had the reverse problem, the RIGHT had used the intelligence agencies to make war on civil society in the exact same manner. Both Hoover and the Dulles brothers were conservative from the right. The programs they carried out on our own citizens, and spying, and other shenanigans? Disgusting.

We must, as a nation, first seek balance, before the people believe the justice system is acting out of fairness and impartiality, not out of vindictiveness.

What is more important, public trust in our democratic norms, faith in our democracy, or vindictive destruction of political enemies at the expense of the nation?

I loved the way rep. Kucinich laid out the balance we need. . .

The American Eagle of freedom can only fly when it has support of both the left wing and the right wing. . . :heehee:

In answer to your statements the answer is yes, politicians and biased media have become corrupt and beyond redemption in my view. they must be culled from politics and removed. You are wrong when you really believe that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists want a Free America. All you have to do is see how "Democrat" Congressmen, Governors, Mayors have handled the pandemic
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

This talks about after ww2 it really started.

Need to do some reading on history this weekend. Double spaced or not. :)

It also mentions that no campaign ever tried to coordinate with Russia and their attempts to interfere in campaigns almost always failed. There hasn’t been any actual interference in decades.
And I'm still not sure there was any more than this type activity in 2016

We do know however, thanks to an open microphone that a presiding president gave Putin the go ahead to invade the Ukraine and annex the Crimea. A turmoil that exists until today....
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven
The declassified documents will show that the Russians were trying to help Hillary not Trump.

That is just too funny :lol: Given that all the evidence to the contrary. But conspiracy theories usually ignore that.

What evidence? Every single obummer official testified under oath that there was zero evidence.

Zero evidence that the Russians were trying to interfere in the elections and they supported Trump?

There is zero evidence they were trying to help Trump. Shrilary was already bought so the evidence we do have is that pootin was trying to help her. It is not much, but it is there.

We have ZERO evidence he was trying to help Trump. That Russia has been interfering is without doubt. They have, and have been for a long time.
Hacking and releasing the DNC email server wasn’t trying to help Trump?
recent declassified documents indicate crowdstrike never said they found evidence russia did a thing.

not a whole lot of mainstream reporting on it but if crowdstrike never found evidence of russian hacking, wouldn't that put a pretty big hole in the theory?

Crowdstrike couldn't say for sure - that is not the same as saying "no evidence" of Russian Hacking.

In addition, here is what Crowdstrike has to say: Our Work with the DNC: Setting the record straight

June 15, 2016 UPDATE:
CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016. On June 15, 2016 a blog post to a WordPress site authored by an individual using the moniker Guccifer 2.0 claimed credit for breaching the Democratic National Committee. This blog post presents documents alleged to have originated from the DNC.

Whether or not this posting is part of a Russian Intelligence disinformation campaign, we are exploring the documents’ authenticity and origin. Regardless, these claims do nothing to lessen our findings relating to the Russian government’s involvement, portions of which we have documented for the public and the greater security community.

In the IT world you either DO know. Or you don't. There is no "maybe".
Barr's selective release of those who requested "unmasking" (totally legal and done through proper channels) and the focus on Biden strikes me as an attempt to interfere in the elections.

The AG is supposed to be impartial.

This is yet one more indication of Barr's corruption IMO.


ABC News first reported the news but initially said in the title that Grenell was in the process of trying to declassify the list of Obama officials.

A source with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Wire that the list has already been declassified and now it’s on Attorney General William Barr to release the list.

This is very, very nice news! :thup: :biggrin:

MAY 12TH, 2020

Well done! :clap2:
View attachment 335005

Link won’t load, remove post per rules please.
ABC News first reported the news but initially said in the title that Grenell was in the process of trying to declassify the list of Obama officials.

A source with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Wire that the list has already been declassified and now it’s on Attorney General William Barr to release the list.

This is very, very nice news! :thup: :biggrin:

MAY 12TH, 2020

Well done! :clap2:
View attachment 335005

Link won’t load, remove post per rules please.

Seems I had no problem loading the URL... Try again....
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven
The declassified documents will show that the Russians were trying to help Hillary not Trump.

That is just too funny :lol: Given that all the evidence to the contrary. But conspiracy theories usually ignore that.

What evidence? Every single obummer official testified under oath that there was zero evidence.

Zero evidence that the Russians were trying to interfere in the elections and they supported Trump?

There is zero evidence they were trying to help Trump. Shrilary was already bought so the evidence we do have is that pootin was trying to help her. It is not much, but it is there.

We have ZERO evidence he was trying to help Trump. That Russia has been interfering is without doubt. They have, and have been for a long time.
Hacking and releasing the DNC email server wasn’t trying to help Trump?
recent declassified documents indicate crowdstrike never said they found evidence russia did a thing.

not a whole lot of mainstream reporting on it but if crowdstrike never found evidence of russian hacking, wouldn't that put a pretty big hole in the theory?

Crowdstrike couldn't say for sure - that is not the same as saying "no evidence" of Russian Hacking.

In addition, here is what Crowdstrike has to say: Our Work with the DNC: Setting the record straight

June 15, 2016 UPDATE:
CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016. On June 15, 2016 a blog post to a WordPress site authored by an individual using the moniker Guccifer 2.0 claimed credit for breaching the Democratic National Committee. This blog post presents documents alleged to have originated from the DNC.

Whether or not this posting is part of a Russian Intelligence disinformation campaign, we are exploring the documents’ authenticity and origin. Regardless, these claims do nothing to lessen our findings relating to the Russian government’s involvement, portions of which we have documented for the public and the greater security community.

In the IT world you either DO know. Or you don't. There is no "maybe".
Barr's selective release of those who requested "unmasking" (totally legal and done through proper channels) and the focus on Biden strikes me as an attempt to interfere in the elections.

The AG is supposed to be impartial.

This is yet one more indication of Barr's corruption IMO.


this goes back to the premise of trusting the "experts"

unless that expert says what you don't like then they are part of the plot. while i do see coyote doing this, we all have at one point or another. it's human nature because it challenges what we know to a large degree.

and that's not an easy thing to do; putting bias aside and just saying a strict "by the law on the books, was this proper" - and if you have to insert a BUT - then no, it is not proper.
My my weren't Obama and his minions the busy little bees, spying on Americans right up until the last hours of his Presidency! :eusa_think:

Exactly right!

Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven
The declassified documents will show that the Russians were trying to help Hillary not Trump.

That is just too funny :lol: Given that all the evidence to the contrary. But conspiracy theories usually ignore that.

What evidence? Every single obummer official testified under oath that there was zero evidence.

Zero evidence that the Russians were trying to interfere in the elections and they supported Trump?

There is zero evidence they were trying to help Trump. Shrilary was already bought so the evidence we do have is that pootin was trying to help her. It is not much, but it is there.

We have ZERO evidence he was trying to help Trump. That Russia has been interfering is without doubt. They have, and have been for a long time.
Hacking and releasing the DNC email server wasn’t trying to help Trump?
recent declassified documents indicate crowdstrike never said they found evidence russia did a thing.

not a whole lot of mainstream reporting on it but if crowdstrike never found evidence of russian hacking, wouldn't that put a pretty big hole in the theory?

Crowdstrike couldn't say for sure - that is not the same as saying "no evidence" of Russian Hacking.

In addition, here is what Crowdstrike has to say: Our Work with the DNC: Setting the record straight

June 15, 2016 UPDATE:
CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016. On June 15, 2016 a blog post to a WordPress site authored by an individual using the moniker Guccifer 2.0 claimed credit for breaching the Democratic National Committee. This blog post presents documents alleged to have originated from the DNC.

Whether or not this posting is part of a Russian Intelligence disinformation campaign, we are exploring the documents’ authenticity and origin. Regardless, these claims do nothing to lessen our findings relating to the Russian government’s involvement, portions of which we have documented for the public and the greater security community.
In the IT world you either DO know. Or you don't. There is no "maybe".

Cmon man, that sounds like a tag line for a commercial. It's not like they caught three Russians sneaking in the DNC headquarters. This is done remotely, through VPNs and intermediary nodes. Attribution is hard, but it definitely was the Russians.
but that would pretty much be like every election before and what we do to others around the world on an all too regular basis
I always challenge this assertion. I don’t see this as a normal thing. Can you remember the last time Russia jacked with our election?

This talks about after ww2 it really started.

Need to do some reading on history this weekend. Double spaced or not. :)

It also mentions that no campaign ever tried to coordinate with Russia and their attempts to interfere in campaigns almost always failed. There hasn’t been any actual interference in decades.
And I'm still not sure there was any more than this type activity in 2016

We do know however, thanks to an open microphone that a presiding president gave Putin the go ahead to invade the Ukraine and annex the Crimea. A turmoil that exists until today....
That's absolutely false. He clearly was talking about eastern European missile shield which was a point of contention between the two nations for a decade by that point in time. Euromaiden protests didn't even happen until late 2013. In 2012, Ukraine was definitely firmly in the grasp of the Russian sphere of influence and wouldn't need to worry about invading Crimea.
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven
The declassified documents will show that the Russians were trying to help Hillary not Trump.

That is just too funny :lol: Given that all the evidence to the contrary. But conspiracy theories usually ignore that.
There is no real evidence to the contrary.

There is plenty.

Please start the list of your supposed "factual' evidence to the contrary...
Why the Trump admin has been dragging its feet on prosecuting the traitor vermin is the question, and has been for many months. Getting rid of AG's hasn't seemed to work. These scum need to be charged and in prison now, not 5 years form now. Hillary and her mob of gangsters and theives should have been tried and executed for treason 2 years ago. And Comey is still walking around, too, along with Mueller.
This is a democratic Republic.

There needs to be a paper trail, and everything needs to be exposed proper. The rule of law must be upheld, and all must have their day in court if we are going to maintain our democratic norms.

I mean, hell, even though the evidence is starting to come to light, WITH a paper trail, LOOK at Coyote's reaction to this all?

I know why Flynn sought to be evasive and equivocate with the FBI, and we all know now, if we read the discussions with the deal he was trying to set up with the Russians concerning that failed UN quid pro quo vote on Israel and the Russian sanctions. . . this is all par for international politics, it isn't much different than what RFK trying to do for Jack.

He really probably didn't think it was proper to tip his hand to anyone at the time, including low level FBI grunts, on those high level negotiations until they could see what would become of them.

. . . yet, we have become so partisan, the Obama era hold overs wanted to actually try to tag Flynn with Logan era violations? Seriously?

No, this must move slow, be put in front of the electorate, and then prosecuted in with the support of the nation if we are to maintain unity as a nation.

Actually we already have lots of evidence, re the servers, re the Russian uranium deals, re Comey's own open bragging, etc. to take the vermin to court on any number of criminal acts going back years. Some stuff is not all out there, sure, but without charges how do you get subpoenas and investigators warrants, etc., all that good stuff? You can bet once they nab one or two of the scum, they will rat out dozens more to escape being locked up with their pet savages in a prison cell somewhere. Even Biden openly bragged about extorting the Ukraine; thse vermin were proud of it, they had Holder in the AG's office, and they obviously thought they had 2016 in the bag. They felt safe enough to get away with it all with no problems.

No, this must move slow, be put in front of the electorate, and then prosecuted in with the support of the nation if we are to maintain unity as a nation.

That went out the window with the media's open support of criminal activity and lying and fake news agendas, and of course the Democratic Party's candidates open and unanimous endorsement of ethnic cleansing and racial displacement via open borders and the usual criminal activities against our country.
While I do agree with all of that, and, in the minds of extreme partisans, it seems rather straight forward, sometimes it is not. . . . actually.

Politics is more than just documented law, it is also about hearts and minds. All Americans are necessary to make this great nation work.

There is some really good, actual scholarly work on the shadow government and the Deep State, by leftist professors. In fact, the whole idea and notion of the UN-elected Deep State as a subject of study that got started on the left after the JFK assassination and the Watergate fiasco. (Not including that warning that Ike gave to nation upon his departure.)

Yet? There are many many folks on the left that are in compete denial that the corporate foundation's marriage with the bureaucracy has an agenda of it's own.

This must be corrected, and faith in public institutions restored, before we can just make war on an entire partisan POV. Your attitude is part of the problem. Yes, we have corruption in the elite party leaders and corporate journalists of the left. . . but, does that mean the ideals of the progressive movement and our left wing are inherently corrupt?

I'd say no. There are plenty of independent lefty journalists that never fell for the Russia-Collusion Hoax that bear this out.

We must remember, during the late fifties, and early sixties, we had the reverse problem, the RIGHT had used the intelligence agencies to make war on civil society in the exact same manner. Both Hoover and the Dulles brothers were conservative from the right. The programs they carried out on our own citizens, and spying, and other shenanigans? Disgusting.

We must, as a nation, first seek balance, before the people believe the justice system is acting out of fairness and impartiality, not out of vindictiveness.

What is more important, public trust in our democratic norms, faith in our democracy, or vindictive destruction of political enemies at the expense of the nation?

I loved the way rep. Kucinich laid out the balance we need. . .

The American Eagle of freedom can only fly when it has support of both the left wing and the right wing. . . :heehee:

In answer to your statements the answer is yes, politicians and biased media have become corrupt and beyond redemption in my view. they must be culled from politics and removed. You are wrong when you really believe that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists want a Free America. All you have to do is see how "Democrat" Congressmen, Governors, Mayors have handled the pandemic

I do have to admit, my favorite Democrats have all been chased out of the party and been retired.
Any day now :)
normally i agree. but the charges on flynn bring dropped started dominos. it does sound like barr reached way back and anyone going outside of process for the purpose of inflating this "problem" is going to be held responsible.


until people are held accountable, and in this case kicking and screaming NO I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT (like children do) this will only get worse. if you're upset that people who did in fact do improper / illegal things are getting punished, that's on you. trying to say BUT THE OTHER GUY DID IT when nothing was found in years of looking is simply deflection to the core.

Why would you care about accountability when Trump got away with obstruction and attempting to coerce a foreign leader for political dirt on his private rival went uncontested? This desire for "accountability" is partisan driven
The declassified documents will show that the Russians were trying to help Hillary not Trump.

That is just too funny :lol: Given that all the evidence to the contrary. But conspiracy theories usually ignore that.

What evidence? Every single obummer official testified under oath that there was zero evidence.

Zero evidence that the Russians were trying to interfere in the elections and they supported Trump?

There is zero evidence they were trying to help Trump. Shrilary was already bought so the evidence we do have is that pootin was trying to help her. It is not much, but it is there.

We have ZERO evidence he was trying to help Trump. That Russia has been interfering is without doubt. They have, and have been for a long time.
Hacking and releasing the DNC email server wasn’t trying to help Trump?
recent declassified documents indicate crowdstrike never said they found evidence russia did a thing.

not a whole lot of mainstream reporting on it but if crowdstrike never found evidence of russian hacking, wouldn't that put a pretty big hole in the theory?

Crowdstrike couldn't say for sure - that is not the same as saying "no evidence" of Russian Hacking.

In addition, here is what Crowdstrike has to say: Our Work with the DNC: Setting the record straight

June 15, 2016 UPDATE:
CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016. On June 15, 2016 a blog post to a WordPress site authored by an individual using the moniker Guccifer 2.0 claimed credit for breaching the Democratic National Committee. This blog post presents documents alleged to have originated from the DNC.

Whether or not this posting is part of a Russian Intelligence disinformation campaign, we are exploring the documents’ authenticity and origin. Regardless, these claims do nothing to lessen our findings relating to the Russian government’s involvement, portions of which we have documented for the public and the greater security community.
In the IT world you either DO know. Or you don't. There is no "maybe".

Cmon man, that sounds like a tag line for a commercial. It's not like they caught three Russians sneaking in the DNC headquarters. This is done remotely, through VPNs and intermediary nodes. Attribution is hard, but it definitely was the Russians.

It is a fact. There is no "maybe" in IT. Either the hackers left a trace, or they didn't. There is no maybe. Real good hackers can get in and out with no evidence.

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