BREAKING UPDATE: SPEAKER PELOSI AND ADAM SCHIFF Connected to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | Joe Hoft September 29, 2019


Corruption runs deep in the Deep State! No wonder the Democrat House wants to get rid of President Trump now. Speaker Pelosi and Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. This is why they lie in front of the nation. They are afraid of their own deeds being uncovered!

As reported this morning, Adam Schiff leads the House Intelligence Committee and this past week he oversaw the Intel Committee where he attempted to align President Trump with some ‘trumped’ up allegations concerning his phone call with the President of the Ukraine.

Schiff lied in his opening remarks and claimed numerous falsehoods about the President’s call in spite of the transcript being provided the day before.

His entire description of the President’s call was a lie – we have the transcript and this was not in it!

President Trump rightly called for Schiff’s removal from the Intelligence Committee after this dishonest performance –

….fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President to make it look like I did something very wrong. He then boldly read those words to Congress and millions of people, defaming & libeling me. He must resign from Congress!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 28, 2019

We know why Schiff is lying – he’s connected with a Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

In 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500 –


Pasternack has also been connected to George Soros –

Congressman Adam Schiff (D) had a fundraiser hosted by a Ukraine arms dealer with heavy ties to George Soros! #ComeyHearing

— DEPLORABLE MEDIA (@correctthemedia) March 20, 2017

Pasternak is an arms dealer. He has sold arms in places like Syria –


Now we can report that Ukrainian arms dealer Pasternak is also connected to Nancy Pelosi!

Ukrainian arms dealer Pasternak met Pelosi at the fundraiser Pasternak held in Washington D.C.


Pelosi and Schiff want to investigate Trump? It’s only fair that Trump investigate them. As soon as he does, they’ll both cry “abuse of power!”. Hypocrites.
Too many crimes and crooked deals to list but consider just the basics.

24 Obama people dismissed and fired
For misconduct and under criminal investigation. Others demoted and relegated to desk duty. 100s of people leaked classified information and had to have their security clearances revoked.

37 Clinton people under criminal investigation for willful mishandling of classified information. Clinton’s circle of friends included the Perverse and corrupt, Jeff Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Ed Buck, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey.

A Espionage Operation and COUP launches by Obama himself, based on Russian Propaganda he and Clinton purchased and concealed their purchase of through Money Laundering.

The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton Campaign was Criminal, and they may have had their Stooges bury their crimes in a deep grave but lots of hands were on those shovels and all those people are going down.

The Dems are in a hurry to impeach Trump over nothing because there is no path for them to The White House, but there is to The Jail House.


Nancy Pelosi is neck deep in Ukraine politics. Her legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from the Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian party life.

Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine and somehow managed to make her way into a position as a Legislative Aide to Nancy Pelosi

Breaking: Pelosi Neck Deep In Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected To Military And Government Is Her Legislative Aide | Tea Party

Voronovych’s parents are well connected. Her mom worked with the Ukrainian Army, and even received the Ukraine Order of Merit for military and political activity. Yoronovych’s father worked in the Ukrainian Foreign Service and he’s also connected to the Ukrainian government.
I'm sure all high ranked Dems are neck deep in Ukraine. How else one can explain why they are so hysterically against any investigations there?

As said so many times before, all one needs do to learn what the democrats are really up to is to look at what they accuse the other side of! DEMOCRATS: 100% about taking false credit and placing false blame.
I'm sure all high ranked Dems are neck deep in Ukraine. How else one can explain why they are so hysterically against any investigations there?

As said so many times before, all one needs do to learn what the democrats are really up to is to look at what they accuse the other side of! DEMOCRATS: 100% about taking false credit and placing false blame.

Always and Forever.
Nancy Pelosi is neck deep in Ukraine politics. Her legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from the Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian party life.

Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine and somehow managed to make her way into a position as a Legislative Aide to Nancy Pelosi

Breaking: Pelosi Neck Deep In Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected To Military And Government Is Her Legislative Aide | Tea Party

it reminds me of this

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