Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Questions: Can any of the other bad ones (muslims) just pop over from the other EU countries? (Belgium). Can they just ride over from France? thru the "Tube"? (can they carry luggage?)

Tommys' answer to everything........more GOVT funding. You probably got Two-on-retirement-pension for every CALIF has. sigh. Throw money at it, that will fix it. Shut the door !!!
Yes, until the UK officially completes Brexit, any European citizen or legal resident can walk into the UK. And even then, they will probably keep it the same.
But the killers are usually UK citizens.
First or second generation UK citizens who's parents did not assimilate Western ideals or way of life, and brought their kids up as if they were not even living in the UK. Do you really think there is much difference between them, and those that are born abroad? Many of them have even gone abroad to complete their indoctrination, and some are getting the same on the computer. It is no longer necessary to go there. ISIS will send you encrypted instructions.
You are such a hypocrite. I see Sadiq khan getting so much shit from you knobs on here and he is the definition of assimilated. You dont give a fuck where they came from or what they believe. You just see MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's just an another example of ANY politician that feels no fire under his ass to FIX problems. No apparent REAL sense of urgency. I give him credit for "getting on message" as he did. But Trump was correct to take issue with his use of the term "No reason to be alarmed".. THAT's THE PROBLEM. You virtually need to kick some butt to GET govt to IMPROVE and INNOVATE on failed policy...

I do it all the time. To politicians of ALL types.. They DESERVE it...
I don't think it's a case of no real sense of urgency. He, and May, and others have to find a way of balancing security ether the rights and expectations of a free society. And they have to do that without creating more victims in the process.
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At the scene today, from the guardian
Police and gendarmes at the scene on Tuesday. Photograph: Philippe Wojazer/Reuters

This is not the world I want my grandkids to grow up in. This is what 3rd world countries look like, not us.

I literally ran into a guy armed and dressed like that in Rome airport -- sometime in the late 80s. Sliding around a corner late for a plane. It's been around for quite awhile.

Would be nice if there WAS less of that... But it doesn't offend me.
Yes, until the UK officially completes Brexit, any European citizen or legal resident can walk into the UK. And even then, they will probably keep it the same.
But the killers are usually UK citizens.
First or second generation UK citizens who's parents did not assimilate Western ideals or way of life, and brought their kids up as if they were not even living in the UK. Do you really think there is much difference between them, and those that are born abroad? Many of them have even gone abroad to complete their indoctrination, and some are getting the same on the computer. It is no longer necessary to go there. ISIS will send you encrypted instructions.
You are such a hypocrite. I see Sadiq khan getting so much shit from you knobs on here and he is the definition of assimilated. You dont give a fuck where they came from or what they believe. You just see MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's just an another example of ANY politician that feels no fire under his ass to FIX problems. No apparent REAL sense of urgency. I give him credit for "getting on message" as he did. But Trump was correct to take issue with his use of the term "No reason to be alarmed".. THAT's THE PROBLEM. You virtually need to kick some butt to GET govt to IMPROVE and INNOVATE on failed policy...

I do it all the time. To politicians of ALL types.. They DESERVE it...
I don't think it's a case of no real sense of urgency. He, and May, and others have to find a way of balancing security ether the rights and expectations of a free society. And they have to do that without creating more victims in the process.

In their zeal "to be fair" and "all inclusive" -- these foot-draggers are CAUSING the entire Muslim populations of the Free World to be suspect and harassed and bullied. Their concerns are counter-productive. Leadership needs to take a scalpel to the discussion and CALL OUT the enemy...

Kuwait just announced the same "Muslim Ban" that Trump is focused on. It's NOT just rights and expectations. And most of the Arab Peninsula have "de facto muslim bans" from the same 7 countries. But they KNOW who it is they are fighting against. And it ain't Islam..

It's the process of setting out the Top Level Goal -- before you go dicking around the edges of it. Or telling folks "to relax". You take the heat off Islam as the enemy when you can specifically FORCE yourself to name the REAL enemies. And take measures against THEM.
But the killers are usually UK citizens.
First or second generation UK citizens who's parents did not assimilate Western ideals or way of life, and brought their kids up as if they were not even living in the UK. Do you really think there is much difference between them, and those that are born abroad? Many of them have even gone abroad to complete their indoctrination, and some are getting the same on the computer. It is no longer necessary to go there. ISIS will send you encrypted instructions.
You are such a hypocrite. I see Sadiq khan getting so much shit from you knobs on here and he is the definition of assimilated. You dont give a fuck where they came from or what they believe. You just see MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's just an another example of ANY politician that feels no fire under his ass to FIX problems. No apparent REAL sense of urgency. I give him credit for "getting on message" as he did. But Trump was correct to take issue with his use of the term "No reason to be alarmed".. THAT's THE PROBLEM. You virtually need to kick some butt to GET govt to IMPROVE and INNOVATE on failed policy...

I do it all the time. To politicians of ALL types.. They DESERVE it...
I don't think it's a case of no real sense of urgency. He, and May, and others have to find a way of balancing security ether the rights and expectations of a free society. And they have to do that without creating more victims in the process.

In their zeal "to be fair" and "all inclusive" -- these foot-draggers are CAUSING the entire Muslim populations of the Free World to be suspect and harassed and bullied. Their concerns are counter-productive. Leadership needs to take a scalpel to the discussion and CALL OUT the enemy...

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I'm talking about things such as what instituting the Patriot Act was for us - how far are we willing to sacrifice for security in terms of civil rights and liberties? How much surveillence? I mean as citizens. It's not that there is no sense of urgency. If it was a police state no problem - they'd do what they want. But it's not.

Kuwait just announced the same "Muslim Ban" that Trump is focused on. It's NOT just rights and expectations. And most of the Arab Peninsula have "de facto muslim bans" from the same 7 countries. But they KNOW who it is they are fighting against. And it ain't Islam..

And none of those countries are democratic, nor do they have much in the way of rights and freedoms to counteract extreme measures.

It's the process of setting out the Top Level Goal -- before you go dicking around the edges of it. Or telling folks "to relax". You take the heat off Islam as the enemy when you can specifically FORCE yourself to name the REAL enemies. And take measures against THEM.

I think that the telling folks "to relax" (if you're referring to the mayor) is appropriate. It's not his job to get law enforcement/intelligence etc on the ball. It's his job to be the public face that keeps his city calm and lets them know things will be done and are being done and not to panic. That should be the public face and it shouldn't be underestimated. Because when people panic, and they feel they aren't being protected by the people they trust (or elect) to protect them - it gets a lot more dangerous. That's my thought on that.

I agree though totally with your last statement and I don't think enough of that has been done. It's all about whether or not someone is using the right labels - "Islamic extremism" or generic "terrorists". It's specific groups - and they have flags and people pledge allegience to them and they need to be openly and specifically publicized as the enemy.

I think that association with those groups should be treated like child porn.
London Muslim mayor says folks shouldn't be alarmed.

Who exactly would be "alarmed" by seeing POLICE, other than criminals and terrorists?

Armed police when police usually don't go armed.
If I see a police car drive through the village I wonder what is going on.

That's a strange reaction. In safe communities, we just see our tax dollars at work. When the SIRENS come on -- you can rationally wonder "what is going on"...
Sorry, I meant when the sirens go on. Round here it usually means that they need to get back to the station before their chips go cold.

Here, it's donuts and coffee :lol:
But these characters have been reported many times and those complaints have not been followed up. They havent been followed up because we have 20,000 less police than we had a few years ago.
So you are speaking in ignorance.
At least two of these guys were known to security services, that implies some follow up. so how do you know they weren't followed up? The police don't always report back to the reporter, I know that from personal experience. If they were reported for saying extremist things - that is nnot usually enough to do all that much. Do you think that people who report things are told if secret surveillance is a result of their information?

The simple common sense I just gave would ALLOW YOU to pick them up and detain them. OR -- at least go full NSA surveillance on their butts. If they were under suspicion AND they frequented recruitment sites -- LOCK THEM UP.. If they actually DID "conspire with the enemy" -- deport them. Let them go fight each other and die in Syria. It would be a bit like the Roman Circuses..
I agree, but I think we are still left with the problem of the sheer numbers of people like this.

You're looking at POTENTIAL threats. The likelihood of "getting recruited or radicalized". The numbers of potential "conversions" start to go down immediately once you MAKE those associations illegal.

Might cause some of the refugees who are here solely to stay alive to leave as well. Because enacting "aiding the enemy" type laws would send a clear message that they can't use their FREEDOM to plot and scheme against us..

What are the root problems ?

Israel is obviously one of them.

Israel caused Islamist POS to blow 8 year old girls to pieces in Manchester and to slaughter innocent people in London?
Crazy Jeremy Corbyn thinks palling around with semi-famous metal bands will help him beat Rational Theresa May in the elections...

Well, I didn't know this:

Facebook's cut-price hate video 'police': Social media giant pays young Filipinos £1.81 an hour to assess and remove terror-related material from the site
They are the army of workers who man Facebook's front line, tasked with removing offensive and terror-related material from the internet giant's site.

But a Mail on Sunday investigation has discovered the multi-billion pound social networking site employs hundreds of young Filipinos – some with limited English skills – who work gruelling shifts and say they earn just £1.81 an hour.

They are forced to decide in seconds whether or not to delete videos, pictures and posts which are too graphic or violent.

Staff face being sacked if they fail to meet strict quotas that mean they have to assess hundreds of extreme posts every shift.

Read more: Chief wants extremists to be locked in INTERNMENT camps | Daily Mail Online
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Questions: Can any of the other bad ones (muslims) just pop over from the other EU countries? (Belgium). Can they just ride over from France? thru the "Tube"? (can they carry luggage?)

Tommys' answer to everything........more GOVT funding. You probably got Two-on-retirement-pension for every CALIF has. sigh. Throw money at it, that will fix it. Shut the door !!!
Yes, until the UK officially completes Brexit, any European citizen or legal resident can walk into the UK. And even then, they will probably keep it the same.
But the killers are usually UK citizens.
First or second generation UK citizens who's parents did not assimilate Western ideals or way of life, and brought their kids up as if they were not even living in the UK. Do you really think there is much difference between them, and those that are born abroad? Many of them have even gone abroad to complete their indoctrination, and some are getting the same on the computer. It is no longer necessary to go there. ISIS will send you encrypted instructions.
You are such a hypocrite. I see Sadiq khan getting so much shit from you knobs on here and he is the definition of assimilated. You dont give a fuck where they came from or what they believe. You just see MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khan calls moderate muslims Uncle Toms, banned bikini adverts on public transport (sharia creep?) and has shared a platform with many extremists over the years. A little bit worrying, imho.

The only solution is going to be internment camps and many are pretty sure this is whats in Theresa May's mind considering she's now talking about changing human rights laws to fit the circumstances.

I was talking yesterday with a friend of mine who is a Barrister at Gray's Inn.

Gray's Inn - Wikipedia

Gray's Inn

So he says that Theresa May is well within her rights now to do the below:

What she does is invoke Article 15 of the Convention on Human Rights, this is the Derogation Clause.

Derogation in Time of War or Other Public Emergency:

"In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation any High Contracting Party may take measures derogating from its obligations under [the] Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation,"

Here's the link, it's a pdf and a long document, but the above I highlighted is essentially the specific section that is applicable to the British situation at hand with the 3,000 Radical Extremists aka Killer Kebabs waiting to blow up.

It's obvious that it's humanly impossible to keep track 24/7 of 3,000 plus people, so they will have to be all rounded up and put into internment camps because you have to say that yes they do threaten the life of the British nation and the British people.

The British Government then either withdraws from or changes human rights laws to exempt the British Government from adhering to any Outside Interference ie. Open Borders Leftist Pro-Islamist Cheerleaders who'll run like Traitors to the European Court of Human Rights to attempt to free all their Radical Islamist pets so they can keep slaughtering people at random on the streets.
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Yes, until the UK officially completes Brexit, any European citizen or legal resident can walk into the UK. And even then, they will probably keep it the same.
But the killers are usually UK citizens.
First or second generation UK citizens who's parents did not assimilate Western ideals or way of life, and brought their kids up as if they were not even living in the UK. Do you really think there is much difference between them, and those that are born abroad? Many of them have even gone abroad to complete their indoctrination, and some are getting the same on the computer. It is no longer necessary to go there. ISIS will send you encrypted instructions.
You are such a hypocrite. I see Sadiq khan getting so much shit from you knobs on here and he is the definition of assimilated. You dont give a fuck where they came from or what they believe. You just see MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khan calls moderate muslims Uncle Toms, banned bikini adverts on public transport (sharia creep?) and has shared a platform with many extremists over the years. A little bit worrying, imho.

The only solution is going to be internment camps and many are pretty sure this is whats in Theresa May's mind considering she's now talking about changing human rights laws to fit the circumstances.

I was talking yesterday with a friend of mine who is a Barrister at Gray's Inn.

Gray's Inn - Wikipedia

Gray's Inn

So he says that Theresa May is well within her rights now to do the below:

What she does is invoke Article 15 of the Convention on Human Rights, this is the Derogation Clause.

Derogation in Time of War or Other Public Emergency:

"In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation any High Contracting Party may take measures derogating from its obligations under [the] Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation,"

Here's the link, it's a pdf and a long document, but the above I highlighted is essentially the specific section that is applicable to the British situation at hand with the 3,000 Radical Extremists aka Killer Kebabs waiting to blow up.

It's obvious that it's humanly impossible to keep track 24/7 of 3,000 plus people, so they will have to be all rounded up and put into internment camps because you have to say that yes they do threaten the life of the British nation and the British people.

The British Government then either withdraws from or changes human rights laws to exempt the British Government from adhering to any Outside Interference ie. Open Borders Leftist Pro-Islamist Cheerleaders who'll run like Traitors to the European Court of Human Rights to attempt to free all their Radical Islamist pets so they can keep slaughtering people at random on the streets.
Yes, I just read the article you posted the other day by the ex met chief who is also a Muslim. It seems this idea has been discussed because they simply cannot watch the 3000 extremists let alone have any hope of monitoring the other 20+ thousand. How many times will we just simply wait until they slaughter us? Right to life must trump other considerations. We absolutley cannot be expected to put up with 8 year old children being bombed to bits.
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CNN showed the Syrian children pics for weeks. Why do they say London victim pics are too graphic to show?
But the killers are usually UK citizens.
First or second generation UK citizens who's parents did not assimilate Western ideals or way of life, and brought their kids up as if they were not even living in the UK. Do you really think there is much difference between them, and those that are born abroad? Many of them have even gone abroad to complete their indoctrination, and some are getting the same on the computer. It is no longer necessary to go there. ISIS will send you encrypted instructions.
You are such a hypocrite. I see Sadiq khan getting so much shit from you knobs on here and he is the definition of assimilated. You dont give a fuck where they came from or what they believe. You just see MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khan calls moderate muslims Uncle Toms, banned bikini adverts on public transport (sharia creep?) and has shared a platform with many extremists over the years. A little bit worrying, imho.

The only solution is going to be internment camps and many are pretty sure this is whats in Theresa May's mind considering she's now talking about changing human rights laws to fit the circumstances.

I was talking yesterday with a friend of mine who is a Barrister at Gray's Inn.

Gray's Inn - Wikipedia

Gray's Inn

So he says that Theresa May is well within her rights now to do the below:

What she does is invoke Article 15 of the Convention on Human Rights, this is the Derogation Clause.

Derogation in Time of War or Other Public Emergency:

"In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation any High Contracting Party may take measures derogating from its obligations under [the] Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation,"

Here's the link, it's a pdf and a long document, but the above I highlighted is essentially the specific section that is applicable to the British situation at hand with the 3,000 Radical Extremists aka Killer Kebabs waiting to blow up.

It's obvious that it's humanly impossible to keep track 24/7 of 3,000 plus people, so they will have to be all rounded up and put into internment camps because you have to say that yes they do threaten the life of the British nation and the British people.

The British Government then either withdraws from or changes human rights laws to exempt the British Government from adhering to any Outside Interference ie. Open Borders Leftist Pro-Islamist Cheerleaders who'll run like Traitors to the European Court of Human Rights to attempt to free all their Radical Islamist pets so they can keep slaughtering people at random on the streets.
Yes, I just read the article you posted the other day by the ex met chief who is also a Muslim. It seems this idea has been discussed because they simply cannot watch the 3000 extremists let alone have any hope of monitoring the other 20+ thousand. How many times will we just simply wait until they slaughter us? Right to life must trump other considerations. We absolutley cannot be expected to put up with 8 year old children being bombed to bits.

The choices are simple either Britain allows 3,000 plus fundamental and extreme dangers to life itself walk among it's population, who at any given moment could create more horror or Britain considers that the population of Britain must be protected at all costs and by any means.

You cannot say, well this is all terrible but we can't round people up because what about their human rights?

You can either have carnage on a weekly basis, which is where this is heading, perhaps even on a daily basis or you can say that some people deserve minimal human rights because their threat exceeds all other considerations.

You cannot have both universal human rights and the strongest protection from lethal situations at the same time.
You can't round up innocent people.

Too many times that has ended up in tragedy.

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