Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Prime Minister May: "if human rights laws get in the way of tackling extremism and terrorism, we will change those laws to keep British people safe."

bold strategy 2 days before an election
I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
We elected a black son of a Muslim with Islamist sympathies as president, just should prove we aren't racists or Islamophobes, and look what happened...not only did he fuck up the entire world, our economy, and our security, but we have never been as divided as a country.

Course you did...moron. The total fuck up started and ends with Dumbya. He started not one, but TWO wars of choice in the ME and we're all paying for it now. You should be on your knees kissing Obama's feet with the miracle of getting you economy back on track after the clusterfuck he inherited from Dumbya and his cabal of neocon whackjobs.
London Muslim mayor says folks shouldn't be alarmed.

Who exactly would be "alarmed" by seeing POLICE, other than criminals and terrorists?
Yeah, what's alarming about a police force with military grade weapons wearing camouflage roaming the streets of London? Totally normal, happens all the time. Nothing to worry about folks, carry on.
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All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
What do you suggest is done when a Muslim is reported for his extremist views but has yet to blow us up?
The left and Muslim 'leaders' fight every single proposal for dealing with these cases. What were the police supposed to do? Don't forget there are nearly 30,000 people just like him. It takes 30-40 MI5 officers to watch just one. So all they can reasonably do is prioritise a much much smaller number - those that appear to pose a greater imminent risk.
Why do the left vilify Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim who understand how radicalisation occurs and why? Why is he fighting both the left and extremist Islam?

That's interesting. Because folks were too sheepish to declare this publicly before. But in past weeks, I've heard the suggestion two or three times. And it makes sense.

Recognize which orgs have declared war on us and label them combatants. If they claim responsibility for a terrorist act -- UP THE penalties.

Make it ILLEGAL to contact them, frequent their recruitment sites, fly their flag in public, or pledge allegiance to them. Start locking these folks up..

Now that's so full of common sense that I'm sure your MPs or our CongressCritters would have a fucking cow over it. But one of the top findings from the 9/11 commission was -- that we FAILED at all levels to take seriously the threat of a group declaring holy Jihad on our asses..

It would INCLUDE detainment for overseas travel where the subject is BELIEVED to have had contact with these warriors. Why TF is the UK letting folks RETURN from the freaking battlefield and resume their citizenship? Put it into LAW. NOW !!!
I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
We elected a black son of a Muslim with Islamist sympathies as president, just should prove we aren't racists or Islamophobes, and look what happened...not only did he fuck up the entire world, our economy, and our security, but we have never been as divided as a country.

Course you did...moron. The total fuck up started and ends with Dumbya. He started not one, but TWO wars of choice in the ME and we're all paying for it now. You should be on your knees kissing Obama's feet with the miracle of getting you economy back on track after the clusterfuck he inherited from Dumbya and his cabal of neocon whackjobs.
Maybe president Hussein the Leftie messiah actually fucked up the world by pulling out prematurely from Iraq therefore creating a vacuum for ISIS to step in, and then stood by while ISIS the JV team grew in Syria, while Assad was / is committing genocide and gassing his own people, to the tune of 400,000 dead, and 3 million refugees pouring into Europe.

Yup, FANTASTIC job, fantastic presidency of Hussein Obama. That's why Hillary ran on his record as an incumbent and got her ass kicked!
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It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
What do you suggest is done when a Muslim is reported for his extremist views but has yet to blow us up?
The left and Muslim 'leaders' fight every single proposal for dealing with these cases. What were the police supposed to do? Don't forget there are nearly 30,000 people just like him. It takes 30-40 MI5 officers to watch just one. So all they can reasonably do is prioritise a much much smaller number - those that appear to pose a greater imminent risk.
Why do the left vilify Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim who understand how radicalisation occurs and why? Why is he fighting both the left and extremist Islam?

That's interesting. Because folks were too sheepish to declare this publicly before. But in past weeks, I've heard the suggestion two or three times. And it makes sense.

Recognize which orgs have declared war on us and label them combatants. If they claim responsibility for a terrorist act -- UP THE penalties.

Make it ILLEGAL to contact them, frequent their recruitment sites, fly their flag in public, or pledge allegiance to them. Start locking these folks up..

Now that's so full of common sense that I'm sure your MPs or our CongressCritters would have a fucking cow over it. But one of the top findings from the 9/11 commission was -- that we FAILED at all levels to take seriously the threat of a group declaring holy Jihad on our asses..

It would INCLUDE detainment for overseas travel where the subject is BELIEVED to have had contact with these warriors. Why TF is the UK letting folks RETURN from the freaking battlefield and resume their citizenship? Put it into LAW. NOW !!!
That would be a good start. Unfortunately however, they are waiting for another 9-11 type event to happen before they get serious about this cancer to modern humanity. Killing hundreds at a time ain't gonna do it.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?

Then they start their own prayer groups. Like one of the scumbags did when he was captured on TV praying with "his buds" on "The Jihadi Next Door Show". Shunning them is good --- but LESS important than TRACKING them. If Sky TV can track a group and find one of the London bridge slimebags -- Scotland Yard ought to be able to do it.

I'm getting plain fed up with MORE and MORE general surveillance on EVERYBODY -- when terrorists cases are DROPPED for "rules and policies" designed out of political correctness.

The last dozen terrorists in the UK and US -- MOST had been on watch lists. DROPPED, because they complained about being profiled or because of brain-dead "time-clocks" expiring on HOW LONG they can be watched. Govt is incapable of protecting anything under those circumstances.
That's what the Liberal politically correct speech has done. Muslims know this and have taken advantage of it, as we can. That is why law enforcement is always two steps late to the scene of the latest massacre, they aren't allowed profile, or take anyone in for questioning. And the public has their hands tied as well, everybody is afraid of being called a bigot or Islamophobic if they report suspicious behavior.
But these characters have been reported many times and those complaints have not been followed up. They havent been followed up because we have 20,000 less police than we had a few years ago.
So you are speaking in ignorance.
At least two of these guys were known to security services, that implies some follow up. so how do you know they weren't followed up? The police don't always report back to the reporter, I know that from personal experience. If they were reported for saying extremist things - that is nnot usually enough to do all that much. Do you think that people who report things are told if secret surveillance is a result of their information?

The simple common sense I just gave would ALLOW YOU to pick them up and detain them. OR -- at least go full NSA surveillance on their butts. If they were under suspicion AND they frequented recruitment sites -- LOCK THEM UP.. If they actually DID "conspire with the enemy" -- deport them. Let them go fight each other and die in Syria. It would be a bit like the Roman Circuses..
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
What do you suggest is done when a Muslim is reported for his extremist views but has yet to blow us up?
The left and Muslim 'leaders' fight every single proposal for dealing with these cases. What were the police supposed to do? Don't forget there are nearly 30,000 people just like him. It takes 30-40 MI5 officers to watch just one. So all they can reasonably do is prioritise a much much smaller number - those that appear to pose a greater imminent risk.
Why do the left vilify Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim who understand how radicalisation occurs and why? Why is he fighting both the left and extremist Islam?

That's interesting. Because folks were too sheepish to declare this publicly before. But in past weeks, I've heard the suggestion two or three times. And it makes sense.

Recognize which orgs have declared war on us and label them combatants. If they claim responsibility for a terrorist act -- UP THE penalties.

Make it ILLEGAL to contact them, frequent their recruitment sites, fly their flag in public, or pledge allegiance to them. Start locking these folks up..

Now that's so full of common sense that I'm sure your MPs or our CongressCritters would have a fucking cow over it. But one of the top findings from the 9/11 commission was -- that we FAILED at all levels to take seriously the threat of a group declaring holy Jihad on our asses..

It would INCLUDE detainment for overseas travel where the subject is BELIEVED to have had contact with these warriors. Why TF is the UK letting folks RETURN from the freaking battlefield and resume their citizenship? Put it into LAW. NOW !!!
Exactly! How hard can it really be?
On the subject of allowing people to return from the battlefield, I'm pretty sure it is against ECHR human rights laws to prevent them from returning.
Quite a few attempts at dealing with extremists have been ruled unlawful by them over the years.
Hopefully that is one of the issues Mrs May will be dealing with when she said she will change the laws, if she is re-elected on Thursday.
If not, the shadow Home Secretary - who barely knows what day it is and isn't even familiar with her own party manifesto (Diane Abott) - will almost certainly make sure NOTHING is done to curb terrorism at all. Like Corbyn, she has a long history of voting against anti terror proposals.
I'm not religious, but I'm literally praying they don't get in.
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London Muslim mayor says folks shouldn't be alarmed.

Who exactly would be "alarmed" by seeing POLICE, other than criminals and terrorists?

Armed police when police usually don't go armed.
If I see a police car drive through the village I wonder what is going on.

That's a strange reaction. In safe communities, we just see our tax dollars at work. When the SIRENS come on -- you can rationally wonder "what is going on"...
I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
We elected a black son of a Muslim with Islamist sympathies as president, just should prove we aren't racists or Islamophobes, and look what happened...not only did he fuck up the entire world, our economy, and our security, but we have never been as divided as a country.

Course you did...moron. The total fuck up started and ends with Dumbya. He started not one, but TWO wars of choice in the ME and we're all paying for it now. You should be on your knees kissing Obama's feet with the miracle of getting you economy back on track after the clusterfuck he inherited from Dumbya and his cabal of neocon whackjobs.
Maybe president Hussein the Leftie messiah actually fucked up the world by pulling out prematurely from Iraq therefore creating a vacuum for ISIS to step in, and then stood by while ISIS the JV team grew in Syria, while Assad was / is committing genocide and gassing his own people, to the tune of 400,000 dead, and 3 million refugees pouring into Europe.

Yup, FANTASTIC job, fantastic presidency of Hussein Obama. That's why Hillary ran on his record as an incumbent and got her ass kicked!
He certainly contributed to the millions of 'refugees' who have flooded Europe.
London Muslim mayor says folks shouldn't be alarmed.

Who exactly would be "alarmed" by seeing POLICE, other than criminals and terrorists?

Armed police when police usually don't go armed.
If I see a police car drive through the village I wonder what is going on.

That's a strange reaction. In safe communities, we just see our tax dollars at work. When the SIRENS come on -- you can rationally wonder "what is going on"...
Sorry, I meant when the sirens go on. Round here it usually means that they need to get back to the station before their chips go cold.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?

Then they start their own prayer groups. Like one of the scumbags did when he was captured on TV praying with "his buds" on "The Jihadi Next Door Show". Shunning them is good --- but LESS important than TRACKING them. If Sky TV can track a group and find one of the London bridge slimebags -- Scotland Yard ought to be able to do it.

I'm getting plain fed up with MORE and MORE general surveillance on EVERYBODY -- when terrorists cases are DROPPED for "rules and policies" designed out of political correctness.

The last dozen terrorists in the UK and US -- MOST had been on watch lists. DROPPED, because they complained about being profiled or because of brain-dead "time-clocks" expiring on HOW LONG they can be watched. Govt is incapable of protecting anything under those circumstances.
That's what the Liberal politically correct speech has done. Muslims know this and have taken advantage of it, as we can. That is why law enforcement is always two steps late to the scene of the latest massacre, they aren't allowed profile, or take anyone in for questioning. And the public has their hands tied as well, everybody is afraid of being called a bigot or Islamophobic if they report suspicious behavior.
But these characters have been reported many times and those complaints have not been followed up. They havent been followed up because we have 20,000 less police than we had a few years ago.
So you are speaking in ignorance.
At least two of these guys were known to security services, that implies some follow up. so how do you know they weren't followed up? The police don't always report back to the reporter, I know that from personal experience. If they were reported for saying extremist things - that is nnot usually enough to do all that much. Do you think that people who report things are told if secret surveillance is a result of their information?

The simple common sense I just gave would ALLOW YOU to pick them up and detain them. OR -- at least go full NSA surveillance on their butts. If they were under suspicion AND they frequented recruitment sites -- LOCK THEM UP.. If they actually DID "conspire with the enemy" -- deport them. Let them go fight each other and die in Syria. It would be a bit like the Roman Circuses..
I agree, but I think we are still left with the problem of the sheer numbers of people like this.
London Muslim mayor says folks shouldn't be alarmed.

Who exactly would be "alarmed" by seeing POLICE, other than criminals and terrorists?

Armed police when police usually don't go armed.
If I see a police car drive through the village I wonder what is going on.

That's a strange reaction. In safe communities, we just see our tax dollars at work. When the SIRENS come on -- you can rationally wonder "what is going on"...
Sorry, I meant when the sirens go on. Round here it usually means that they need to get back to the station before their chips go cold.
Lucky you!
And maybe there are simply TOO MANY extremists to deal with (potentially 30000 of them).

Questions: Can any of the other bad ones (muslims) just pop over from the other EU countries? (Belgium). Can they just ride over from France? thru the "Tube"? (can they carry luggage?)

Tommys' answer to everything........more GOVT funding. You probably got Two-on-retirement-pension for every CALIF has. sigh. Throw money at it, that will fix it. Shut the door !!!
Yes, until the UK officially completes Brexit, any European citizen or legal resident can walk into the UK. And even then, they will probably keep it the same.
Prime Minister May: "if human rights laws get in the way of tackling extremism and terrorism, we will change those laws to keep British people safe."

bold strategy 2 days before an election
She tried it and failed many times when she was Home Secretary. She is fucking useless.
Yes, Comrade Corbyn and Diane "what day is it" Abbott would be so much better.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
What do you suggest is done when a Muslim is reported for his extremist views but has yet to blow us up?
The left and Muslim 'leaders' fight every single proposal for dealing with these cases. What were the police supposed to do? Don't forget there are nearly 30,000 people just like him. It takes 30-40 MI5 officers to watch just one. So all they can reasonably do is prioritise a much much smaller number - those that appear to pose a greater imminent risk.
Why do the left vilify Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim who understand how radicalisation occurs and why? Why is he fighting both the left and extremist Islam?

That's interesting. Because folks were too sheepish to declare this publicly before. But in past weeks, I've heard the suggestion two or three times. And it makes sense.

Recognize which orgs have declared war on us and label them combatants. If they claim responsibility for a terrorist act -- UP THE penalties.

Make it ILLEGAL to contact them, frequent their recruitment sites, fly their flag in public, or pledge allegiance to them. Start locking these folks up..

Now that's so full of common sense that I'm sure your MPs or our CongressCritters would have a fucking cow over it. But one of the top findings from the 9/11 commission was -- that we FAILED at all levels to take seriously the threat of a group declaring holy Jihad on our asses..

It would INCLUDE detainment for overseas travel where the subject is BELIEVED to have had contact with these warriors. Why TF is the UK letting folks RETURN from the freaking battlefield and resume their citizenship? Put it into LAW. NOW !!!
That would be a good start. Unfortunately however, they are waiting for another 9-11 type event to happen before they get serious about this cancer to modern humanity. Killing hundreds at a time ain't gonna do it.

Don't let them kick the can.. Elect OTHERS who will solve problems and manage existing programs. Until MY country has a more responsible efficient, FOCUSED govt -- I can't sleep at night. It's like watching a clown convention.. One of my slogans is -- -- I could be a LOT MORE LIBERAL, if I had a govt that actually did their PRIMARY jobs..
Prime Minister May: "if human rights laws get in the way of tackling extremism and terrorism, we will change those laws to keep British people safe."

bold strategy 2 days before an election
She tried it and failed many times when she was Home Secretary. She is fucking useless.
Manacled by Brussels, rather. Brexit will hopefully change all that.
Then they start their own prayer groups. Like one of the scumbags did when he was captured on TV praying with "his buds" on "The Jihadi Next Door Show". Shunning them is good --- but LESS important than TRACKING them. If Sky TV can track a group and find one of the London bridge slimebags -- Scotland Yard ought to be able to do it.

I'm getting plain fed up with MORE and MORE general surveillance on EVERYBODY -- when terrorists cases are DROPPED for "rules and policies" designed out of political correctness.

The last dozen terrorists in the UK and US -- MOST had been on watch lists. DROPPED, because they complained about being profiled or because of brain-dead "time-clocks" expiring on HOW LONG they can be watched. Govt is incapable of protecting anything under those circumstances.
That's what the Liberal politically correct speech has done. Muslims know this and have taken advantage of it, as we can. That is why law enforcement is always two steps late to the scene of the latest massacre, they aren't allowed profile, or take anyone in for questioning. And the public has their hands tied as well, everybody is afraid of being called a bigot or Islamophobic if they report suspicious behavior.
But these characters have been reported many times and those complaints have not been followed up. They havent been followed up because we have 20,000 less police than we had a few years ago.
So you are speaking in ignorance.
At least two of these guys were known to security services, that implies some follow up. so how do you know they weren't followed up? The police don't always report back to the reporter, I know that from personal experience. If they were reported for saying extremist things - that is nnot usually enough to do all that much. Do you think that people who report things are told if secret surveillance is a result of their information?

The simple common sense I just gave would ALLOW YOU to pick them up and detain them. OR -- at least go full NSA surveillance on their butts. If they were under suspicion AND they frequented recruitment sites -- LOCK THEM UP.. If they actually DID "conspire with the enemy" -- deport them. Let them go fight each other and die in Syria. It would be a bit like the Roman Circuses..
I agree, but I think we are still left with the problem of the sheer numbers of people like this.

You're looking at POTENTIAL threats. The likelihood of "getting recruited or radicalized". The numbers of potential "conversions" start to go down immediately once you MAKE those associations illegal.

Might cause some of the refugees who are here solely to stay alive to leave as well. Because enacting "aiding the enemy" type laws would send a clear message that they can't use their FREEDOM to plot and scheme against us..

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