Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Shake-downs would be monitoring Mosques. Or large scale implants of deep undercover agents. Or too many street stops.

Electronic surveillance of CLEARLY identified threats would tell you far more. Build maps of their contacts, their foreign connections, their travel. Attempts to buy bomb making materials or weapons. Financial transactions.

Too much overt police presence in those areas sends folks underground. It needs to be focused on LISTED threats and done COVERTLY.

And both the USA and the UK have 3 or 4 THOUSAND -- listed threats. MOST of the terrorist actions have COME from "dropped cases" on these lists. DON'T DROP THEM. Back off the police following them around. Make it an Intelligence responsibility.
Thanks, Flac. Well we don't do any of the things associated with 'shaking down' then.
We couldn't even if we wanted to, not enough resources for a start. We can't even keep tabs on the extremists we know about. There are far too many.
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All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
Yes, I agree, it was reprehensible to cut police numbers, however, your regular bobby is not equipped to deal with a terrorist attack - as has been seen in the last few terrorist attacks - they ended up dead or in hospital - unable to protect themselves, and this thread is about dealing with terrorism.
The specific police units that are trained and well equipped to deal with terrorist attacks - and that haven't been cut - were on the scene and had neutralised the threat within 8 minutes.
Nor does the reduction of regular police numbers ameliorate in any way the obstruction from the left and from Muslims regarding the ability of the police to do their job nor their obstruction of strategies to combat radicalisation and terrorism on the basis that any such attempts are islamophobic. We could have a million police per capita, but if they are prevented from doing their job they would be next to useless, despite their numbers.

As an illustration of what the left does:

Jeremy Corbyn ‘bragged about blocking terror laws’ during Stop the War speech

The Labour leader said he had 'always' been involved in opposing anti-terror legislation

By Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor and Matt Dathan
25th May 2017, 10:00 pm

Updated: 5th June 2017, 2:44 pm

JEREMY Corbyn faces serious questions today on tackling terror as it emerged he bragged about trying to block every new security law for 34 years.

Research by The Sun also reveals the hard left Labour leader voted against all 17 different new laws passed on terrorism since becoming an MP in 1983....

Jeremy Corbyn 'bragged about blocking terror laws' during Stop the War speech

And he is by no means the only lefty that has a career of blocking anti terrorism efforts.
Well it was labour that set up prevent in the first place although the jury is out on its effectiveness.
Lets face the fact that it isnt preventing. The community pc is the biggest loss as they are the eyes and ears on the ground.

I understand where you are coming from but I think your analysis is off.

The people who suffer most from these attacks,apart from the victims, are the Muslim communities. Hate crimes ,assaults and so on. Their kids arent safe, their businesses are attacked and so on. That is why they grass up these killers, but nothing gets done.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
Yes, I agree, it was reprehensible to cut police numbers, however, your regular bobby is not equipped to deal with a terrorist attack - as has been seen in the last few terrorist attacks - they ended up dead or in hospital - unable to protect themselves, and this thread is about dealing with terrorism.
The specific police units that are trained and well equipped to deal with terrorist attacks - and that haven't been cut - were on the scene and had neutralised the threat within 8 minutes.
Nor does the reduction of regular police numbers ameliorate in any way the obstruction from the left and from Muslims regarding the ability of the police to do their job nor their obstruction of strategies to combat radicalisation and terrorism on the basis that any such attempts are islamophobic. We could have a million police per capita, but if they are prevented from doing their job they would be next to useless, despite their numbers.

As an illustration of what the left does:

Jeremy Corbyn ‘bragged about blocking terror laws’ during Stop the War speech

The Labour leader said he had 'always' been involved in opposing anti-terror legislation

By Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor and Matt Dathan
25th May 2017, 10:00 pm

Updated: 5th June 2017, 2:44 pm

JEREMY Corbyn faces serious questions today on tackling terror as it emerged he bragged about trying to block every new security law for 34 years.

Research by The Sun also reveals the hard left Labour leader voted against all 17 different new laws passed on terrorism since becoming an MP in 1983....

Jeremy Corbyn 'bragged about blocking terror laws' during Stop the War speech

And he is by no means the only lefty that has a career of blocking anti terrorism efforts.
Well it was labour that set up prevent in the first place although the jury is out on its effectiveness.
Lets face the fact that it isnt preventing. The community pc is the biggest loss as they are the eyes and ears on the ground.

I understand where you are coming from but I think your analysis is off.

The people who suffer most from these attacks,apart from the victims, are the Muslim communities. Hate crimes ,assaults and so on. Their kids arent safe, their businesses are attacked and so on. That is why they grass up these killers, but nothing gets done.
Actually, the jury isn't out on its effectiveness. It is not perfect, by any means, but it has had greater success than anything else tried previously.

If the lefty run universities (where a huge amount of radicalisation occurs) would behave like grown ups, and if the left and Muslim 'leaders' would stop hampering it with false accusations of islmophobia because it does not involve keeping old white grannies under surveillance, it would have a good chance of being even more successful.

And Their is no evidence that community PC on the ground has greater success, since their presence is often viewed as 'spying' - just as Prevent and all other attempts at preventing radicalisation are viewed as spying and as islamophobic.

Face it, a great many of the Left, in cahoots with many Muslim 'leaders', do everything they can to raise the spectre of islamophobia whenever attempts are made in this direction in order to derail these attempts. They seem to prefer to let our children be blown up than risk some sort of 'unfairness' somewhere along the line. This way lies madness (and death).
Last edited:
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
Yes, I agree, it was reprehensible to cut police numbers, however, your regular bobby is not equipped to deal with a terrorist attack - as has been seen in the last few terrorist attacks - they ended up dead or in hospital - unable to protect themselves, and this thread is about dealing with terrorism.
The specific police units that are trained and well equipped to deal with terrorist attacks - and that haven't been cut - were on the scene and had neutralised the threat within 8 minutes.
Nor does the reduction of regular police numbers ameliorate in any way the obstruction from the left and from Muslims regarding the ability of the police to do their job nor their obstruction of strategies to combat radicalisation and terrorism on the basis that any such attempts are islamophobic. We could have a million police per capita, but if they are prevented from doing their job they would be next to useless, despite their numbers.

As an illustration of what the left does:

Jeremy Corbyn ‘bragged about blocking terror laws’ during Stop the War speech

The Labour leader said he had 'always' been involved in opposing anti-terror legislation

By Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor and Matt Dathan
25th May 2017, 10:00 pm

Updated: 5th June 2017, 2:44 pm

JEREMY Corbyn faces serious questions today on tackling terror as it emerged he bragged about trying to block every new security law for 34 years.

Research by The Sun also reveals the hard left Labour leader voted against all 17 different new laws passed on terrorism since becoming an MP in 1983....

Jeremy Corbyn 'bragged about blocking terror laws' during Stop the War speech

And he is by no means the only lefty that has a career of blocking anti terrorism efforts.
Well it was labour that set up prevent in the first place although the jury is out on its effectiveness.
Lets face the fact that it isnt preventing. The community pc is the biggest loss as they are the eyes and ears on the ground.

I understand where you are coming from but I think your analysis is off.

The people who suffer most from these attacks,apart from the victims, are the Muslim communities. Hate crimes ,assaults and so on. Their kids arent safe, their businesses are attacked and so on. That is why they grass up these killers, but nothing gets done.
Actually, the jury isn't out on its effectiveness. It is not perfect, by any means, but it has had greater success than anything else tried previously.

If the lefty run universities (where a huge amount of radicalisation occurs) would behave like grown ups, and if the left and Muslim 'leaders' would stop hampering it with false accusations of islmophobia because it does not involve keeping old grannies under surveillance, it would have a good chance of being even more successful.

And Their is no evidence that community PC on the ground has greater success, since their presence is often viewed as 'spying' - just as Prevent and all other attempts at preventing radicalisation are viewed as spying and as islamophobic.

Face it, a great many of the Left, in cahoots with many Muslim 'leaders', do everything they can to raise the spectre of islamophobia whenever attempts are made in this direction in order to derail these attempts. They seem to prefer to let our children be blown up than risk some sort of 'unfairness' somewhere along the line. This way lies madness (and death).
Well it isnt coincidental that our defences are collapsing after the tories cut funding. Mrs May was home secretary for 6 years while she slashed away at budgets. She has blood on her hands and I hope she cant sleep at night.

And she cant say she wasnt warned.

Will Black on Twitter
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
Yes, I agree, it was reprehensible to cut police numbers, however, your regular bobby is not equipped to deal with a terrorist attack - as has been seen in the last few terrorist attacks - they ended up dead or in hospital - unable to protect themselves, and this thread is about dealing with terrorism.
The specific police units that are trained and well equipped to deal with terrorist attacks - and that haven't been cut - were on the scene and had neutralised the threat within 8 minutes.
Nor does the reduction of regular police numbers ameliorate in any way the obstruction from the left and from Muslims regarding the ability of the police to do their job nor their obstruction of strategies to combat radicalisation and terrorism on the basis that any such attempts are islamophobic. We could have a million police per capita, but if they are prevented from doing their job they would be next to useless, despite their numbers.

As an illustration of what the left does:

Jeremy Corbyn ‘bragged about blocking terror laws’ during Stop the War speech

The Labour leader said he had 'always' been involved in opposing anti-terror legislation

By Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor and Matt Dathan
25th May 2017, 10:00 pm

Updated: 5th June 2017, 2:44 pm

JEREMY Corbyn faces serious questions today on tackling terror as it emerged he bragged about trying to block every new security law for 34 years.

Research by The Sun also reveals the hard left Labour leader voted against all 17 different new laws passed on terrorism since becoming an MP in 1983....

Jeremy Corbyn 'bragged about blocking terror laws' during Stop the War speech

And he is by no means the only lefty that has a career of blocking anti terrorism efforts.
Well it was labour that set up prevent in the first place although the jury is out on its effectiveness.
Lets face the fact that it isnt preventing. The community pc is the biggest loss as they are the eyes and ears on the ground.

I understand where you are coming from but I think your analysis is off.

The people who suffer most from these attacks,apart from the victims, are the Muslim communities. Hate crimes ,assaults and so on. Their kids arent safe, their businesses are attacked and so on. That is why they grass up these killers, but nothing gets done.
Actually, the jury isn't out on its effectiveness. It is not perfect, by any means, but it has had greater success than anything else tried previously.

If the lefty run universities (where a huge amount of radicalisation occurs) would behave like grown ups, and if the left and Muslim 'leaders' would stop hampering it with false accusations of islmophobia because it does not involve keeping old grannies under surveillance, it would have a good chance of being even more successful.

And Their is no evidence that community PC on the ground has greater success, since their presence is often viewed as 'spying' - just as Prevent and all other attempts at preventing radicalisation are viewed as spying and as islamophobic.

Face it, a great many of the Left, in cahoots with many Muslim 'leaders', do everything they can to raise the spectre of islamophobia whenever attempts are made in this direction in order to derail these attempts. They seem to prefer to let our children be blown up than risk some sort of 'unfairness' somewhere along the line. This way lies madness (and death).
Well it isnt coincidental that our defences are collapsing after the tories cut funding. Mrs May was home secretary for 6 years while she slashed away at budgets. She has blood on her hands and I hope she cant sleep at night.

And she cant say she wasnt warned.

Will Black on Twitter
It isn't the police who monitor Islamists. And How do you defend against a white van? Are you suggesting Mrs May should have banned Muslims from being able to hire vans?
And from owning kitchen knives?
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
Yes, I agree, it was reprehensible to cut police numbers, however, your regular bobby is not equipped to deal with a terrorist attack - as has been seen in the last few terrorist attacks - they ended up dead or in hospital - unable to protect themselves, and this thread is about dealing with terrorism.
The specific police units that are trained and well equipped to deal with terrorist attacks - and that haven't been cut - were on the scene and had neutralised the threat within 8 minutes.
Nor does the reduction of regular police numbers ameliorate in any way the obstruction from the left and from Muslims regarding the ability of the police to do their job nor their obstruction of strategies to combat radicalisation and terrorism on the basis that any such attempts are islamophobic. We could have a million police per capita, but if they are prevented from doing their job they would be next to useless, despite their numbers.

As an illustration of what the left does:

Jeremy Corbyn ‘bragged about blocking terror laws’ during Stop the War speech

The Labour leader said he had 'always' been involved in opposing anti-terror legislation

By Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor and Matt Dathan
25th May 2017, 10:00 pm

Updated: 5th June 2017, 2:44 pm

JEREMY Corbyn faces serious questions today on tackling terror as it emerged he bragged about trying to block every new security law for 34 years.

Research by The Sun also reveals the hard left Labour leader voted against all 17 different new laws passed on terrorism since becoming an MP in 1983....

Jeremy Corbyn 'bragged about blocking terror laws' during Stop the War speech

And he is by no means the only lefty that has a career of blocking anti terrorism efforts.
Well it was labour that set up prevent in the first place although the jury is out on its effectiveness.
Lets face the fact that it isnt preventing. The community pc is the biggest loss as they are the eyes and ears on the ground.

I understand where you are coming from but I think your analysis is off.

The people who suffer most from these attacks,apart from the victims, are the Muslim communities. Hate crimes ,assaults and so on. Their kids arent safe, their businesses are attacked and so on. That is why they grass up these killers, but nothing gets done.
No, we ALL suffer. And the people who suffer most are the friends and families who lost their loved ones.
All Muslims are not our enemy, it's just that all the enemy is almost always Muslim
Clean up your own act, be responsible and stop expecting peoples of the USA to do your dirty work for you
Rebuke and reject your mosques, 30% in the USA alone are preaching some sad and sordid shit. Stop trying to sit on the fence and hope it just passes by, you are not going to get enough addled liberals to exonerate you from your own plague
The police and security services have their hands tied because of all the obstruction from leftards, not to mention the sheer volume of people they need to watch and how they prioritise them.
In fact, the left and a great many imams and Muslim 'leaders' have been doing all in their power to get the PREVENT strategy tied up in knots AND dumped. It's the only strategy in years that has had a measure of success at reducing levels of radicalisation among the young, so why sabotage it? Because it concentrates (although not exclusively) on Muslims, that's why! It's islamophobic! They aren't looking at enough grey haired white English grannies!
But it is the current tory government that has slashed the police. 20,000 officers lost,community policing destroyed.
And now we are paying the penalty.
One of these characters was reported to the police on 5 separate occasions by his mosque. And yet they get slammed for "enabling" terrorism. what else can they do if the authorities wont work with them ?
Yes, I agree, it was reprehensible to cut police numbers, however, your regular bobby is not equipped to deal with a terrorist attack - as has been seen in the last few terrorist attacks - they ended up dead or in hospital - unable to protect themselves, and this thread is about dealing with terrorism.
The specific police units that are trained and well equipped to deal with terrorist attacks - and that haven't been cut - were on the scene and had neutralised the threat within 8 minutes.
Nor does the reduction of regular police numbers ameliorate in any way the obstruction from the left and from Muslims regarding the ability of the police to do their job nor their obstruction of strategies to combat radicalisation and terrorism on the basis that any such attempts are islamophobic. We could have a million police per capita, but if they are prevented from doing their job they would be next to useless, despite their numbers.

As an illustration of what the left does:

Jeremy Corbyn ‘bragged about blocking terror laws’ during Stop the War speech

The Labour leader said he had 'always' been involved in opposing anti-terror legislation

By Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor and Matt Dathan
25th May 2017, 10:00 pm

Updated: 5th June 2017, 2:44 pm

JEREMY Corbyn faces serious questions today on tackling terror as it emerged he bragged about trying to block every new security law for 34 years.

Research by The Sun also reveals the hard left Labour leader voted against all 17 different new laws passed on terrorism since becoming an MP in 1983....

Jeremy Corbyn 'bragged about blocking terror laws' during Stop the War speech

And he is by no means the only lefty that has a career of blocking anti terrorism efforts.
Well it was labour that set up prevent in the first place although the jury is out on its effectiveness.
Lets face the fact that it isnt preventing. The community pc is the biggest loss as they are the eyes and ears on the ground.

I understand where you are coming from but I think your analysis is off.

The people who suffer most from these attacks,apart from the victims, are the Muslim communities. Hate crimes ,assaults and so on. Their kids arent safe, their businesses are attacked and so on. That is why they grass up these killers, but nothing gets done.
Actually, the jury isn't out on its effectiveness. It is not perfect, by any means, but it has had greater success than anything else tried previously.

If the lefty run universities (where a huge amount of radicalisation occurs) would behave like grown ups, and if the left and Muslim 'leaders' would stop hampering it with false accusations of islmophobia because it does not involve keeping old grannies under surveillance, it would have a good chance of being even more successful.

And Their is no evidence that community PC on the ground has greater success, since their presence is often viewed as 'spying' - just as Prevent and all other attempts at preventing radicalisation are viewed as spying and as islamophobic.

Face it, a great many of the Left, in cahoots with many Muslim 'leaders', do everything they can to raise the spectre of islamophobia whenever attempts are made in this direction in order to derail these attempts. They seem to prefer to let our children be blown up than risk some sort of 'unfairness' somewhere along the line. This way lies madness (and death).
Well it isnt coincidental that our defences are collapsing after the tories cut funding. Mrs May was home secretary for 6 years while she slashed away at budgets. She has blood on her hands and I hope she cant sleep at night.

And she cant say she wasnt warned.

Will Black on Twitter
France and Germany have had years of Socialist Left Wing gvmnts. They have had more than their fair share of terrorism, France the most. This should not be a partisan issue.
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Anyone want to come and live in Europe?

'This is for Syria': Tourists locked down inside Paris cathedral with their hands up after Algerian student carrying hammer and knives attacks police outside Notre Dame before being shot by cop
  • Suspected terrorist attacked an officer with a hammer outside Paris's Notre Dame Cathedral in French capital
  • The man, whose name hasn't been released, was shot by the police officer and he is now said to be in hospital
  • He was carrying kitchen knives, hammer and other unsophisticated weapons according to French detectives
  • He shouted 'This is for Syria' as he attacked the officer at the tourist hotspot and claimed to be an ISIS soldier
  • Just yesterday the terrorist group called on its militants to carry out more attacks on cities of Nice and Paris
  • Paris prosecutors opened a counter-terrorism investigation soon after the attack which occured at 4.30pm

By Kelly Mclaughlin and Gareth Davies and Peter Allen In Paris for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 15:41, 6 June 2017 | UPDATED: 19:34, 6 June 2017


Read more: Notre Dame: Hammer-wielding man shot after police attack | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
May prepared to change human rights laws to tackle terrorism

The prime minister, Theresa May, says she will change the law so that she can place restrictions on people suspected of posing a terror threat, but against whom there is not enough evidence to bring a prosecution. Speaking to supporters on Tuesday, she said:

I mean longer prison sentences for people convicted of terrorist offences. I mean making it easier for the authorities to deport foreign terror suspects to their own countries.

And I am mean doing more to restrict the freedom and the movements of terrorist suspects when we have enough evidence to know they present a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court.

And if human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change those laws so we can do it.

Election 2017: May prepared to change human rights law to tackle terrorism – politics live

I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
Before the bodies are even cold, we are treated to sermons on islamophobic backlashes and endless parades of Muslims who refer to themselves as double victims and who blame all and sundry - including (just a day after the Londonistan attack) 'toxic masculinity' - yes really.

What actually happens is lots of kumbaya, candles and teddy bears. But hey, they have to keep the islamopobia backlash myth alive and well.

Katie Hopkins gets it right, she always gets it right, she says what Theresa May needs to do, round up the 3,000 on the Watch List, deal with the Saudi funded Mosques that are in London etc and also she slaps the Pakistani Mayor of London on his evasive non-response....he's more suited of course to be the Mayor of Islamabad.

Zak Goldsmith would have won if the Socialists had not have run a Kebab to get the Kebabs out voting for a fellow Islamist.

The below video duration is five minutes and twenty six seconds.

Oh my God. You can't be serious. This woman is an absolute freak. That fact that you think like she does is scary.

Funny, that's exactly what I was going to say about Hillary.
Anyone want to come and live in Europe?

'This is for Syria': Tourists locked down inside Paris cathedral with their hands up after Algerian student carrying hammer and knives attacks police outside Notre Dame before being shot by cop
  • Suspected terrorist attacked an officer with a hammer outside Paris's Notre Dame Cathedral in French capital
  • The man, whose name hasn't been released, was shot by the police officer and he is now said to be in hospital
  • He was carrying kitchen knives, hammer and other unsophisticated weapons according to French detectives
  • He shouted 'This is for Syria' as he attacked the officer at the tourist hotspot and claimed to be an ISIS soldier
  • Just yesterday the terrorist group called on its militants to carry out more attacks on cities of Nice and Paris
  • Paris prosecutors opened a counter-terrorism investigation soon after the attack which occured at 4.30pm

By Kelly Mclaughlin and Gareth Davies and Peter Allen In Paris for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 15:41, 6 June 2017 | UPDATED: 19:34, 6 June 2017

View attachment 131334

Read more: Notre Dame: Hammer-wielding man shot after police attack | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Maybe he was trying to fix something in the Cathedral? Let's not jump to conclusions here! :rofl:
why do libtards defend islam? they kill gays, dont allow abortion or gay marriage.You know why? Because they are retarded and hate conservatives.
The virus of Islam now has its fangs into its host, the socialist US Democratic Party, while hiding behind it. Once it is done sucking all of the host's blood and is strong enough, it will dispose of its camouflage and start devouring the entire country.
Hysterical. Do you actually believe this nonsense.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
Which party do you think has the majority of Muslim votes, dumbass?
Muslim Congressman Andre Carson was asked on CNN if he's felt anti-Muslim hatred. Why wasn't he asked to condemn the Muslim terrorists?
Mother-pluckers never interview the victims of these barbaric terror attacks and what it does the the families.
why do libtards defend islam? they kill gays, dont allow abortion or gay marriage.You know why? Because they are retarded and hate conservatives.
The virus of Islam now has its fangs into its host, the socialist US Democratic Party, while hiding behind it. Once it is done sucking all of the host's blood and is strong enough, it will dispose of its camouflage and start devouring the entire country.
Hysterical. Do you actually believe this nonsense.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
Which party do you think has the majority of Muslim votes, dumbass?
Exactly. Which is why France is probably doomed to perpetual Socialism.
...“You were citing figures earlier that our security services are attempting to monitor around 23,000 suspected jihadists.

“That, by the way, is out of a population in the UK of just five per cent that are Muslim. That means 23,000 from four million Muslims in this country.


Britain is in the 'midst of a jihadist insurgency', according to Maajid Nawaz
Britain and the rest of Europe are in the midst of a full-blown jihadist insurgency

Around those 23,000 – those who are jihadists – around them will be those who sympathise with the ideology, Islamists who believe in establishing a caliphate and those who empathise with their friends – if that is not insurgency levels I don’t know what is.”

Former Islamic extremist WARNS Britain is 'in the midst of a jihadist insurgency'
23,000 Jihadi's in UK. "Bloody hell, mate!" They're gonna need a whole army just to keep tabs on them.

Yeah, why not, let's bring in more Muslims! Why not?
why do libtards defend islam? they kill gays, dont allow abortion or gay marriage.You know why? Because they are retarded and hate conservatives.
The virus of Islam now has its fangs into its host, the socialist US Democratic Party, while hiding behind it. Once it is done sucking all of the host's blood and is strong enough, it will dispose of its camouflage and start devouring the entire country.
Hysterical. Do you actually believe this nonsense.

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Which party do you think has the majority of Muslim votes, dumbass?
Exactly. Which is why France is probably doomed to perpetual Socialism.
If the French don't take evasive action, it will be a different France in a few years. Muslims there will turn it into a war zone, think Baghdad after Hussien Obama pulled all of our troops out.
Shake-downs would be monitoring Mosques. Or large scale implants of deep undercover agents. Or too many street stops.

Electronic surveillance of CLEARLY identified threats would tell you far more. Build maps of their contacts, their foreign connections, their travel. Attempts to buy bomb making materials or weapons. Financial transactions.

Too much overt police presence in those areas sends folks underground. It needs to be focused on LISTED threats and done COVERTLY.

And both the USA and the UK have 3 or 4 THOUSAND -- listed threats. MOST of the terrorist actions have COME from "dropped cases" on these lists. DON'T DROP THEM. Back off the police following them around. Make it an Intelligence responsibility.

More than that - it will make the muslim communities less willing to be cooperative and more fearful of the police.

I agree though - too many tips seem to have been provided on the people in the last several attacks and not taken seriously enough.

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