Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
We have these people running around doing killings In the name of Allah and a bunch of cowering PC bullshitters saying "It's not in the name of Allah...they are not qualified to say so"
See me and all other don't want to be blown up types are stuck with the predicament of listening to the killers more than their defenders .

Islam or not Muslims are getting dragged into this and they must clean it up or be extremely participatory With helping .
How about letting some observers attend a Mosque service.?You all are welcome to come to my Methodist church Anytime.
If the current trend in Islamic terror attacks continues, candlelit vigils will soon be the number one cause of global warming.

Surely it will be US military planes going off to bomb some little children
It would be nice to have wpns that seeked bad guys and only killed them, BUT REALITY DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! You can't blame us for civilian deaths when the enemy uses them as shields.

Yeah, you can't blame the US for start wars to get cheaper oil and then wanting to bomb those that seek to defend their land against US invasions and bombings when civilians get killed, no, not at all.

Just like you can't blame terrorists in London, Paris, Manchester, Brussels, when civilians get killed, they were just getting in the way of their bombs and knives. Yeah, not their fault at all.

Can someone translate this to one of the known human languages please?
We have these people running around doing killings In the name of Allah and a bunch of cowering PC bullshitters saying "It's not in the name of Allah...they are not qualified to say so"
See me and all other don't want to be blown up types are stuck with the predicament of listening to the killers more than their defenders .

Islam or not Muslims are getting dragged into this and they must clean it up or be extremely participatory With helping .
How about letting some observers attend a Mosque service.?You all are welcome to come to my Methodist church Anytime.
Exactly, most of these terrorist groups have leaders that are devout Muslim Imams carrying out "true Islam". Yet the Left keeps telling them and their victims, it isn't Islam. Funny stuff.
why do libtards defend islam? they kill gays, dont allow abortion or gay marriage.You know why? Because they are retarded and hate conservatives.
The virus of Islam now has its fangs into its host, the socialist US Democratic Party, while hiding behind it. Once it is done sucking all of the host's blood and is strong enough, it will dispose of its camouflage and start devouring the entire country.
President Trump sends tone-deaf travel ban tweet amid London Bridge terror
Source: Daily News

President Trump used the occasion of a terror attack in London to plug his proposed travel ban Saturday evening.

“We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!” Trump tweeted as chaos unfolded across multiple sites, with reports of fatalities on the London Bridge.

He seemed to recognize the insensitivity of the post and minutes later tweeted again.

“Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the U.K., we will be there - WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!”

Read more: Trump sends tone-deaf travel ban tweet amid London Bridge terror

Nothing can more clearly demonstrate the level of narcissistic rage that this man has when he has to turn every event, every tragedy, every living moment into something about him.
God, he is such a fucking moron. What an embarrassment to the US he is. The mayor of London would make a much better president than Trump: Sadiq Khan is more intelligent, better educated, more presidential and dignified, more circumspect and just a better overall person than the big orange head.
why do libtards defend islam? they kill gays, dont allow abortion or gay marriage.You know why? Because they are retarded and hate conservatives.
The virus of Islam now has its fangs into its host, the socialist US Democratic Party, while hiding behind it. Once it is done sucking all of the host's blood and is strong enough, it will dispose of its camouflage and start devouring the entire country.
Hysterical. Do you actually believe this nonsense.

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why do libtards defend islam? they kill gays, dont allow abortion or gay marriage.You know why? Because they are retarded and hate conservatives.
It's a fair question, and I'd begin by pointing out that the people doing this are not liberals, they're progressives. Two different things.

Here are two honest liberals discussing this very issue. The one on the right is a Muslim who puts his life on the line every day fighting against jihadism and for an Islamic Reformation. He has to fight two groups: The jihadists and the Regressive Left, a term he coined and explains:

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.
Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network.
Being somewhat of an expert on Islamic affairs, by being over in the middle east for 5 1/2 years, the central network is called Islam with their playbook, called the Quran(Koran). In it, the book tells Muslims to kill infidels or convert them, either must be done. Back just after the war, and Germany an ally to Muslims lost, one of the new rules for the Middle East to be accepted was to release their black slaves. So the blacks had a choice, either to convert or be killed. No blacks were killed, but continue to be treated as 2nd class citizens because of the slave background. And to think, blacks in America want to become Muslims, but are totally clueless how they would be treated over there. Just shows how uneducated the US is becoming.
If the current trend in Islamic terror attacks continues, candlelit vigils will soon be the number one cause of global warming.

Surely it will be US military planes going off to bomb some little children
It would be nice to have wpns that seeked bad guys and only killed them, BUT REALITY DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! You can't blame us for civilian deaths when the enemy uses them as shields.

Yeah, you can't blame the US for start wars to get cheaper oil and then wanting to bomb those that seek to defend their land against US invasions and bombings when civilians get killed, no, not at all.

Just like you can't blame terrorists in London, Paris, Manchester, Brussels, when civilians get killed, they were just getting in the way of their bombs and knives. Yeah, not their fault at all.

Wow, some of the silliest logic I have heard in a long time.
Trump just wants an extra level of security, not b/c he hates Muslims. It's b/c he loves America so much.

In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.

Not all are isolated, however a lot of their isolation is due to how they are treated when they get there.
All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
Why would Muslim imams officiate over the deaths of people who aren't Muslim? Most Muslims - including our mayor, Imams and politicians - keep telling us these Muslim scum terrorists ARE NOT MUSLIM so it's not much of a concession to not say prayers for them if they are not Muslims, is it?
Are you as gullible and as keen to have the wool pulled over your eyes in other walks of life too?

In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.

Not all are isolated, however a lot of their isolation is due to how they are treated when they get there.
All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
Why would Muslim imams officiate over the deaths of people who aren't Muslim? Most Muslims - including our mayor, Imams and politicians - keep telling us these Muslim scum terrorists ARE NOT MUSLIM so it's not much of a concession to not say prayers for them if they are not Muslims, is it?
Are you as gullible and as keen to have the wool pulled over your eyes in other walks of life too?
Yes Tilly I think we agree. However there are some who think that the wider Muslim community supports these characters. It is worth making the point that they do not.

In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.

Not all are isolated, however a lot of their isolation is due to how they are treated when they get there.
All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
Why would Muslim imams officiate over the deaths of people who aren't Muslim? Most Muslims - including our mayor, Imams and politicians - keep telling us these Muslim scum terrorists ARE NOT MUSLIM so it's not much of a concession to not say prayers for them if they are not Muslims, is it?
Are you as gullible and as keen to have the wool pulled over your eyes in other walks of life too?
Yes Tilly I think we agree. However there are some who think that the wider Muslim community supports these characters. It is worth making the point that they do not.
You don't really know that the majority do not, though, Timmy.
Two thirds have already told us that they wouldn't report their suspicions to the police. Now, I realise that these two thirds say they will speak to imams and family - rather than the police - but that just doesn't cut it - particularly since it is a well known fact that the majority of our mosques and imams are infected with wahabi and deobandi ideology.

Not very comforting at all. AND until we stop hearing form 99.9 % recurring of Muslims interviewed that MUSLIM TERRORISTS who have been raised Muslim from birth ARE NOT MUSLIM you cannot accept the highly qualified 'condemnations' - because until they acknowledge that these scum ARE MUSLIMS and ARE a product of Islam and of their Muslim communities - their condemnations mean nothing, and worse, these denials are obstructive and mean little will change.

I would be equally unimpressed and alarmed if we had, say, Catholic terrorists running rampant, and the Catholic communities response was that two thirds of them wouldn't tell the police, but would chat to each other and a community priest about it. Just not acceptable at all, not when lives are at stake and children are blown to bits.
Police reveal third London Bridge attacker as Youssef Zaghba
THE third terrorist who brought carnage to the streets of London on Saturday has been named as Youssef Zaghba.
PUBLISHED: 12:07, Tue, Jun 6, 2017 | UPDATED: 13:29, Tue, Jun 6, 2017

Third London Bridge terrorist named as Youssef Zaghba

The 22-year-old Italian national, who was of Moroccan descent, came from East London where some of the Metropolitan police’s investigation has been focussed.

His name is the last to be released after the other two attackers were named as Khuram Butt, a 27-year old Pakistan-born British citizen, and Rachid Redouane, a Moroccan-Libyan pastry chef aged 30.

Scotland Yard released a statement which said: "The Met’s counter-terrorism command has released the name and photograph of the third attacker shot dead by police following the terrorist attacks on London Bridge and at Borough Market on Saturday.

"While formal identification is yet to take place, detectives believe he is 22-year-old Youssef Zaghba, from east London.


His name is the last to be released after the other two attackers were named
All three men involved in the attack were confronted and shot dead


"The deceased's family have been informed.

"He is believed to be an Italian national of Moroccan dissent. He was not a police or MI5 subject of interest....

Police reveal third London Bridge attacker as Youssef Zaghba
Oh dear:

...British authorities were warned about an Italian-Moroccan terrorist who took part in the London Bridge attack after he tried to travel to Syria from Italy, it was claimed today.

Youssef Zaghba, a 22-year-old who was born in Fez, Morocco to an Italian mother and Moroccan father, was suspected of attempting to travel to war-torn country last year, according to Italian media.

Authorities in Italy tipped off British authorities about Zaghba but he was apparently able to enter Britain and get a job in a London restaurant, Corriere Della Sera reports...

Read more: Third London Bridge attacker named as Youssef Zaghba | Daily Mail Online
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..Khuram Butt, 27, was probed two years before his murderous rampage but officials downgraded the investigation because they did not suspect the married father of two was planning an attack.

Incredibly last year he even secured a job working on the Tube and had access to tunnels under the Houses of Parliament while working at Westminster station.

The Pakistani-born Briton, who came to the UK as an asylum seeker, was able to mastermind the murder of seven and maiming of 48 others in plain sight on Saturday night.

There are growing calls for Scotland Yard and MI5 to explain why they failed to act on the repeated warnings about Butt's extremism.

Read more: London Bridge killer Khuram Butt known to police and MI5 | Daily Mail Online
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Asylum seeker.

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