Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
It sounds like the police were aware enough to be monitoring two of these guys, but because there was no active "plot" they could see, they just monitored.

If possession of child porn is illegal and cause for arrest - shouldn't possession of or participation of ISIS propoganda be? Like the below?

Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists - everything we know about them
Butt was seen praying with a group of radical Muslims in Regent’s Park, including Mohammed Shamsuddin who was filmed warning that the black flag of Islam would one day fly over Downing Street and calling for Britain to adopt Sharia law. Shamsuddin was also filmed laughing at videos of Isis drowning men in a cage.

Butt could be heard asking for a compass so that he could pray towards Mecca. The group were filmed praying in front of the black flag of Islam, which is used by Islamic State. Police later detained the group for an hour and searched for the flag but could not locate it. Butt could be heard saying: "What are you touching him for?"

The possession of child porn is illegal because a crime is committed in the process of making child porn and you are an accessory.

On what basis would you ban ISIS material? It would be a violation of free speech, just like banning Nazi propaganda or other extreme propaganda.

I am not siding with or against the idea, however there are constitutional considerations when looking at this idea. I think you could deem this as illegal material because of the violence associated with the material. Just be careful not to trample the Constitution and make sure it can't be easy to move the bars to other religions or groups.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
I expected this response, I even asked myself that. My answer? I don't know, but I have little respect for any religion but especially Islam, but this is more about how we non Muslims respond to their provocations to hate. Islam can go to hell.
You are moving the goalposts now. You realise that these nutters kill more muslims than non muslims dont you ?

They report the nutters and nothing gets done. Then they get abused for not doing anything. We should embrace them not abuse them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
What would you have them do ?
They kick them out of their Mosques,they report them to the police and they condemn their actions.

Both the Manchester and London killers were reported by their communities to the police and neither were followed up.

Probably because the tories have slashed police numbers.

What else should they be doing ?
I expected this response, I even asked myself that. My answer? I don't know, but I have little respect for any religion but especially Islam, but this is more about how we non Muslims respond to their provocations to hate. Islam can go to hell.
You are moving the goalposts now. You realise that these nutters kill more muslims than non muslims dont you ?

They report the nutters and nothing gets done. Then they get abused for not doing anything. We should embrace them not abuse them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
He already admitted to it, but for proof, just ask him to look at his own picture that he's posted. What a friggin dork! :lmao:
I expected this response, I even asked myself that. My answer? I don't know, but I have little respect for any religion but especially Islam, but this is more about how we non Muslims respond to their provocations to hate. Islam can go to hell.
You are moving the goalposts now. You realise that these nutters kill more muslims than non muslims dont you ?

They report the nutters and nothing gets done. Then they get abused for not doing anything. We should embrace them not abuse them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
It defies logic that as a gay man you defend a culture that if in control, they'll cut your nuts off and throw you off rooftops, which is what is happening today in many Muslim countries. The Left is very good at brainwashing useful yet useless idiots like you.
Like I said, all over the West the frequency, cruelty and lethality will increase until we have a major event with thousands or tens of thousands dead. The Lefties in charge are going to keep giving lip service until the public gets fed up and throws them out of office.
I expected this response, I even asked myself that. My answer? I don't know, but I have little respect for any religion but especially Islam, but this is more about how we non Muslims respond to their provocations to hate. Islam can go to hell.
You are moving the goalposts now. You realise that these nutters kill more muslims than non muslims dont you ?

They report the nutters and nothing gets done. Then they get abused for not doing anything. We should embrace them not abuse them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
Are we on the same page historically? Yes, it is, Chamberlain was in denial, too. Nazis/Muslims are like that, when even so called GOOD Muslims can't defend against their own extremism, it dosen't bode well for Islam, does it?
Like I said, all over the West the frequency, cruelty and lethality will increase until we have a major event with thousands or tens of thousands dead. The Lefties in charge are going to keep giving lip service until the public gets fed up and throws them out of office.
You are moving the goalposts now. You realise that these nutters kill more muslims than non muslims dont you ?

They report the nutters and nothing gets done. Then they get abused for not doing anything. We should embrace them not abuse them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
Are we on the same page historically? Yes, it is, Chamberlain was in denial, too. Nazis/Muslims are like that, when even so called GOOD Muslims can't defend against their own extremism, it dosen't bode well for Islam, does it?
Ive given you examples of the muslim community reporting extremists. What more do you want them to do ? Be specific.
You are moving the goalposts now. You realise that these nutters kill more muslims than non muslims dont you ?

They report the nutters and nothing gets done. Then they get abused for not doing anything. We should embrace them not abuse them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
It defies logic that as a gay man you defend a culture that if in control, they'll cut your nuts off and throw you off rooftops, which is what is happening today in many Muslim countries. The Left is very good at brainwashing useful yet useless idiots like you.
These things only happen in rogue states where there is no law. You take the extreme and present it as the norm. That is just dishonest.
Why do you assume that I am Gay ?
I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
It defies logic that as a gay man you defend a culture that if in control, they'll cut your nuts off and throw you off rooftops, which is what is happening today in many Muslim countries. The Left is very good at brainwashing useful yet useless idiots like you.
These things only happen in rogue states where there is no law. You take the extreme and present it as the norm. That is just dishonest.
Why do you assume that I am Gay ?
If its not the gay penguins, maybe it's your obsession with Pink News?
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In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.

Not all are isolated, however a lot of their isolation is due to how they are treated when they get there.
All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
It is not not a meaningless message, after all you are always complaining they don't do enough and when they do it's still not enough because it will never be enough.

The British Muslim leadership and community has been outspoken on this. Those same Imams have given tips to the police which were not followed up on. Sounds proactive to me.

Who knows, maybe if they realize they won't get prayers maybe they won't get to heaven and that might throw a hitch in recruitment. It sends a message.

In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.

Not all are isolated, however a lot of their isolation is due to how they are treated when they get there.
All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
It is not not a meaningless message, after all you are always complaining they don't do enough and when they do it's still not enough because it will never be enough.

The British Muslim leadership and community has been outspoken on this. Those same Imams have given tips to the police which were not followed up on. Sounds proactive to me.

Who knows, maybe if they realize they won't get prayers maybe they won't get to heaven and that might throw a hitch in recruitment. It sends a message.

Maybe they should tell them that the 72 virgins they are promised are all going to look like these beached whales :smoke:



Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Exactly...but, it's not political correctness. Citizens have basic rights. If you round innocent people up solely on the basis of religion, then you have to decide what to do with them. And you have to decide what your country is then going to become as a result of those actions. You will also drive it underground because you likely can't round up every Muslim, people will hide their faith like other's have under religious persecution and you'll end up fueling the terrorism.

I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?

"I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?"

I think that when David Cameron was their Prime Minister during Austerity cuts they cut something like 10,000 police, I'm not sure what sort of police though I'll have to read up, if these were regular police or Counter Terrorism type of police, if the latter that would be incredibly reckless a policy.

I was listening to the BBC yesterday and they were interviewing a retired policeman who was in Counter Terrorism and he said that he and many of his colleagues who most are now in their 60s and early 70s (they must have worked when it was more threats from Irish Sectarians than Killer Kebabs) would be willing to come out of retirement and basically work unpaid to assist in helping in attempting to get a grip on this whole situation.

If they have made this offer then it would be sensible for the British Government and also Scotland Yard to take them up because they need the extra hands on the deck.

The most senior British police officer of Muslim origin has said they should start rounding thousands up now and putting them into internment camps, of course people like me agree with with him, we've said they all need rounding up and putting into Special Camps.

Note this is termed "controversial" um not it's not controversial it's logical and sensible, it's only "controversial" to Leftist Kumbaya types who don't seem to give a crap how many people are slaughtered on the streets.

This is the MI5 Watch List he refers to, they shouldn't be watching them anymore, it's impossible to watch and keep track of 24/7 at least 3,000 Terror Kebabs, they need to round them up and get them off the streets and put them in internment camps and if need be put them out to sea in Prison Ships.

Here he is Tarique Ghaffur, he's a Muslim, he cannot be labeled a racist bigot therefore like we all are always labeled for saying exactly what he's saying. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have thousands of Radical Muslim Extremists on the loose on the streets is simply an Islamic Terrorist Enabler who doesn't care how many people get slaughtered.


7/7 Met police chief calls for extremists to be locked up in INTERNMENT camps as he says MI5 and police cannot keep track of 3,000 terror suspects
  • The controversial call came from Tarique Ghaffur, a Muslim former police chief
  • He warns there are too many extremists in UK for police, MI5 officers to monitor
  • Mr Ghaffur proposes special centres be set up to detain up to 3,000 extremists
  • He was Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when 7/7 bombings took place

"Thousands of radical extremists must be locked up in new internment camps to protect Britain from the unprecedented terror threat it faces, a Muslim former police chief declares today.

Writing exclusively for The Mail on Sunday, Tarique Ghaffur warns there are too many extremists on the streets for police and MI5 officers to monitor.

Mr Ghaffur, an Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when the 7/7 bombings took place, proposes that special centres be set up to detain as many as 3,000 extremists, where they can be kept from launching attacks.

They would also be made to go through a de-radicalisation programme."

Here's the rest of the article.

Chief wants extremists to be locked in INTERNMENT camps | Daily Mail Online
Apparently the 3000 figure is just the tip of the iceberg. Commissioner Cressida Dick said this morning on ? Sky News or BBC news that there are actually 'tens of thousands' of subjects of interest.
Given that it takes 30 to 40 people to monitor just one of them, we can expect a LOT more Manchesters and Borough Markets etc :-(

There are also other things that are not explained why nothing isn't being done.

For instance why is ISIS still being allowed to have a Twitter account?

There have been people with Twitter accounts who have posted about how we need to have for want of a better term, a Counter-Jihad against the Islamists, these people have had their Twitter accounts taken down and have been outlawed from using Twitter.

Yet Twitter hasn't outlawed ISIS itself from using Twitter and they haven't outlawed the ISIS supporters from using Twitter to celebrate each terrorist attack.

ISIS has a wide presence on the Internet across multiple websites, to be on the Internet they have to have an ISP provider, so why haven't the ISP providers been contacted and forced to hand over information and also told to shut those websites down?

The question is are the authorities and the Governments wanting to stop all these terrorist attacks? They are leaving thousands of Radical Extremists on the streets, they are ignoring warnings from others such as the warning they got about an attack was going to happen in Manchester, they are letting ISIS continue to have a Twitter account and multiple websites.

Something is not right about this situation.

That's a good point about Twitter and the internet. Why can't they go after it like they do child porn?
I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
Before the bodies are even cold, we are treated to sermons on islamophobic backlashes and endless parades of Muslims who refer to themselves as double victims and who blame all and sundry - including (just a day after the Londonistan attack) 'toxic masculinity' - yes really.

What actually happens is lots of kumbaya, candles and teddy bears. But hey, they have to keep the islamopobia backlash myth alive and well.
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USA was forced to put Japanese into internment camps because 500 or so were leaking information about Troop movements etc. They put all of them?

The only new answer I see in this thread is to round up 3000 bad English muslims. Good start.

I don't see them stopping the murderous un-provked attacks. Too many want to do nothing at all? That won't work.
They didn't do it because anyone was leaking, they did because they were afraid. And the Americans of Japanese ancestry were too small a group to offer political resistance and because few were willing to stand up for them.
Yeah, um well, how about they come to the realization that beautiful theology of theirs is just another delusion? They make the Reverend Jim Jones look like pikers. You are gay, do YOU want to live in such a world of restrictive theocracy Islam wants to impose? Why defend them?
Why do you think I am Gay ?
Well, previous post of yours, but no matter. No slight on you. None the less, why defend Islam? They are fools and becoming the crypto fascist without borders. And it's the good Nazi-bad Nazi thing all over again . Do you really care about what the GOOD Nazis did to offset the BAD ones? A little to little and a little to late.
Its nothing like the situation you describe.Why do you want to punish billions of people for the actions of a few nutters ? It defies logic.
It defies logic that as a gay man you defend a culture that if in control, they'll cut your nuts off and throw you off rooftops, which is what is happening today in many Muslim countries. The Left is very good at brainwashing useful yet useless idiots like you.
These things only happen in rogue states where there is no law. You take the extreme and present it as the norm. That is just dishonest.
Why do you assume that I am Gay ?
Rogue states? Being gay is illegal in the entire Muslim world, you jackass, the only thing that varies is the extent of the punishment. It doesn't matter that you are gay or not, but you are.
I don't care if you are gay, just going off some of your previous post. Neither here nor there. So is Londonistan, Err, London's mayor a Muslim? Pandering to Muslims and over playing anti Muslim backlashes that are few and far between, what is up with THAT? Who's side are you on? It boggles my mind, no backlash, total focus on backlash. meanwhile Muslims blow up, run over and stab and murder innocent people here. You are good with that?
We elected a black son of a Muslim with Islamist sympathies as president, just should prove we aren't racists or Islamophobes, and look what happened...not only did he fuck up the entire world, our economy, and our security, but we have never been as divided as a country.

Yes, in Melbourne a gunman took hostages, he called a TV station and told them "This is for ISIS"

The officers killed the terrorist.
Praise to Allah.

Seriously, this is like "night of the living dead." I was at a restaurant at a busy pier over the weekend, and all the time I was checking out anyone with heavy looking backpacks. This is the new reality we are living in. What the govt. isn't telling you is there is no defense against these animals. It can happen at anytime, and anywhere. We are on our own.
Not all are isolated, however a lot of their isolation is due to how they are treated when they get there.
All the Imams in London have refused to say prayers over the bodies of the killers. Its a pretty clear message.
It's pretty meaningless message. Perhaps these same imams should focus on being proactive when it comes to ending extremist, not petty posturing after the fact.
It is not not a meaningless message, after all you are always complaining they don't do enough and when they do it's still not enough because it will never be enough.

The British Muslim leadership and community has been outspoken on this. Those same Imams have given tips to the police which were not followed up on. Sounds proactive to me.

Who knows, maybe if they realize they won't get prayers maybe they won't get to heaven and that might throw a hitch in recruitment. It sends a message.

Maybe they should tell them that the 72 virgins they are promised are all going to look like these beached whales :smoke:


There's actually guys that get turned on by that. "Believe it or not".

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