Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Again, who and what we stand for is irrelvant, things will happen on their own, like dominos collapsing on one another. By that I mean as the frequency, cruelty and lethality of these Islamic terror attacks in the West increase, so will the responses by the countries.

The question is how many of our children will have to die until we get to that point. In my opinion even one more is too much. Concrete steps, not lip service mixed with politically correct speech, need to be taken immediately. One of those steps could be to take Islam off the list of official religions. It might sound harsh, but remember we are dealing with an ideology that kills little girls that are going to a concert. Drastic circumstances require drastic responses. We are talking about preserving our freedoms and way of life.

Here's the deal. War has literally been declared on Western countries by about 6 or 8 Jihadi groups. They are PERFECTLY CLEAR about who they are. They are stateless ideologues who want a Caliphate or an Islamic State. The current dictatorial theocracies that dominate in that region are not "Muslim Enough" for them.

It's not a criminal act. It's not an attack BY a religion.. It's various groups of stateless RADICALIZED pirates.
There's no mystery to this. No reason in Heaven or Hell why Islam can't be practiced peacefully in Western cultures with the right attention to immigration and assimilation. We (you and me and the Western countries) have ALREADY created a massive breeding habitat for these pirates out of formerly "stable" states. That damage HAS to be mitigated somehow to reduce the threat at it's roots.

OBVIOUSLY -- border control in this type of War (and it's a war) is important. The focus should be on that. Because the potential for ISIS/AlQueda/Hamas obtaining WMDs or weapons more dangerous and effective than vans and knives, is almost CERTAINTY at this point.

We need to remain smart and calm.. And not BROADEN the war. As much as I KNOW -- you'd love to do that.
Bringing them here could mean death to some of our people.

10,000 deaths a year from guns, and you have a problem only with the dozen or so dead from Terrorism..... what? How is that logical?

You suppprt the largest hate group on the planet, Muslims out of the west now, apologist scum off our streets, Je Suis Breivik!
No. You're not're just some scared little internet poster boy who lives his violence vicariously thru a mass murderer.

Breivik was not a mass murderer he is a hero and freedom fighter. Your support for the pedophile worshipping death cult muslim murder monkeys is duly noted.
Shows so much about you....and I could care less about muslims...or any patriarchal religion...all are excuses for control.

That must be why all those "religious nuts" have the discipline and love for tradition to get up early on their day's off and VOLUNTARILY go to services to hear UPLIFTING messages about doing "good deeds". Yup it's all about "control"... The "self-control" and humility type of control. A little humility is a good thing..

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Political correctness? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The U.S. Constitution doesn't allow for the rounding up of any group and take them off the streets. You can question them, you can watch them, but you can't take away freedoms because you are afraid of what "might" happen. If we started doing that, then we can start taking any group off the street for what "might" happen, that is a dangerous precedent to set. We could then start locking up Christians, Gun activists, gays, jews, blondes, Republicans and on and on.
See "our way of life" has been deemed a wrong way of life by the Muz scum.
Liberals have sort of pitched in with them via a "lots wrong with America" and together they espouse that we really are not entitled to our way of life thus life is taken

I don't think so.

I think it's an oversimplification to say they hate the west because of our way of life because many CHOOSE to immigrate here to escape religious or ethnic persecution or to take advantage of the freedoms and rights we have and make a new life for themselves. I think if you are going to ask why they hate us - you have to look at the history of Western meddling in the Middle East and the mess it's in right now. Add to that you have, in Arab culture a VERY traditional culture that tends to require a circle of elders decision for any deviation from tradition so embracing the rights and freedoms the west takes for granted is going to take a while. You also have a culture that tends to readily believe in conspiracy theories to explain bad things.

For DECADES -- BOTH parties in the US pursued a doomed policy to make Freedom and Democracy bloom in the Mid-East. It was based on a belief that MANY folks (apparently no where near enough) would LEAP at the opportunity to be in a more democratic, "westernized" culture. So -- of course there are some. The question is -- why aren't we screening current immigrants and refugees to those "standards"??? And why aren't we ASKING?

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Exactly...but, it's not political correctness. Citizens have basic rights. If you round innocent people up solely on the basis of religion, then you have to decide what to do with them. And you have to decide what your country is then going to become as a result of those actions. You will also drive it underground because you likely can't round up every Muslim, people will hide their faith like other's have under religious persecution and you'll end up fueling the terrorism.

I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?

"I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?"

I think that when David Cameron was their Prime Minister during Austerity cuts they cut something like 10,000 police, I'm not sure what sort of police though I'll have to read up, if these were regular police or Counter Terrorism type of police, if the latter that would be incredibly reckless a policy.

I was listening to the BBC yesterday and they were interviewing a retired policeman who was in Counter Terrorism and he said that he and many of his colleagues who most are now in their 60s and early 70s (they must have worked when it was more threats from Irish Sectarians than Killer Kebabs) would be willing to come out of retirement and basically work unpaid to assist in helping in attempting to get a grip on this whole situation.

If they have made this offer then it would be sensible for the British Government and also Scotland Yard to take them up because they need the extra hands on the deck.

The most senior British police officer of Muslim origin has said they should start rounding thousands up now and putting them into internment camps, of course people like me agree with with him, we've said they all need rounding up and putting into Special Camps.

Note this is termed "controversial" um not it's not controversial it's logical and sensible, it's only "controversial" to Leftist Kumbaya types who don't seem to give a crap how many people are slaughtered on the streets.

This is the MI5 Watch List he refers to, they shouldn't be watching them anymore, it's impossible to watch and keep track of 24/7 at least 3,000 Terror Kebabs, they need to round them up and get them off the streets and put them in internment camps and if need be put them out to sea in Prison Ships.

Here he is Tarique Ghaffur, he's a Muslim, he cannot be labeled a racist bigot therefore like we all are always labeled for saying exactly what he's saying. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have thousands of Radical Muslim Extremists on the loose on the streets is simply an Islamic Terrorist Enabler who doesn't care how many people get slaughtered.


7/7 Met police chief calls for extremists to be locked up in INTERNMENT camps as he says MI5 and police cannot keep track of 3,000 terror suspects
  • The controversial call came from Tarique Ghaffur, a Muslim former police chief
  • He warns there are too many extremists in UK for police, MI5 officers to monitor
  • Mr Ghaffur proposes special centres be set up to detain up to 3,000 extremists
  • He was Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when 7/7 bombings took place

"Thousands of radical extremists must be locked up in new internment camps to protect Britain from the unprecedented terror threat it faces, a Muslim former police chief declares today.

Writing exclusively for The Mail on Sunday, Tarique Ghaffur warns there are too many extremists on the streets for police and MI5 officers to monitor.

Mr Ghaffur, an Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when the 7/7 bombings took place, proposes that special centres be set up to detain as many as 3,000 extremists, where they can be kept from launching attacks.

They would also be made to go through a de-radicalisation programme."

Here's the rest of the article.

Chief wants extremists to be locked in INTERNMENT camps | Daily Mail Online
I'm not sure what the "solution" is ?

1 -- Put an immediate halt to all immigration from Muslim countries.

2 -- enact sedition laws

3 -- Jail all Imams preaching Jihad and destroy their mosques

4 -- demand assimilation into western culture

5 -- Bust up no-go zones using the military

6 - Treat Islam for what it is -- a totalitarian, supremacist ideology viciously opposed to secular humanism.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Exactly...but, it's not political correctness. Citizens have basic rights. If you round innocent people up solely on the basis of religion, then you have to decide what to do with them. And you have to decide what your country is then going to become as a result of those actions. You will also drive it underground because you likely can't round up every Muslim, people will hide their faith like other's have under religious persecution and you'll end up fueling the terrorism.

I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?

"I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?"

I think that when David Cameron was their Prime Minister during Austerity cuts they cut something like 10,000 police, I'm not sure what sort of police though I'll have to read up, if these were regular police or Counter Terrorism type of police, if the latter that would be incredibly reckless a policy.

I was listening to the BBC yesterday and they were interviewing a retired policeman who was in Counter Terrorism and he said that he and many of his colleagues who most are now in their 60s and early 70s (they must have worked when it was more threats from Irish Sectarians than Killer Kebabs) would be willing to come out of retirement and basically work unpaid to assist in helping in attempting to get a grip on this whole situation.

If they have made this offer then it would be sensible for the British Government and also Scotland Yard to take them up because they need the extra hands on the deck.

The most senior British police officer of Muslim origin has said they should start rounding thousands up now and putting them into internment camps, of course people like me agree with with him, we've said they all need rounding up and putting into Special Camps.

Note this is termed "controversial" um not it's not controversial it's logical and sensible, it's only "controversial" to Leftist Kumbaya types who don't seem to give a crap how many people are slaughtered on the streets.

This is the MI5 Watch List he refers to, they shouldn't be watching them anymore, it's impossible to watch and keep track of 24/7 of at least 3,000 Terror Kebabs, they need to round them up and get them off the streets and put them in internment camps and if need be put them out to sea in Prison Ships.

Here he is Tarique Ghaffur, he's a Muslim, he cannot be labeled a racist bigot therefore like we all are always labeled for saying exactly what he's saying.


7/7 Met police chief calls for extremists to be locked up in INTERNMENT camps as he says MI5 and police cannot keep track of 3,000 terror suspects
  • The controversial call came from Tarique Ghaffur, a Muslim former police chief
  • He warns there are too many extremists in UK for police, MI5 officers to monitor
  • Mr Ghaffur proposes special centres be set up to detain up to 3,000 extremists
  • He was Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when 7/7 bombings took place

Thousands of radical extremists must be locked up in new internment camps to protect Britain from the unprecedented terror threat it faces, a Muslim former police chief declares today.

Writing exclusively for The Mail on Sunday, Tarique Ghaffur warns there are too many extremists on the streets for police and MI5 officers to monitor.

Mr Ghaffur, an Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when the 7/7 bombings took place, proposes that special centres be set up to detain as many as 3,000 extremists, where they can be kept from launching attacks.

They would also be made to go through a de-radicalisation programme.

Here's the rest of the article.

Chief wants extremists to be locked in INTERNMENT camps | Daily Mail Online

MET police chief needs to focus on the problem of disarming their street cops. It makes ALL of the UK a soft target. And spend less time using the words -- Internment Camps. If you INSIST on taking unvetted refugees from war zones full of pirate combatants -- you might NEED to segregate them in SOME kind of special TEMPORARY accomodation that's NOT "a camp". If the refugees themselves have no interest in becoming Brits or citizens.

But there are MANY systemic problems that make the UK a "softer target" than it should be. The US shouldn't repeat those errors..
These Leftie terrorist enabling idiots don't realize that the first heads to get chopped off will be theirs.

THey are feeding the crocodile hoping it will eat them last, but have you ever tried reasoning with a crocodile?

What I find amazing about these absolutely clueless numb nuts is that they have themselves convinced that their championing of the very ideology that seeks to stamp out liberalism forever is some sort of requirement for being considered liberal.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Political correctness? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The U.S. Constitution doesn't allow for the rounding up of any group and take them off the streets. You can question them, you can watch them, but you can't take away freedoms because you are afraid of what "might" happen. If we started doing that, then we can start taking any group off the street for what "might" happen, that is a dangerous precedent to set. We could then start locking up Christians, Gun activists, gays, jews, blondes, Republicans and on and on.

We do not operate on the European Continent using the American Constitution.

If any of our Governments decide that this crowd are going to be rounded up and put into internment camps to protect public safety then they'll be rounded up and put into interment camps to protect public safety.

Fuck the American Constitution it doesn't apply to our Continent.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Political correctness? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The U.S. Constitution doesn't allow for the rounding up of any group and take them off the streets. You can question them, you can watch them, but you can't take away freedoms because you are afraid of what "might" happen. If we started doing that, then we can start taking any group off the street for what "might" happen, that is a dangerous precedent to set. We could then start locking up Christians, Gun activists, gays, jews, blondes, Republicans and on and on.

We do not operate on the European Continent using the American Constitution.

If any of our Governments decide that this crowd are going to be rounded up and put into internment camps to protect public safety then they'll be rounded up and put into interment camps to protect public safety.

Fuck the American Constitution it doesn't apply to our Continent.

Didn't realize you weren't from America.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Exactly...but, it's not political correctness. Citizens have basic rights. If you round innocent people up solely on the basis of religion, then you have to decide what to do with them. And you have to decide what your country is then going to become as a result of those actions. You will also drive it underground because you likely can't round up every Muslim, people will hide their faith like other's have under religious persecution and you'll end up fueling the terrorism.

I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?

"I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?"

I think that when David Cameron was their Prime Minister during Austerity cuts they cut something like 10,000 police, I'm not sure what sort of police though I'll have to read up, if these were regular police or Counter Terrorism type of police, if the latter that would be incredibly reckless a policy.

I was listening to the BBC yesterday and they were interviewing a retired policeman who was in Counter Terrorism and he said that he and many of his colleagues who most are now in their 60s and early 70s (they must have worked when it was more threats from Irish Sectarians than Killer Kebabs) would be willing to come out of retirement and basically work unpaid to assist in helping in attempting to get a grip on this whole situation.

If they have made this offer then it would be sensible for the British Government and also Scotland Yard to take them up because they need the extra hands on the deck.

The most senior British police officer of Muslim origin has said they should start rounding thousands up now and putting them into internment camps, of course people like me agree with with him, we've said they all need rounding up and putting into Special Camps.

Note this is termed "controversial" um not it's not controversial it's logical and sensible, it's only "controversial" to Leftist Kumbaya types who don't seem to give a crap how many people are slaughtered on the streets.

This is the MI5 Watch List he refers to, they shouldn't be watching them anymore, it's impossible to watch and keep track of 24/7 at least 3,000 Terror Kebabs, they need to round them up and get them off the streets and put them in internment camps and if need be put them out to sea in Prison Ships.

Here he is Tarique Ghaffur, he's a Muslim, he cannot be labeled a racist bigot therefore like we all are always labeled for saying exactly what he's saying. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have thousands of Radical Muslim Extremists on the loose on the streets is simply an Islamic Terrorist Enabler who doesn't care how many people get slaughtered.


7/7 Met police chief calls for extremists to be locked up in INTERNMENT camps as he says MI5 and police cannot keep track of 3,000 terror suspects
  • The controversial call came from Tarique Ghaffur, a Muslim former police chief
  • He warns there are too many extremists in UK for police, MI5 officers to monitor
  • Mr Ghaffur proposes special centres be set up to detain up to 3,000 extremists
  • He was Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when 7/7 bombings took place

"Thousands of radical extremists must be locked up in new internment camps to protect Britain from the unprecedented terror threat it faces, a Muslim former police chief declares today.

Writing exclusively for The Mail on Sunday, Tarique Ghaffur warns there are too many extremists on the streets for police and MI5 officers to monitor.

Mr Ghaffur, an Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when the 7/7 bombings took place, proposes that special centres be set up to detain as many as 3,000 extremists, where they can be kept from launching attacks.

They would also be made to go through a de-radicalisation programme."

Here's the rest of the article.

Chief wants extremists to be locked in INTERNMENT camps | Daily Mail Online

I think locking them up in internment camps is a dangerous idea - you are locking citizens up with no charges, and no due process. We did something similar with Gitmo - and those were not citizens. Some were dangerous some were innocent people caught in very broad sweeps. Your example would be even worse because you are talking about actual citizens and they are being held without charge. I think the potential backlash would be bad and the potential to create more radicalization high.

What I DO think they should is look at dual-citizenship. They have a lot of people who are dual citizens - if someone is suspected of extremism - remove his dual citizenship and send him back to the other country he holds citizenship in.

I said it before, but I'll say it again as I think it bears repeating:

And, frankly, as ISIS loses territory and funding, I think we WILL see more of these attacks. So it seems that the best way to address it first is at the community level - where people become radicalized might first be recognized. And in the prisons - many of the people who commit these attacks are thugs with substantial criminal records. We need to keep ties strong with the Muslim communities - not label them as the enemy - because they're the ones best able to let us know about radicalization. If a mosque is found to be preaching violence or violent jihad then they should be put under observation. Muslim groups and authorities in western countries should consider whether they should be importing foreign imams who might not share western values instead of bringing Imam's up from their own. Above all - Muslims are not a singular group but a group of diverse cultures from many different countries.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Political correctness? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The U.S. Constitution doesn't allow for the rounding up of any group and take them off the streets. You can question them, you can watch them, but you can't take away freedoms because you are afraid of what "might" happen. If we started doing that, then we can start taking any group off the street for what "might" happen, that is a dangerous precedent to set. We could then start locking up Christians, Gun activists, gays, jews, blondes, Republicans and on and on.

We do not operate on the European Continent using the American Constitution.

If any of our Governments decide that this crowd are going to be rounded up and put into internment camps to protect public safety then they'll be rounded up and put into interment camps to protect public safety.

Fuck the American Constitution it doesn't apply to our Continent.

No it doesn't - but you have similar principles and rights don't you?

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Exactly...but, it's not political correctness. Citizens have basic rights. If you round innocent people up solely on the basis of religion, then you have to decide what to do with them. And you have to decide what your country is then going to become as a result of those actions. You will also drive it underground because you likely can't round up every Muslim, people will hide their faith like other's have under religious persecution and you'll end up fueling the terrorism.

I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?

"I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?"

I think that when David Cameron was their Prime Minister during Austerity cuts they cut something like 10,000 police, I'm not sure what sort of police though I'll have to read up, if these were regular police or Counter Terrorism type of police, if the latter that would be incredibly reckless a policy.

I was listening to the BBC yesterday and they were interviewing a retired policeman who was in Counter Terrorism and he said that he and many of his colleagues who most are now in their 60s and early 70s (they must have worked when it was more threats from Irish Sectarians than Killer Kebabs) would be willing to come out of retirement and basically work unpaid to assist in helping in attempting to get a grip on this whole situation.

If they have made this offer then it would be sensible for the British Government and also Scotland Yard to take them up because they need the extra hands on the deck.

The most senior British police officer of Muslim origin has said they should start rounding thousands up now and putting them into internment camps, of course people like me agree with with him, we've said they all need rounding up and putting into Special Camps.

Note this is termed "controversial" um not it's not controversial it's logical and sensible, it's only "controversial" to Leftist Kumbaya types who don't seem to give a crap how many people are slaughtered on the streets.

This is the MI5 Watch List he refers to, they shouldn't be watching them anymore, it's impossible to watch and keep track of 24/7 of at least 3,000 Terror Kebabs, they need to round them up and get them off the streets and put them in internment camps and if need be put them out to sea in Prison Ships.

Here he is Tarique Ghaffur, he's a Muslim, he cannot be labeled a racist bigot therefore like we all are always labeled for saying exactly what he's saying.


7/7 Met police chief calls for extremists to be locked up in INTERNMENT camps as he says MI5 and police cannot keep track of 3,000 terror suspects
  • The controversial call came from Tarique Ghaffur, a Muslim former police chief
  • He warns there are too many extremists in UK for police, MI5 officers to monitor
  • Mr Ghaffur proposes special centres be set up to detain up to 3,000 extremists
  • He was Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when 7/7 bombings took place

Thousands of radical extremists must be locked up in new internment camps to protect Britain from the unprecedented terror threat it faces, a Muslim former police chief declares today.

Writing exclusively for The Mail on Sunday, Tarique Ghaffur warns there are too many extremists on the streets for police and MI5 officers to monitor.

Mr Ghaffur, an Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard when the 7/7 bombings took place, proposes that special centres be set up to detain as many as 3,000 extremists, where they can be kept from launching attacks.

They would also be made to go through a de-radicalisation programme.

Here's the rest of the article.

Chief wants extremists to be locked in INTERNMENT camps | Daily Mail Online

MET police chief needs to focus on the problem of disarming their street cops. It makes ALL of the UK a soft target. And spend less time using the words -- Internment Camps. If you INSIST on taking unvetted refugees from war zones full of pirate combatants -- you might NEED to segregate them in SOME kind of special TEMPORARY accomodation that's NOT "a camp". If the refugees themselves have no interest in becoming Brits or citizens.

But there are MANY systemic problems that make the UK a "softer target" than it should be. The US shouldn't repeat those errors..

Point one, all police everywhere should be armed and at all times.

Point two, we never wanted any of these so-called refugees in the first place, they shouldn't be among us, they have no right to be on our Continent, we are under no obligation to take them.

There should be Special Internment Camps set up in the Middle East near the hotspots of Syria and Afghanistan and also in North Africa near the hotspot of Libya and they all should be put into those special camps and kept there until sufficient time they can either be returned to their nation of origin or taken in by other Muslim nations and ONLY Muslim nations, there is no reason why Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE for example cannot take in their OWN people, they all are Muslims, if need be FORCE other Muslim nations to take them in or threaten every sanction going on these Middle Eastern nations.

We don't want them they are trouble, we don't want them in threatening people while at the same time demanding that they're given free stuff including them thinking they can just grab Western women and have sex with them even if the word is "No".

I'm sorry I don't give a crap about them fleeing conflict, they've fucked up their own nations, we do not have to allow them in to fuck up our nations.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Political correctness? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The U.S. Constitution doesn't allow for the rounding up of any group and take them off the streets. You can question them, you can watch them, but you can't take away freedoms because you are afraid of what "might" happen. If we started doing that, then we can start taking any group off the street for what "might" happen, that is a dangerous precedent to set. We could then start locking up Christians, Gun activists, gays, jews, blondes, Republicans and on and on.

We do not operate on the European Continent using the American Constitution.

If any of our Governments decide that this crowd are going to be rounded up and put into internment camps to protect public safety then they'll be rounded up and put into interment camps to protect public safety.

Fuck the American Constitution it doesn't apply to our Continent.

Didn't realize you weren't from America.

I'm Austrian from Salzburg. I have lived in England and have many friends.

This situation affects my entire Continent and it's getting to be too frequent a happening now, it's getting to the point soon where Governments are going to have to do something, people are not going to sit and be silent for much longer when every time they go out they'll be thinking is some Killer Kebab going to mow them down in a vehicle, this is an unacceptable situation in what are meant to be freedom loving Democracies.

In America you have yet to face these situations, when they come to you you might think differently than you do at this time.
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There should be Special Internment Camps set up in the Middle East near the hotspots of Syria and Afghanistan and also in North African near the hotspot of Libya and they all should be put into those special camps and kept there until sufficient time they can either be returned to their nation of origin or taken in by other Muslim nations and ONLY Muslim nations, there is no reason why Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE for example cannot take in their OWN people, they all are Muslims, if need be FORCE other Muslim nations to take them in or threaten every sanction going on these Middle Eastern nations.

Syria and Iraq are mostly uninhabitable anymore. At least a 40% of each. So if there were an effort to provide refugee areas in Arab lands -- the intention should be to found actual LIVABLE places, NOT more "camps". Lots of money on the Arab Penin. to do that. ALL the Euro and American leadership for the past 6 or 10 years is responsible for that atrocious humanitarian crisis. AND the Euros doubled down with badly considered "fixes" involving injecting MILLIONS of refugees.

Another symptom for folks who EXPECT excellence, brilliance and common sense from their govt leadership.. It just NEVER happens -- does it? Largely because Foreign Relations and Immigration are 2 of the most FUNDAMENTAL responsibilities of the Federal govts. But they are too distracted EXPANDING their oversight over every aspect of people's lives to EVER perform their VITAL duties efficiently and responsibly..
It sounds like the police were aware enough to be monitoring two of these guys, but because there was no active "plot" they could see, they just monitored.

If possession of child porn is illegal and cause for arrest - shouldn't possession of or participation of ISIS propoganda be? Like the below?

Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists - everything we know about them
Butt was seen praying with a group of radical Muslims in Regent’s Park, including Mohammed Shamsuddin who was filmed warning that the black flag of Islam would one day fly over Downing Street and calling for Britain to adopt Sharia law. Shamsuddin was also filmed laughing at videos of Isis drowning men in a cage.

Butt could be heard asking for a compass so that he could pray towards Mecca. The group were filmed praying in front of the black flag of Islam, which is used by Islamic State. Police later detained the group for an hour and searched for the flag but could not locate it. Butt could be heard saying: "What are you touching him for?"
There should be Special Internment Camps set up in the Middle East near the hotspots of Syria and Afghanistan and also in North African near the hotspot of Libya and they all should be put into those special camps and kept there until sufficient time they can either be returned to their nation of origin or taken in by other Muslim nations and ONLY Muslim nations, there is no reason why Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE for example cannot take in their OWN people, they all are Muslims, if need be FORCE other Muslim nations to take them in or threaten every sanction going on these Middle Eastern nations.

Syria and Iraq are mostly uninhabitable anymore. At least a 40% of each. So if there were an effort to provide refugee areas in Arab lands -- the intention should be to found actual LIVABLE places, NOT more "camps". Lots of money on the Arab Penin. to do that. ALL the Euro and American leadership for the past 6 or 10 years is responsible for that atrocious humanitarian crisis. AND the Euros doubled down with badly considered "fixes" involving injecting MILLIONS of refugees.

Another symptom for folks who EXPECT excellence, brilliance and common sense from their govt leadership.. It just NEVER happens -- does it? Largely because Foreign Relations and Immigration are 2 of the most FUNDAMENTAL responsibilities of the Federal govts. But they are too distracted EXPANDING their oversight over every aspect of people's lives to EVER perform their VITAL duties efficiently and responsibly..

From the beginning many people were saying that Safe Zones should have been established at several points along the Syria-Turkey border, Safe Zones that anyone fleeing would be kept in.

This didn't happen so what you had was unlimited people fleeing into Turkey, a nation that isn't a war zone and then going from Turkey to Greek islands and then from Greece onto the European mainland and then crossing up to ten nations who are not war zones and them ALL demanding to be taken in by the handful of the richer nations.

Now those are not the actions of refugees, they are the actions of economic migrants. The UN's own rule on refugees is that they ask to stay in the FIRST nation they arrive that is not a war zone, that would be Turkey....that wouldn't for example be Sweden....they do NOT want to be in say Lithuania because the welfare benefits for them are not in existence.

They have been tutored by these NGOs where to go, what to say, told what they are supposed to be entitled to.

We need to shut down the NGOs who are people smuggling and people trafficking. NGOs boats wait off the coast of Libya to pick the African crowd up and instead of taking them to the nearest safe nation which would be Tunisia, they transport them across the Mediterranean to Italian islands and from there onto the Italian mainland....this is people trafficking and it's illegal.

The NGO boats should be sunk by the European Navies. Those working for the NGOs should be arrested.

Yes the Governments are too distracted expanding their oversight monitoring everyone else who is of no threat to anyone, while dropping the ball on those who are a severe danger to public safety and life itself.
It sounds like the police were aware enough to be monitoring two of these guys, but because there was no active "plot" they could see, they just monitored.

If possession of child porn is illegal and cause for arrest - shouldn't possession of or participation of ISIS propoganda be? Like the below?

Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane named as London Bridge terrorists - everything we know about them
Butt was seen praying with a group of radical Muslims in Regent’s Park, including Mohammed Shamsuddin who was filmed warning that the black flag of Islam would one day fly over Downing Street and calling for Britain to adopt Sharia law. Shamsuddin was also filmed laughing at videos of Isis drowning men in a cage.

Butt could be heard asking for a compass so that he could pray towards Mecca. The group were filmed praying in front of the black flag of Islam, which is used by Islamic State. Police later detained the group for an hour and searched for the flag but could not locate it. Butt could be heard saying: "What are you touching him for?"

This is what I mean, they are random and acting at the moment, there is no active plot, they just go ahead and do it.

With these attacks they don't need a plot, they just get a few sharp knives, get into a vehicle and go and do it. There is little planning for such a happening, they don't have to assemble a suicide vest, they don't have to plan how they're going to get the suicide bomber into the target area unnoticed etc.

With regard to being filmed in front of an ISIS flag, this situation now should be considered enough to arrest them and take them away.

The whole method now must change on how to deal with these people.

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