Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
1/3 of Mosques prach hatred towRd Christianity and other peoples
Go ask a 30 year old urban area Muslim who works and likes his life that very question. Do it! Do it politely but do it. Absurd PC on issues of race and religion is over
Some of you will report back to me that I am wrong and I have to accept that when asking for a survey like this
Others of you are going to be quite shocked in some cases as I certainly was when this young Mudlim man shared his assessment to me.

What is the "hatred" based on? Is it political criticism of our interventionist Mid East consecutive string of failures? Because I'd have to agree with them on that. Is the hatred because they don't LIKE their host countries? That would need to be addressed and solved then. Is it just our support of Israel? Past siding with Sunni or Shia states?

I mean we're all looking for sinners. It's OK obviously to go to Jihad against Christians in America. Several dozen posters a day at USMB demonstrate that hatred.

Depends on what "hate" they might be preaching..
Until you live in the middle east then you WONT understand why the Muslims HATE, the western world way of living. I spent 5 1/2 years over there as a contractor, and during that time, talked to the indigenous people. They said "One reason why they hate us is that we allow our women to "SLUT" around. They see stuff like Beyoncé, Madonna, and other liberal women showing almost everything which they see as Whorish. They watch movies where liberals are out killing others, driving like speed demons, and once again treating women as if they are whores. The teachings of the Koran is that a Muslim is supposed to either, convert or KILL infidels. What ever means are necessary, to lie, cheat, steal you way to achieve the goal of the Koran. When you see a moderate Muslim, they have turned away from the true beliefs of the Koran, that is why the hard liners end up blowing the moderates up, for the moderates are seen as traitors to Islam. Liberals don't understand this, because they have been so brainwashed into thinking that it is everyone elses fault for why the Muslims hate us, all they have to do is look at themselves(liberals) and they are the reason.
One of the attackers had been featured in a tv show The Jihadi Next Door.
London attacker featured in TV doco on radicalisation
And from the Sun, he had been listening to an American cleric-
The unnamed man said he contacted cops in Barking, east London, after the maniac killer discussed ISIS-inspired terror attacks.

He told BBC’s Asian Network that the jihadi had become brainwashed after watching clips of US hate preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril.

He said: “He used to listen to a lot of Musa Jibril. I have heard some of this stuff and it's very radical.

His info is found here-
Ahmad Musa Jibril - WikiVisually
Evidence of his influence on individuals participating in violent jihadism is indicated by a survey done by the The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence which indicated approximately 60% of 150 people involved in Syrian fighting (most from ISIS or Al-Nusra Front), followed Musa Jibril on their Twitter accounts, his Twitter account has more than 33,000 followers and his Facebook account had over 145,000 likes.[2][7]

It states his Facebook was removed in 2014, but it is still there, under a similar name.

His Facebook and twitter are out there as well.
His own blog
Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril
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Again, who and what we stand for is irrelvant, things will happen on their own, like dominos collapsing on one another. By that I mean as the frequency, cruelty and lethality of these Islamic terror attacks in the West increase, so will the responses by the countries.

The question is how many of our children will have to die until we get to that point. In my opinion even one more is too much. Concrete steps, not lip service mixed with politically correct speech, need to be taken immediately. One of those steps could be to take Islam off the list of official religions. It might sound harsh, but remember we are dealing with an ideology that kills little girls that are going to a concert. Drastic circumstances require drastic responses. We are talking about preserving our freedoms and way of life.

People sure do become stupid whenever the word "religion" is attached to a specific ideology. If they were to think at all (which few do), they would realize that religion is simply a sub set of ideology just as pit bull is s subset of dog. It is a specific type of ideology where the creation of a God or Gods explains the world to its followers instead of direct observation. As an ideology, it is a belief system chosen freely -- or at least SHOULD be chosen freely.

People treat the rejection of the totalitarian supremacist ideology we call Islam as if it were an act of bigotry, but they do so while ignoring the fact that an ideology is chosen freely. Do they consider the rejection of any OTHER ideology as bigoted? No, of course not as they have been conditioned by their peers to view just this one ideology as inviolate. They treat Islam as if it ISN'T a choice, that one is born into this extremely restrictive, anti-humanist way of life and that's that. In doing so, they fail to realize that if Islam isn't a choice, that is the every reason why it should be rejected.

If this specific totalitarian ideology is chosen freely, then restricting the contamination it brings to modern culture should be perfectly reasonable. If it isn't a choice for those who spread it, why do we even call it a religion? The very fact that it isn't a choice and those wishing to spread the contamination see their duty as working towards that time when it is not a choice for anybody at all, then why the hell are we treating it with such reverence?
1/3 of Mosques prach hatred towRd Christianity and other peoples
Go ask a 30 year old urban area Muslim who works and likes his life that very question. Do it! Do it politely but do it. Absurd PC on issues of race and religion is over
Some of you will report back to me that I am wrong and I have to accept that when asking for a survey like this
Others of you are going to be quite shocked in some cases as I certainly was when this young Mudlim man shared his assessment to me.

What is the "hatred" based on? Is it political criticism of our interventionist Mid East consecutive string of failures? Because I'd have to agree with them on that. Is the hatred because they don't LIKE their host countries? That would need to be addressed and solved then. Is it just our support of Israel? Past siding with Sunni or Shia states?

I mean we're all looking for sinners. It's OK obviously to go to Jihad against Christians in America. Several dozen posters a day at USMB demonstrate that hatred.

Depends on what "hate" they might be preaching..
Until you live in the middle east then you WONT understand why the Muslims HATE, the western world way of living. I spent 5 1/2 years over there as a contractor, and during that time, talked to the indigenous people. They said "One reason why they hate us is that we allow our women to "SLUT" around. They see stuff like Beyoncé, Madonna, and other liberal women showing almost everything which they see as Whorish. They watch movies where liberals are out killing others, driving like speed demons, and once again treating women as if they are whores. The teachings of the Koran is that a Muslim is supposed to either, convert or KILL infidels. What ever means are necessary, to lie, cheat, steal you way to achieve the goal of the Koran. When you see a moderate Muslim, they have turned away from the true beliefs of the Koran, that is why the hard liners end up blowing the moderates up, for the moderates are seen as traitors to Islam. Liberals don't understand this, because they have been so brainwashed into thinking that it is everyone elses fault for why the Muslims hate us, all they have to do is look at themselves(liberals) and they are the reason.
Exactly! I lived in the ME as well. You said it best, the so called "moderates" the Left keeps referring to aren't even considered real Muslims. These moderates are the first to get executed when the real Muslims take over. All these so called "radical" or "extremist" groups aren't radical at all! They're carrying out TRUE Islam, and are saying so themselves.
Because 5 years can mean death for some of those people.
Bringing them here could mean death to some of our people.

10,000 deaths a year from guns, and you have a problem only with the dozen or so dead from Terrorism..... what? How is that logical?

You suppprt the largest hate group on the planet, Muslims out of the west now, apologist scum off our streets, Je Suis Breivik!
No. You're not're just some scared little internet poster boy who lives his violence vicariously thru a mass murderer.

Breivik was not a mass murderer he is a hero and freedom fighter. Your support for the pedophile worshipping death cult muslim murder monkeys is duly noted.
Shows so much about you....and I could care less about muslims...or any patriarchal religion...all are excuses for control.
Again, who and what we stand for is irrelvant, things will happen on their own, like dominos collapsing on one another. By that I mean as the frequency, cruelty and lethality of these Islamic terror attacks in the West increase, so will the responses by the countries.

The question is how many of our children will have to die until we get to that point. In my opinion even one more is too much. Concrete steps, not lip service mixed with politically correct speech, need to be taken immediately. One of those steps could be to take Islam off the list of official religions. It might sound harsh, but remember we are dealing with an ideology that kills little girls that are going to a concert. Drastic circumstances require drastic responses. We are talking about preserving our freedoms and way of life.

People sure do become stupid whenever the word "religion" is attached to a specific ideology. If they were to think at all (which few do), they would realize that religion is simply a sub set of ideology just as pit bull is s subset of dog. It is a specific type of ideology where the creation of a God or Gods explains the world to its followers instead of direct observation. As an ideology, it is a belief system chosen freely -- or at least SHOULD be chosen freely.

People treat the rejection of the totalitarian supremacist ideology we call Islam as if it were an act of bigotry, but they do so while ignoring the fact that an ideology is chosen freely. Do they consider the rejection of any OTHER ideology as bigoted? No, of course not as they have been conditioned by their peers to view just this one ideology as inviolate. They treat Islam as if it ISN'T a choice, that one is born into this extremely restrictive, anti-humanist way of life and that's that. In doing so, they fail to realize that if Islam isn't a choice, that is the every reason why it should be rejected.

If this specific totalitarian ideology is chosen freely, then restricting the contamination it brings to modern culture should be perfectly reasonable. If it isn't a choice for those who spread it, why do we even call it a religion? The very fact that it isn't a choice and those wishing to spread the contamination see their duty as working towards that time when it is not a choice for anybody at all, then why the hell are we treating it with such reverence?
It's pretty straight forward, Islam as it stands now, is totally incompatible with freedom, democracy, and human rights. It is basically intolerant and an anathema to everything that we in the West cherish. The Left will keep trying to mix the oil of Islam with the water of Democracy, but as we know these two will never mix, unless you change the composition of one of the two.
Bringing them here could mean death to some of our people.

10,000 deaths a year from guns, and you have a problem only with the dozen or so dead from Terrorism..... what? How is that logical?

You suppprt the largest hate group on the planet, Muslims out of the west now, apologist scum off our streets, Je Suis Breivik!
No. You're not're just some scared little internet poster boy who lives his violence vicariously thru a mass murderer.

Wow, I can't see the post of the poster you're replying to, because they're on ignore. But stating that he wants to go around killing people because they don't agree with him, basically puts him in the same category as the Muslim Terrorists and US govt.

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim Je Suis Breivik!
How many have you killed, tough boy?
Just looking at the poll above --- forty five out of seventy-one voters --- with two more voting a cop-out "maybe" --- are actually willing to spit on their own Constitution ... either that or they have no clue what's in it ---


'Tis a sad sad comment on the Cult of Ignorance.

I mean how can you possibly miss that? It's the first phrase in the first point.
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If the current trend in Islamic terror attacks continues, candlelit vigils will soon be the number one cause of global warming.
I think things get simplified way to much. Islam is a world religion that includes a lot of different cultures from the Middle East, to Europe, to the America's, Africa, Asia - cultures that might have very little in common in comparison with each other beyond the same religion. So when you are talking about "Muslims this" and "Muslims that" - which Muslims are you talking about?

For example we can all agree that certain cultural practices - honor killling, fgm, child marriages - are abhorant in ANY culture that practices them. But not all cultures that practice them are Musllim and not all Muslim cultures practice those things. It's the same with the Quran and Hadith's - how it's interpreted and followed around the world. When you say that "moderate Muslims" aren't "real" Muslims you are setting the stage for eternal conflict becuase you, also, don't acknowledge them as real Muslims. In your mind the only "real Muslims" are the ones who "kill infidels" and that is based on a limited understanding of what is in the Quran, Hadith's and and a long history of Islamic jurisprudence (all of which are usually taken together by scholars) say on those matters. You are also closing the door on solutions because you are effectively saying Islam CAN'T change. Yet is is changing and has been changing - the further you move from the Middle East.

If you refuse to recognize "moderate Muslims" as Muslims or to recognize that many Muslims just want the same thing you do (family, security, education for thier children, stability) - values we hold in common - then how will you move forward in a way that doesn't involve lynch mobs, concentration camps and mass expulsions on the one hand and continued radicalization within on the other?
See "our way of life" has been deemed a wrong way of life by the Muz scum.
Liberals have sort of pitched in with them via a "lots wrong with America" and together they espouse that we really are not entitled to our way of life thus life is taken
See "our way of life" has been deemed a wrong way of life by the Muz scum.
Liberals have sort of pitched in with them via a "lots wrong with America" and together they espouse that we really are not entitled to our way of life thus life is taken

I don't think so.

I think it's an oversimplification to say they hate the west because of our way of life because many CHOOSE to immigrate here to escape religious or ethnic persecution or to take advantage of the freedoms and rights we have and make a new life for themselves. I think if you are going to ask why they hate us - you have to look at the history of Western meddling in the Middle East and the mess it's in right now. Add to that you have, in Arab culture a VERY traditional culture that tends to require a circle of elders decision for any deviation from tradition so embracing the rights and freedoms the west takes for granted is going to take a while. You also have a culture that tends to readily believe in conspiracy theories to explain bad things.
Again, who and what we stand for is irrelvant, things will happen on their own, like dominos collapsing on one another. By that I mean as the frequency, cruelty and lethality of these Islamic terror attacks in the West increase, so will the responses by the countries.

The question is how many of our children will have to die until we get to that point. In my opinion even one more is too much. Concrete steps, not lip service mixed with politically correct speech, need to be taken immediately. One of those steps could be to take Islam off the list of official religions. It might sound harsh, but remember we are dealing with an ideology that kills little girls that are going to a concert. Drastic circumstances require drastic responses. We are talking about preserving our freedoms and way of life.

People sure do become stupid whenever the word "religion" is attached to a specific ideology. If they were to think at all (which few do), they would realize that religion is simply a sub set of ideology just as pit bull is s subset of dog. It is a specific type of ideology where the creation of a God or Gods explains the world to its followers instead of direct observation. As an ideology, it is a belief system chosen freely -- or at least SHOULD be chosen freely.

People treat the rejection of the totalitarian supremacist ideology we call Islam as if it were an act of bigotry, but they do so while ignoring the fact that an ideology is chosen freely. Do they consider the rejection of any OTHER ideology as bigoted? No, of course not as they have been conditioned by their peers to view just this one ideology as inviolate. They treat Islam as if it ISN'T a choice, that one is born into this extremely restrictive, anti-humanist way of life and that's that. In doing so, they fail to realize that if Islam isn't a choice, that is the every reason why it should be rejected.

If this specific totalitarian ideology is chosen freely, then restricting the contamination it brings to modern culture should be perfectly reasonable. If it isn't a choice for those who spread it, why do we even call it a religion? The very fact that it isn't a choice and those wishing to spread the contamination see their duty as working towards that time when it is not a choice for anybody at all, then why the hell are we treating it with such reverence?
It's pretty straight forward, Islam as it stands now, is totally incompatible with freedom, democracy, and human rights. It is basically intolerant and an anathema to everything that we in the West cherish. The Left will keep trying to mix the oil of Islam with the water of Democracy, but as we know these two will never mix, unless you change the composition of one of the two.
You can almost compare liberalism and Islam to the way Socialists of WW2 were. There was far right Socialist Hitler and far left Socialist Stalin. Both started out working together but soon the Socialist Hitler attacked Socialist Stalin and only because America got in the war that Stalin won. If the US of A ever loses completely to Liberalism or Islam, then there is no one left to bail out the rest of the world.
Just looking at the poll above --- forty five out of seventy-one voters --- with two more voting a cop-out "maybe" --- are actually willing to spit on their own Constitution ... either that or they have no clue what's in it ---


'Tis a sad sad comment on the Cult of Ignorance.

I mean how can you possibly miss that? It's the first phrase in the first point.

Somehow, I'm missing the part that says we are required to accept untold numbers of enemy combatants so they can wage jihad from within.

The way some of you illiberal regressives talk, you would think mass murder is perfectly fine with you as long as it happens to somebody else.
Again, who and what we stand for is irrelvant, things will happen on their own, like dominos collapsing on one another. By that I mean as the frequency, cruelty and lethality of these Islamic terror attacks in the West increase, so will the responses by the countries.

The question is how many of our children will have to die until we get to that point. In my opinion even one more is too much. Concrete steps, not lip service mixed with politically correct speech, need to be taken immediately. One of those steps could be to take Islam off the list of official religions. It might sound harsh, but remember we are dealing with an ideology that kills little girls that are going to a concert. Drastic circumstances require drastic responses. We are talking about preserving our freedoms and way of life.

People sure do become stupid whenever the word "religion" is attached to a specific ideology. If they were to think at all (which few do), they would realize that religion is simply a sub set of ideology just as pit bull is s subset of dog. It is a specific type of ideology where the creation of a God or Gods explains the world to its followers instead of direct observation. As an ideology, it is a belief system chosen freely -- or at least SHOULD be chosen freely.

People treat the rejection of the totalitarian supremacist ideology we call Islam as if it were an act of bigotry, but they do so while ignoring the fact that an ideology is chosen freely. Do they consider the rejection of any OTHER ideology as bigoted? No, of course not as they have been conditioned by their peers to view just this one ideology as inviolate. They treat Islam as if it ISN'T a choice, that one is born into this extremely restrictive, anti-humanist way of life and that's that. In doing so, they fail to realize that if Islam isn't a choice, that is the every reason why it should be rejected.

If this specific totalitarian ideology is chosen freely, then restricting the contamination it brings to modern culture should be perfectly reasonable. If it isn't a choice for those who spread it, why do we even call it a religion? The very fact that it isn't a choice and those wishing to spread the contamination see their duty as working towards that time when it is not a choice for anybody at all, then why the hell are we treating it with such reverence?
It's pretty straight forward, Islam as it stands now, is totally incompatible with freedom, democracy, and human rights. It is basically intolerant and an anathema to everything that we in the West cherish. The Left will keep trying to mix the oil of Islam with the water of Democracy, but as we know these two will never mix, unless you change the composition of one of the two.
You can almost compare liberalism and Islam to the way Socialists of WW2 were. There was far right Socialist Hitler and far left Socialist Stalin. Both started out working together but soon the Socialist Hitler attacked Socialist Stalin and only because America got in the war that Stalin won. If the US of A ever loses completely to Liberalism or Islam, then there is no one left to bail out the rest of the world.
These Leftie terrorist enabling idiots don't realize that the first heads to get chopped off will be theirs.
By some estimates there are 4 million Muslims in the Great Britain comprising about 5% of the population, of which about 23,000 of them are being watched as potential terrorists. Yup, the British are fucked.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Again they seem to be random and not part of some central network. If they were part of some Hydra type network then you could establish who's running that network and go after them and shut the whole operation down.

But with these random small groupings there's no way of stopping them, they can get a vehicle at any time and just go and mow people down or at any given moment stab a group of people, not even a million police and soldiers on the streets can stop that.

The only way you could prevent it would be literally to round every Muslim up and take all of them off the streets, but of course Political Correctness won't allow that to happen and so unfortunately there will be more and more of these random attacks and more and more people slaughtered on the streets.

Exactly...but, it's not political correctness. Citizens have basic rights. If you round innocent people up solely on the basis of religion, then you have to decide what to do with them. And you have to decide what your country is then going to become as a result of those actions. You will also drive it underground because you likely can't round up every Muslim, people will hide their faith like other's have under religious persecution and you'll end up fueling the terrorism.

I'm not sure what the "solution" is but it seems that there tips were given to police, like with Manchester - but not followed up (?) or taken seriously enough (?) - are there enough police? Are they funded enough?

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