Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Which doctor performed your backbone implant?

It looks to have taken quite well.

Sorry you took that as any kind of scathing criticism. It's dialogue and suggestion. When you have an OP POLL asking if Muslims should be banned from all Western countries and 66% right now AGREE to that, I've got to side with Coyote. And if it turns out that the 2 of us are REALLY in a minority on that question -- I want people in my foxhole that can EXPLAIN why that's an awful idea.

Not necessary to defend ALL of the Islamic world to make complete Muslim bans go away. In fact -- it's NOT POSSIBLE. But completely banning Islam from Western World or bombing Mecca are TWO proposals I'm not gonna let get implemented.

We need smarter and more efficient government. Ones that will show humanitarian heart in ways other than housing refugees that have no desire or intent to become "westernized". Like creating safe zones in the war zones like 5 or 6 YEARS ago and starting NEW cities and infrastructure within them...

The problem is this isn't new, its been going on for centuries. Everyone has grand ideas and the only thing they understand is death. Are there good Muslims? Yes. But how do you distinguish between the radicals and the good?

Sorry but I don't want our children growing up in this. The number of Americans opposing Islam is growing and with each new attack the number increases. The clock is ticking for them to straighten up and fly right. Or crash and burn...their choice

There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."
I think most Right Wingnuts on here were taught to hate.

I really don't care what you think. You post complete crap, don't know the first thing about half the topics you comment on and you're annoying
Yeah -- and I'd support YOU if you stuck to that distinction. I'd jump foxholes and JOIN YOU if you were ONLY making the point that Islam can thrive in Western countries if they are culturally assimilated and fear the threat from radicalized Muslims as much as the West now does.

But you prefer to be a Pinata filled with factoids trying to defend ALL of ISLAM -- including the MAJORITY that only knows dictatorial theocracies with UGLY repressive laws and customs. And in your zeal to do that -- you drag EVERYTHING Christian, Jewish or Nazified into the mix.

I missed the part where the apologists for Dylan Roof came out and USED Radical Muslim Terrorists to MINIMIZE the awful deed that he committed. Has no bearing on THIS issue. Also just get the strange suicidal bent you have for MINIMIZING the security threats that we're now seeing.

You use Politifact like they are an objective fountain of LEGAL truth on matters. FACTS don't matter. Because facts are plentiful and full of contention when ASSERTED as a proof of anything. I've seen fact-checkers (maybe PolitiFact, maybe another ) actually use your method to minimize the danger of terrorism. I remember it well, because it was obscenely naive. And that was they REFUTED some claim about the danger of terrorist attacks by comparing the "death rate" to lightning. Could be a chuckle, but it was a "fact" of sorts. But a stupid one to use in winning an argument. Because LIGHTNING is NOT illegal, immoral, or an UNAVOIDABLE risk. And any "fact-checker" THAT DESPERATE to declare something phony -- needs to have their "fact-checking licence revoked"... You need to PROVE assertions. Facts are USED for that. But they in themselves are subject to qualification, BIASED SELECTION, and misuse.

The kamikaze pinata thing is only gonna change hearts and minds if you first acknowledge the FEARS and the PROBLEMS. I suggest you look at the monumental cataclysmic results of taking a culturally ISOLATED and carefree SMALL Swedish island with ONE cop and ONE murder in the last 200 years and having the Federal Govt there PLOP DOWN a 2500 person Muslim Refugee Center in town. And have the BALLS to tell the folks on that island to "Deal with It" and STFU...

THEN -- MAYBE -- you'll understand the baseball bats and incoming ordinance being lobbed at you..

Which doctor performed your backbone implant?

It looks to have taken quite well.

Sorry you took that as any kind of scathing criticism. It's dialogue and suggestion. When you have an OP POLL asking if Muslims should be banned from all Western countries and 66% right now AGREE to that, I've got to side with Coyote. And if it turns out that the 2 of us are REALLY in a minority on that question -- I want people in my foxhole that can EXPLAIN why that's an awful idea.

Not necessary to defend ALL of the Islamic world to make complete Muslim bans go away. In fact -- it's NOT POSSIBLE. But completely banning Islam from Western World or bombing Mecca are TWO proposals I'm not gonna let get implemented.

We need smarter and more efficient government. Ones that will show humanitarian heart in ways other than housing refugees that have no desire or intent to become "westernized". Like creating safe zones in the war zones like 5 or 6 YEARS ago and starting NEW cities and infrastructure within them...

The problem is this isn't new, its been going on for centuries. Everyone has grand ideas and the only thing they understand is death. Are there good Muslims? Yes. But how do you distinguish between the radicals and the good?

Sorry but I don't want our children growing up in this. The number of Americans opposing Islam is growing and with each new attack the number increases. The clock is ticking for them to straighten up and fly right. Or crash and burn...their choice

There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."

ANY desparate CULTURE has that problem. It's NOT the religion. Coming from Yemen to the USA would be the religious equivalent of asking an Orthodox Jew to demote themselves to Reform Judaism. BUT -- that's the LEAST of it.

The larger part of the assimilation problem is when they realize THESE western govts don't protect them from being "made uncomfortable" -- don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing. And ALL those things are CULTURAL -- not religious..
and THEN expected them to thank us for "liberating them".
They did! But then, we elected Obama
Which doctor performed your backbone implant?

It looks to have taken quite well.

Sorry you took that as any kind of scathing criticism. It's dialogue and suggestion. When you have an OP POLL asking if Muslims should be banned from all Western countries and 66% right now AGREE to that, I've got to side with Coyote. And if it turns out that the 2 of us are REALLY in a minority on that question -- I want people in my foxhole that can EXPLAIN why that's an awful idea.

Not necessary to defend ALL of the Islamic world to make complete Muslim bans go away. In fact -- it's NOT POSSIBLE. But completely banning Islam from Western World or bombing Mecca are TWO proposals I'm not gonna let get implemented.

We need smarter and more efficient government. Ones that will show humanitarian heart in ways other than housing refugees that have no desire or intent to become "westernized". Like creating safe zones in the war zones like 5 or 6 YEARS ago and starting NEW cities and infrastructure within them...

The problem is this isn't new, its been going on for centuries. Everyone has grand ideas and the only thing they understand is death. Are there good Muslims? Yes. But how do you distinguish between the radicals and the good?

Sorry but I don't want our children growing up in this. The number of Americans opposing Islam is growing and with each new attack the number increases. The clock is ticking for them to straighten up and fly right. Or crash and burn...their choice

There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."

ANY desparate CULTURE has that problem. It's NOT the religion. Coming from Yemen to the USA would be the religious equivalent of asking an Orthodox Jew to demote themselves to Reform Judaism. BUT -- that's the LEAST of it.

The larger part of the assimilation problem is when they realize THESE western govts don't protect them from being "made uncomfortable" -- don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing. And ALL those things are CULTURAL -- not religious..

Well when you come to s country you adapt to it's laws. Yiu dont get pissed off and run trucks through innocent bystanders. THEN scream it's their fault because of some nonsesnse
Well this Londoner has his priorities right. Running with a Pint of beer from the carnage.

Because 5 years can mean death for some of those people.
Bringing them here could mean death to some of our people.

10,000 deaths a year from guns, and you have a problem only with the dozen or so dead from Terrorism..... what? How is that logical?

You suppprt the largest hate group on the planet, Muslims out of the west now, apologist scum off our streets, Je Suis Breivik!
No. You're not're just some scared little internet poster boy who lives his violence vicariously thru a mass murderer.

Wow, I can't see the post of the poster you're replying to, because they're on ignore. But stating that he wants to go around killing people because they don't agree with him, basically puts him in the same category as the Muslim Terrorists and US govt.
don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing.

Seriously? And how many stonings and honour killings have happened in western countries? I know that the latter happen, but how many per head of population? Stuff all...
Which doctor performed your backbone implant?

It looks to have taken quite well.

Sorry you took that as any kind of scathing criticism. It's dialogue and suggestion. When you have an OP POLL asking if Muslims should be banned from all Western countries and 66% right now AGREE to that, I've got to side with Coyote. And if it turns out that the 2 of us are REALLY in a minority on that question -- I want people in my foxhole that can EXPLAIN why that's an awful idea.

Not necessary to defend ALL of the Islamic world to make complete Muslim bans go away. In fact -- it's NOT POSSIBLE. But completely banning Islam from Western World or bombing Mecca are TWO proposals I'm not gonna let get implemented.

We need smarter and more efficient government. Ones that will show humanitarian heart in ways other than housing refugees that have no desire or intent to become "westernized". Like creating safe zones in the war zones like 5 or 6 YEARS ago and starting NEW cities and infrastructure within them...

The problem is this isn't new, its been going on for centuries. Everyone has grand ideas and the only thing they understand is death. Are there good Muslims? Yes. But how do you distinguish between the radicals and the good?

Sorry but I don't want our children growing up in this. The number of Americans opposing Islam is growing and with each new attack the number increases. The clock is ticking for them to straighten up and fly right. Or crash and burn...their choice

There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."
I think most Right Wingnuts on here were taught to hate.

I think most Left Wing Political Junkies were HOOKED on hating Republicans by their families. That's why I hate BOTH sides. :rolleyes: So MUCH hate -- they don't have the left over computing power to problem solve, think independently, or lead...
Sorry you took that as any kind of scathing criticism. It's dialogue and suggestion. When you have an OP POLL asking if Muslims should be banned from all Western countries and 66% right now AGREE to that, I've got to side with Coyote. And if it turns out that the 2 of us are REALLY in a minority on that question -- I want people in my foxhole that can EXPLAIN why that's an awful idea.

Not necessary to defend ALL of the Islamic world to make complete Muslim bans go away. In fact -- it's NOT POSSIBLE. But completely banning Islam from Western World or bombing Mecca are TWO proposals I'm not gonna let get implemented.

We need smarter and more efficient government. Ones that will show humanitarian heart in ways other than housing refugees that have no desire or intent to become "westernized". Like creating safe zones in the war zones like 5 or 6 YEARS ago and starting NEW cities and infrastructure within them...

The problem is this isn't new, its been going on for centuries. Everyone has grand ideas and the only thing they understand is death. Are there good Muslims? Yes. But how do you distinguish between the radicals and the good?

Sorry but I don't want our children growing up in this. The number of Americans opposing Islam is growing and with each new attack the number increases. The clock is ticking for them to straighten up and fly right. Or crash and burn...their choice

There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."

ANY desparate CULTURE has that problem. It's NOT the religion. Coming from Yemen to the USA would be the religious equivalent of asking an Orthodox Jew to demote themselves to Reform Judaism. BUT -- that's the LEAST of it.

The larger part of the assimilation problem is when they realize THESE western govts don't protect them from being "made uncomfortable" -- don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing. And ALL those things are CULTURAL -- not religious..

Well when you come to s country you adapt to it's laws. Yiu dont get pissed off and run trucks through innocent bystanders. THEN scream it's their fault because of some nonsesnse

Not if you're signed up to beCOME a citizen. Not all refugees are gonna embrace the Pitt. Steelers, watch the Miss America contest or CARE about our laws and Constitution. Somehow in this brutal debate, NO ONE seems to be making the distinction between REFUGEES and IMMIGRANTS. Even simpler than "extreme vetting". You stress them to declare WHY they want to come to America. Instead of Poland or Sweden or Egypt and Dubai.

Past generations of "immigrants" figured out the answer to that question BEFORE they boarded the boat. Didn't they?
The problem is this isn't new, its been going on for centuries. Everyone has grand ideas and the only thing they understand is death. Are there good Muslims? Yes. But how do you distinguish between the radicals and the good?

Sorry but I don't want our children growing up in this. The number of Americans opposing Islam is growing and with each new attack the number increases. The clock is ticking for them to straighten up and fly right. Or crash and burn...their choice

There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."

ANY desparate CULTURE has that problem. It's NOT the religion. Coming from Yemen to the USA would be the religious equivalent of asking an Orthodox Jew to demote themselves to Reform Judaism. BUT -- that's the LEAST of it.

The larger part of the assimilation problem is when they realize THESE western govts don't protect them from being "made uncomfortable" -- don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing. And ALL those things are CULTURAL -- not religious..

Well when you come to s country you adapt to it's laws. Yiu dont get pissed off and run trucks through innocent bystanders. THEN scream it's their fault because of some nonsesnse

Not if you're signed up to beCOME a citizen. Not all refugees are gonna embrace the Pitt. Steelers, watch the Miss America contest or CARE about our laws and Constitution. Somehow in this brutal debate, NO ONE seems to be making the distinction between REFUGEES and IMMIGRANTS. Even simpler than "extreme vetting". You stress them to declare WHY they want to come to America. Instead of Poland or Sweden or Egypt and Dubai.

Past generations of "immigrants" figured out the answer to that question BEFORE they boarded the boat. Didn't they?

I suppose, the fact is there is a problem and tbe problem centers on one faction. Until you can figure out how to vet a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing.

Seriously? And how many stonings and honour killings have happened in western countries? I know that the latter happen, but how many per head of population? Stuff all...

In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.
There's a LONG LIST of US loyalists from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan that RISKED THEIR LIVES for us when we were fighting radicals in THEIR countries that WANT to come here. They would be PRIME candidates for HELPING us to decide who is entering to BECOME american and who only want to come here to continue the crap culture that they were born into. There's ONE way to tell. Those folks should be WELCOMED here. Because we KNOW who they are and their lives are now in danger in their home country.

If govt had brains -- this would be ONE obvious way to tell....

Perhaps, I have a very good friend who was in the ME while in the USAF, he told me the same once, but also added Muslims throughout history have had problems assimilating and blending with other cultures. My best friend was in Iraq and he told me the same, very few could be trusted. Finally my father was in the ME, he knew Islam and he knew Muslims, he told me when I was very little what you see happening was going to happen...I remember asking him why and he said "why does a dog hunt? It's their nature."

ANY desparate CULTURE has that problem. It's NOT the religion. Coming from Yemen to the USA would be the religious equivalent of asking an Orthodox Jew to demote themselves to Reform Judaism. BUT -- that's the LEAST of it.

The larger part of the assimilation problem is when they realize THESE western govts don't protect them from being "made uncomfortable" -- don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing. And ALL those things are CULTURAL -- not religious..

Well when you come to s country you adapt to it's laws. Yiu dont get pissed off and run trucks through innocent bystanders. THEN scream it's their fault because of some nonsesnse

Not if you're signed up to beCOME a citizen. Not all refugees are gonna embrace the Pitt. Steelers, watch the Miss America contest or CARE about our laws and Constitution. Somehow in this brutal debate, NO ONE seems to be making the distinction between REFUGEES and IMMIGRANTS. Even simpler than "extreme vetting". You stress them to declare WHY they want to come to America. Instead of Poland or Sweden or Egypt and Dubai.

Past generations of "immigrants" figured out the answer to that question BEFORE they boarded the boat. Didn't they?

I suppose, the fact is there is a problem and tbe problem centers on one faction. Until you can figure out how to vet a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

All legal, govt history is virtually destroyed in their countries. And what's LEFT such as documents and passports are unreliable. So you can STUDY "extreme vetting" all you want. But the answer really is -- are they refugees or are they actually declaring a conviction to become CITIZENS???

If you've traveled to Israel -- a skilled Israeli Airport interviewer can determine your intentions in under 5 minutes. Because they ASK the right questions. And they are skilled at evaluating the answers. Probably WAAAAY too sophisticated for our 19th Century American bureaucracy to handle. And the legal challenges for PROFILING would play out for 10 years. So we'd have to apply this fairly equally to all "temporary residents" and any type of "long term VISAs"...
Go change your votes. Practicing Islam in the West doesn't NEED to banned. We just need better immigration policy and more competent govt. Because it's been working well in America before WE turned most of the Middle East into a smoking hell hole...
If those terrorists were radical Islamists, these in video would be like moderates?

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don't HAVE their back when they when want a stoning or an honor killing.

Seriously? And how many stonings and honour killings have happened in western countries? I know that the latter happen, but how many per head of population? Stuff all...

In the isolated British Muslim communities Immans attempt to "moderate" this as best they can. But still their advice is sometimes at odds to British law. First impulse is to EXPECT those options to be on the table. In fact -- that's WHY they run to the Imman and NOT help from local legal counsel, psychiatrists, and other "western inventions".

In fact they largely SHUN all that because it's totally alien to them and their parents and grandparents. It's a huge CULTURAL barrier that has little to do with the Religion they practice.

Some of the problem is those communities import their Immans from the "old country" - I've heard it suggested that in some countries they may stop doing that, and instead bring utilize western Immans.
If those terrorists were radical Islamists, these in video would be like moderates?

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Those chaps would fit right in at Beserkley wouldn't they? Biggest "aggression" would be the cigarette... :banana:

So what? They WANT to go home? Advertise for refugees who hate their relocation -- help them to go home or pick another country to be a refugee in..
Or give them scholarships to any leftist University of their choice. They'll fit right in...

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