Breaking- West Antarctic ice sheetin peril

Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Prior to oil, ice never melted, seasons never changed. It's all man's fault. So what's the solution, and the proposed results of said solutions?
Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Prior to oil, ice never melted, seasons never changed. It's all man's fault. So what's the solution, and the proposed results of said solutions?
hyperbole much? You a friend of CrusaderFrank's i take it.
Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Prior to oil, ice never melted, seasons never changed. It's all man's fault. So what's the solution, and the proposed results of said solutions?
hyperbole much? You a friend of CrusaderFrank's i take it.

I have failed to be moved by claimed imminent end of life as we know it unless we give more political and taxation powers to unelected bureaucrats. Also I have some experience in the field of meteorology and thus understand the subject with a keener eye. Climate, changes. I sure wish people would quit denying that fact.
Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Prior to oil, ice never melted, seasons never changed. It's all man's fault. So what's the solution, and the proposed results of said solutions?
hyperbole much? You a friend of CrusaderFrank's i take it.

I have failed to be moved by claimed imminent end of life as we know it unless we give more political and taxation powers to unelected bureaucrats. Also I have some experience in the field of meteorology and thus understand the subject with a keener eye. Climate, changes. I sure wish people would quit denying that fact.
Really? But this is the internet, and you can claim anything that you like. So, how about posting some articles by real scientists from peer reviewed journals supporting your position?
Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Prior to oil, ice never melted, seasons never changed. It's all man's fault. So what's the solution, and the proposed results of said solutions?
hyperbole much? You a friend of CrusaderFrank's i take it.

I have failed to be moved by claimed imminent end of life as we know it unless we give more political and taxation powers to unelected bureaucrats. Also I have some experience in the field of meteorology and thus understand the subject with a keener eye. Climate, changes. I sure wish people would quit denying that fact.
Really? But this is the internet, and you can claim anything that you like. So, how about posting some articles by real scientists from peer reviewed journals supporting your position?

Studies that are primarily based on computer models don't count though. You should know that.
Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Prior to oil, ice never melted, seasons never changed. It's all man's fault. So what's the solution, and the proposed results of said solutions?
hyperbole much? You a friend of CrusaderFrank's i take it.

I have failed to be moved by claimed imminent end of life as we know it unless we give more political and taxation powers to unelected bureaucrats. Also I have some experience in the field of meteorology and thus understand the subject with a keener eye. Climate, changes. I sure wish people would quit denying that fact.
Really? But this is the internet, and you can claim anything that you like. So, how about posting some articles by real scientists from peer reviewed journals supporting your position?
I suppose it is the internet and one can find a paper that claims whatever you wish it to. So now we're down to belief. You believe you are helping SAVE THE EARTH!

Can you tell me, what amount of warming will be averted by 2100 if we pass all the things the experts tell us we must do NOW or else?
Volcanic sea floor eruptions - around the world - have increased exponentially over the past several years - along with an alarming increase in volcanic activity above the surface of the oceans.

No, there's no evidence for that. There's been a mild increase in surface vulcanism, but that has a slight cooling effect due to volcanic aerosols.

If undersea volcanoes were heating the oceans and melting ice, the local hotspots in the ocean would be clearly visible. They're not, hence undersea volcanoes aren't doing anything special. It would take something like a thousand-fold increase in undersea volcanoes to make the kind of heat you're postulating, and there's zero evidence of such a thing.

ZERO evidence. :lmao: A thousand fold increase in undersea volcanoes.. :lmao: :lmao:

Dude -- you are so BADLY informed on this topic.. I just have to write Nutticelli at skepshitscience a memo that the material there is too tough for squidward. PLEASE dumb it down some more.. The guy is really struggling to keep up..

Hidden Volcanoes Melt Antarctic Glaciers from Below : DNews

Antarctica is a land of ice. But dive below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and you'll find fire as well, in the form of subglacial volcanoes.

Now, a new study finds that these subglacial volcanoes and other geothermal "hotspots" are contributing to the melting of Thwaites Glacier, a major river of ice that flows into Antarctica's Pine Island Bay. Areas of the glacier that sit near geologic features thought to be volcanic are melting faster than regions farther away from hotspots, said Dustin Schroeder, the study's lead author and a geophysicist at the University of Texas at Austin.

This melting could significantly affect ice loss in the West Antarctic, an area that is losing ice quickly.

Study finds surprisingly high geothermal heating beneath West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Study finds surprisingly high geothermal heating beneath West Antarctic Ice Sheet
UC Santa Cruz team reports first direct measurement of heat flow from deep within the Earth to the bottom of the West Antarctic ice sheet
July 10, 2015
By Tim Stephens

UCSC researchers lowered a geothermal probe through a borehole in the West Antarctic ice sheet to measure temperatures in the sediments beneath half a mile of ice. (Photo courtesy of WISSARD/UCSC)
The amount of heat flowing toward the base of the West Antarctic ice sheet from geothermal sources deep within the Earth is surprisingly high, according to a new study led by UC Santa Cruz researchers. The results, published July 10 in Science Advances, provide important data for researchers trying to predict the fate of the ice sheet, which has experienced rapid melting over the past decade.

Lead author Andrew Fisher, professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz, emphasized that the geothermal heating reported in this study does not explain the alarming loss of ice from West Antarctica that has been documented by other researchers. "The ice sheet developed and evolved with the geothermal heat flux coming up from below--it's part of the system. But this could help explain why the ice sheet is so unstable. When you add the effects of global warming, things can start to change quickly," he said.

To paraphrase Dr Dean Edell. When you see hot springs under Antarctic glaciers -- you shouldn't first think of CO2 -- you should think about HOW how springs and water sources COMMONLY manifest..

You too Roxie --- you been told about this before in this forum. You guys got put down the bibles and start using common sense and multiple CURRENT and accurate sources of info.,.
If you feel the request for a link to data supporting your hypothesis is an insult, you are obviously a fraud.

No Roxie -- YOU have a memory problem. We've discussed the vulcanism going on below the West Antarctic -- YOU convieniently PURGE all confounding truths from your system..

We don't need to link to stuff that's already been discussed here and SHOULD be known by anyone GRIEVING about the stability of the WAIShelf..
It is a fact that the ice is melting. Whining about how every scientist on earth is a fraud is laughable.
Ice, melts. It happens.

That's why I say "I don't do ice" when it comes to studying GW. It's a really poor thermometer and it's been melting for centuries... Also because of the silly definitions for sea ice coverage and hysteria like this that IGNORES the most obvious explanations.... It's a "stuffed polar bear" topic for the warmers tho.... Tugs at the heartstrings.

On what do you base your claim that it's a "really poor thermometer"?

On what do you base your claim that Arctic ice has been melting for centuries?




Because these don't support such an idea.
On what do you base your claim that it's a "really poor thermometer"?

On what do you base your claim that Arctic ice has been melting for centuries?




Because these don't support such an idea.
Ice, melts.
Also, your bottom graph is a hockey stick, the hockey stick phenomenon has been well documented to be AGW science hackery.
Dude -- you are so BADLY informed on this topic.. I just have to write Nutticelli at skepshitscience a memo that the material there is too tough for squidward. PLEASE dumb it down some more.. The guy is really struggling to keep up..

Those studies said zilch about new volcanoes causing addition ice melt around Antarctica. They said there's always been some volcanic activity beneath the ice. The part about new volcanoes is unsupported denier speculation, necessary because deniers don't have any real data backing them up.

You too Roxie --- you been told about this before in this forum. You guys got put down the bibles and start using common sense and multiple CURRENT and accurate sources of info.,.

That clearly applies to you, Flac, given how hard you're failing with basic common sense here, even though your failure has been pointed out to you before. Studies said volcanic activity has always been there, and in response you created a story about how it means new volcanoes are there, which is a huge common sense failure on your part.

How about you come up with a new routine? Your old "Make stuff up and then deflect by screaming about Skeptical Science" tap dance isn't cutting it any more.

Ice, melts.
Also, your bottom graph is a hockey stick, the hockey stick phenomenon has been well documented to be AGW science hackery.

Ice melts? My, that IS fucking profound. And hockey sticks are well documented hackery? Where can we find such documentation?

Ice, melts.
Also, your bottom graph is a hockey stick, the hockey stick phenomenon has been well documented to be AGW science hackery.

Ice melts? My, that IS fucking profound. And hockey sticks are well documented hackery? Where can we find such documentation?
You'd have to look outside your comfort zone, out side the "You too can be heroic, and save mother gaia" echo chamber you seem to be content in.

The rise and fall of the Hockey Stick

I've read both sides, yours tends to be fantastical with unrealistic solutions.
On what do you base your claim that it's a "really poor thermometer"?

On what do you base your claim that Arctic ice has been melting for centuries?




Because these don't support such an idea.

Still using the weakest and most unreliable data, 15% ice coverage, Paleo-reconstructs with 300 year resolutions ended with 15 year plots creating a hockey sticks... Nothing changes in the alarmist realm of deceptions..

Ice, melts.
Also, your bottom graph is a hockey stick, the hockey stick phenomenon has been well documented to be AGW science hackery.

Ice melts? My, that IS fucking profound. And hockey sticks are well documented hackery? Where can we find such documentation?
I know right? He's blowing us away w/ technical jargon..... NOT!!!

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