Breaking- West Antarctic ice sheetin peril

Fox News source:

West Antarctic ice sheet could collapse, causing significant sea level rise, experts warn | Fox News
The study published in the journal Nature this week, cites the impact of greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. Collapsing Antarctic ice could cause sea levels to rise more than 3 feet by 2100, say co-authors Rob DeConto, a geoscientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and David Pollard, a palaeoclimatologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

If emissions continue unabated, the scientists warn, atmospheric warming will soon become a “dominant driver” of ice loss, with prolonged ocean warming delaying its recovery for thousands of years.

Fox doesn't lie remember?

Polar ice caps were to disappear 4 years ago, what happened?
Tell us more how climate change causes the magnetic poles to move.
Hilarious stuff.
When a poster starts blatantly lying like that to me --- I shut you off.

So by you're standards, I'm justified in shutting you off.
You DID try to tell Whirled Publishing that there was evidence of volcanic activity under the WAIS..

And here is the link to your attempt to deflect..

Breaking- West Antarctic ice sheetin peril

No, there's no evidence for that.

And the "that" I was referring to was clearly the previous poster's statement, which was:

"Volcanic sea floor eruptions - around the world - have increased exponentially over the past several years - along with an alarming increase in volcanic activity above the surface of the oceans."

That is, I was clearly stating that there was no recent exponential increase in volcanic activity.

In response, you keep claiming I was stating there was no volcanic activity at all, your exact words being "First, you spout off that is NO EVIDENCE of volcanic at activity at the WAIS."

So, given your behavior here, why should I keep talking with you?
It was surely breaking news back in 1973, too. And Mt Berlin is active presently.
Mount Berlin
11411 ft (3478 m) .Location:Flood Range of western
Marie Byrd Land, AntarcticaLat / Long:76.1° S, 135.8° WVolcanic Type:Shield volcanoVolcanic Status:Active (fumaroles)

If you feel the request for a link to data supporting your hypothesis is an insult, you are obviously a fraud.

No Roxie -- YOU have a memory problem. We've discussed the vulcanism going on below the West Antarctic -- YOU convieniently PURGE all confounding truths from your system..

We don't need to link to stuff that's already been discussed here and SHOULD be known by anyone GRIEVING about the stability of the WAIShelf..
Now I have quoted statements from the authors of the articles, within the articles, that directly contradict what you are claiming. What is your agenda that you should be trying to bend what the arcticles written by these scientists say?

When were those articles written? Because since 2014 --- this is "breaking science" and they are hot on the trail of the "warm water" sources under those coastal glaciers..

Did those articles specify that volcanic activity had been RULED OUT !!!!
Maybe O'Rocks will get his diploma and sign on for a 4 yr tour of duty on the Thwaites.. He'll have MORE time to post on USMB and we'll enjoy getting the daily ice and temp report from him.. God Speed O'Rocks. Blast some ice for us,.....
Nope. Not my area of interest. And nobody here is interested in bi-model volcanics and epi-thermal deposits.
Maybe O'Rocks will get his diploma and sign on for a 4 yr tour of duty on the Thwaites.. He'll have MORE time to post on USMB and we'll enjoy getting the daily ice and temp report from him.. God Speed O'Rocks. Blast some ice for us,.....
Nope. Not my area of interest. And nobody here is interested in bi-model volcanics and epi-thermal deposits.

Just happy it's not epi-dermal deposits... :eek:

Maybe the hot area for bi-model volcanics will be down on the frozen continent.. We really want you to go... :badgrin:
Lead author Andrew Fisher, professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz, emphasized that the geothermal heating reported in this study does not explain the alarming loss of ice from West Antarctica that has been documented by other researchers. "The ice sheet developed and evolved with the geothermal heat flux coming up from below--it's part of the system. But this could help explain why the ice sheet is so unstable. When you add the effects of global warming, things can start to change quickly," he said.

Study finds surprisingly high geothermal heating beneath West Antarctic Ice Sheet

From your second article. Mr. Flacaltenn, do you consider what you state, compared to what the article states, to be accurate commentary? You are approaching Mr. Westwall in credibility.
Well, well, well :eusa_think:
On what do you base your claim that it's a "really poor thermometer"?

On what do you base your claim that Arctic ice has been melting for centuries?




Because these don't support such an idea.

Iceland Hot Springs.


It is the Arctic you know!!!!
Lead author Andrew Fisher, professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz, emphasized that the geothermal heating reported in this study does not explain the alarming loss of ice from West Antarctica that has been documented by other researchers. "The ice sheet developed and evolved with the geothermal heat flux coming up from below--it's part of the system. But this could help explain why the ice sheet is so unstable. When you add the effects of global warming, things can start to change quickly," he said.

Study finds surprisingly high geothermal heating beneath West Antarctic Ice Sheet

From your second article. Mr. Flacaltenn, do you consider what you state, compared to what the article states, to be accurate commentary? You are approaching Mr. Westwall in credibility.
Well, well, well :eusa_think:
well what do you know, one guy telling a group they are full of shit. Funny irony there.
On what do you base your claim that it's a "really poor thermometer"?

On what do you base your claim that Arctic ice has been melting for centuries?


Because these don't support such an idea.

You think ICE is a thermometer ?? ?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Your CRaG is showing (Can'tReadaGraph)..


In that last chart you barfed up (and I fished the ORIGINAL because yours doesn't reliably display) --- thanks to the HI RES ice proxies used --- You can actually see the > 1degC spikes during MedWPeriod.. Didya MISS THAT Bullwinkle??? Remember the major divisions are 100 years long and you're ALMOST that old I bet. (CRaG tip of the day)..

Second CRaG tip of the day.. Notice that the relative high MEAN at 1000AD seems to be HIGHER and more pernicious than anything yet recorded in the 20th or 21th century.

Third CRaG tip --- Just because someone decides to use a LINEAR FIT to a graph -- doesn't MEAN it's an accurate representation of the data. That linear estimate is actually a very poor fit and SOMEONE wants to pull your nose-ring and LEAD YOU into seeing a general decline in the data --- which is THERE (because our time in Holocene is probably running out and "winter is coming" on HBO soon) --- but is NOT the story that the data tells. If the Byzantines had these tools and data capabilities -- And that graph had STOPPED in 800AD -- they would have been shitting their britches about the HUGE > 1deg spikes that THEY were seeing.. THIS is what "HIGH RESOLUTION" proxy studies can tell you. Which are WAY DIFFERENT than the low resolution studies of Mann and Marcott..

Ice is NOT a thermometer. A grade schooler will tell you that. Ice doesn't care if the temp is 0.1deg over freezing for 40 days or 1deg over freezing for 4 days.. It will melt the same amount. Go thaw some burgers and take a break. Your choice of how long you want to wait for lunch to thaw..
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