BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

you don't get it, do you?

He said, ā€˜I donā€™t care. Iā€™ll take a bullet, Iā€™ll go to jailā€™ because he would kill people on the train,ā€ the woman said of Neely. ā€œHe said, ā€˜I would kill a motherfā€”er. I donā€™t care. Iā€™ll take a bullet. Iā€™ll go to jail.ā€™ā€

I would kill is not a direct threat. It is a lunatic rambling

I AMGOING TO KILL YOU motherfā€”er

that is a direct threat
So he said ā€aā€ instead of ā€œyouā€? He simply wasnā€™t specifying which passenger. But he threatened to kill.

You lefties sure defend useless, violent, criminal thugs over a U.S. Marine who was willing to give his life for his country. Of course, the violent thug was black and the brave Marine is white, so thereā€˜s that too.
So he said ā€aā€ instead of ā€œyouā€? He simply wasnā€™t specifying which passenger. But he threatened to kill.

You lefties sure defend useless, violent, criminal thugs over a U.S. Marine who was willing to give his life for his country. Of course, the violent thug was black and the brave Marine is white, so thereā€˜s that too.
try this on for size. I AM GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU MOTHER.......

The jury will render the best decision based on the evidence and testimony.
try this on for size. I AM GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU MOTHER.......
Yup. Death threat.

He was a deranged, violent lunatic threatening to do harm, up to and including murder. The leftists running the system are so eager to get black thugs with criminal pasts back out onto the street, and then defund and demonize the police on top of that, that a brave U.S. Marine (are there any other kind) took action and likely saved one or more people from attack.

To the Marine, I say: Thank you for your service to this country, and your willingness to protect innocent lives. Once the sham trial is over, you will receive tons of donations to start off your life. And if youā€™re not married, you will probably receive marriage proposals too!
Yup. Death threat.

He was a deranged, violent lunatic threatening to do harm, up to and including murder. The leftists running the system are so eager to get black thugs with criminal pasts back out onto the street, and then defund and demonize the police on top of that, that a brave U.S. Marine (are there any other kind) took action and likely saved one or more people from attack.

To the Marine, I say: Thank you for your service to this country, and your willingness to protect innocent lives. Once the sham trial is over, you will receive tons of donations to start off your life. And if youā€™re not married, you will probably receive marriage proposals too!
he didn't say that... I did..

he said "ā€˜I would kill a motherfā€”er."

is not "I am going to" and "a" is not "you"

I AM GOING TO KILL YOU motherfā€”er

No direct threat. Just a mentally deranged person rambling.
Intelligent people recognize the lies, racism, bigotry, and hate Bongino embodies. So, no surprise you waste life's few hours on him.

That stereotype is as old as a wash rag. Can't you liars ever come up with anything new? You don't even have the intelligence to put that "racist" crap away after YOU elected the presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime.
I'm not saying there's no bias at all -- everyone brings their life experiences with them. There's no avoiding that. But the existence of bias doesn't mean someone can't get a fair trial.

Race is always going to be mentioned. There's no getting around that, history and all. I won't deny that this can make it hard to get a completely impartial jury, but part of Penny's defense team's job will be screening for jurors who say biased things or have blatant biases and who may be more likely to ignore jury and courtroom instructions. That's the key, really. Can they follow instructions? Can they find jurors who treat what they're doing as an important civic duty, not a chance to make a political statement.

Even if Mayor Adams doesn't say it, the media will. They can't not talk about it.

Yeah I mean some have put it like that, but most of the sources I've read have addressed the complexity of the case. Maybe I'm being naive but do think both sides will be able to tell their stories. TBH, I think this is the last kind of case that the DA wanted thrown in his lap. He's got enough shit to deal with in the Trump case (I don't think he wanted that one either, tbh).
I'm not saying there's no bias at all -- everyone brings their life experiences with them. There's no avoiding that. But the existence of bias doesn't mean someone can't get a fair trial.

Race is always going to be mentioned. There's no getting around that, history and all. I won't deny that this can make it hard to get a completely impartial jury, but part of Penny's defense team's job will be screening for jurors who say biased things or have blatant biases and who may be more likely to ignore jury and courtroom instructions. That's the key, really. Can they follow instructions? Can they find jurors who treat what they're doing as an important civic duty, not a chance to make a political statement.

Even if Mayor Adams doesn't say it, the media will. They can't not talk about it.

Yeah I mean some have put it like that, but most of the sources I've read have addressed the complexity of the case. Maybe I'm being naive but do think both sides will be able to tell their stories. TBH, I think this is the last kind of case that the DA wanted thrown in his lap. He's got enough shit to deal with in the Trump case (I don't think he wanted that one either, tbh).
Penny may not get a fair trial due to threats of violence from the left .. if Penny isnt found guilty there will be violent riots in NYC ... the left has tainted the judicial system .
Penny may not get a fair trial due to threats of violence from the left .. if Penny isnt found guilty there will be violent riots in NYC ... the left has tainted the judicial system .
NYC? The savages will be rioting in every Democrat city in the nation - Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, etc., etc.

And the Dems will use this case to drive their anti-white, black victim narrative all the way to Election Day.
NYC? The savages will be rioting in every Democrat city in the nation - Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, etc., etc.

And the Dems will use this case to drive their anti-white, black victim narrative all the way to Election Day.
the left uses violence to influence legal outcomes ..
the left uses violence to influence legal outcomes ..
The jury gave Chavin the maximum, even though Floydā€™s Fentany contributed to his death, because of the animals outside the courtroom, threatening violence if they didnā€™t. Those jurists were scared for their lives.

I wonder if his lawyer can argue that in the pro-criminal city of New York, this brave young Marine cannot get a fair trial and move it upstate.
The jury gave Chavin the maximum, even though Floydā€™s Fentany contributed to his death, because of the animals outside the courtroom, threatening violence if they didnā€™t. Those jurists were scared for their lives.

I wonder if his lawyer can argue that in the pro-criminal city of New York, this brave young Marine cannot get a fair trial and move it upstate.

The US Constitution guarantees all people the right to a fair and speedy trial judged by an unbiased jury of their peers. Not that anybody even pays attention to the Constitution anymore.
really ? are you saying the left wont riot if Penny isnt found guilty ? are full of it .

I'm left and I've never rioted a day in my life. Don't know anyone who has.

Oh wait, you mean the Manhattan left? The ones who live in penthouses you and I can't afford to look at?

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