BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

heck if the person that choked Neely would have been black there would be no outcry from the left .... Chicago for instance has a black on black murder nearly every day .
I will give you some credit. If the person that choked Neely would have been black there would be no outcry from the left... because it would not have made front page headline news. Whites killing whites or blacks killing blacks seldom make the front page. If they do, I don't see them.
That stereotype is as old as a wash rag. Can't you liars ever come up with anything new? You don't even have the intelligence to put that "racist" crap away after YOU elected the presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime.
Ole bag o Bones has a long history of being racist, this can not be denied nor should it be overlooked or forgiven.
Ole bag o Bones gravestone needs RACIST on it.
That stereotype is as old as a wash rag. Can't you liars ever come up with anything new? You don't even have the intelligence to put that "racist" crap away after YOU elected the presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime.
Not much of a defense.
But then, there's no defense for Bongino.
You are delusional My Friend.

Neely threatened to kill the people on that train.

For all Penny knew, he had a gun and was going to use it.

Neely struggled until he was unconscious. Was he trying to reach a weapon? You have to assume in the moment that he is.

We Neely loses consciousness, Penny then released the pressure on Neely's hear the guy in the video say "he's not squeezing anymore".

And then he is released and placed in the recovery position.

There were SEVERAL placed where Neely could have 'tapped out'. Had he stopped struggling and said "ok, ok" the pressure would have eased and they would have waited for the police.

Your problem is, you live in a fantasy world where you just assume the guy who threatened to kill everyone doesn't have a knife, or a gun...surely he doesn't mean it...and you just hope for the best. Just let him go. It will be fine. :rolleyes:
Odd that leftists praying at the altar of Neely are silent about his 42 prior arrests and that he was known to have mental health issues.

Where was the wailing left when Neely was first arrested in 2013? He had a warrant for an alleged assault in 2021.

He was a nobody to the left until they could use him to push their race card.
Great assessment..
Somehow I got this feeling the only verdict you will accept is "not guilty".
You think wrong, but he probably won't be treated fairly, and probably should have never been charged. Of course the woke mob is in action daily attempting to set everyone up, but that's going to change soon, so if you are part of it, then enjoy your bull crap while it last, because all stupid things soon come to an end.
Oh and your all white jury, otherwise "if he is lucky", is supposed to be racist maybe ?

Is that where you got your "if he is lucky" talking point from ?? Are you a racist ?
No they can't they will base their verdict on social justice and repayment for sins that were commit centuries ago.
That was a response to bigrenbc1775.
Who or what I am is no ones business but my own.
heck if the person that choked Neely would have been black there would be no outcry from the left .... Chicago for instance has a black on black murder nearly every day .

Or if it was black on black or black on asian, then you won't hear a peep from anyone. We see this all the time. One incident in particular that I remember was a white man who chased down and killed an asian delivery worker because he didn't give him enough sauce with his meal. The judge released him on bail and there wasn't a peep from the left, and at a guess, I'm sure AOC just pretended she didn't know anything about the story because I don't recall her saying a word about it, lmao.
He's White, his fate was sealed. He should be given a medal 🏅.


There were others including a black guy who helped restrain his arms. Why haven't they been charged?

No wonder people are leaving New York. The mob is making New York a very unsafe place to visit much less to live there. This is a travesty against the Armed Services of this nation to persecute one of their best heroes. Mobs should not be in charge of justice.
What's wrong with him being charged? He literally choked Neely to death. Sounds like manslaughter to me.
Would you be saying that if your family was threatened with death by a bully on the street, but a brave Marine saved them from the harm proffered by the nutcase who should have been placed in a secure mental facility years ago? a warning to you. You WILL sit quietly and do nothing as the criminals and criminally insane threaten your safety and your life on public transportation. Bidens new normal for america.
Not much of a defense.
But then, there's no defense for Bongino.

I'll defend it right now: What racist thing did Bongino ever say?

The problem is leftists are born liars and make them up willy-nilly, and expect people to just believe the lies without question. Anybody Republican is a racist, xenophobe, phobic........ What you don't know is we laugh at you because weak minds are so easy to brainwash. You just repeat what your string pullers tell you to repeat without thinking.

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