BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely a warning to you. You WILL sit quietly and do nothing as the criminals and criminally insane threaten your safety and your life on public transportation. Bidens new normal for america.
There's a catch-22 there. "The Democrats will let blacks run wild in order to persecute their rivals, black or white. And they'll be proud of themselves until one of their own loved one dies at the hand or people who should be treated and healed in an insane asylum. Then looking in the mirror won't be so much fun any more when they can't lie the people they loved back to life. Seeing the light too late, their life won't be worth living, and totalianarism will then lose its luster when they can't escape sitting in the victim seat.
He was assaulting everyone, and the Marine made the correct assessment that this deranged man was dangerous and within seconds of harming innocent people.

As it turned out, he was correct. The black thug had been arrested numerous times for violent crime, including breaking someone’s eye socket and throwing an innocent person onto the subway tracks.

Probably a very valid assessment.

The lying, verminous leftist swine will be eating their words soon enough.

Oh and your all white jury, otherwise "if he is lucky", is supposed to be racist maybe ?

Is that where you got your "if he is lucky" talking point from ?? Are you a racist ?

Of course he/she/it is a dedicated, KKK card carrying racist.

All leftist swine are.

Yes, you do have to wait. No death threats were made, no promises made. Ramblings of a mentally challenged person.

No, you do not have to wait. There is such a thing as the “reasonable person” concept in the law. Why are you siding with the dangerous thug instead of the innocent people - insisting that one of them has to be injured first?
"I would kill a motherfucker" is neither a promise or a direct threat
"I WILL KILL YOU motherfucker" is a direct threat
It‘s a threat, and you’re splitting hairs in order to side with the criminal.
Now we have a dead civilian, and a jury will decide.

He’s hardly a “civilian.” He was a violent, deranged black man who went around attack others, including in the subway, and SHOULD have been in prison instead of allowed to roam free assaulting others.

No, they really can't.

The devil and the leftist-owned government schools and media have rendered them all brain dead, only capable of parroting the lies with which they've been indoctrinated.

The devil and the leftist-owned government and media will chuckle with glee at the spectacle of them committing suicide, one by one, like Neely and Floyd did.

Yesterday, a leftist government school had elementary school children outside marching with BLM signs. Why aren’t they in class, learning how to read and write?!
Yesterday, a leftist government school had elementary school children outside marching with BLM signs. Why aren’t they in class, learning how to read and write?!

Because real education might render them too intelligent to succumb to the leftist indoctrination.

They want them just smart enough to run the machines, fill out the paperwork and keep buying the pHARMaceuticals, and then commit suicide when it's time, like Floyd and Neely did.


We'll see if he was fucked up on fentanyl and crank, like Floyd was, and just slurred his speech.

When the Marine released him, he was still breathing and moving. Any normal person would have recovered within seconds. That criminal was so fucked up on drugs that he never regained consciousness.

But you can tell from the video that he was alive when Penny released him, and others who had been helping subdue him were talking to him, and calm. If he were dead at that point, there would have been panic.
No, you do not have to wait. There is such a thing as the “reasonable person” concept in the law. Why are you siding with the dangerous thug instead of the innocent people - insisting that one of them has to be injured first?

It‘s a threat, and you’re splitting hairs in order to side with the criminal.

He’s hardly a “civilian.” He was a violent, deranged black man who went around attack others, including in the subway, and SHOULD have been in prison instead of allowed to roam free assaulting others.
He has never murder anyone, Penny made sure he wouldn't.
I not sure people like Penny should run around, he has killed someone.
He has never murder anyone, Penny made sure he wouldn't.
Nobody said he murdered anyone, but he certainly caused significant injury to numerous people, and was threatening to do so again. The fact that he died after he was released from a chokehold, and was moving and breathing when he was, only to fail to recover is probably due to drugs in his system.

The Marine was well-trained and did not choke him to death. He released him in time for any regular person to recover.

Because real education might render them too intelligent to succumb to the leftist indoctrination.

They want them just smart enough to run the machines, fill out the paperwork and keep buying the pHARMaceuticals, and then commit suicide when it's time, like Floyd and Neely did.

Have you considered writing Conspiracy articles?
He was assaulting everyone, and the Marine made the correct assessment that this deranged man was dangerous and within seconds of harming innocent people.

As it turned out, he was correct. The black thug had been arrested numerous times for violent crime, including breaking someone’s eye socket and throwing an innocent person onto the subway tracks.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
Are you saying he verbally assaulted someone?
Oh, crap. Kill him. He talked rudely to people.

Who know if this is true. What we need are witnesses to step up and this story to be further investigated.

You think Daniel Penny was on his phone and read that news and said "that guy did that yesterday, so today it is OK to murder him if he get's lippy on this train"?
No, you do not have to wait. There is such a thing as the “reasonable person” concept in the law. Why are you siding with the dangerous thug instead of the innocent people - insisting that one of them has to be injured first?

It‘s a threat, and you’re splitting hairs in order to side with the criminal.

He’s hardly a “civilian.” He was a violent, deranged black man who went around attack others, including in the subway, and SHOULD have been in prison instead of allowed to roam free assaulting others.
Lisa558, in typical womanly fashion, you are letting emotions cloud your judgement. I will refrain from comments on your comments.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
Are you saying he verbally assaulted someone?
Oh, crap. Kill him. He talked rudely to people.
He said he would kill a motherfucker. That’s a threat.

It’s tragic how you leftists defend a deranged, violent criminal. He had already attacked three other people on the subway, and the Marine’s instinct that the criminal posed an imminent threat was correct.

You want Penny to WAIT until the lunatic broke someone’s eyesocket or broke bones in an elderly lady’s face, like he had in the past? Why do you demand that INNOCENT people be injured - or worse - before action should be taken?

If the leftists weren’t so intent on releasing dangerous thugs back onto the streets of NY to menace and attack other people, this never would have happened.

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