BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

.The fuck it isn't with you evil leftist vermin defunding the police and attempting to burn down their buildings.

You have RE-CREATED the old west and now we're going to react in the ways that are most natural for decent human beings.

Get out of here, sock. All you will learn here, if you're capable of learning, is that you will lose. Your faulty-ass public education does not equip you to debate with the good minds here.
I am not going to make comments on your comments. You seem very emotional. I assume you are a woman?
When you settle down, we can discuss this matter using verifiable data.
Lisa558, in typical womanly fashion, you are letting emotions cloud your judgement. I will refrain from comments on your comments.
How am I letting my emotions rule when I said there is a “reasonable person” standard?

You, OTOH, are letting your upside-down leftist values cloud your judgement when you refer to a dangerous, violent criminal as a mere “civilian.”
He said he would kill a motherfucker. That’s a threat.

It’s tragic how you leftists defend a deranged, violent criminal. He had already attacked three other people on the subway, and the Marine’s instinct that the criminal posed an imminent threat was correct.

You want Penny to WAIT until the lunatic broke someone’s eyesocket or broke bones in an elderly lady’s face, like he had in the past? Why do you demand that INNOCENT people be injured - or worse - before action should be taken?

If the leftists weren’t so intent on releasing dangerous thugs back onto the streets of NY to menace and attack other people, this never would have happened.
do you understand the difference in these examples?

1. I would kill every person in the room
2. I am going to kill every person in this room
3. I am going to kill you.

1. lunatic talk (yeah right)
2. better alert the authorities on this one
3. Direct threat
How am I letting my emotions rule when I said there is a “reasonable person” standard?

You, OTOH, are letting your upside-down leftist values cloud your judgement when you refer to a dangerous, violent criminal as a mere “civilian.”
I know you can't see it, you are all wound up like a clock that's about to go postal.
How am I letting my emotions rule when I said there is a “reasonable person” standard?

You, OTOH, are letting your upside-down leftist values cloud your judgement when you refer to a dangerous, violent criminal as a mere “civilian.”

The sock is a sexist. Undoubtedly a racist too.

I love it when a sock says it will refrain from commenting on what you have to say because they never do. They can't help it. They have no control.

The leftists were never taught control by their useless leftist parents.

do you understand the difference in these examples?

1. I would kill every person in the room
2. I am going to kill every person in this room
3. I am going to kill you.

1. lunatic talk (yeah right)
2. better alert the authorities on this one
3. Direct threat
Splitting hairs to defend a deranged lunatic. All the Marine did was subdue him. That the criminal didn’t recover after the chokehold was released shows he likely had drugs in his system, or certainly used so many drugs that his body didn’t respond like a normal, law-abiding citizen would. That’s not Penny’s fault.
Was he attacking anyone? Yes or no.
In big cities random attacks out of nowhere are a problem …in the case of the op the guy was visibly threatening..

^That was not a problem in Americas past as it is today …

Nowadays there’s violence in big cities ..due to mental health issues and drugs …. We have to as a society stop these issues in the first place…Jordan Neely should have been working in a different life …but he was not getting the help he needed which should have been in jail or a mental hospital based on his rap sheet.
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Probably a very valid assessment.

The lying, verminous leftist swine will be eating their words soon enough.

Let's make an agreement. I will refrain from further comment. When the jury delivers the verdict, we will revisit this subject.
We agree to accept the verdict, and move on.
Splitting hairs to defend a deranged lunatic. All the Marine did was subdue him. That the criminal didn’t recover after the chokehold was released shows he likely had drugs in his system, or certainly used so many drugs that his body didn’t respond like a normal, law-abiding citizen would. That’s not Penny’s fault.
The law is a very technical discipline. I hope he has a "dream team" like OJ did....
If the marine subdued him, why is he sleeping forever?

I am finished.

Good day to you

Happy Mothers Day!
Who do you think he’s a sock of? There are a few deranged leftists on the thread.

And you’re right on the sexist and racist thing, too.

I don't really have a clue. Maybe something that has been banned for so long that I just don't recall its ranting and blathering style.

Haven't heard from DrLove who's been absent since gone since last year, or Colin norris who's been gone since last year, as well. Both had serious anger issues like this one. I just assumed that they both dropped dead of the jab, which they both ranted about continuously. Asclepias was an angry one as well and hasn't been seen. colfax m is gone too.

I was right. It keeps saying it's going to stop commenting on our posts, but it can't.

Typical leftist vermin with no control.

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.Verbal slurrings of a drug intoxicated criminal is more likely.

That "mentally challenged" dodge is just dead and stinking.
mental health is a serious subject.

Happy Mothers Day
Today is your day
Make it special
Or if it was black on black or black on asian, then you won't hear a peep from anyone. We see this all the time. One incident in particular that I remember was a white man who chased down and killed an asian delivery worker because he didn't give him enough sauce with his meal. The judge released him on bail and there wasn't a peep from the left, and at a guess, I'm sure AOC just pretended she didn't know anything about the story because I don't recall her saying a word about it, lmao.
The reason that anything is ignored other than a white on black crime, is all because of the long everlasting neverending saga of victimhood that is pumped by hollyweird and race panderers, and race baiters.... It's all caused, pushed, and kept activated due to various reason's applied over the old never forgotten issue of slavery....... Yes brainwashing and fear mongering is supposed to keep future generation's of white people from ever regrouping in some sort of racist bid to recreate slavery against the black people by the white's who will use the connected historic racism to hold the black man down.... It's all complete bull shite.

The left uses the issue for empowerment, and to then try and keep a following of people that will vote for them, and all because they think that the left is there for them against that evil white man for whom they keep active in the black folk's head's via a continuance of the issue for nefarious greed riddled reasoning.

So in the minds of various black group's, and Leftist body politic, and it's activist, everything is normal until the line is crossed, otherwise the slave master and slave (white on black crime), have come together again in the on going saga that never ends.

It's time to recognize the bull shite otherwise if there is an ounce of smarts left in anyone who should see the crap for what it is. People should be going to jail for the games that have been played on the generation's, and especially for the live's that have been lost on both sides of the modern problem that just keeps going on and on and on.. it's all because leftist gotta win by some nefarious means, and they think that the race issue is a bombshell that just keeps giving and giving for them..
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You think Daniel Penny was on his phone and read that news and said "that guy did that yesterday, so today it is OK to murder him if he get's lippy on this train"?

This doesn't have anything to do with Penny, this story is for all the people out there protesting his death and lamenting at the loss of someone who otherwise would probably push them or someone they love onto train tracks given the opportunity.

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