BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

Biden is the damned ring leader of it, but everyone see's right through that old bag of dusty wind. He makes a fool of himself daily, but he doesn't care.
never underestimate the stupidity of the millions of dem voters .
There are charges and hopefully the jury doesn't fall for the "I felt he was a threat" white privilege defense.
It was about race when Penny decided to put a chokehold on a black man. And it was about race as you call this killer a hero. It was made that way by racists like you who spend days of your life passing thousands of videos of white on white violence to find a video of blacks and showing them over and over in order to exaggerate the threat which is what allowed Penny to believe he was saving people from danger.
Past equals death sentence? Sins of the father maybe? We should all be investigated for past actions and penalized?

The man who was killed was innocent. The ex service member misused training and killed the guy. Manslaughter 2nd degree
you keep bringing up the fact that the guy was a service member .... do you have something against the Military ?
There’s nothing racist about this incident, just as there was nothing racist about the George Floyd incident. The evil Democrats are using it to further their false narrative about the “innocent, oppressed black man.”

In both cases, these black men were violent criminals. Can‘t the Dems find a GOOD black man to hold up as a victim instead of these violent thugs?
what if he's found innocent ?
Then the BLM savages will burn, loot, and murder their way across the nation for months on end.

My fear is that the DA will drag this out until next spring, so that if the jurors correctly vote to acquit, the Dems will use this as a (fake) example of how “innocent” black men are hunted down, and they’ll use it to drive more racial division the summer before the election,

It’s deja vu all over again.
Lord save us, the leftists are going to turn Neely, a violent criminal with 42 arrests, including ones for throwing an innocent person onto the subway tracks and another for breaking a woman’s eyesocket, into another George Floyd, when this had NOTHING to do with race whatsoever.

Worse, they are taking a brave patriot, who served his country, and was willing to defend other people from a deranged, violent lunatic - and making him the enemy.

We are going to have the rampant BLM idiots demanding that this brave Marine been sentenced to the maximum, and if the jurors don’t give them their way, we will see another summer of Burning, Looting, and Murdering.
its getting close to election time .... time for leftist intimidation division a mass violence ... again .
YouTube is full of video evidence on the bull crap. The left then denies it.... ROTFLMBO 🤣
You see this on youtube too:

I get multiple videos daily from a friend via email and I usually scroll on past them. I don't waste my time because whites attack us using legislation and violence. Again whites are 4 times more likely to be assaulted by another white person and almost 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person. Perhaps you should worry more about that.
Obviously because it's nearly universally non-lethal.

That's the point.
Yes, a normal person who wasn’t on drugs (where IS that tox report already?) or had abused his body for years with drugs would have recovered. That’s why once Penny released the chokehold and helped put him in the recovery position, he and the others were calm. They fully expected him to recover within seconds.

If you are not dead, and the pressure on your neck is removed, your body will automatically start to breathe again. Neely was a sick man, and a violent one.
You say rarely. Have you ridden in public transit? Have you ever stood, sat or walked past a completely unhinged person and remained there waiting for them to possibly do something to you because you think it's "rare?" All it takes is one split second for them to stab you or smash yout skull in with a blunt object. It doesn't even matter if your guard is up and you're looking directly at them. Real life isn't a kung fu movie where each and every blow is easily parried with your hand, lol. I Just read right now that some 67 year old was pushed down a flight of stairs in the subway. Another man claimed that Neeley attempted to push him down onto the train tracks the day before he died. I dont know how all of this is going to play out in court, but I hope either the judge or jury or both use common sense in judging this case.
I've ridden on public transit. There is no excuse for this.
He might get lucky and get an all white jury. Would be interesting to hear your response if they send him to prison.
Numbnuts a jury made up of white leftists will still find him guilty regardless of what the evidence says. Now take you racist worthless ass elsewhere.
Lol! Go talk to Mark Fuhrman. He's the reason why O.J. was found not guilty.

Besides OJ was a sellout until he got evicted from house negro status.
OJ was a sellout ? how so ? give examples ..
Lol! Go talk to Mark Fuhrman. He's the reason why O.J. was found not guilty.

Besides OJ was a sellout until he got evicted from house negro status.
What a true piece of shit you are. Your masters of the democrat party shit you out weekly

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