Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!

Funny. Yeah, he sort of apologized by saying he's heard Bill Clinton say worse on the golf course. If there's no tape - it ain't true. But, but, but Bill...
Yeah, ole Bill the rapist wouldn't say anything worse about women. Lol, what universe you live in?
What was it Bill said?

Virgin, I hate to tell you, but Bill is not running for President and your boy in now officially TOAST. Take a drink and go to bed. It will help you sleep.....cause the game is over.

Yes, the FEAR is great with this low 2 digit IQ's subversive...and the Entertainment HIGH!!!!!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


ABC News , a proud member of Hillary's Amen Corner announced tonight that

Trump Caught on Video Making Lewd, Crude Remarks About Women

"I did try and f--- her. She was married," Trump said. "And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I'll show you where they have some nice furniture.'"

Trump said he "moved on her like bitch" and then made a crass remark about the woman's breast implants. Then, after seeing the actress Arianne Zucker on the set of the soap opera on which he was to appear, he said he needed some breath mints "just in case I start kissing her."

"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait," Trump said. "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

He added: "Grab them by the p----. You can do anything

Over 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson, our Founding Father and 3rd Prez stated:

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

While Bill Clinton was allowed to fuck other women and get blow jobs while in the whitehouse our Republican candidate must act like a homo or an angel.


Lol get real dude. It doesn't matter what you and I think about this story. What actually matters is that it will torch the vote with women. He's finished. It's great.

It doesn't matter what you think - women who believe in their right to self defense will vote Trump


Your last sentence may be right but there is no age that cuts off talk when you're bullshitting around with the fellas. Men are men & women are women. Unless you're a limp wristed sissy.
I don't always engage in banter with the boys but when I do it's Dos Equis

Man up sissy boy
If you think think you have to brag about your sexual exploits to not be called a sissy; YOU ARE A FRICKING SISSY. Grow up grandpa. Learn how to bullshit and kid with buddies about something other than having sex with other women than your wife.
Folks we need a safe space, stat!
What kind of sissy response is this Grandpa, you old piece of crap - grow a couple and respond like a man
Respond like a man? Wtf does that even mean. Grow a pair, this is your crybaby thread. I am an asshole but you're acting like a butt hurt limp wristed faggot.
All the faggotry in the world or sympathy for such dumbass causes does NOTHING to solve the problems we face. In fact, it makes it worse.
I feel like you're the kind of moron who supports the 15 yard penalty for football players who celebrate in the end zone after a touchdown.
When I say "respond like a man" and you do not know what that means makes sense. If you are not a man you will never know. Grow up Grandpa.
Your response definitely indicates that whatever your age, you are still a boy.
Put a pacifier in it. You're boring me
All the remaining Trump fans are now making excuses for criminal sexual assault. It's no longer possible for any decent human being to back Trump. One can be a Republican or conservative and be a good person, but one can't be a Trump fan and be a good person. All remaining Trump fans are pure pond scum.

And Trump-fans? Lying about Clinton won't make your support of the Trumpengroper any less reprehensible. It only makes you look vile for trying to cover it up.

And also? I've never bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, not at any age. That's because I've never done that, being that it's sexual assault. Scarily, it seems most of the conservatives here consider such sexual assault to be normal behavior, something that all guys joke about after they've done it. The lesson is that no woman should ever allow themself to be alone with a Trump fan.
All the remaining Trump fans are now making excuses for criminal sexual assault. It's no longer possible for any decent human being to back Trump. One can be a Republican or conservative and be a good person, but one can't be a Trump fan and be a good person. All remaining Trump fans are pure pond scum.

And Trump-fans? Lying about Clinton won't make your support of the Trumpengroper any less reprehensible. It only makes you look vile for trying to cover it up.

And also? I've never bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, not at any age. That's because I've never done that, being that it's sexual assault. Scarily, it seems most of the conservatives here consider such sexual assault to be normal behavior, something that all guys joke about after they've done it. The lesson is that no woman should ever allow themself to be alone with a Trump fan.
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!
Well, he sort of apologized. However, he had to justify his actions by saying Bill Clinton would say worse things.

Sorry, Donald that won't do it. Bill's not running for president. He's not the one that's going to be talking to mothers and daughters while his words about groping a girl's pussy is in their head.
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!
Well, he sort of apologized. However, he had to justify his actions by saying Bill Clinton would say worse things.

Sorry, Donald that won't do it. Bill's not running for president. He's not the one that's going to be talking to mothers and daughters while his words about groping a girl's pussy is in their head.
I see twofaces...they're everywhere
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!
Well, he sort of apologized. However, he had to justify his actions by saying Bill Clinton would say worse things.

Sorry, Donald that won't do it. Bill's not running for president. He's not the one that's going to be talking to mothers and daughters while his words about groping a girl's pussy is in their head.

Works fine for me, and at least 50% of the population!

Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!

Funny. Yeah, he sort of apologized by saying he's heard Bill Clinton say worse on the golf course. If there's no tape - it ain't true. But, but, but Bill...
Yeah, ole Bill the rapist wouldn't say anything worse about women. Lol, what universe you live in?
What was it Bill said?
I don't know, but when Bill was sliding it in against her will. I'm sure it was worse than anything Trump would say.
All the remaining Trump fans are now making excuses for criminal sexual assault. It's no longer possible for any decent human being to back Trump. One can be a Republican or conservative and be a good person, but one can't be a Trump fan and be a good person. All remaining Trump fans are pure pond scum.

And Trump-fans? Lying about Clinton won't make your support of the Trumpengroper any less reprehensible. It only makes you look vile for trying to cover it up.

And also? I've never bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, not at any age. That's because I've never done that, being that it's sexual assault. Scarily, it seems most of the conservatives here consider such sexual assault to be normal behavior, something that all guys joke about after they've done it. The lesson is that no woman should ever allow themself to be alone with a Trump fan.

You need to take some Photoshop lessons.
Trump and Billy Bush...
Two studs.....

And the Trump bots are rolling in the aisles laughing their asses off.
Suck it America....
Gonna make America great again....

And Trump is the classy guy to do it...

Trump grab them by pussy.jpg
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!
Well, he sort of apologized. However, he had to justify his actions by saying Bill Clinton would say worse things.

Sorry, Donald that won't do it. Bill's not running for president. He's not the one that's going to be talking to mothers and daughters while his words about groping a girl's pussy is in their head.

Is he running for US president or is he a candidate for sainthood?

Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!

Funny. Yeah, he sort of apologized by saying he's heard Bill Clinton say worse on the golf course. If there's no tape - it ain't true. But, but, but Bill...
Yeah, ole Bill the rapist wouldn't say anything worse about women. Lol, what universe you live in?
What was it Bill said?

Virgin, I hate to tell you, but Bill is not running for President and your boy in now officially TOAST. Take a drink and go to bed. It will help you sleep.....cause the game is over.
But he represents the treasonous bitch.
All the remaining Trump fans are now making excuses for criminal sexual assault. It's no longer possible for any decent human being to back Trump. One can be a Republican or conservative and be a good person, but one can't be a Trump fan and be a good person. All remaining Trump fans are pure pond scum.

And Trump-fans? Lying about Clinton won't make your support of the Trumpengroper any less reprehensible. It only makes you look vile for trying to cover it up.

And also? I've never bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, not at any age. That's because I've never done that, being that it's sexual assault. Scarily, it seems most of the conservatives here consider such sexual assault to be normal behavior, something that all guys joke about after they've done it. The lesson is that no woman should ever allow themself to be alone with a Trump fan.

You need to take some Photoshop lessons.

ABC News , a proud member of Hillary's Amen Corner announced tonight that

Trump Caught on Video Making Lewd, Crude Remarks About Women

"I did try and f--- her. She was married," Trump said. "And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, 'I'll show you where they have some nice furniture.'"

Trump said he "moved on her like bitch" and then made a crass remark about the woman's breast implants. Then, after seeing the actress Arianne Zucker on the set of the soap opera on which he was to appear, he said he needed some breath mints "just in case I start kissing her."

"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait," Trump said. "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

He added: "Grab them by the p----. You can do anything

Over 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson, our Founding Father and 3rd Prez stated:

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

While Bill Clinton was allowed to fuck other women and get blow jobs while in the whitehouse our Republican candidate must act like a homo or an angel.


Lol get real dude. It doesn't matter what you and I think about this story. What actually matters is that it will torch the vote with women. He's finished. It's great.

It doesn't matter what you think - women who believe in their right to self defense will vote Trump


Lol yeah so compelling!

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