Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Within days they are going to start popping up. As this video goes viral, his little indiscretions are going bite him in the ass. As Republicans know quite well from all their many attacks on Hillary and Bill, no proof is required, the accusation does the damage.

Nothing is going to pop up that isn't orchestrated by the Democrat party. Trump is a big BS'r, and most of what he said probably never happened. It's just guy talk that any of us guys heard from braggers our entire lives.
Within days they are going to start popping up. As this video goes viral, his little indiscretions are going bite him in the ass. As Republicans know quite well from all their many attacks on Hillary and Bill, no proof is required, the accusation does the damage.

Nothing is going to pop up that isn't orchestrated by the Democrat party. Trump is a big BS'r, and most of what he said probably never happened. It's just guy talk that any of us guys heard from braggers our entire lives.

Uh, did you even watch the video you sexual assault apologist?
Donald Trump caught making crude comments about women

How can the religious right support this man? Trump is toast.

Heard it on ABC News.

You gotta think...if this is what he says out loud, just imagine what type of crapola he would be too ashamed (if there is such a barrier) to say out loud.
Good point. What amazes me are the buffoons that actually defend him.
What amazes me is that you are able to work your lungs with your limited brain power.
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....
Sure I have, but that conversation sounds like a college party not a 60 year old married man who is talking to someone he does not know very well.
As a 60 year old married man, I still party but my buddies trash each other, talk sports and also talk about a few of our friends who have never grown up and are idiots like Donald Trump.
the point is.....many guys do it and have done it,not just trump...he said nothing that 90% of the men of the world are guilty of doing among themselves,talking shit about the females they see...

So many many guys talk about how their wealth and fame give them license to do such things?
yea i imagine lots of male celebrities and athletes do....
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....
Sure I have, but that conversation sounds like a college party not a 60 year old married man who is talking to someone he does not know very well.
As a 60 year old married man, I still party but my buddies trash each other, talk sports and also talk about a few of our friends who have never grown up and are idiots like Donald Trump.
the point is.....many guys do it and have done it,not just trump...he said nothing that 90% of the men of the world are guilty of doing among themselves,talking shit about the females they see...

So many many guys talk about how their wealth and fame give them license to do such things?

I don't know if they all talk about it, but they sure take advantage of it.
the rich ones sure do....especially if they are famous....
I gotta say as a Trump supporter that I'm back on my heels. This is disgusting. I've never said stuff like this to other guys - EVER. I don't know what to say. He needs to do a serious mea culpa and I'm not sure that would help.

I'd like to see him step down and Pence take his place.
You gotta be kidding me. I've heard stuff far worse than this at corporate parties. I've heard women say stuff far worse than this. One time I was having drinks with some women from the office, and we were talking about one of the female consultants who was making more money than God, and one of the women said "What I want to know is whose dick is she sucking!" Everyone there laughed for a good 5 minutes.

Dims are hoping that women all think like a bunch of old nuns rather than how they really think.
Imagine what Bill Clinton and the boys have said about women, and then crooked Hillary running blocker for him... ROTFLMBO.
Bill Clinton said Jennifer Flowers could suck a tennis ball through a garden hose.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
You are obviously a fucktard who has no clue what men talk about because you've never been one.
then there are lots of them Frankie...
A real mean does not look at or speak about women this way. I can say I never have. No matter what nobody can condone this. I know it isn't going to change minds nor do I give a real sh#t who makes no difference to me but I do like to see the ridicule this election is bringing about this country. A total dupe believes anything is going to change. Idiots you are. Dupes.
A real mean does not look at or speak about women this way.
maybe not to their faces.....but amongst themselves they have and do...
You douche bags have been trying to take attention off of Bill's history of being a sexual predator for 20 years
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!

Funny. Yeah, he sort of apologized by saying he's heard Bill Clinton say worse on the golf course. If there's no tape - it ain't true. But, but, but Bill...
If there's no tape, it isn't true? Weren't all you douche bags just recently blubbering about Trump calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy?" Where's the tape for that?
The level of GOP morals, it always boils down to "But, but, but they did it".

Republicans spent enough time dragging the Clinton family through the mud. Vilifying them again and again. And then, when Republicans are caught doing or saying something ten times worse, their answer is ALWAYS, "but, but, but they did it".

Well, I got news for you. Bill Clinton did not hang out at pageants and kiss 18 year olds on the lips or grab women like bowling balls. And the endless speculation and all you really have is a single BEE JAI from a 24 year old woman who said she instigated it compared to a man who went after married women in front of her husband and said he could grab women by the p#$$y because he was rich and famous, and apparently did.

No wonder uneducated white men LUV Trump. He does what they dream of doing. Living by the five "F's". Find her, feed her, feel her up, fuck her and forget her. Trump is beloved by these men, the fundagelicals, the moral right wingers, and the Alt Right.

Not only do they want America to follow Trump examples, they want Trump as a role model for their children. That's just who they are.
10 times worse? Are you joking? What Trump said is 10 times worse than rape?
Bill Clinton is a rapist, Hillary knows about it, and attacks publicly the women who accuse him of rape. For people like this to attack Trump on anything he says in a lockerroom around other men is laughable in the extreme.
I doubt you have ever been in a locker room or wore a jock strap
if you dont believe guys talk like this then i suspect you never have either....
I will add that even THIS doesn't make him less qualified than Clinton for the office and if he remains the candidate I willl be voting for him.

Why would he not remain the candidate? Most everything the left has brought up about Trump has nothing to do with the job of being President. He was talking trash talk about a few women, but Hil-Liar made comments that half of Trump voters were in the basket of deplorables, all of us have prejudice against black people, and lastly her comment about people sitting in their mothers basement.
I thought nothing Trump could do would make him less qualified, now this. The person we elect president represents this nation. He or she will become the face of America to the world. This video is going to be played and translated around the world. World leaders are looking at this video now and shaking their heads. How can this guy who speaks of grabbing a girl's pussy and calls girls bitches be a moral inspiration for young people? How can he show his face at meetings without snickers? Do Christian consider him a person they want to represent them?

Well, you wanted political incorrectness and this is about as incorrect as you can get.
But you voted for Slick Willy twice. Who do you think you're fooling?
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
I'm afraid that respect disappeared when the Republicans nominated Trump. Republicans had a good chance of winning. It was their turn to take the White House. Hillary, as we all know had lots of baggage with her 45 years in politics. All Republicans had to do was nominate someone who was respected, had the experience, and was stable. There are at least a dozen Republicans that could beat Hillary, but no you had to pick someone who had no control of their mouth or their temper who was sure to offend half the voters by November.

So you're blaming Repubs for not presenting a reasonable ballot choice? Interesting. I blame BOTH parties for stoking the fear and loathing. And for disrespecting the importance of Presidential elections. Diggin up old Miss Universes to be used as worthless pawns to start fights and sitting back watching her get creamed for her past history. That's just sick. As is this "issue".

When everyone of the party animals starts voting out of fear because the parties end up with SERIOUSLY flawed candidates -- we're looking at very short future to put BOTH parties out of the "dynasty building" business. Or we are seriously doomed.
This is what I predicted months ago would happen. If Trump became the nominee, with all the dealings he's had over decades, there would be more and more sleazey stories that would come out, especially during the month of October.
In the final two weeks there will be stories with the claim of being "just discovered".

None of this will matter to the people like me that despise lying crooked lifer politician Hillary, but it could nake a difference with 10% or so of the so-called moderate, or on the fence people.

Yup, and to make it even sicker, he is admitting to "sexual assault." I expect more and more women will be coming out with their stories.
Could this be BILL COSBY II?
He admitted no such thing. It isn't sexual assault if they like it, dumbass.
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54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
I'm afraid that respect disappeared when the Republicans nominated Trump. Republicans had a good chance of winning. It was their turn to take the White House. Hillary, as we all know had lots of baggage with her 45 years in politics. All Republicans had to do was nominate someone who was respected, had the experience, and was stable. There are at least a dozen Republicans that could beat Hillary, but no you had to pick someone who had no control of their mouth or their temper who was sure to offend half the voters by November.

So you're blaming Repubs for not presenting a reasonable ballot choice? Interesting. I blame BOTH parties for stoking the fear and loathing. And for disrespecting the importance of Presidential elections. Diggin up old Miss Universes to be used as worthless pawns to start fights and sitting back watching her get creamed for her past history. That's just sick. As is this "issue".

When everyone of the party animals starts voting out of fear because the parties end up with SERIOUSLY flawed candidates -- we're looking at very short future to put BOTH parties out of the "dynasty building" business. Or we are seriously doomed.

Hillary is the one who is dragging this election down into the gutter. Her campaign does nothing but spew mud by the truckload, and then her apologists cry like babies when the opposition returns fire. What a gang of colossal hypocrites.

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